Exemplo n.º 1
        // ICU4N: Avoid static constructor by initializing inline
        private static CollationTailoring LoadCollationTailoring(out Exception exception)
            // Corresponds to C++ load() function.
            CollationTailoring t  = null;
            Exception          e2 = null;

                ByteBuffer         bytes = ICUBinary.GetRequiredData("coll/ucadata.icu");
                CollationTailoring t2    = new CollationTailoring(null);
                CollationDataReader.Read(null, bytes, t2);
                // Keep t=null until after the root data has been read completely.
                // Otherwise we would set a non-null root object if the data reader throws an exception.
                t = t2;
            catch (IOException e)
                e2 = new MissingManifestResourceException(
                    "IOException while reading CLDR root data, " +
                    "type: CollationRoot, bundle: " + ICUData.IcuBundle + "/coll/ucadata.icu", e);
            catch (Exception e)
                e2 = e;
            exception = e2;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a <see cref="Normalizer2"/> instance which uses the specified data file
        /// (an ICU data file if data=null, or else custom binary data)
        /// and which composes or decomposes text according to the specified mode.
        /// Returns an unmodifiable singleton instance.
        /// <list type="bullet">
        ///		<item><description>Use data=null for data files that are part of ICU's own data.</description></item>
        ///		<item><description>Use name="nfc" and COMPOSE/DECOMPOSE for Unicode standard NFC/NFD.</description></item>
        ///		<item><description>Use name="nfkc" and COMPOSE/DECOMPOSE for Unicode standard NFKC/NFKD.</description></item>
        ///		<item><description>Use name="nfkc_cf" and COMPOSE for Unicode standard NFKC_CF=NFKC_Casefold.</description></item>
        /// </list>
        /// <para/>
        /// If data!=null, then the binary data is read once and cached using the provided
        /// name as the key.
        /// If you know or expect the data to be cached already, you can use data!=null
        /// for non-ICU data as well.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The binary, big-endian normalization (.nrm file) data, or null for ICU data.</param>
        /// <param name="name">"nfc" or "nfkc" or "nfkc_cf" or name of custom data file.</param>
        /// <param name="mode">Normalization mode (compose or decompose etc.)</param>
        /// <returns>The requested <see cref="Normalizer2"/>, if successful.</returns>
        public static Normalizer2 GetInstance(Stream data, string name, Normalizer2Mode mode)
            ByteBuffer bytes = null;

            if (data != null)
                    bytes = ICUBinary.GetByteBufferFromStreamAndDisposeStream(data);
                catch (IOException e)
                    throw new ICUUncheckedIOException(e);
            Norm2AllModes all2Modes = Norm2AllModes.GetInstance(bytes, name);

            switch (mode)
            case Normalizer2Mode.Compose: return(all2Modes.Comp);

            case Normalizer2Mode.Decompose: return(all2Modes.Decomp);

            case Normalizer2Mode.FCD: return(all2Modes.Fcd);

            case Normalizer2Mode.ComposeContiguous: return(all2Modes.Fcc);

            default: return(null);     // will not occur
Exemplo n.º 3
        static CollationRoot()
        {  // Corresponds to C++ load() function.
            CollationTailoring t  = null;
            Exception          e2 = null;

                // ICU4N specific - passing in assembly name so we resolve to this assembly rather than ICU4N.dll
                ByteBuffer         bytes = ICUBinary.GetRequiredData(typeof(CollationRoot).GetTypeInfo().Assembly, null, "coll/ucadata.icu");
                CollationTailoring t2    = new CollationTailoring(null);
                CollationDataReader.Read(null, bytes, t2);
                // Keep t=null until after the root data has been read completely.
                // Otherwise we would set a non-null root object if the data reader throws an exception.
                t = t2;
            catch (IOException e)
                e2 = new MissingManifestResourceException(
                    "IOException while reading CLDR root data, " +
                    "type: CollationRoot, bundle: " + ICUData.ICU_BUNDLE + "/coll/ucadata.icu", e);
            catch (Exception e)
                e2 = e;
            rootSingleton = t;
            exception     = e2;
Exemplo n.º 4
        // Was testTrieRanges in ICU4C.  Renamed to not conflict with ICU4J test framework.
        private void checkTrieRanges(String testName, String serializedName, bool withClone,
                                     int[][] setRanges, int[][] checkRanges)
            string ns =

            // Run tests against Tries that were built by ICU4C and serialized.
            String fileName16 = ns + ".Trie2Test." + serializedName + ".16.tri2";
            String fileName32 = ns + ".Trie2Test." + serializedName + ".32.tri2";

            Assembly assembly = typeof(Trie2Test).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
            Assembly assembly = typeof(Trie2Test).Assembly;

            Stream @is = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(fileName16);
            Trie2  trie16;
                trie16 = Trie2.CreateFromSerialized(ICUBinary.GetByteBufferFromStreamAndDisposeStream(@is));
            trieGettersTest(testName, trie16, checkRanges);

