public ClientMeetingViewModel(
            IClientConnection clientConnection,
            INavigationService navigation,
            ISharedDataService sharedDataService,
            IPlatformServices platformServices)
            _sharedDataService = sharedDataService;
            _clientConnection = clientConnection;
            _navigation = navigation;

            // Combine the meeting details and IsActive to know when to go back
            // We should go back when we are the active screen (IsActive == true)
            // and the Meeting Details are cleared out - will be null.
            _navSub = _clientConnection.MeetingDetails
                .CombineLatest(this.WhenAnyValue(vm => vm.IsActive),
                                (det, act) => new { Details = det, IsActive = act }) // combine into anon type
                .Where(t => t.IsActive && t.Details == null)
                .Subscribe(c => _navigation.BackCommand.Execute(null));

            Title = "Welcome to White Label Insurance";

            // Listen for state changes from the shared model
            // and return the non-null ids
            var stateObs = sharedDataService.MeetingState
                .WhenAnyValue(s => s.State)
                .Where(s => s.HasValue) 
                .Select(s => s.Value); // de-Nullable<T> the value since we're not null

            // Get the latest non-null meeting
            var meetingObs = this.ObservableForProperty(vm => vm.Meeting, m => m)
                .Where(v => v != null);

            // Get the latest MeetingState and combine it with the current Meeting
                .CombineLatest(stateObs, Tuple.Create) // store the latest in a tuple
                .Subscribe(t =>
                        // for clarity, extract the tuple
                        var state = t.Item2; 
                        var meeting = t.Item1;

                        // Fet the specififed tool instance by id
                        var activeTool = meeting.Tools.First(tool => tool.ToolId == state.ToolId);

                        // Navigate to the current page within the tool

                        // Finally, set the tool to be the active one for the meeting
                        meeting.ActiveTool = activeTool;

            var leaveMeetingCommand = new ReactiveCommand();
            leaveMeetingCommand.Subscribe(_ => _navigation.BackCommand.Execute(null));
            LeaveMeetingCommand = leaveMeetingCommand;

            _pdfAvailableSub = _clientConnection.PdfAvailable.ObserveOn(RxApp.MainThreadScheduler).Subscribe(async p =>
                var result = await _clientConnection.GetIllustrationPdfAsync(p);
                await platformServices.SaveAndLaunchFile(new System.IO.MemoryStream(result), "pdf");

Exemplo n.º 2
        public ClientMeetingViewModel(
            IClientConnection clientConnection,
            INavigationService navigation,
            ISharedDataService sharedDataService,
            IPlatformServices platformServices)
            _sharedDataService = sharedDataService;
            _clientConnection  = clientConnection;
            _navigation        = navigation;

            // Combine the meeting details and IsActive to know when to go back
            // We should go back when we are the active screen (IsActive == true)
            // and the Meeting Details are cleared out - will be null.
            _navSub = _clientConnection.MeetingDetails
                      .CombineLatest(this.WhenAnyValue(vm => vm.IsActive),
                                     (det, act) => new { Details = det, IsActive = act }) // combine into anon type
                      .Where(t => t.IsActive && t.Details == null)
                      .Subscribe(c => _navigation.BackCommand.Execute(null));

            Title = "Welcome to White Label Insurance";

            // Listen for state changes from the shared model
            // and return the non-null ids
            var stateObs = sharedDataService.MeetingState
                           .WhenAnyValue(s => s.State)
                           .Where(s => s.HasValue)
                           .Select(s => s.Value); // de-Nullable<T> the value since we're not null

            // Get the latest non-null meeting
            var meetingObs = this.ObservableForProperty(vm => vm.Meeting, m => m)
                             .Where(v => v != null);

            // Get the latest MeetingState and combine it with the current Meeting
            .CombineLatest(stateObs, Tuple.Create)     // store the latest in a tuple
            .Subscribe(t =>
                // for clarity, extract the tuple
                var state   = t.Item2;
                var meeting = t.Item1;

                // Fet the specififed tool instance by id
                var activeTool = meeting.Tools.First(tool => tool.ToolId == state.ToolId);

                // Navigate to the current page within the tool

                // Finally, set the tool to be the active one for the meeting
                meeting.ActiveTool = activeTool;

            var leaveMeetingCommand = new ReactiveCommand();

            leaveMeetingCommand.Subscribe(_ => _navigation.BackCommand.Execute(null));
            LeaveMeetingCommand = leaveMeetingCommand;

            _pdfAvailableSub = _clientConnection.PdfAvailable.ObserveOn(RxApp.MainThreadScheduler).Subscribe(async p =>
                var result = await _clientConnection.GetIllustrationPdfAsync(p);
                await platformServices.SaveAndLaunchFile(new System.IO.MemoryStream(result), "pdf");