public GaussianProcessModel(IDataset ds, string targetVariable, IEnumerable <string> allowedInputVariables, IEnumerable <int> rows,
                                    IEnumerable <double> hyp, IMeanFunction meanFunction, ICovarianceFunction covarianceFunction,
                                    bool scaleInputs = true)
            : base()
                    = ItemName;
            this.description           = ItemDescription;
            this.meanFunction          = (IMeanFunction)meanFunction.Clone();
            this.covarianceFunction    = (ICovarianceFunction)covarianceFunction.Clone();
            this.targetVariable        = targetVariable;
            this.allowedInputVariables = allowedInputVariables.ToArray();

            int nVariables = this.allowedInputVariables.Length;

            meanParameter = hyp

            covarianceParameter = hyp.Skip(this.meanFunction.GetNumberOfParameters(nVariables))
            sqrSigmaNoise = Math.Exp(2.0 * hyp.Last());
            try {
                CalculateModel(ds, rows, scaleInputs);
            } catch (alglib.alglibexception ae) {
                // wrap exception so that calling code doesn't have to know about alglib implementation
                throw new ArgumentException("There was a problem in the calculation of the Gaussian process model", ae);
 public void ClearState()
     meanFunc            = null;
     covFunc             = null;
     bestQ               = double.NegativeInfinity;
     bestHyperParameters = null;
        private GaussianProcessModel(GaussianProcessModel original, Cloner cloner)
            : base(original, cloner)
            this.meanFunction       = cloner.Clone(original.meanFunction);
            this.covarianceFunction = cloner.Clone(original.covarianceFunction);
            if (original.inputScaling != null)
                this.inputScaling = cloner.Clone(original.inputScaling);
            this.trainingDataset       = cloner.Clone(original.trainingDataset);
            this.negativeLogLikelihood = original.negativeLogLikelihood;
            this.targetVariable        = original.targetVariable;
            this.sqrSigmaNoise         = original.sqrSigmaNoise;
            if (original.meanParameter != null)
                this.meanParameter = (double[])original.meanParameter.Clone();
            if (original.covarianceParameter != null)
                this.covarianceParameter = (double[])original.covarianceParameter.Clone();

            // shallow copies of arrays because they cannot be modified
            this.trainingRows          = original.trainingRows;
            this.allowedInputVariables = original.allowedInputVariables;
            this.alpha = original.alpha;
            this.l     = original.l;
            this.x     = original.x;
 // cloning
 private GaussianProcessCovarianceOptimizationProblem(GaussianProcessCovarianceOptimizationProblem original, Cloner cloner)
     : base(original, cloner)
     bestQ    = original.bestQ;
     meanFunc = cloner.Clone(original.meanFunc);
     covFunc  = cloner.Clone(original.covFunc);
     if (bestHyperParameters != null)
         bestHyperParameters = new double[original.bestHyperParameters.Length];
         Array.Copy(original.bestHyperParameters, bestHyperParameters, bestHyperParameters.Length);
 // updates the overall best quality and overall best model for Analyze()
 private void UpdateBestSoFar(double bestQ, double[] bestHyperParameters, IMeanFunction meanFunc, ICovarianceFunction covFunc)
     lock (problemStateLocker) {
         if (bestQ > this.bestQ)
             this.bestQ = bestQ;
             this.bestHyperParameters = new double[bestHyperParameters.Length];
             Array.Copy(bestHyperParameters, this.bestHyperParameters, this.bestHyperParameters.Length);
             this.meanFunc = meanFunc;
             this.covFunc  = covFunc;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private KernelRidgeRegressionModel(KernelRidgeRegressionModel original, Cloner cloner)
            : base(original, cloner)
            // shallow copies of arrays because they cannot be modified
            allowedInputVariables = original.allowedInputVariables;
            alpha     = original.alpha;
            trainX    = original.trainX;
            scaling   = original.scaling;
            lambda    = original.lambda;
            LooCvRMSE = original.LooCvRMSE;

            yOffset = original.yOffset;
            yScale  = original.yScale;
            kernel  = original.kernel;
Exemplo n.º 7
        private static double[,] BuildGramMatrix(double[,] data, double lambda, ICovarianceFunction kernel)
            var n    = data.GetLength(0);
            var dim  = data.GetLength(1);
            var cov  = kernel.GetParameterizedCovarianceFunction(new double[0], Enumerable.Range(0, dim).ToArray());
            var gram = new double[n, n];

