/// <summary>
        /// This method recalculates the metrics after the poll has returned from the fabric.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="success">The flag indicating whether the last poll was successful.</param>
        /// <param name="hasErrored">A boolean property that identifies whether the last request errored.</param>
        /// <param name="context">The metrics.</param>
        public override void PollMetricsRecalculate(bool success, bool hasErrored, IClientPriorityHolderMetrics context)
            int newwait = (context.FabricPollWaitTime ?? (int)FabricPollWaitMin.TotalMilliseconds);

            if (!success && (context.LastReserved ?? 0) > 0 && (context.PriorityQueueLength ?? 0) > 0)
                newwait += 100;
                if (newwait > (int)FabricPollWaitMax.TotalMilliseconds)
                    newwait = (int)FabricPollWaitMax.TotalMilliseconds;
            else if (success && newwait > (int)FabricPollWaitMin.TotalMilliseconds)
                newwait -= 100;
                if (newwait < (int)FabricPollWaitMin.TotalMilliseconds)
                    newwait = (int)FabricPollWaitMin.TotalMilliseconds;

            context.FabricPollWaitTime = newwait;

            if (!hasErrored)
                var rate = context.PollSuccessRate;
                context.SkipCount = rate <= 0 ? (int)50 : (int)Math.Round((decimal)1 / rate);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to reduce the poll interval when the client reaches a certain success threshold
        /// for polling frequency, which is set of an increasing scale at 75%.
        /// </summary>
        private TimeSpan RecalculateMaximumPollWait(IClientPriorityHolderMetrics context)
            var rate = context.PollSuccessRate;

            //If we have a poll success rate under the threshold then return the maximum value.
            if (!context.PollTimeReduceRatio.HasValue || rate < context.PollTimeReduceRatio.Value)

            decimal adjustRatio = ((1M - rate) / (1M - context.PollTimeReduceRatio.Value)); //This tends to 0 when the rate hits 100%

            double minTime    = MinExpectedWaitBetweenPolls.TotalMilliseconds;
            double maxTime    = MaxAllowedWaitBetweenPolls.TotalMilliseconds;
            double difference = maxTime - minTime;

            if (difference <= 0)

            double newWait = (double)((decimal)difference * adjustRatio);

            return(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(minTime + newWait));
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the priority based on the elapsed poll tick time and the overall priority.
        /// It is used to ensure that clients with the overall same base priority are accessed
        /// so the one polled last is then polled first the next time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queueLength">This contains the current queue length for the underlying fabric.</param>
        /// <param name="context">This is the metrics context.</param>
        /// <param name="timeStamp">This is an optional parameter that defaults to the current tick count. You can set this value for unit testing.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the new priority.</returns>
        public override long PriorityRecalculate(long?queueLength, IClientPriorityHolderMetrics context, int?timeStamp = null)
            if (!timeStamp.HasValue)
                timeStamp = Environment.TickCount;

            long newPriority = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF;

                if (context.PriorityTickCount.HasValue)
                    newPriority += ConversionHelper.CalculateDelta(timeStamp.Value, context.PriorityTickCount.Value);

                context.PriorityTickCount = timeStamp.Value;

                //Add the queue length to add the listener with the greatest number of messages.
                context.PriorityQueueLength = queueLength;

                newPriority += context.PriorityQueueLength ?? 0;

                newPriority = (long)((decimal)newPriority * context.PriorityWeighting);
            catch (Exception ex)

            context.PriorityCalculated = newPriority;

        /// <summary>
        /// This method calculates the number of slots to take from the amount available.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="available">The available slots.</param>
        /// <param name="context">The metrics.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the number of slots to reserve from the amount available.</returns>
        public override int CalculateSlots(int available, IClientPriorityHolderMetrics context)
            double ratelimitAdjustment = context.RateLimiter?.RateLimitAdjustmentPercentage ?? 1D;

