// HOW-TO: Connect to an event source (IConnectionPoint)
        public static void How_to_connect_to_an_event_source(IEngine engine)
            // COM objects implement IConnectionPoint interface to make events
            // they support available to clients. Working directly with this interface
            // is possible but rather tedious. To facilitate working with events,
            // the .NET Framework generates a set of helper classes when importing
            // types information from a type library.

            // For example, to subscribe to ICollectionEvents from an object, you use
            // ICollectionEvents_Event helper class. Casting an object to this class
            // will automatically check if the object implements IConnectionPoint interface
            // and connect to ICollectionEvents if found. If the connection point is not available,
            // the cast will result in a null:

            trace("Cast the object to the helper class for the required event source.");
            ICollectionEvents_Event collectionEvents = engine as ICollectionEvents_Event;

            if (collectionEvents != null)
                // IEngine does not support this kind of events, but if it did, we could
                // assign a method to handle the events:

                trace("Assign a method to be called when a particular event occurs.");
                // collectionEvents.OnCollectionChanged +=
                //		new ICollectionEvents_OnCollectionChangedEventHandler( ... );
 public void Dispose()
     collectionEvents.OnCollectionChanged -= new ICollectionEvents_OnCollectionChangedEventHandler( collectionEvents_OnCollectionChanged );
     collectionEvents = null;
            public SampleCollectionEventsSink( object source, string _name )
                // Check that the source object is a ICollectionEvents source (most collections are).
                // Using the helper class generated by the framework which maps event source methods to delegates
                collectionEvents = source as ICollectionEvents_Event;
                assert( collectionEvents != null );

                name = _name;
                collectionEvents.OnCollectionChanged += new ICollectionEvents_OnCollectionChangedEventHandler( collectionEvents_OnCollectionChanged );