public static void Register(IConfigurationEditor instance)
     if (FindInstance(instance.ID) == null)
        public static IConfigurationEditor[] ExportInstances()
            int count = _repository.Count();
            IConfigurationEditor[] result = new IConfigurationEditor[count];

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                result[i] = _repository.GetItem(i);

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override IDataEditor Build()
            var name  = _name ?? Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var alias = _alias ?? name.ToCamelCase();

            IDictionary <string, object> defaultConfiguration        = _defaultConfiguration ?? new Dictionary <string, object>();
            IConfigurationEditor         explicitConfigurationEditor = _explicitConfigurationEditorBuilder.Build();
            IDataValueEditor             explicitValueEditor         = _explicitValueEditorBuilder.Build();

            return(new DataEditor(
                       Mock.Of <IDataValueEditorFactory>())
                Alias = alias,
                Name = name,
                DefaultConfiguration = defaultConfiguration,
                ExplicitConfigurationEditor = explicitConfigurationEditor,
                ExplicitValueEditor = explicitValueEditor
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void AddConfigurationEditor(IConfigurationEditor editor)
            string ID = editor.GetID();
            System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem menuItem = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem(ID);
            menuItem.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.MainWindow_ConfigurationEditorSelect);
            menuItem.Tag = editor;

            string category = editor.GetCategory();
            if ((category == "") || (category == null))
            { menuItemConfigurationEditors.MenuItems.Add(menuItem); }
                System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem categoryItem = findCategoryConfigurationEditor(category);
                if (categoryItem == null)
                    categoryItem = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem(category);
Exemplo n.º 5
    private IEnumerable <DataTypeConfigurationFieldDisplay> MapPreValues(IDataType dataType, MapperContext context)
        // in v7 it was apparently fine to have an empty .EditorAlias here, in which case we would map onto
        // an empty fields list, which made no sense since there would be nothing to map to - and besides,
        // a datatype without an editor alias is a serious issue - v8 wants an editor here
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dataType.EditorAlias) ||
            !_propertyEditors.TryGet(dataType.EditorAlias, out IDataEditor? editor))
            throw new InvalidOperationException(
                      $"Could not find a property editor with alias \"{dataType.EditorAlias}\".");

        IConfigurationEditor configurationEditor = editor.GetConfigurationEditor();
        var fields = context
                     .MapEnumerable <ConfigurationField, DataTypeConfigurationFieldDisplay>(configurationEditor.Fields)
        IDictionary <string, object> configurationDictionary =

        MapConfigurationFields(dataType, fields, configurationDictionary);

 public static void Execute(IConfigurationEditor instance)
Exemplo n.º 7
    protected override void Migrate()
        // drop and create columns

        // rename the table

        // create column
        AddColumn <DataTypeDto>(Constants.DatabaseSchema.Tables.DataType, "config");
        Execute.Sql(Sql().Update <DataTypeDto>(u => u.Set(x => x.Configuration, string.Empty))).Do();

        // renames
                    .Update <DataTypeDto>(u => u.Set(x => x.EditorAlias, "Umbraco.ColorPicker"))
                    .Where <DataTypeDto>(x => x.EditorAlias == "Umbraco.ColorPickerAlias")).Do();

        // from preValues to configuration...
        Sql <ISqlContext> sql = Sql()
                                .Select <DataTypeDto>()
                                .AndSelect <PreValueDto>(x => x.Id, x => x.Alias, x => x.SortOrder, x => x.Value)
                                .From <DataTypeDto>()
                                .InnerJoin <PreValueDto>().On <DataTypeDto, PreValueDto>((left, right) => left.NodeId == right.NodeId)
                                .OrderBy <DataTypeDto>(x => x.NodeId)
                                .AndBy <PreValueDto>(x => x.SortOrder);

        IEnumerable <IGrouping <int, PreValueDto> > dtos = Database.Fetch <PreValueDto>(sql).GroupBy(x => x.NodeId);

        foreach (IGrouping <int, PreValueDto> group in dtos)
            DataTypeDto?dataType = Database.Fetch <DataTypeDto>(Sql()
                                                                .Select <DataTypeDto>()
                                                                .From <DataTypeDto>()
                                                                .Where <DataTypeDto>(x => x.NodeId == group.Key)).First();

