public override void Init() { App.On(ApplicationEvents.OnApplicationStartComplete, (sender, e) => { ICsvStore csvStore = App.Make <ICsvStore>(); // csv 文件需要遵守 rfc4180 规范才能被解析 // csvStore仅仅是用作存储csv文件,这里的用法已经涉及到 datatable 组件 // 开发者可用理解csv store 仅仅就是存储csv的容器 IDataTable table = csvStore["items"]; // 使用 datatable 的 active record 进行查询(更多datatable的用法参考datatable的demo) // (type == 2 || level < 3) && job == 2 table.Where((selector) => { selector.Where("type", "=", "2").OrWhere("level", "<", "3"); }).Where("job", "=", "2"); foreach (var row in table.Get()) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log(row["name"]); } }); }
public override void Init() { /* * IEventHandler h = App.On(ApplicationEvents.ON_INITED,(sender,e)=>{ * * Debug.Log("9123891237012897312"); * }); * * IEventHandler aa = App.On(ApplicationEvents.ON_INITED,(sender,e)=>{ * * Debug.Log("aksldjalkds9123891237012897312"); * }); * * IEventHandler bb = App.On(ApplicationEvents.ON_INITED,(sender,e)=>{ * * Debug.Log("ooooooooo9123891237012897312"); * });*/ App.On(ApplicationEvents.OnApplicationStartComplete, (sender, e) => { IRouter router = App.Make <IRouter>(); router.Dispatch("catlib://*****:*****"); router.Dispatch("test://test2?hello=123"); router.Dispatch("catlib://test3"); router.Dispatch("home://test3"); router.Dispatch("catlib://home/test3"); return; //return; /* * Uri uriss = new Uri("catlib:///home/like/?myname=123&ss=222"); * Debug.Log(uriss.DnsSafeHost); * Debug.Log("Query:" + uriss.Query); * Debug.Log("AbsolutePath:" + uriss.AbsolutePath); * return;*/ /* * Regex reg = new Regex("^catlib\\://main/hash/(?<name>[^/]+)(?:/(?<age>[^/]+))?$"); * * Debug.Log(reg.IsMatch("catlib://main/hash/yubin/18") ? "yes" : "no"); */ //return; router.SetDefaultScheme("catlib"); /* * router.Reg("name", (request, response) => * { * * Debug.Log("has routing / !"); * * }); * * router.Reg("myscheme://helloworld", (request, response) => * { * * Debug.Log("hello world"); * * });*/ router.Group(() => //路由组允许统一定义规则 { router.Reg("hello/world", (request, response) => { Debug.Log("hello/world:" + request.Get("say")); }); router.Reg("hello/gold/{say?}", (request, response) => { Debug.Log("hello/gold:" + request.Get("say")); }); router.Reg("hello/cat/{say?}", (request, response) => { Debug.Log("hello/cat:" + request.Get("say")); }); }, "testgroup").Middleware((req, resp, filter) => { Debug.Log("this is group middleware 1"); filter(req, resp); //所有中间件必须do不do意味着请求被拦截 Debug.Log("this is group middleware 1 back"); }).Defaults("say", "this is say"); //只有是请求参数时default才会生效 router.Reg("hello/dog", (request, response) => { Debug.Log("hello/dog"); }).Group("testgroup"); //通过路由组的名字也可以直接设定已经定义好规则的路由组 router.Reg("test/controller", typeof(TestController), "TestAction"); router.Reg("test/controller222", typeof(TestController), "TestAction222"); router.Reg("test/controller333", typeof(TestController), "TestAction333"); router.OnError((req, resp, err, next) => { Debug.Log("has some error:" + err.Message); }); router.Dispatch("catlib://hello/world"); router.Dispatch("catlib://hello/gold"); router.Dispatch("catlib://hello/cat/18"); router.Dispatch("catlib://hello/dog"); router.Dispatch("catlib://test/controller"); router.Dispatch("catlib://test/controller222"); router.Dispatch("catlib://test/controller333"); return; router.Reg("main/hash/{name}/time/{age?}/{apple?}", (request, response) => { Debug.Log("has routing ,my name is:" + request.Get("name") + ", my age is:" + request.Get("age")); response.SetContext("this is response context"); }).Where("age", "[0-9]+"); router.OnNotFound((req, filter) => { Debug.Log("can not find route"); }); //Debug.Log("dispatch : myscheme://helloworld"); //router.Dispatch("myscheme://helloworld"); //Debug.Log("dispatch : catlib://name"); //router.Dispatch("catlib://name"); Debug.Log("dispatch : catlib://main/hash/yubin/time/18?name=cat"); var rData = router.Dispatch("catlib://main/hash/yubin/time/18?name=cat"); Debug.Log(rData.GetContext().ToString()); //Deresponsebug.Log("dispatch : catlib://main/hash/yubin/time/1d8"); //router.Dispatch("catlib://main/hash/yubin/time/1d8"); //Debug.Log("dispatch : catlib://main/hash/yubin/time"); //router.Dispatch("catlib://main/hash/yubin/time"); return; Debug.Log(Regex.Replace("/home/{lik{bbb}e?