            @is = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(fileName32);
            Trie2 trie32;
                trie32 = Trie2.CreateFromSerialized(ICUBinary.GetByteBufferFromStreamAndDisposeStream(@is));
            trieGettersTest(testName, trie32, checkRanges);

            // Run the same tests against locally contructed Tries.
            Trie2Writable trieW = genTrieFromSetRanges(setRanges);
            trieGettersTest(testName, trieW, checkRanges);
            assertEquals("", trieW, trie16);   // Locally built tries must be
            assertEquals("", trieW, trie32);   //   the same as those imported from ICU4C

            Trie2_32 trie32a = trieW.ToTrie2_32();
            trieGettersTest(testName, trie32a, checkRanges);

            Trie2_16 trie16a = trieW.ToTrie2_16();
            trieGettersTest(testName, trie16a, checkRanges);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a <see cref="StringPrep"/> instance for the specified profile.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="profile">The profile passed to find the <see cref="StringPrep"/> instance.</param>
        /// <stable>ICU 4.2</stable>
        public static StringPrep GetInstance(StringPrepProfile profile)
            if (profile < 0 || profile > MAX_PROFILE)
                throw new ArgumentException("Bad profile type");

            StringPrep instance = null;

            // A StringPrep instance is immutable.  We use a single instance
            // per type and store it in the internal cache.
            lock (CACHE)
                WeakReference <StringPrep> @ref = CACHE[(int)profile];
                WeakReference @ref = CACHE[(int)profile];
                if (@ref != null)
                    //instance = @ref.Get();
                    @ref.TryGetTarget(out instance);
                    instance = (StringPrep)@ref.Target;

                if (instance == null)
                    ByteBuffer bytes = ICUBinary.GetRequiredData(PROFILE_NAMES[(int)profile] + ".spp");
                    if (bytes != null)
                            instance = new StringPrep(bytes);
                        catch (IOException e)
                            throw new ICUUncheckedIOException(e);
                    if (instance != null)
                        CACHE[(int)profile] = new WeakReference <StringPrep>(instance);
                        CACHE[(int)profile] = new WeakReference(instance);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static DictionaryMatcher LoadDictionaryFor(string dictType)
            ICUResourceBundle rb           = (ICUResourceBundle)UResourceBundle.GetBundleInstance(ICUData.IcuBreakIteratorBaseName); // com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt60b/brkitr
            string            dictFileName = rb.GetStringWithFallback("dictionaries/" + dictType);

            // ICU4N TODO: Possibly rename the above and use this syntax instead...?
            //var rm = new ResourceManager(ICUData.ICU_BRKITR_BASE_NAME, typeof(DictionaryData).GetTypeInfo().Assembly);
            //string dictFileName = rm.GetString("dictionaries_" + dictType);

            dictFileName = ICUData.IcuBreakIteratorName + '/' + dictFileName;
            ByteBuffer bytes = ICUBinary.GetRequiredData(dictFileName);

            ICUBinary.ReadHeader(bytes, DATA_FORMAT_ID, null);
            int[] indexes = new int[IX_COUNT];
            // TODO: read indexes[IX_STRING_TRIE_OFFSET] first, then read a variable-length indexes[]
            for (int i = 0; i < IX_COUNT; i++)
                indexes[i] = bytes.GetInt32();
            int offset = indexes[IX_STRING_TRIE_OFFSET];

            Assert.Assrt(offset >= (4 * IX_COUNT));
            if (offset > (4 * IX_COUNT))
                int diff = offset - (4 * IX_COUNT);
                ICUBinary.SkipBytes(bytes, diff);
            int trieType        = indexes[IX_TRIE_TYPE] & TRIE_TYPE_MASK;
            int totalSize       = indexes[IX_TOTAL_SIZE] - offset;
            DictionaryMatcher m = null;

            if (trieType == TRIE_TYPE_BYTES)
                int    transform = indexes[IX_TRANSFORM];
                byte[] data      = new byte[totalSize];
                m = new BytesDictionaryMatcher(data, transform);
            else if (trieType == TRIE_TYPE_UCHARS)
                Assert.Assrt(totalSize % 2 == 0);
                string data = ICUBinary.GetString(bytes, totalSize / 2, totalSize & 1);
                m = new CharsDictionaryMatcher(data);
                m = null;
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Get an <see cref="RBBIDataWrapper"/> from an InputStream onto a pre-compiled set
        /// of RBBI rules.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bytes"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static RBBIDataWrapper Get(ByteBuffer bytes)
            RBBIDataWrapper This = new RBBIDataWrapper();

            ICUBinary.ReadHeader(bytes, DATA_FORMAT, IS_ACCEPTABLE);
            This.isBigEndian = bytes.Order == ByteOrder.BigEndian;