            // G = (K + λ I)
            for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
                for (var j = i; j < n; j++)
                    gram[i, j] = gram[j, i] = cov.Covariance(data, i, j); // symmetric matrix
                gram[i, i] += lambda;
Exemplo n.º 8
        private KernelRidgeRegressionModel(IDataset dataset, string targetVariable, IEnumerable <string> allowedInputVariables, int[] rows,
                                           bool scaleInputs, ICovarianceFunction kernel, double lambda = 0.1) : base(targetVariable)
            this.allowedInputVariables = allowedInputVariables.ToArray();
            if (kernel.GetNumberOfParameters(this.allowedInputVariables.Length) > 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("All parameters in the kernel function must be specified.");
            name        = ItemName;
            description = ItemDescription;

            this.kernel = (ICovarianceFunction)kernel.Clone();
            this.lambda = lambda;
            if (scaleInputs)
                scaling = CreateScaling(dataset, rows, this.allowedInputVariables);
            trainX = ExtractData(dataset, rows, this.allowedInputVariables, scaling);
            var y = dataset.GetDoubleValues(targetVariable, rows).ToArray();

            yOffset = y.Average();
            yScale  = 1.0 / y.StandardDeviation();
            alpha   = new double[trainX.GetLength(0)];
    private void TestCovarianceFunction(ICovarianceFunction cf, double hypValue, double[,] expectedCov, double[][,] expectedGradients, double delta = 1E-3) {
      var x = GetData();
      var xt = GetDataTest();

      int nHyp = cf.GetNumberOfParameters(x.GetLength(1));
      var hyp = Enumerable.Repeat(hypValue, nHyp).ToArray();

      int rows0 = x.GetLength(0);
      int rows1 = xt.GetLength(0);
      var actualCov = new double[rows0, rows1];
      var covFunction = cf.GetParameterizedCovarianceFunction(hyp, Enumerable.Range(0, x.GetLength(1)).ToArray());
      for (int i = 0; i < rows0; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < rows1; j++)
          actualCov[i, j] = covFunction.CrossCovariance(x, xt, i, j);

      AssertEqual(expectedCov, actualCov, delta);

      for (int i = 0; i < rows0; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < rows1; j++) {
          var g = covFunction.CovarianceGradient(x, i, j).ToArray();
          for (int k = 0; k < nHyp; k++)
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedGradients[k][i, j], g[k], delta);
 public static IGaussianProcessModel Create(IRegressionProblemData problemData, double[] hyperparameter, IMeanFunction meanFunction, ICovarianceFunction covarianceFunction, bool scaleInputs = true) {
   return new GaussianProcessModel(problemData.Dataset, problemData.TargetVariable, problemData.AllowedInputVariables, problemData.TrainingIndices, hyperparameter, meanFunction, covarianceFunction, scaleInputs);
Exemplo n.º 11
    public GaussianProcessModel(IDataset ds, string targetVariable, IEnumerable<string> allowedInputVariables, IEnumerable<int> rows,
      IEnumerable<double> hyp, IMeanFunction meanFunction, ICovarianceFunction covarianceFunction,
      bool scaleInputs = true)
      : base(targetVariable) { = ItemName;
      this.description = ItemDescription;
      this.meanFunction = (IMeanFunction)meanFunction.Clone();
      this.covarianceFunction = (ICovarianceFunction)covarianceFunction.Clone();
      this.allowedInputVariables = allowedInputVariables.ToArray();

      int nVariables = this.allowedInputVariables.Length;
      meanParameter = hyp

      covarianceParameter = hyp.Skip(this.meanFunction.GetNumberOfParameters(nVariables))
      sqrSigmaNoise = Math.Exp(2.0 * hyp.Last());
      try {
        CalculateModel(ds, rows, scaleInputs);
      catch (alglib.alglibexception ae) {
        // wrap exception so that calling code doesn't have to know about alglib implementation
        throw new ArgumentException("There was a problem in the calculation of the Gaussian process model", ae);
Exemplo n.º 12
    private GaussianProcessModel(GaussianProcessModel original, Cloner cloner)
      : base(original, cloner) {
      this.meanFunction = cloner.Clone(original.meanFunction);
      this.covarianceFunction = cloner.Clone(original.covarianceFunction);
      if (original.inputScaling != null)
        this.inputScaling = cloner.Clone(original.inputScaling);
      this.trainingDataset = cloner.Clone(original.trainingDataset);
      this.negativeLogLikelihood = original.negativeLogLikelihood;
      this.sqrSigmaNoise = original.sqrSigmaNoise;
      if (original.meanParameter != null) {
        this.meanParameter = (double[])original.meanParameter.Clone();
      if (original.covarianceParameter != null) {
        this.covarianceParameter = (double[])original.covarianceParameter.Clone();

