Exemplo n.º 1
    public void Run()
        var tensorSizes        = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
        var tensorElementCount = tensorSizes.Aggregate((a, b) => a * b);

#if true
        var bufferTensorDesc = new BufferTensorDescription()
            DataType = TensorDataType.Float32,
            Sizes    = tensorSizes,
            Flags    = TensorFlags.None,

        bufferTensorDesc.TotalTensorSizeInBytes = CalculateBufferTensorSize(

        // Create DirectML operator(s). Operators represent abstract functions such as "multiply", "reduce", "convolution", or even
        // compound operations such as recurrent neural nets. This example creates an instance of the Identity operator,
        // which applies the function f(x) = x for all elements in a tensor.
        var identityOperatorDesc = new ElementWiseIdentityOperatorDescription
            InputTensor  = bufferTensorDesc,
            OutputTensor = bufferTensorDesc,

        // Like Direct3D 12, these DESC structs don't need to be long-lived. This means, for example, that it's safe to place
        // the DML_OPERATOR_DESC (and all the subobjects it points to) on the stack, since they're no longer needed after
        // CreateOperator returns.
        using IDMLOperator dmlOperator = DMLDevice.CreateOperator(identityOperatorDesc);

        // Compile the operator into an object that can be dispatched to the GPU. In this step, DirectML performs operator
        // fusion and just-in-time (JIT) compilation of shader bytecode, then compiles it into a Direct3D 12 pipeline state object (PSO).
        // The resulting compiled operator is a baked, optimized form of an operator suitable for execution on the GPU.
        using IDMLCompiledOperator dmlCompiledOperator = DMLDevice.CompileOperator(dmlOperator, ExecutionFlags.None);

        // 24 elements * 4 == 96 bytes.
        long tensorBufferSize = bufferTensorDesc.TotalTensorSizeInBytes;
        // Create DirectML operator(s). Operators represent abstract functions such as "multiply", "reduce", "convolution", or even
        // compound operations such as recurrent neural nets. This example creates an instance of the Identity operator,
        // which applies the function f(x) = x for all elements in a tensor.
        Graph graph = new Graph(DMLDevice.QueryInterface <IDMLDevice1>());
        var   input = Expression.InputTensor(graph, 0, TensorDataType.Float32, tensorSizes);

        // Creates the DirectMLX Graph then takes the compiled operator(s) and attaches it to the relative COM Interface.
        var output = Expression.Identity(input);

        var executionFlags = ExecutionFlags.AllowHalfPrecisionComputation;
        using IDMLCompiledOperator dmlCompiledOperator = graph.Compile(executionFlags, output);

        // 24 elements * 4 == 96 bytes.
        long tensorBufferSize = input.OutputTensorDescription.TotalTensorSizeInBytes;

        using var dmlOperatorInitializer = DMLDevice.CreateOperatorInitializer(new IDMLCompiledOperator[] { dmlCompiledOperator });

        // Query the operator for the required size (in descriptors) of its binding table.
        // You need to initialize an operator exactly once before it can be executed, and
        // the two stages require different numbers of descriptors for binding. For simplicity,
        // we create a single descriptor heap that's large enough to satisfy them both.
        var initializeBindingProperties = dmlOperatorInitializer.GetBindingProperties();
        var executeBindingProperties    = dmlCompiledOperator.GetBindingProperties();

        var descriptorCount = Math.Max(initializeBindingProperties.RequiredDescriptorCount, executeBindingProperties.RequiredDescriptorCount);

        // Create descriptor heaps.
        var descriptorHeapDesc = new DescriptorHeapDescription
            Type            = DescriptorHeapType.ConstantBufferViewShaderResourceViewUnorderedAccessView,
            DescriptorCount = descriptorCount,
            Flags           = DescriptorHeapFlags.ShaderVisible,
        using var descriptorHeap = D3D12Device.CreateDescriptorHeap(descriptorHeapDesc);

        // Set the descriptor heap(s).
        D3D12CommandList.SetDescriptorHeaps(1, new ID3D12DescriptorHeap[] { descriptorHeap });

        // Create a binding table over the descriptor heap we just created.
        var bindingTableDesc = new BindingTableDescription
            Dispatchable        = dmlOperatorInitializer,
            CPUDescriptorHandle = descriptorHeap.GetCPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart(),
            GPUDescriptorHandle = descriptorHeap.GetGPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart(),
            SizeInDescriptors   = descriptorCount,
        using var dmlBindingTable = DMLDevice.CreateBindingTable(bindingTableDesc);

        // Create the temporary and persistent resources that are necessary for executing an operator.

        // The temporary resource is scratch memory (used internally by DirectML), whose contents you don't need to define.
        // The persistent resource is long-lived, and you need to initialize it using the IDMLOperatorInitializer.
        var temporaryResourceSize  = Math.Max(initializeBindingProperties.TemporaryResourceSize, executeBindingProperties.TemporaryResourceSize);
        var persistentResourceSize = executeBindingProperties.PersistentResourceSize;

        ID3D12Resource?temporaryBuffer = null;
        if (temporaryResourceSize != 0)
            temporaryBuffer = D3D12Device.CreateCommittedResource(HeapProperties.DefaultHeapProperties, HeapFlags.None, ResourceDescription.Buffer(temporaryResourceSize, ResourceFlags.AllowUnorderedAccess), ResourceStates.Common);

            if (initializeBindingProperties.TemporaryResourceSize != 0)
                var bufferBinding = new BufferBinding
                    Buffer      = temporaryBuffer,
                    Offset      = 0,
                    SizeInBytes = temporaryResourceSize,