            // Read in the RBBI data header...
            This.fHeader                   = new RBBIDataHeader();
            This.fHeader.fMagic            = bytes.GetInt32();
            This.fHeader.fFormatVersion[0] = bytes.Get();
            This.fHeader.fFormatVersion[1] = bytes.Get();
            This.fHeader.fFormatVersion[2] = bytes.Get();
            This.fHeader.fFormatVersion[3] = bytes.Get();
            This.fHeader.fLength           = bytes.GetInt32();
            This.fHeader.fCatCount         = bytes.GetInt32();
            This.fHeader.fFTable           = bytes.GetInt32();
            This.fHeader.fFTableLen        = bytes.GetInt32();
            This.fHeader.fRTable           = bytes.GetInt32();
            This.fHeader.fRTableLen        = bytes.GetInt32();
            This.fHeader.fSFTable          = bytes.GetInt32();
            This.fHeader.fSFTableLen       = bytes.GetInt32();
            This.fHeader.fSRTable          = bytes.GetInt32();
            This.fHeader.fSRTableLen       = bytes.GetInt32();
            This.fHeader.fTrie             = bytes.GetInt32();
            This.fHeader.fTrieLen          = bytes.GetInt32();
            This.fHeader.fRuleSource       = bytes.GetInt32();
            This.fHeader.fRuleSourceLen    = bytes.GetInt32();
            This.fHeader.fStatusTable      = bytes.GetInt32();
            This.fHeader.fStatusTableLen   = bytes.GetInt32();
            ICUBinary.SkipBytes(bytes, 6 * 4);    // uint32_t  fReserved[6];

            if (This.fHeader.fMagic != 0xb1a0 || !IS_ACCEPTABLE.IsDataVersionAcceptable(This.fHeader.fFormatVersion))
                throw new IOException("Break Iterator Rule Data Magic Number Incorrect, or unsupported data version.");

            // Current position in the buffer.
            int pos = 24 * 4;     // offset of end of header, which has 24 fields, all int32_t (4 bytes)

            // Read in the Forward state transition table as an array of shorts.

            //   Quick Sanity Check
            if (This.fHeader.fFTable < pos || This.fHeader.fFTable > This.fHeader.fLength)
                throw new IOException("Break iterator Rule data corrupt");

            //    Skip over any padding preceding this table
            ICUBinary.SkipBytes(bytes, This.fHeader.fFTable - pos);
            pos = This.fHeader.fFTable;

            This.fFTable = ICUBinary.GetInt16s(
                bytes, This.fHeader.fFTableLen / 2, This.fHeader.fFTableLen & 1);
            pos += This.fHeader.fFTableLen;

            // Read in the Reverse state table

            // Skip over any padding in the file
            ICUBinary.SkipBytes(bytes, This.fHeader.fRTable - pos);
            pos = This.fHeader.fRTable;

            // Create & fill the table itself.
            This.fRTable = ICUBinary.GetInt16s(
                bytes, This.fHeader.fRTableLen / 2, This.fHeader.fRTableLen & 1);
            pos += This.fHeader.fRTableLen;

            // Read in the Safe Forward state table
            if (This.fHeader.fSFTableLen > 0)
                // Skip over any padding in the file
                ICUBinary.SkipBytes(bytes, This.fHeader.fSFTable - pos);
                pos = This.fHeader.fSFTable;

                // Create & fill the table itself.
                This.fSFTable = ICUBinary.GetInt16s(
                    bytes, This.fHeader.fSFTableLen / 2, This.fHeader.fSFTableLen & 1);
                pos += This.fHeader.fSFTableLen;

            // Read in the Safe Reverse state table
            if (This.fHeader.fSRTableLen > 0)
                // Skip over any padding in the file
                ICUBinary.SkipBytes(bytes, This.fHeader.fSRTable - pos);
                pos = This.fHeader.fSRTable;

                // Create & fill the table itself.
                This.fSRTable = ICUBinary.GetInt16s(
                    bytes, This.fHeader.fSRTableLen / 2, This.fHeader.fSRTableLen & 1);
                pos += This.fHeader.fSRTableLen;

            // Rule Compatibility Hacks
            //    If a rule set includes reverse rules but does not explicitly include safe reverse rules,
            //    the reverse rules are to be treated as safe reverse rules.

            if (This.fSRTable == null && This.fRTable != null)
                This.fSRTable = This.fRTable;
                This.fRTable  = null;

            // Unserialize the Character categories TRIE
            //     Because we can't be absolutely certain where the Trie deserialize will
            //     leave the buffer, leave position unchanged.
            //     The seek to the start of the next item following the TRIE will get us
            //     back in sync.
            ICUBinary.SkipBytes(bytes, This.fHeader.fTrie - pos); // seek buffer from end of
            pos = This.fHeader.fTrie;                             // previous section to the start of the trie

            bytes.Mark();                                         // Mark position of start of TRIE in the input
                                                                  //  and tell Java to keep the mark valid so long
                                                                  //  as we don't go more than 100 bytes past the
                                                                  //  past the end of the TRIE.

            This.fTrie = Trie2.CreateFromSerialized(bytes);       // Deserialize the TRIE, leaving buffer
                                                                  //  at an unknown position, preceding the
                                                                  //  padding between TRIE and following section.

            bytes.Reset();                                        // Move buffer back to marked position at
                                                                  //   the start of the serialized TRIE.  Now our
                                                                  //   "pos" variable and the buffer are in
                                                                  //   agreement.