      // shallow copies of arrays because they cannot be modified
      this.trainingRows = original.trainingRows;
      this.allowedInputVariables = original.allowedInputVariables;
      this.alpha = original.alpha;
      this.l = original.l;
      this.x = original.x;
Exemplo n.º 13
        public static IRegressionSolution CreateRadialBasisRegressionSolution(IRegressionProblemData problemData, ICovarianceFunction kernel, double lambda, bool scaleInputs, out double rmsError, out double looCvRMSE)
            var model = KernelRidgeRegressionModel.Create(problemData.Dataset, problemData.TargetVariable, problemData.AllowedInputVariables, problemData.TrainingIndices, scaleInputs, kernel, lambda);

            rmsError = double.NaN;
            if (problemData.TestIndices.Any())
                rmsError = Math.Sqrt(model.GetEstimatedValues(problemData.Dataset, problemData.TestIndices)
                                     .Zip(problemData.TargetVariableTestValues, (a, b) => (a - b) * (a - b))
            var solution = model.CreateRegressionSolution((IRegressionProblemData)problemData.Clone());

            solution.Model.Name = "Kernel ridge regression model";
            solution.Name       = SolutionResultName;
            looCvRMSE           = model.LooCvRMSE;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public static IGaussianProcessModel Create(IClassificationProblemData problemData, double[] hyperparameter, IMeanFunction meanFunction, ICovarianceFunction covarianceFunction, bool scaleInputs = true)
     return(new GaussianProcessModel(problemData.Dataset, problemData.TargetVariable, problemData.AllowedInputVariables, problemData.TrainingIndices, hyperparameter, meanFunction, covarianceFunction, scaleInputs));
Exemplo n.º 15
        public static KernelRidgeRegressionModel Create(IDataset dataset, string targetVariable, IEnumerable <string> allowedInputVariables, IEnumerable <int> rows,
                                                        bool scaleInputs, ICovarianceFunction kernel, double lambda = 0.1)
            var trainingRows = rows.ToArray();
            var model        = new KernelRidgeRegressionModel(dataset, targetVariable, allowedInputVariables, trainingRows, scaleInputs, kernel, lambda);

            try {
                int info;
                int n = model.trainX.GetLength(0);
                alglib.densesolverreport denseSolveRep;
                var gram = BuildGramMatrix(model.trainX, lambda, kernel);
                var l    = new double[n, n];
                Array.Copy(gram, l, l.Length);

                double[] alpha = new double[n];
                double[,] invG;
                var y = dataset.GetDoubleValues(targetVariable, trainingRows).ToArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < y.Length; i++)
                    y[i] -= model.yOffset;
                    y[i] *= model.yScale;
                // cholesky decomposition
                var res = alglib.trfac.spdmatrixcholesky(ref l, n, false);
                if (res == false) //try lua decomposition if cholesky faild
                    int[] pivots;
                    var   lua = new double[n, n];
                    Array.Copy(gram, lua, lua.Length);
                    alglib.rmatrixlu(ref lua, n, n, out pivots);
                    alglib.rmatrixlusolve(lua, pivots, n, y, out info, out denseSolveRep, out alpha);
                    if (info != 1)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Could not create model.");
                    alglib.matinvreport rep;
                    invG = lua; // rename
                    alglib.rmatrixluinverse(ref invG, pivots, n, out info, out rep);
                    alglib.spdmatrixcholeskysolve(l, n, false, y, out info, out denseSolveRep, out alpha);
                    if (info != 1)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Could not create model.");
                    // for LOO-CV we need to build the inverse of the gram matrix
                    alglib.matinvreport rep;
                    invG = l; // rename
                    alglib.spdmatrixcholeskyinverse(ref invG, n, false, out info, out rep);
                if (info != 1)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Could not invert Gram matrix.");

                var ssqLooError = 0.0;
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    var pred_i    = Util.ScalarProd(Util.GetRow(gram, i).ToArray(), alpha);
                    var looPred_i = pred_i - alpha[i] / invG[i, i];
                    var error     = (y[i] - looPred_i) / model.yScale;
                    ssqLooError += error * error;

                Array.Copy(alpha, model.alpha, n);
                model.LooCvRMSE = Math.Sqrt(ssqLooError / n);
            } catch (alglib.alglibexception ae) {
                // wrap exception so that calling code doesn't have to know about alglib implementation
                throw new ArgumentException("There was a problem in the calculation of the kernel ridge regression model", ae);