        // Bind and initialize the operator on the GPU.
        ID3D12Resource?persistentBuffer = null;
        if (persistentResourceSize != 0)
            persistentBuffer = D3D12Device.CreateCommittedResource(HeapProperties.DefaultHeapProperties, HeapFlags.None, ResourceDescription.Buffer(persistentResourceSize), ResourceStates.Common);

            // The persistent resource should be bound as the output to the IDMLOperatorInitializer.
            var bufferBinding = new BufferBinding
                Buffer      = persistentBuffer,
                Offset      = 0,
                SizeInBytes = persistentResourceSize,

        // The command recorder is a stateless object that records Dispatches into an existing Direct3D 12 command list.
        using var dmlCommandRecorder = DMLDevice.CreateCommandRecorder();

        // Record execution of the operator initializer.
        dmlCommandRecorder.RecordDispatch(D3D12CommandList, dmlOperatorInitializer, dmlBindingTable);

        // Close the Direct3D 12 command list, and submit it for execution as you would any other command list. You could
        // in principle record the execution into the same command list as the initialization, but you need only to Initialize
        // once, and typically you want to Execute an operator more frequently than that.

        // Bind and execute the operator on the GPU.

        D3D12CommandList.SetDescriptorHeaps(1, new[] { descriptorHeap });

        // Reset the binding table to bind for the operator we want to execute (it was previously used to bind for the
        // initializer).

        bindingTableDesc.Dispatchable = dmlCompiledOperator;


        if (temporaryResourceSize != 0)
            var bufferBinding = new BufferBinding
                Buffer      = temporaryBuffer,
                Offset      = 0,
                SizeInBytes = temporaryResourceSize,

        if (persistentResourceSize != 0)
            var bufferBinding = new BufferBinding
                Buffer      = persistentBuffer,
                Offset      = 0,
                SizeInBytes = persistentResourceSize,

        // Create tensor buffers for upload/input/output/readback of the tensor elements.

        using ID3D12Resource uploadBuffer = D3D12Device.CreateCommittedResource(
                  HeapProperties.UploadHeapProperties, HeapFlags.None, ResourceDescription.Buffer((ulong)tensorBufferSize), ResourceStates.GenericRead);

        using ID3D12Resource inputBuffer = D3D12Device.CreateCommittedResource(
                  HeapProperties.DefaultHeapProperties, HeapFlags.None, ResourceDescription.Buffer((ulong)tensorBufferSize, ResourceFlags.AllowUnorderedAccess), ResourceStates.CopyDest);

        var random = new Random();

        float[] inputTensorElementArray = new float[tensorElementCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < inputTensorElementArray.Length; i++)
                inputTensorElementArray[i] = (float)(random.NextDouble() * 10);

            Console.WriteLine(" Input: " + string.Join(", ", inputTensorElementArray.Select(x => x.ToString("0.00"))));


            D3D12CommandList.CopyResource(inputBuffer, uploadBuffer);
            D3D12CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(inputBuffer, ResourceStates.CopyDest, ResourceStates.UnorderedAccess);

        var inputBufferBinding = new BufferBinding
            Buffer      = inputBuffer,
            Offset      = 0,
            SizeInBytes = (ulong)tensorBufferSize,

        using ID3D12Resource outputBuffer = D3D12Device.CreateCommittedResource(
                  HeapProperties.DefaultHeapProperties, HeapFlags.None, ResourceDescription.Buffer((ulong)tensorBufferSize, ResourceFlags.AllowUnorderedAccess), ResourceStates.UnorderedAccess);

        var outputBufferBinding = new BufferBinding
            Buffer      = outputBuffer,
            Offset      = 0,
            SizeInBytes = (ulong)tensorBufferSize,

        // Record execution of the compiled operator.
        dmlCommandRecorder.RecordDispatch(D3D12CommandList, dmlCompiledOperator, dmlBindingTable);


        // The output buffer now contains the result of the identity operator,
        // so read it back if you want the CPU to access it.

        using ID3D12Resource readbackBuffer = D3D12Device.CreateCommittedResource(
                  HeapProperties.ReadbackHeapProperties, HeapFlags.None, ResourceDescription.Buffer((ulong)tensorBufferSize), ResourceStates.CopyDest);

        D3D12CommandList.ResourceBarrierTransition(outputBuffer, ResourceStates.UnorderedAccess, ResourceStates.CopySource);
        D3D12CommandList.CopyResource(readbackBuffer, outputBuffer);


            float * outputBufferData         = readbackBuffer.Map <float>(0);
            float[] outputTensorElementArray = new float[tensorElementCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < outputTensorElementArray.Length; i++)
                outputTensorElementArray[i] = outputBufferData[i];


            Console.WriteLine("Output: " + string.Join(", ", outputTensorElementArray.Select(x => x.ToString("0.00"))));


Exemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// <para>Compiles an operator into an object that can be dispatched to the GPU.</para>
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para>
    /// A compiled operator represents the efficient, baked form of an operator suitable for
    /// execution on the GPU. A compiled operator holds state (such as shaders and other objects)
    /// required for execution. Because a compiled operator implements the
    /// <see cref="IDMLPageable"/> interface, you're able to evict one from GPU memory if you wish.
    /// </para>
    /// <para>
    /// See Microsoft Docs:
    /// <see href="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/directml/nf-directml-idmldevice-compileoperator"/>
    /// </para>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="operator"></param>
    /// <param name="executionFlags"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public IDMLCompiledOperator CompileOperator(IDMLOperator @operator, ExecutionFlags executionFlags)
        CompileOperator(@operator, executionFlags, typeof(IDMLCompiledOperator).GUID, out IntPtr nativePtr).CheckError();

        return(new IDMLCompiledOperator(nativePtr));