            // Read the Rule Status Table
            if (pos > This.fHeader.fStatusTable)
                throw new IOException("Break iterator Rule data corrupt");
            ICUBinary.SkipBytes(bytes, This.fHeader.fStatusTable - pos);
            pos = This.fHeader.fStatusTable;
            This.fStatusTable = ICUBinary.GetInt32s(
                bytes, This.fHeader.fStatusTableLen / 4, This.fHeader.fStatusTableLen & 3);
            pos += This.fHeader.fStatusTableLen;

            // Put the break rule source into a String
            if (pos > This.fHeader.fRuleSource)
                throw new IOException("Break iterator Rule data corrupt");
            ICUBinary.SkipBytes(bytes, This.fHeader.fRuleSource - pos);
            pos = This.fHeader.fRuleSource;
            This.fRuleSource = ICUBinary.GetString(
                bytes, This.fHeader.fRuleSourceLen / 2, This.fHeader.fRuleSourceLen & 1);

            if (RuleBasedBreakIterator.fDebugEnv != null && RuleBasedBreakIterator.fDebugEnv.IndexOf("data", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0)
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an <see cref="StringPrep"/> object after reading the input stream.
 /// The object does not hold a reference to the input steam, so the stream can be
 /// closed after the method returns.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="inputStream">The stream for reading the <see cref="StringPrep"/> profile binarySun.</param>
 /// <exception cref="IOException">An exception occurs when I/O of the inputstream is invalid.</exception>
 /// <stable>ICU 2.8</stable>
 public StringPrep(Stream inputStream)
     : this(ICUBinary.GetByteBufferFromStreamAndDisposeStream(inputStream))
     // TODO: Add a public constructor that takes ByteBuffer directly.
Exemplo n.º 9
        internal void FlattenData(Stream os)
            DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(os);
            int i;

            //  Remove comments and whitespace from the rules to make it smaller.
            string strippedRules = RBBIRuleScanner.StripRules(fRules);

            // Calculate the size of each section in the data in bytes.
            //   Sizes here are padded up to a multiple of 8 for better memory alignment.
            //   Sections sizes actually stored in the header are for the actual data
            //     without the padding.
            int headerSize       = 24 * 4; // align8(sizeof(RBBIDataHeader));
            int forwardTableSize = Align8(fForwardTables.GetTableSize());
            int reverseTableSize = Align8(fReverseTables.GetTableSize());
            // int safeFwdTableSize = Align8(fSafeFwdTables.getTableSize());
            int safeRevTableSize = Align8(fSafeRevTables.GetTableSize());
            int trieSize         = Align8(fSetBuilder.GetTrieSize());
            int statusTableSize  = Align8(fRuleStatusVals.Count * 4);
            int rulesSize        = Align8((strippedRules.Length) * 2);

            int totalSize = headerSize
                            + forwardTableSize
                            + /* reverseTableSize */ 0
                            + /* safeFwdTableSize */ 0
                            + (safeRevTableSize > 0 ? safeRevTableSize : reverseTableSize)
                            + statusTableSize + trieSize + rulesSize;
            int outputPos = 0;               // Track stream position, starting from RBBIDataHeader.

            // Write out an ICU Data Header
            ICUBinary.WriteHeader(RBBIDataWrapper.DATA_FORMAT, RBBIDataWrapper.FORMAT_VERSION, 0, dos);

            // Write out the RBBIDataHeader
            int[] header = new int[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_SIZE];                 // sizeof struct RBBIDataHeader
            header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_MAGIC]         = 0xb1a0;
            header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_FORMATVERSION] = RBBIDataWrapper.FORMAT_VERSION;
            header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_LENGTH]        = totalSize;                     // fLength, the total size of all rule sections.
            header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_CATCOUNT]      = fSetBuilder.NumCharCategories; // fCatCount.

            // Only save the forward table and the safe reverse table,
            // because these are the only ones used at run-time.
            // For the moment, we still build the other tables if they are present in the rule source files,
            // for backwards compatibility. Old rule files need to work, and this is the simplest approach.
            // Additional backwards compatibility consideration: if no safe rules are provided, consider the
            // reverse rules to actually be the safe reverse rules.

            header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_FTABLE]    = headerSize;        // fFTable
            header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_FTABLELEN] = forwardTableSize;  // fTableLen

            // Do not save Reverse Table.
            header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_RTABLE]    = header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_FTABLE] + forwardTableSize; // fRTable
            header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_RTABLELEN] = 0;                                                    // fRTableLen

            // Do not save the Safe Forward table.
            header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_SFTABLE] = header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_RTABLE]
                                                 + 0;                     // fSTable
            header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_SFTABLELEN] = 0;                    // fSTableLen

