Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the best chess draw for the given situation (board + previous draw) from the cache. If the situation is not in the cache, null is returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="board">The chess board representing the situation.</param>
        /// <param name="predecedingDraw">The previous draw made by the enemy.</param>
        /// <returns>The best chess draw (if there is one in the cache)</returns>
        public ChessDraw?GetBestDraw(IChessBoard board, ChessDraw?predecedingDraw)
            // get possible draws from database (with win rate)
            var drawingSide = predecedingDraw?.DrawingSide.Opponent() ?? ChessColor.White;

            string sql =
                $"WITH Situation AS( "
                + $"    SELECT "
                + $"        DrawHash, "
                + $"        WinRate, "
                + $"        AnalyzedGames, "
                + $"        WinRate * AnalyzedGames AS Score "
                + $"    FROM WinRateInfo "
                + $"    WHERE DrawingSide = '{ char.ToLower(drawingSide.ToChar()) }' AND BoardBeforeHash = '{ board.ToHash() }' "
                + $") "

                + $"SELECT "
                + $"    DrawHash, "
                + $"    Score "
                + $"FROM Situation "
                + $"WHERE Score = (SELECT MAX(Score) FROM Situation)";

            var bestDraws = queryItems(sql).Select(x => new Tuple <ChessDraw, double>(new ChessDraw(int.Parse(x["DrawHash"] as string, NumberStyles.HexNumber)), (double)x["Score"])).ToList();

            return(bestDraws?.Count > 0 ? (ChessDraw?)bestDraws.ChooseRandom().Item1 : null);

            // query for testing
            // ====================================
            // WITH Situation AS(
            //     SELECT
            //         DrawHashMetadata.*,
            //         WinRate,
            //         AnalyzedGames
            //     FROM WinRateInfo
            //     INNER JOIN DrawHashMetadata ON WinRateInfo.DrawHash = DrawHashMetadata.DrawHash
            //     WHERE WinRateInfo.DrawingSide = 'w' AND BoardBeforeHash = '19482090A3318C6318C60000000000000000000000000000000000000000B5AD6B5AD69D6928D2B3'
            // )
            // SELECT
            //     *,
            //     WinRate* AnalyzedGames AS Score
            // FROM Situation
            // ORDER BY Score DESC