            // check for duplicate aliases
            var aliases = group.Select(x => x.Alias).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)).ToArray();
            if (aliases.Distinct().Count() != aliases.Length)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          $"Cannot migrate prevalues for datatype id={dataType.NodeId}, editor={dataType.EditorAlias}: duplicate alias.");

            // handle null/empty aliases
            var index      = 0;
            var dictionary = group.ToDictionary(x => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Alias) ? index++.ToString() : x.Alias);

            // migrate the preValues to configuration
            IPreValueMigrator migrator =
                _preValueMigrators.GetMigrator(dataType.EditorAlias) ?? new DefaultPreValueMigrator();
            var config = migrator.GetConfiguration(dataType.NodeId, dataType.EditorAlias, dictionary);
            var json   = _configurationEditorJsonSerializer.Serialize(config);

            // validate - and kill the migration if it fails
            var newAlias = migrator.GetNewAlias(dataType.EditorAlias);
            if (newAlias == null)
                if (!_legacyAliases.Contains(dataType.EditorAlias))
                        "Skipping validation of configuration for data type {NodeId} : {EditorAlias}."
                        + " Please ensure that the configuration is valid. The site may fail to start and / or load data types and run.",
                        dataType.NodeId, dataType.EditorAlias);
            else if (!_propertyEditors.TryGet(newAlias, out IDataEditor? propertyEditor))
                if (!_legacyAliases.Contains(newAlias))
                        "Skipping validation of configuration for data type {NodeId} : {NewEditorAlias} (was: {EditorAlias})"
                        + " because no property editor with that alias was found."
                        + " Please ensure that the configuration is valid. The site may fail to start and / or load data types and run.",
                        dataType.NodeId, newAlias, dataType.EditorAlias);
                IConfigurationEditor configEditor = propertyEditor.GetConfigurationEditor();
                    var _ = configEditor.FromDatabase(json, _configurationEditorJsonSerializer);
                catch (Exception e)
                        "Failed to validate configuration for data type {NodeId} : {NewEditorAlias} (was: {EditorAlias})."
                        + " Please fix the configuration and ensure it is valid. The site may fail to start and / or load data types and run.",
                        dataType.NodeId, newAlias, dataType.EditorAlias);

            // update
            dataType.Configuration = _configurationEditorJsonSerializer.Serialize(config);
 public static void Register(IConfigurationEditor instance)
        public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
            var dataType = (DataTypeSave?)context.ActionArguments["dataType"];

            if (dataType is not null)
                dataType.Name  = dataType.Name?.CleanForXss('[', ']', '(', ')', ':');
                dataType.Alias = dataType.Alias == null
                    ? dataType.Name !
                    : dataType.Alias.CleanForXss('[', ']', '(', ')', ':');

            // get the property editor, ensuring that it exits
            if (!_propertyEditorCollection.TryGet(dataType?.EditorAlias, out IDataEditor? propertyEditor))
                var message = $"Property editor \"{dataType?.EditorAlias}\" was not found.";
                context.Result = new UmbracoProblemResult(message, HttpStatusCode.NotFound);

            if (dataType is null)

            // assign
            dataType.PropertyEditor = propertyEditor;

            // validate that the data type exists, or create one if required

            switch (dataType.Action)
            case ContentSaveAction.Save:
                persisted = _dataTypeService.GetDataType(Convert.ToInt32(dataType.Id));
                if (persisted == null)
                    var message = $"Data type with id {dataType.Id} was not found.";
                    context.Result = new UmbracoProblemResult(message, HttpStatusCode.NotFound);

                // map the model to the persisted instance
                _umbracoMapper.Map(dataType, persisted);

            case ContentSaveAction.SaveNew:
                // create the persisted model from mapping the saved model
                persisted = _umbracoMapper.Map <IDataType>(dataType);

                context.Result = new UmbracoProblemResult($"Data type action {dataType.Action} was not found.", HttpStatusCode.NotFound);

            // assign (so it's available in the action)
            dataType.PersistedDataType = persisted;

            // validate the configuration
            // which is posted as a set of fields with key (string) and value (object)
            IConfigurationEditor configurationEditor = propertyEditor.GetConfigurationEditor();

            if (dataType.ConfigurationFields is not null)
                foreach (DataTypeConfigurationFieldSave field in dataType.ConfigurationFields)
                    ConfigurationField?editorField =
                        configurationEditor.Fields.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Key == field.Key);
                    if (editorField == null)