            // Safe reverse table. Use if present, otherwise save regular reverse table as the safe reverse.
            header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_SRTABLE] = header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_SFTABLE]
                                                 + 0;                        // fSRTable
            if (safeRevTableSize > 0)
                header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_SRTABLELEN] = safeRevTableSize;
                Debug.Assert(reverseTableSize > 0);
                header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_SRTABLELEN] = reverseTableSize;

            header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_TRIE] = header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_SRTABLE]
                                              + header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_SRTABLELEN]; // fTrie
            header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_TRIELEN]     = fSetBuilder.GetTrieSize();        // fTrieLen
            header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_STATUSTABLE] = header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_TRIE]
                                                     + header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_TRIELEN];
            header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_STATUSTABLELEN] = statusTableSize; // fStatusTableLen
            header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_RULESOURCE]     = header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_STATUSTABLE]
                                                        + statusTableSize;
            header[RBBIDataWrapper.DH_RULESOURCELEN] = strippedRules.Length * 2;
            for (i = 0; i < header.Length; i++)
                outputPos += 4;

            // Write out the actual state tables.
            short[] tableData;
            tableData = fForwardTables.ExportTable();
            Assert.Assrt(outputPos == header[4]);
            for (i = 0; i < tableData.Length; i++)
                outputPos += 2;

            /* do not write the reverse table
             * tableData = fReverseTables.exportTable();
             * Assert.Assrt(outputPos == header[6]);
             * for (i = 0; i < tableData.length; i++) {
             *  dos.WriteInt16(tableData[i]);
             *  outputPos += 2;
             * }

            /* do not write safe forwards table
             * Assert.Assrt(outputPos == header[8]);
             * tableData = fSafeFwdTables.exportTable();
             * for (i = 0; i < tableData.length; i++) {
             *  dos.WriteInt16(tableData[i]);
             *  outputPos += 2;
             * }

            // Write the safe reverse table.
            // If not present, write the plain reverse table (old style rule compatibility)
            Assert.Assrt(outputPos == header[10]);
            if (safeRevTableSize > 0)
                tableData = fSafeRevTables.ExportTable();
                tableData = fReverseTables.ExportTable();
            for (i = 0; i < tableData.Length; i++)
                outputPos += 2;

            // write out the Trie table
            Assert.Assrt(outputPos == header[12]);
            outputPos += header[13];
            while (outputPos % 8 != 0)
            { // pad to an 8 byte boundary
                outputPos += 1;

            // Write out the status {tag} table.
            Assert.Assrt(outputPos == header[16]);
            foreach (var val in fRuleStatusVals)
                outputPos += 4;

            while (outputPos % 8 != 0)
            { // pad to an 8 byte boundary
                outputPos += 1;

            // Write out the stripped rules (rules with extra spaces removed
            //   These go last in the data area, even though they are not last in the header.
            Assert.Assrt(outputPos == header[14]);
            outputPos += strippedRules.Length * 2;
            while (outputPos % 8 != 0)
            { // pad to an 8 byte boundary
                outputPos += 1;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void TestReadHeader()
            int formatid = 0x01020304;

            byte[] array =
                // header size
                0,          0x18,
                // magic numbers
                (byte)0xda, 0x27,
                // size
                0,          0x14,
                // reserved word
                0,             0,
                // bigendian
                // charset
                // charsize
                // reserved byte
                // data format id
                1,             2, 3, 4,
                // dataVersion
                1,             2, 3, 4,
                // unicodeVersion
                3,             2, 0, 0
            ByteBuffer    bytes = ByteBuffer.Wrap(array);
            IAuthenticate authenticate
                = new Authenticate();

            // check full data version
                ICUBinary.ReadHeader(bytes, formatid, authenticate);
            catch (IOException e)
                Errln("Failed: Lenient authenticate object should pass ICUBinary.readHeader");
            // no restriction to the data version
                ICUBinary.ReadHeader(bytes, formatid, null);
            catch (IOException e)
                Errln("Failed: Null authenticate object should pass ICUBinary.readHeader");
            // lenient data version
            array[17] = 9;
                ICUBinary.ReadHeader(bytes, formatid, authenticate);
            catch (IOException e)
                Errln("Failed: Lenient authenticate object should pass ICUBinary.readHeader");
            // changing the version to an incorrect one, expecting failure
            array[16] = 2;
                ICUBinary.ReadHeader(bytes, formatid, authenticate);
                Errln("Failed: Invalid version number should not pass authenticate object");
            catch (IOException e)
                Logln("PASS: ICUBinary.readHeader with invalid version number failed as expected");
Exemplo n.º 11
        internal static void Read(CollationTailoring @base, ByteBuffer inBytes,
                                  CollationTailoring tailoring)
            tailoring.Version = ICUBinary.ReadHeader(inBytes, DATA_FORMAT, IS_ACCEPTABLE);
            if (@base != null && @base.GetUCAVersion() != tailoring.GetUCAVersion())
                throw new ICUException("Tailoring UCA version differs from base data UCA version");

            int inLength = inBytes.Remaining;

            if (inLength < 8)
                throw new ICUException("not enough bytes");
            int indexesLength = inBytes.GetInt32();  // inIndexes[IX_INDEXES_LENGTH]

            if (indexesLength < 2 || inLength < indexesLength * 4)
                throw new ICUException("not enough indexes");
            int[] inIndexes = new int[IX_TOTAL_SIZE + 1];
            inIndexes[0] = indexesLength;
            for (int i = 1; i < indexesLength && i < inIndexes.Length; ++i)
                inIndexes[i] = inBytes.GetInt32();
            for (int i = indexesLength; i < inIndexes.Length; ++i)
                inIndexes[i] = -1;
            if (indexesLength > inIndexes.Length)
                ICUBinary.SkipBytes(inBytes, (indexesLength - inIndexes.Length) * 4);

            // Assume that the tailoring data is in initial state,
            // with null pointers and 0 lengths.