            //We make sure that a small fraction rate limit adjust resolves to zero
            //as we use ceiling to make even small fractional numbers go to one.
            return((int)Math.Ceiling((double)available * CapacityPercentage * Math.Round(ratelimitAdjustment, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)));
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to recalcualte the capacity percentage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override void CapacityPercentageRecalculate(IClientPriorityHolderMetrics context)
            if (context.PollAttemptedBatch > 0)
                //If the actual and reserved tend to 100% we want the capacity to grow to 95%
                double capacityPercentage = context.CapacityPercentage * ((double)context.PollAchievedBatch / (double)context.PollAttemptedBatch) * 1.05D;

                if (capacityPercentage >= 0.95D)
                    capacityPercentage = 0.95D;
                else if (capacityPercentage <= 0.01D)
                    capacityPercentage = 0.01D;

                context.CapacityPercentage = capacityPercentage;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method returns true if the client should be skipped for this poll.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns true if the poll should be skipped.</returns>
        public override bool ShouldSkip(IClientPriorityHolderMetrics context)
            //Get the timespan since the last poll
            var lastPollTimeSpan = ConversionHelper.DeltaAsTimeSpan(context.LastPollTickCount);

            //Check whether we have waited the minimum poll time, if not skip
            if (lastPollTimeSpan.HasValue && lastPollTimeSpan.Value < context.MinExpectedPollWait)

            //Check whether we have waited over maximum poll time, then poll
            if (lastPollTimeSpan.HasValue && lastPollTimeSpan.Value > RecalculateMaximumPollWait(context))

 public abstract bool PastDueCalculate(IClientPriorityHolderMetrics context, int?timeStamp = null);
 public abstract void InitialiseMetrics(IClientPriorityHolderMetrics context);
 public abstract void PollMetricsRecalculate(bool success, bool hasErrored, IClientPriorityHolderMetrics context);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public override void InitialiseMetrics(IClientPriorityHolderMetrics context)
     context.FabricPollWaitTime = (int)FabricPollWaitMax.TotalMilliseconds;
Exemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// This is the priority based on the elapsed poll tick time and the overall priority.
 /// It is used to ensure that clients with the overall same base priority are accessed
 /// so the one polled last is then polled first the next time.
 /// </summary>
 public override long PriorityRecalculate(long?queueLength, IClientPriorityHolderMetrics context, int?timeStamp = null)
     context.PriorityCalculated = 1;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public override void CapacityPercentageRecalculate(IClientPriorityHolderMetrics context)
     context.CapacityPercentage = 1D;
 public abstract int CalculateSlots(int available, IClientPriorityHolderMetrics context);
        /// <summary>
        /// Identifies whether the context is overdue for a poll.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        /// <param name="timeStamp">The compare timestamp. If this is null then Environment.TickCount is used instead.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool PastDueCalculate(IClientPriorityHolderMetrics context, int?timeStamp = null)
            var timePassed = ConversionHelper.DeltaAsTimeSpan(context.LastPollTickCount, timeStamp ?? Environment.TickCount);

            return(timePassed.HasValue && timePassed.Value > context.MaxAllowedPollWait);
Exemplo n.º 15
 public override int CalculateSlots(int available, IClientPriorityHolderMetrics context)
     //We make sure that a small fraction rate limit adjust resolves to zero as we use ceiling to make even small fractional numbers go to one.
Exemplo n.º 16
 public override bool ShouldSkip(IClientPriorityHolderMetrics context)
 public abstract bool ShouldSkip(IClientPriorityHolderMetrics context);
Exemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// This method is used to reset the capacity calculation.
 /// </summary>
 public override void CapacityReset(IClientPriorityHolderMetrics context)
     context.PollAttemptedBatch = 0;
     context.PollAchievedBatch  = 0;
     context.CapacityPercentage = 1D;
 public abstract void CapacityPercentageRecalculate(IClientPriorityHolderMetrics context);
Exemplo n.º 20
 public override void PollMetricsRecalculate(bool success, bool hasErrored, IClientPriorityHolderMetrics context)
     context.SkipCount = 0;
 public abstract void CapacityReset(IClientPriorityHolderMetrics context);
Exemplo n.º 22
 public override bool PastDueCalculate(IClientPriorityHolderMetrics context, int?timeStamp = default(int?))
 public abstract long PriorityRecalculate(long?queueLength, IClientPriorityHolderMetrics context, int?timeStamp = null);