//public PgDocumentStore(string connectionStringName, string tableName) { // this.Database = new PgDbCore(connectionStringName); // _keyProperty = this.GetKeyProperty(); // this.KeyIsAutoIncrementing = this.DecideKeyIsAutoIncrementing(); // TryLoadData(); //} //public PgDocumentStore(string connectionStringName) { // this.Database = new PgDbCore(connectionStringName); // _keyProperty = this.GetKeyProperty(); // this.KeyIsAutoIncrementing = this.DecideKeyIsAutoIncrementing(); // TryLoadData(); //} public DocumentStoreBase(IDbCore dbCore) { this.Database = dbCore; _keyProperty = this.GetKeyProperty(); this.KeyIsAutoIncrementing = this.DecideKeyIsAutoIncrementing(); TryLoadData(); }
public static void DropCreateAll(IDbCore _db) { const string SQL_TRACKS_TABLE = "" + "CREATE TABLE track ( track_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, album_id INTEGER NOT NULL, name text NOT NULL, composer TEXT );"; const string SQL_ARTISTS_TABLE = "" + "CREATE TABLE artist ( artist_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, name text NOT NULL );"; const string SQL_ALBUMS_TABLE = "" + "CREATE TABLE album ( album_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, artist_id integer NOT NULL, title text NOT NULL );"; _db.TryDropTable("artist"); _db.TryDropTable("album"); _db.TryDropTable("track"); _db.TryDropTable("artistdocuments"); int result = _db.TransactDDL(SQL_ARTISTS_TABLE + SQL_ALBUMS_TABLE + SQL_TRACKS_TABLE); }
public static void DropCreateAll(IDbCore _db) { const string SQL_TRACKS_TABLE = "" + "CREATE TABLE Track ( TrackId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, AlbumId INT NOT NULL, Name text NOT NULL, Composer TEXT );"; const string SQL_ARTISTS_TABLE = "" + "CREATE TABLE Artist ( ArtistId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, Name TEXT NOT NULL );"; const string SQL_ALBUMS_TABLE = "" + "CREATE TABLE Album ( AlbumId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, ArtistId INT NOT NULL, Title text NOT NULL );"; _db.TryDropTable("Artist"); _db.TryDropTable("Album"); _db.TryDropTable("Track"); _db.TryDropTable("artistdocuments"); int result = _db.TransactDDL(SQL_ARTISTS_TABLE + SQL_ALBUMS_TABLE + SQL_TRACKS_TABLE); }
public UnitOfWork(IDbCore dbCore) { Database = dbCore; }
public DrinkDataProvider(IDbCore dbCore) { db = new DbEntity <DrinkEntity>(dbCore); }
public PgRelationalStore(IDbCore dbCore) : base(dbCore) { }
public RelationalStoreBase(IDbCore dbCore) { this.Database = dbCore; this.TableMapping = this.Database.getTableMappingFor <T>(); }
public SqliteRelationalStore(IDbCore dbCore) : base(dbCore) { }
public PartyDataProvider(IDbCore dbCore) { db = new DbEntity <PartyEntity>(dbCore); }
public PartyGuestDataProvider(IDbCore dbCore) { db = new DbEntity <PartyGuestEntity>(dbCore); db_ByPerson = new DbEntity <PartyGuestByPersonEntity>(dbCore); }
public Operations(IDbConnection connection, IDbCore core) { dbCon = connection; dbCore = core; }
public DbEntity(IDbCore dbCore) { _entity = new TDbEntity(); _dbCore = dbCore; }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Clear(); Console.Write( "\u001b[32m . ,,\n" + "\u001b[32m ;,. '0d.\n" + "\u001b[32m oc oWd \u001b[31m" + @"________/\\\\\\\\\___/\\\\\\\\\\\_________/\\\\\\\\\___/\\\\____________/\\\\_" + "\n\u001b[0m" + "\u001b[32m ;X. 'WN' \u001b[31m" + @" _____/\\\////////___\/////\\\///_______/\\\////////___\/\\\\\\________/\\\\\\_" + "\n\u001b[0m" + "\u001b[32m oMo cMM: \u001b[31m" + @" ___/\\\/________________\/\\\________/\\\/____________\/\\\//\\\____/\\\//\\\_" + "\n\u001b[0m" + "\u001b[32m ;MM. .MMM; \u001b[31m" + @" __/\\\__________________\/\\\_______/\\\______________\/\\\\///\\\/\\\/_\/\\\_" + "\n\u001b[0m" + "\u001b[32m NMM WMMW \u001b[31m" + @" _\/\\\__________________\/\\\______\/\\\______________\/\\\__\///\\\/___\/\\\_" + "\n\u001b[0m" + "\u001b[32m 'MMM MMMM; \u001b[31m" + @" _\//\\\_________________\/\\\______\//\\\_____________\/\\\____\///_____\/\\\_" + "\n\u001b[0m" + "\u001b[32m ,MMM: dMMMM: \u001b[31m" + @" __\///\\\_______________\/\\\_______\///\\\___________\/\\\_____________\/\\\_" + "\n\u001b[0m" + "\u001b[32m .MMMW. :MMMMM. \u001b[31m" + @" ____\////\\\\\\\\\___/\\\\\\\\\\\_____\////\\\\\\\\\__\/\\\_____________\/\\\_" + "\n\u001b[0m" + "\u001b[32m XMMMW: .:xKNMMMMMMN0d, lMMMMMd \u001b[31m" + @" _______\/////////___\///////////_________\/////////___\///______________\///__" + "\n\u001b[0m" + "\u001b[32m :MMMMMK; cWMNkl:;;;:lxKMXc .0MMMMMO \u001b[37;1m MARECHAI\u001b[0m\n" + "\u001b[32m ..KMMMMMMNo,. ,OMMMMMMW:,. \u001b[37;1m Master repository of computing history artifacts information\u001b[0m\n" + "\u001b[32m .;d0NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMW0d:' .;lOWMMMMMMMMMMMMMXkl. \u001b[37;1m Version \u001b[0m\u001b[33m{0}\u001b[37;1m-\u001b[0m\u001b[31m{1}\u001b[0m\n" + "\u001b[32m :KMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMc WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWk'\u001b[0m\n" + "\u001b[32m ;NMMMMWX0kkkkO0XMMMMMMMMMMM0' dNMMMMMMMMMMW0xl:;,;:oOWMMX; \u001b[37;1m Running under \u001b[35;1m{2}\u001b[37;1m, \u001b[35m{3}-bit\u001b[37;1m in \u001b[35m{4}-bit\u001b[37;1m mode.\u001b[0m\n" + "\u001b[32m xMMWk:. .c0MMMMMW' OMMMMMM0c'.. .oNMO \u001b[37;1m Using \u001b[33;1m{5}\u001b[37;1m version \u001b[31;1m{6}\u001b[0m\n" + "\u001b[32m OMNc .MNc oWMMk 'WMMNl. .MMK ;KX.\u001b[0m\n" + "\u001b[32m xMO WMN ; ., , ': ,MMx lK\u001b[0m\n" + "\u001b[32m ,Md cMMl .XMMMWWMMMO XMW. :\u001b[0m\n" + "\u001b[32m Ok xMMl XMMMMMMMMc 0MW,\u001b[0m\n" + "\u001b[32m 0 oMM0' lMMMMMMMM. :NMN'\u001b[0m\n" + "\u001b[32m . .0MMKl ;MMMMMMMM oNMWd\u001b[0m\n" + "\u001b[32m .dNW cMMMMMMMM, XKl\u001b[0m\n" + "\u001b[32m 0MMMMMMMMK\u001b[0m\n" + "\u001b[32m ;MMMMMMMMMMO \u001b[37;1m Proudly presented to you by:\u001b[0m\n" + "\u001b[32m 'WMMMMKxMMMMM0 \u001b[34;1m Natalia Portillo\u001b[0m\n" + "\u001b[32m oMMMMNc :WMMMMN:\u001b[0m\n" + "\u001b[32m .dWMMM0; dWMMMMXl. \u001b[37;1m Thanks to all contributors, collaborators, translators, donators and friends.\u001b[0m\n" + "\u001b[32m .......,cd0WMMNk: c0MMMMMWKkolc:clodc'\u001b[0m\n" + "\u001b[32m .';loddol:'. ':oxkkOkkxoc,.\u001b[0m\n" + "\u001b[0m\n", Version.GetVersion(), #if DEBUG "DEBUG" #else "RELEASE" #endif , DetectOS.GetPlatformName(DetectOS.GetRealPlatformID()), Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem ? 64 : 32, Environment.Is64BitProcess ? 64 : 32, DetectOS.IsMono ? "Mono" : ".NET Core", DetectOS.IsMono ? Version.GetMonoVersion() : Version.GetNetCoreVersion()); Console.WriteLine("\u001b[31;1mUpdating MySQL database without Entity Framework if it exists...\u001b[0m"); Database = new Mysql(); IConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.json"); IConfigurationRoot configuration = builder.Build(); string connectionString = configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection"); if (connectionString is null) { Console.WriteLine("\u001b[31;1mCould not find a correct connection string...\u001b[0m"); } else { string server = null, user = null, database = null, password = null; ushort port = 0; string[] pieces = connectionString.Split(";"); foreach (string piece in pieces) { if (piece.StartsWith("server=", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { server = piece.Substring(7); } else if (piece.StartsWith("user="******"password="******"database=", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { database = piece.Substring(9); } else if (piece.StartsWith("port=", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { string portString = piece.Substring(5); ushort.TryParse(portString, out port); } } if (server is null || user is null || database is null || password is null || port == 0) { Console.WriteLine("\u001b[31;1mCould not find a correct connection string...\u001b[0m"); }
public PersonDataProvider(IDbCore dbCore) { db = new DbEntity <PersonEntity>(dbCore); }