            // Set pointers to non-empty data parts.
            // Do this in order of their byte offsets. (Should help porting to Java.)

            int index;  // one of the indexes[] slots
            int offset; // byte offset for the index part
            int length; // number of bytes in the index part

            if (indexesLength > IX_TOTAL_SIZE)
                length = inIndexes[IX_TOTAL_SIZE];
            else if (indexesLength > IX_REORDER_CODES_OFFSET)
                length = inIndexes[indexesLength - 1];
                length = 0;  // only indexes, and inLength was already checked for them
            if (inLength < length)
                throw new ICUException("not enough bytes");

            CollationData baseData = @base == null ? null : @base.Data;

            int[] reorderCodes;
            int   reorderCodesLength;

            index  = IX_REORDER_CODES_OFFSET;
            offset = inIndexes[index];
            length = inIndexes[index + 1] - offset;
            if (length >= 4)
                if (baseData == null)
                    // We assume for collation settings that
                    // the base data does not have a reordering.
                    throw new ICUException("Collation base data must not reorder scripts");
                reorderCodesLength = length / 4;
                reorderCodes       = ICUBinary.GetInts(inBytes, reorderCodesLength, length & 3);

                // The reorderRanges (if any) are the trailing reorderCodes entries.
                // Split the array at the boundary.
                // Script or reorder codes do not exceed 16-bit values.
                // Range limits are stored in the upper 16 bits, and are never 0.
                int reorderRangesLength = 0;
                while (reorderRangesLength < reorderCodesLength &&
                       (reorderCodes[reorderCodesLength - reorderRangesLength - 1] & 0xffff0000) != 0)
                Debug.Assert(reorderRangesLength < reorderCodesLength);
                reorderCodesLength -= reorderRangesLength;
                reorderCodes       = new int[0];
                reorderCodesLength = 0;
                ICUBinary.SkipBytes(inBytes, length);

            // There should be a reorder table only if there are reorder codes.
            // However, when there are reorder codes the reorder table may be omitted to reduce
            // the data size.
            byte[] reorderTable = null;
            index  = IX_REORDER_TABLE_OFFSET;
            offset = inIndexes[index];
            length = inIndexes[index + 1] - offset;
            if (length >= 256)
                if (reorderCodesLength == 0)
                    throw new ICUException("Reordering table without reordering codes");
                reorderTable = new byte[256];
                length -= 256;
                // If we have reorder codes, then build the reorderTable at the end,
                // when the CollationData is otherwise complete.
            ICUBinary.SkipBytes(inBytes, length);

            if (baseData != null && baseData.numericPrimary != (inIndexes[IX_OPTIONS] & 0xff000000L))
                throw new ICUException("Tailoring numeric primary weight differs from base data");
            CollationData data = null;  // Remains null if there are no mappings.

            index  = IX_TRIE_OFFSET;
            offset = inIndexes[index];
            length = inIndexes[index + 1] - offset;
            if (length >= 8)
                data                = tailoring.OwnedData;
                data.Base           = baseData;
                data.numericPrimary = inIndexes[IX_OPTIONS] & 0xff000000L;
                data.trie           = tailoring.Trie = Trie2_32.CreateFromSerialized(inBytes);
                int trieLength = data.trie.GetSerializedLength();
                if (trieLength > length)
                    throw new ICUException("Not enough bytes for the mappings trie");  // No mappings.
                length -= trieLength;
            else if (baseData != null)
                // Use the base data. Only the settings are tailored.
                tailoring.Data = baseData;
                throw new ICUException("Missing collation data mappings");  // No mappings.
            ICUBinary.SkipBytes(inBytes, length);

            index  = IX_RESERVED8_OFFSET;
            offset = inIndexes[index];
            length = inIndexes[index + 1] - offset;
            ICUBinary.SkipBytes(inBytes, length);

            index  = IX_CES_OFFSET;
            offset = inIndexes[index];
            length = inIndexes[index + 1] - offset;
            if (length >= 8)
                if (data == null)
                    throw new ICUException("Tailored ces without tailored trie");
                data.ces = ICUBinary.GetLongs(inBytes, length / 8, length & 7);
                ICUBinary.SkipBytes(inBytes, length);

            index  = IX_RESERVED10_OFFSET;
            offset = inIndexes[index];
            length = inIndexes[index + 1] - offset;
            ICUBinary.SkipBytes(inBytes, length);