}/", @"\{(\w+?)\?\}", "{$1}")); return; System.Uri uri = new System.Uri("catlib://*****:*****@hello/home/like/?myname=123&ss=222"); Debug.Log("UserInfo:" + uri.UserInfo); Debug.Log("DnsSafeHost:" + uri.DnsSafeHost); Debug.Log("Fragment:" + uri.Fragment); Debug.Log("Authority:" + uri.Authority); Debug.Log("Query:" + uri.Query); Debug.Log("AbsolutePath:" + uri.AbsolutePath); foreach (var s in uri.Segments) { Debug.Log("Segments:" + s); } Debug.Log("Scheme:" + uri.Scheme); return; IFilterChain fc = App.Make <IFilterChain>(); IFilterChain <string> bb = fc.Create <string>(); bb.Add((inData, chain) => { Debug.Log("first:" + inData); inData = "zzzz"; chain(inData); Debug.Log("first:" + inData); }); bb.Add((inData, chain) => { Debug.Log("second:" + inData); chain(inData); Debug.Log("second:" + inData); //string的不变性 }); bb.Do("hello", (inData) => { inData = "end"; Debug.Log("end"); }); return; var abs = new Foosub() { Hello = 100, IsTrue = true }; ILocalSetting setting = App.Make <ILocalSetting>(); setting.SetObject("testobj", abs); setting.SetInt("aa", 19); var abc = setting.GetObject <Foosub>("testobj"); Debug.Log(abc.Hello); Debug.Log(abc.IsTrue); Debug.Log(setting.GetInt("aa")); Debug.Log(setting.GetInt("ab", 100)); // return; ITimeQueue queue = App.Make <ITimeQueue>(); Debug.Log(Time.frameCount); queue.Task(() => { Debug.Log("time queue complete:" + Time.frameCount); }).LoopFrame(10).Play(); /* * queue.Task(() => * { * Debug.Log("time queue complete"); * }).Delay(3).Loop(5).Delay(5).Loop(()=>{ * * return Random.Range(0,100) > 10; * * }).OnComplete(()=>{ * Debug.Log("query complete"); * }).Play(); * * FThread.Instance.Task(() => * { * if(queue.Replay()){ * * Debug.Log("reset complete!"); * * }else{ * * throw new System.Exception("faild"); * * } * }).Delay(5).Start();*/ //return; ICsvStore csvStore = App.Make <ICsvStore>(); foreach (var v in csvStore["csv2"].Where((selector) => { selector.Where("name", "=", "小兔子").OrWhere("tag", "<", "3"); }).Where("tag", "<", "1000").Get()) { Debug.Log(v["name"]); } //return; IEnv env = App.Make <IEnv>(); IIOFactory fac = App.Make <IIOFactory>(); IDisk disk = fac.Disk(); //IFile fff = disk.File(env.ResourcesNoBuildPath + System.IO.Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar + "csv" + System.IO.Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar + "csv2.csv"); //string ssss = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(fff.Read()); /* * string[] ss2 = ssss.Split(new string[]{ System.Environment.NewLine}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries ); * * foreach(var ss in ss2){ * Debug.Log(ss); * } * * return;*/ ICsvParser csvParser = App.Make <ICsvParser>(); //string[][] parser = csvParser.Parser(ssss); /* * foreach(var v in parser){ * * Debug.Log(v[0] + "|" + v[1] + "|" + v[2]); * * }*/ IDataTable dataTable = App.Make <IDataTable>(); //dataTable.SetData(parser); foreach (var v in dataTable.Where((selector) => { selector.Where("name", "=", "小兔子").OrWhere("tag", "<", "3"); }).Where("tag", "<", "1000").Get()) { Debug.Log(v["name"]); } // return; /* * foreach(string[] s in parser) * { * * Debug.Log(s[0] + "|" + s[1] + "|" + s[2]); * * }*/ //return; IProtobuf protobuf = App.Make <IProtobuf>(); var person = new TestProto.Person { Id = 12345, Name = "Fred", Address = new TestProto.Address { Line1 = "Flat 1", Line2 = "The Meadows" } }; byte[] data = protobuf.Serializers(person); Debug.Log(data.Length); var p = protobuf.UnSerializers <TestProto.Person>(data); Debug.Log(p.Name); IFile file = disk.File("hello.gz"); ICompress comp = App.Make <ICompress>(); byte[] byt = comp.Compress(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("helloworldhelloworldhelloworldhelloworldhelloworldhelloworldhelloworldhelloworldhelloworld")); Debug.Log("UnCompress: " + Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("helloworldhelloworldhelloworldhelloworldhelloworldhelloworldhelloworldhelloworldhelloworld").Length); Debug.Log("Compress: " + byt.Length); //file.Create(byt); byt = comp.UnCompress(byt); Debug.Log(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byt)); //byte[] debyt = comp.Expand(byt); //Debug.Log(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(debyt)); IJson json = App.Make <IJson>(); Foos ff = new Foos(); ff.Value = 100; ff.Value2 = "123"; ff.SubList = new List <Foosub>(); ff.SubList.Add(new Foosub() { Hello = 10, IsTrue = true }); ff.SubList.Add(new Foosub() { Hello = 20, IsTrue = true }); ff.SubList.Add(new Foosub() { Hello = 30, IsTrue = false }); Debug.Log(json.Encode(ff)); Foos f = json.Decode <Foos>(json.Encode(ff)); Debug.Log(f.Value2); foreach (Foosub sb in f.SubList) { Debug.Log(sb.Hello); } //Debug.Log(f.Value); ITranslator tran = App.Make <ITranslator>(); Debug.Log(tran.Trans("test.messages3")); Debug.Log(tran.Trans("test.messages3", "age:18", "name", "anny")); Debug.Log(tran.Trans("test.message", "name:anny")); Debug.Log(tran.TransChoice("test.messages", 0, "name", "喵喵")); Debug.Log(tran.TransChoice("test.messages", 12, "name", "miaomiao")); Debug.Log(tran.TransChoice("test.messages", 20, "name", "miaomiao")); tran.SetLocale("en"); Debug.Log(tran.Trans("test.message", "name", "喵喵")); //IEnv env = App.Make<IEnv>(); //IDisk disk = App.Make<IIOFactory>().Disk(); //IIniResult result = App.Make<IIniLoader>().Load(disk.File(env.ResourcesNoBuildPath + System.IO.Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar + "/lang/cn/test.ini")); //result.Set("helloworld", "mynameisyb", "yb"); //result.Remove("myname"); //result.Save(); IResources res = App.Make <IResources>(); /*res.LoadAsync("prefab/asset6/test-prefab",(a)=> * { * a.Instantiate(); * }); * res.LoadAsync("prefab/asset6/test-prefab2", (a) => * { * a.Instantiate(); * });*/ //var b = res.Load<Object>("prefab/asset6/test-prefab"); res.LoadAsync("prefab/asset6/test-prefab", (aa) => { var dd = aa.Instantiate(); App.Make <ITimeQueue>().Task(() => { Debug.Log("now destroy 1 prefab"); GameObject.Destroy(dd); }).Delay(20).Play(); }); //var a = res.Load("prefab/asset6/test-prefab2"); //GameObject obj = a.Instantiate(); //GameObject.Instantiate(obj); //绕过控制克隆 /*App.Make<ITimeQueue>().Task(() => * { * * Debug.Log("now destroy 1 prefab"); * GameObject.Destroy(obj); * * }).Delay(10).Play();*/ /* * IResources res = App.Make<IResources>(); * res.LoadAsync<GameObject>("prefab/asset6/test-prefab", (obj) => * { * Object.Instantiate(obj); * }); * * //h.Cancel(); * * //App.Event.Trigger(ApplicationEvents.ON_INITED); * * //Debug.Log(App.Make(typeof(Test).ToString(),"123")); * * //IHash hash = App.Make<IHash>(); * //Debug.Log(hash.Bcrypt("helloworld")); * * //ICrypt secret = App.Make<ICrypt>(); * //string code = secret.Encrypt("helloworld"); * //Debug.Log(code); * * //Debug.Log(secret.Decrypt(code)); * * /*FThread.Instance.Task(() => * { * Debug.Log("pppppppppppppppppppp"); * int i = 0; * i++; * return i; * }).Delay(5).Start().Cancel(); */ //Debug.Log(hash.BcryptVerify("helloworld", "$2a$10$Y8BxbHFgGArGVHIucx8i7u7t5ByLlSdWgWcQc187hqFfSiKFJfz3C")); //Debug.Log(hash.BcryptVerify("helloworld", "$2a$15$td2ASPNq.8BXbpa6yUU0c.pQpfYLxtcbXviM8fZXw4v8FDeO3hCoC")); //IAssetBundle bundle = App.Make<IAssetBundle>(); //Object.Instantiate(res.Load<GameObject>("prefab/asset6/test-prefab.prefab")); //Object[] p = res.LoadAll("prefab/asset6"); //IResources res = App.Make<IResources>(); /*res.LoadAsync<GameObject>("prefab/asset6/test-prefab", (obj) => * { * Object.Instantiate(obj); * });*/ //res.UnloadAll(); //Object.Instantiate(res.Load<GameObject>("prefab/asset6/test-prefab.prefab")); /* * Thread subThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { * * App.MainThread(() => { new GameObject(); }); * * })); * * FThread.Instance.Task(() => * { * int i = 0; * i++; * return i; * }).Delay(5).OnComplete((obj) => Debug.Log("sub thread complete:" + obj)).Start(); * * subThread.Start(); * */ /* * ITimeQueue timeQueue = App.Make<ITimeQueue>(); * * ITimeTaskHandler h = timeQueue.Task(() => * { * Debug.Log("this is in task"); * }).Delay(3).Loop(3).Push(); * * * timeQueue.Task(() => * { * Debug.Log("2222222"); * }).Delay(1).Loop(3).OnComplete(()=> { h.Cancel(); Debug.Log("2 complete"); }).Push(); * * timeQueue.Task(() => * { * Debug.Log("rand!"); * }).Loop(() => { return Random.Range(0,100) > 10; }).Push(); * * timeQueue.OnComplete(() => * { * Debug.Log("queueComplete"); * }); * * timeQueue.Play(); */ /* * * FThread.Instance.Task(() => * { * Debug.Log("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); * //Debug.Log(App.Time.Time); * timeQueue.Replay(); * * }).Delay(9).Start();*/ App.On(HttpRequestEvents.ON_MESSAGE + typeof(IConnectorHttp).ToString(), (obj1, obj2) => { Debug.Log((obj2 as IHttpResponse).Text); Debug.Log((obj2 as IHttpResponse).IsError); Debug.Log((obj2 as IHttpResponse).Error); }); INetworkFactory network = App.Make <INetworkFactory>(); IConnectorHttp http = network.Create <IConnectorHttp>("http"); //http.SetConfig(new System.Collections.Hashtable() { { "host", "" } }); http.Get(string.Empty); App.On(SocketRequestEvents.ON_MESSAGE + typeof(IConnectorSocket).ToString(), (obj1, obj2) => { if ((obj2 as PackageResponseEventArgs).Response.Package is string) { Debug.Log((obj2 as PackageResponseEventArgs).Response.Package as string); } else { Debug.Log(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(((obj2 as PackageResponseEventArgs).Response.Package as byte[]))); } }); App.On(SocketRequestEvents.ON_CONNECT, (obj1, obj2) => { Debug.Log("on connect"); }); App.On(SocketRequestEvents.ON_ERROR, (obj1, obj2) => { Debug.Log("on tcp error:" + (obj2 as ExceptionEventArgs).Exception.Message); }); //链接配置见 NetworkConfig 配置文件 IConnectorTcp tcpConnect = network.Create <IConnectorTcp>("tcp.text"); (tcpConnect as IEvent).Event.One(SocketRequestEvents.ON_MESSAGE, (s1, e1) => { Debug.Log((e1 as PackageResponseEventArgs)); if ((e1 as PackageResponseEventArgs).Response.Package is string) { Debug.Log((e1 as PackageResponseEventArgs).Response.Package as string); } else { Debug.Log(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(((e1 as PackageResponseEventArgs).Response.Package as byte[]))); } }); tcpConnect.Connect(); tcpConnect.Send(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("hello this is tcp msg with [text]")); IConnectorTcp tcpConnect2 = network.Create <IConnectorTcp>("tcp.frame"); tcpConnect2.Connect(); tcpConnect2.Send(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("hello this is tcp msg with [frame]")); /* * IConnectorUdp udpConnect = FNetwork.Instance.Create<IConnectorUdp>(""); * udpConnect.Connect(); * udpConnect.Send("hello this is udp msg with [text]".ToByte()); * * * IConnectorUdp udpConnectFrame = FNetwork.Instance.Create<IConnectorUdp>(""); * udpConnectFrame.Connect(); * udpConnectFrame.Send("hello this is udp msg with [frame]".ToByte());*/ IConnectorUdp udpConnect2 = network.Create <IConnectorUdp>(""); udpConnect2.Connect(); udpConnect2.Send(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("hello world(client udp)"), "", 3301); }); }