                    // run each IValueValidator (with null valueType and dataTypeConfiguration: not relevant here)
                    foreach (IValueValidator validator in editorField.Validators)
                        foreach (ValidationResult result in validator.Validate(field.Value, null, null))
                            context.ModelState.AddValidationError(result, "Properties", field.Key ?? string.Empty);

            if (context.ModelState.IsValid == false)
                // if it is not valid, do not continue and return the model state
                context.Result = new ValidationErrorResult(context.ModelState);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void CanParseManifest_PropertyEditors()
            const string json = @"{'propertyEditors': [
        alias: 'Test.Test1',
        name: 'Test 1',
        editor: {
            view: '~/App_Plugins/MyPackage/PropertyEditors/MyEditor.html',
            valueType: 'int',
            hideLabel: true,
            validation: {
                'required': true,
                'Regex': '\\d*'
        prevalues: {
                fields: [
                        label: 'Some config 1',
                        key: 'key1',
                        view: '~/App_Plugins/MyPackage/PropertyEditors/Views/pre-val1.html',
                        validation: {
                            required: true
                        label: 'Some config 2',
                        key: 'key2',
                        view: '~/App_Plugins/MyPackage/PropertyEditors/Views/pre-val2.html'
        alias: 'Test.Test2',
        name: 'Test 2',
        isParameterEditor: true,
        defaultConfig: { key1: 'some default val' },
        editor: {
            view: '~/App_Plugins/MyPackage/PropertyEditors/MyEditor.html',
            valueType: 'int',
            validation: {
                required : true,
                regex : '\\d*'

            PackageManifest manifest = _parser.ParseManifest(json);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, manifest.PropertyEditors.Length);

            IDataEditor editor = manifest.PropertyEditors[1];

            Assert.IsTrue((editor.Type & EditorType.MacroParameter) > 0);
            Assert.AreEqual("some default val", editor.DefaultConfiguration["key1"]);

            editor = manifest.PropertyEditors[0];
            Assert.AreEqual("Test.Test1", editor.Alias);
            Assert.AreEqual("Test 1", editor.Name);
            Assert.IsFalse((editor.Type & EditorType.MacroParameter) > 0);

            IDataValueEditor valueEditor = editor.GetValueEditor();

            Assert.AreEqual(_ioHelper.ResolveUrl("/App_Plugins/MyPackage/PropertyEditors/MyEditor.html"), valueEditor.View);
            Assert.AreEqual("int", valueEditor.ValueType);

            // these two don't make much sense here
            //// valueEditor.RegexValidator;
            //// valueEditor.RequiredValidator;

            List <IValueValidator> validators = valueEditor.Validators;

            Assert.AreEqual(2, validators.Count);
            IValueValidator validator = validators[0];
            var             v1        = validator as RequiredValidator;

            Assert.AreEqual("Required", v1.ValidationName);
            validator = validators[1];
            var v2 = validator as RegexValidator;

            Assert.AreEqual("Regex", v2.ValidationName);
            Assert.AreEqual("\\d*", v2.Configuration);

            // this is not part of the manifest
            IDictionary <string, object> preValues = editor.GetConfigurationEditor().DefaultConfiguration;


            IConfigurationEditor preValueEditor = editor.GetConfigurationEditor();

            Assert.AreEqual(2, preValueEditor.Fields.Count);

            ConfigurationField f = preValueEditor.Fields[0];

            Assert.AreEqual("key1", f.Key);
            Assert.AreEqual("Some config 1", f.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(_ioHelper.ResolveUrl("/App_Plugins/MyPackage/PropertyEditors/Views/pre-val1.html"), f.View);
            List <IValueValidator> fvalidators = f.Validators;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, fvalidators.Count);
            var fv = fvalidators[0] as RequiredValidator;

            Assert.AreEqual("Required", fv.ValidationName);

            f = preValueEditor.Fields[1];
            Assert.AreEqual("key2", f.Key);
            Assert.AreEqual("Some config 2", f.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(_ioHelper.ResolveUrl("/App_Plugins/MyPackage/PropertyEditors/Views/pre-val2.html"), f.View);
            fvalidators = f.Validators;
            Assert.AreEqual(0, fvalidators.Count);