            index  = IX_CE32S_OFFSET;
            offset = inIndexes[index];
            length = inIndexes[index + 1] - offset;
            if (length >= 4)
                if (data == null)
                    throw new ICUException("Tailored ce32s without tailored trie");
                data.ce32s = ICUBinary.GetInts(inBytes, length / 4, length & 3);
                ICUBinary.SkipBytes(inBytes, length);

            int jamoCE32sStart = inIndexes[IX_JAMO_CE32S_START];

            if (jamoCE32sStart >= 0)
                if (data == null || data.ce32s == null)
                    throw new ICUException("JamoCE32sStart index into non-existent ce32s[]");
                data.jamoCE32s = new int[CollationData.JAMO_CE32S_LENGTH];
                // ICU4N specific - added extension method to IList<T> to handle "copy to"
                data.ce32s.CopyTo(jamoCE32sStart, data.jamoCE32s, 0, CollationData.JAMO_CE32S_LENGTH);
            else if (data == null)
                // Nothing to do.
            else if (baseData != null)
                data.jamoCE32s = baseData.jamoCE32s;
                throw new ICUException("Missing Jamo CE32s for Hangul processing");

            index  = IX_ROOT_ELEMENTS_OFFSET;
            offset = inIndexes[index];
            length = inIndexes[index + 1] - offset;
            if (length >= 4)
                int rootElementsLength = length / 4;
                if (data == null)
                    throw new ICUException("Root elements but no mappings");
                if (rootElementsLength <= CollationRootElements.IX_SEC_TER_BOUNDARIES)
                    throw new ICUException("Root elements array too short");
                data.rootElements = new long[rootElementsLength];
                for (int i = 0; i < rootElementsLength; ++i)
                    data.rootElements[i] = inBytes.GetInt32() & 0xffffffffL;  // unsigned int -> long
                long commonSecTer = data.rootElements[CollationRootElements.IX_COMMON_SEC_AND_TER_CE];
                if (commonSecTer != Collation.COMMON_SEC_AND_TER_CE)
                    throw new ICUException("Common sec/ter weights in base data differ from the hardcoded value");
                long secTerBoundaries = data.rootElements[CollationRootElements.IX_SEC_TER_BOUNDARIES];
                if ((secTerBoundaries.TripleShift(24)) < CollationKeys.SEC_COMMON_HIGH)
                    // [fixed last secondary common byte] is too low,
                    // and secondary weights would collide with compressed common secondaries.
                    throw new ICUException("[fixed last secondary common byte] is too low");
                length &= 3;
            ICUBinary.SkipBytes(inBytes, length);

            index  = IX_CONTEXTS_OFFSET;
            offset = inIndexes[index];
            length = inIndexes[index + 1] - offset;
            if (length >= 2)
                if (data == null)
                    throw new ICUException("Tailored contexts without tailored trie");
                data.contexts = ICUBinary.GetString(inBytes, length / 2, length & 1);
                ICUBinary.SkipBytes(inBytes, length);

            index  = IX_UNSAFE_BWD_OFFSET;
            offset = inIndexes[index];
            length = inIndexes[index + 1] - offset;
            if (length >= 2)
                if (data == null)
                    throw new ICUException("Unsafe-backward-set but no mappings");
                if (baseData == null)
                    // Create the unsafe-backward set for the root collator.
                    // Include all non-zero combining marks and trail surrogates.
                    // We do this at load time, rather than at build time,
                    // to simplify Unicode version bootstrapping:
                    // The root data builder only needs the new FractionalUCA.txt data,
                    // but it need not be built with a version of ICU already updated to
                    // the corresponding new Unicode Character Database.
                    // The following is an optimized version of
                    // new UnicodeSet("[[:^lccc=0:][\\udc00-\\udfff]]").
                    // It is faster and requires fewer code dependencies.
                    tailoring.UnsafeBackwardSet = new UnicodeSet(0xdc00, 0xdfff);  // trail surrogates
                    // Clone the root collator's set contents.
                    tailoring.UnsafeBackwardSet = baseData.unsafeBackwardSet.CloneAsThawed();
                // Add the ranges from the data file to the unsafe-backward set.
                USerializedSet sset       = new USerializedSet();
                char[]         unsafeData = ICUBinary.GetChars(inBytes, length / 2, length & 1);
                length = 0;
                sset.GetSet(unsafeData, 0);
                int   count = sset.CountRanges();
                int[] range = new int[2];
                for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                    sset.GetRange(i, range);
                    tailoring.UnsafeBackwardSet.Add(range[0], range[1]);
                // Mark each lead surrogate as "unsafe"
                // if any of its 1024 associated supplementary code points is "unsafe".
                int c = 0x10000;
                for (int lead = 0xd800; lead < 0xdc00; ++lead, c += 0x400)
                    if (!tailoring.UnsafeBackwardSet.ContainsNone(c, c + 0x3ff))
                data.unsafeBackwardSet = tailoring.UnsafeBackwardSet;
            else if (data == null)
                // Nothing to do.
            else if (baseData != null)
                // No tailoring-specific data: Alias the root collator's set.
                data.unsafeBackwardSet = baseData.unsafeBackwardSet;
                throw new ICUException("Missing unsafe-backward-set");
            ICUBinary.SkipBytes(inBytes, length);

