private void GenerateFocusedContainer(
      ICustomItemContainerGenerator generator,
      bool measureInvalidated,
      UIElement focusedElement )
      if( focusedElement == null )

      int index = generator.GetRealizedIndexForContainer( focusedElement );

      if( index >= 0 )
        if( measureInvalidated )
          this.MeasureContainer( focusedElement );

        m_layoutedContainers.Add( new LayoutedContainerInfo( index, focusedElement ) );
        this.RecycleContainer( focusedElement );
    private void GenerateContainers(
      ICustomItemContainerGenerator generator,
      int pageStartIndex,
      int pageEndIndex,
      bool measureInvalidated,
      ref UIElement focusedElement )
      HashSet<UIElement> unusedLayoutedContainers = new HashSet<UIElement>( m_layoutedContainers.Select( item => item.Container ) );

      ScrollDirection scrollDirection = this.AnimatedScrollInfo.VerticalScrollingDirection;

      GeneratorPosition position;
      GeneratorDirection direction;
      int currentIndex;
      int step;

      if( ( scrollDirection == ScrollDirection.Forward )
        || ( scrollDirection == ScrollDirection.None ) )
        position = generator.GeneratorPositionFromIndex( pageStartIndex );
        direction = GeneratorDirection.Forward;
        currentIndex = pageStartIndex;
        step = 1;
        position = generator.GeneratorPositionFromIndex( pageEndIndex );
        direction = GeneratorDirection.Backward;
        currentIndex = pageEndIndex;
        step = -1;

      using( generator.StartAt( position, direction, true ) )
        while( ( currentIndex >= pageStartIndex ) && ( currentIndex <= pageEndIndex ) )
          UIElement container = this.GenerateContainer( generator, currentIndex, measureInvalidated, true );
          if( container == null )

          if( focusedElement == container )
            focusedElement = null;

          // The container is now part of the page layout. Add it to the list.
          m_layoutedContainers.Add( new LayoutedContainerInfo( currentIndex, container ) );
          m_layoutedContainersToRecycle.Remove( container );
          unusedLayoutedContainers.Remove( container );

          currentIndex += step;

      // A ScrollViewer may measure forever if the containers that are "underneath" the horizontal
      // scrollbar are the ones that required the scrollbar in the first place.
      if( m_lastVisiblePageIndexes != PageIndexes.Empty )
        int remainingItemCount = ( m_lastVisiblePageIndexes.EndIndex - m_lastVisiblePageIndexes.StartIndex )
                               - ( pageEndIndex - pageStartIndex );

        if( ( remainingItemCount > 0 ) && ( this.GetMaxDesiredWidth() < this.AnimatedScrollInfo.ExtentWidth ) )
          int itemCount = generator.ItemCount;

          if( ( currentIndex >= 0 ) && ( currentIndex < itemCount ) )
            position = generator.GeneratorPositionFromIndex( currentIndex );

            using( generator.StartAt( position, direction, true ) )
              while( ( remainingItemCount > 0 ) && ( currentIndex >= 0 ) && ( currentIndex < itemCount ) )
                UIElement container = this.GenerateContainer( generator, currentIndex, measureInvalidated, true );
                if( container == null )

                if( focusedElement == container )
                  focusedElement = null;

                // The container is now part of the page layout. Add it to the list.
                m_layoutedContainers.Add( new LayoutedContainerInfo( currentIndex, container ) );
                m_layoutedContainersToRecycle.Remove( container );
                unusedLayoutedContainers.Remove( container );

                currentIndex += step;


      // Recycle the containers that have not been reused in the current page.
      foreach( var container in unusedLayoutedContainers )
        // We do not recycle the focused element!
        if( container.IsKeyboardFocusWithin )
          Debug.Assert( focusedElement == null );
          focusedElement = container;
          int index = generator.GetRealizedIndexForContainer( container );

          this.RecycleContainer( generator, index, container );

          m_layoutedContainersToRecycle.Add( container );
    private void RecycleUnusedStickyContainers(
      ICustomItemContainerGenerator generator,
      StickyContainerInfoList stickyContainers,
      StickyContainerInfoList stickyContainersToExclude,
      ref UIElement focusedElement )
      for( int i = stickyContainers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
        StickyContainerInfo stickyHeaderInfo = stickyContainers[ i ];
        UIElement container = stickyHeaderInfo.Container;

        if( m_layoutedContainers.ContainsContainer( container ) )

        if( ( stickyContainersToExclude != null ) && ( stickyContainersToExclude.ContainsContainer( container ) ) )

        if( container.IsKeyboardFocusWithin )
          Debug.Assert( ( focusedElement == null ) || ( focusedElement == container ) );
          focusedElement = container;

        int index = generator.GetRealizedIndexForContainer( container );

        this.RecycleContainer( generator, index, container );
        stickyContainers.RemoveAt( i );
    private UIElement RecycleContainers(
      ICustomItemContainerGenerator generator,
      int pageStartIndex,
      int pageEndIndex )
      UIElement focusedElement = null;

      for( int i = m_layoutedContainers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
        var container = m_layoutedContainers[ i ].Container;

        int index = generator.GetRealizedIndexForContainer( container );

        // If the container's index is now out of view, recycle that container.
        if( ( index < pageStartIndex ) || ( index > pageEndIndex ) )
          // We do not recycle the focused element!
          if( container.IsKeyboardFocusWithin )
            focusedElement = container;
            this.RecycleContainer( generator, index, container );

          m_layoutedContainers.RemoveAt( i );

      return focusedElement;
Exemplo n.º 5
 private void RecycleContainers(
   HashSet<UIElement> layoutedContainersToRecycle,
   ICustomItemContainerGenerator generator )
   foreach( UIElement containerToRecycle in layoutedContainersToRecycle )
     this.RecycleContainer( generator, generator.GetRealizedIndexForContainer( containerToRecycle ), containerToRecycle );
    private UIElement RecycleContainers(
      ICustomItemContainerGenerator generator,
      int pageStartIndex,
      int pageEndIndex )
      UIElement focusedElement = null;

      for( int i = 0; i < m_layoutedContainers.Count; i++ )
        LayoutedContainerInfo layoutedContainerInfo = m_layoutedContainers[ i ];
        UIElement container = layoutedContainerInfo.Container;

        // We do not recycle the focused element!
        if( container.IsKeyboardFocusWithin )
          focusedElement = container;

        int index = generator.GetRealizedIndexForContainer( container );

        // If the container's index is now out of view, recycle that container.
        if( ( index < pageStartIndex ) || ( index > pageEndIndex ) )
          this.RecycleContainer( generator, index, container );
          m_layoutedContainersToRecycle.Add( container );

      return focusedElement;