            // If the fast Latin format version is different,
            // or the version is set to 0 for "no fast Latin table",
            // then just always use the normal string comparison path.
            index  = IX_FAST_LATIN_TABLE_OFFSET;
            offset = inIndexes[index];
            length = inIndexes[index + 1] - offset;
            if (data != null)
                data.fastLatinTable       = null;
                data.fastLatinTableHeader = null;
                if (((inIndexes[IX_OPTIONS] >> 16) & 0xff) == CollationFastLatin.VERSION)
                    if (length >= 2)
                        char header0      = inBytes.GetChar();
                        int  headerLength = header0 & 0xff;
                        data.fastLatinTableHeader    = new char[headerLength];
                        data.fastLatinTableHeader[0] = header0;
                        for (int i = 1; i < headerLength; ++i)
                            data.fastLatinTableHeader[i] = inBytes.GetChar();
                        int tableLength = length / 2 - headerLength;
                        data.fastLatinTable = ICUBinary.GetChars(inBytes, tableLength, length & 1);
                        length = 0;
                        if ((header0 >> 8) != CollationFastLatin.VERSION)
                            throw new ICUException("Fast-Latin table version differs from version in data header");
                    else if (baseData != null)
                        data.fastLatinTable       = baseData.fastLatinTable;
                        data.fastLatinTableHeader = baseData.fastLatinTableHeader;
            ICUBinary.SkipBytes(inBytes, length);

            index  = IX_SCRIPTS_OFFSET;
            offset = inIndexes[index];
            length = inIndexes[index + 1] - offset;
            if (length >= 2)
                if (data == null)
                    throw new ICUException("Script order data but no mappings");
                int        scriptsLength = length / 2;
                CharBuffer inChars       = inBytes.AsCharBuffer();
                data.numScripts = inChars.Get();
                // There must be enough entries for both arrays, including more than two range starts.
                int scriptStartsLength = scriptsLength - (1 + data.numScripts + 16);
                if (scriptStartsLength <= 2)
                    throw new ICUException("Script order data too short");
                inChars.Get(data.scriptsIndex = new char[data.numScripts + 16]);
                inChars.Get(data.scriptStarts = new char[scriptStartsLength]);
                if (!(data.scriptStarts[0] == 0 &&
                      data.scriptStarts[1] == ((Collation.MERGE_SEPARATOR_BYTE + 1) << 8) &&
                      data.scriptStarts[scriptStartsLength - 1] ==
                      (Collation.TRAIL_WEIGHT_BYTE << 8)))
                    throw new ICUException("Script order data not valid");
            else if (data == null)
                // Nothing to do.
            else if (baseData != null)
                data.numScripts   = baseData.numScripts;
                data.scriptsIndex = baseData.scriptsIndex;
                data.scriptStarts = baseData.scriptStarts;
            ICUBinary.SkipBytes(inBytes, length);

            index  = IX_COMPRESSIBLE_BYTES_OFFSET;
            offset = inIndexes[index];
            length = inIndexes[index + 1] - offset;
            if (length >= 256)
                if (data == null)
                    throw new ICUException("Data for compressible primary lead bytes but no mappings");
                data.compressibleBytes = new bool[256];
                for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
                    data.compressibleBytes[i] = inBytes.Get() != 0;
                length -= 256;
            else if (data == null)
                // Nothing to do.
            else if (baseData != null)
                data.compressibleBytes = baseData.compressibleBytes;
                throw new ICUException("Missing data for compressible primary lead bytes");
            ICUBinary.SkipBytes(inBytes, length);

            index  = IX_RESERVED18_OFFSET;
            offset = inIndexes[index];
            length = inIndexes[index + 1] - offset;
            ICUBinary.SkipBytes(inBytes, length);

            CollationSettings ts = tailoring.Settings.ReadOnly;
            int options          = inIndexes[IX_OPTIONS] & 0xffff;

            char[] fastLatinPrimaries = new char[CollationFastLatin.LATIN_LIMIT];
            int    fastLatinOptions   = CollationFastLatin.GetOptions(
                tailoring.Data, ts, fastLatinPrimaries);

            if (options == ts.Options && ts.VariableTop != 0 &&
                Arrays.Equals(reorderCodes, ts.ReorderCodes) &&
                fastLatinOptions == ts.FastLatinOptions &&
                (fastLatinOptions < 0 ||
                 Arrays.Equals(fastLatinPrimaries, ts.FastLatinPrimaries)))

            CollationSettings settings = tailoring.Settings.CopyOnWrite();

            settings.Options = options;
            // Set variableTop from options and scripts data.
            settings.VariableTop = tailoring.Data.GetLastPrimaryForGroup(
                ReorderCodes.First + settings.MaxVariable);
            if (settings.VariableTop == 0)
                throw new ICUException("The maxVariable could not be mapped to a variableTop");

            if (reorderCodesLength != 0)
                settings.AliasReordering(baseData, reorderCodes, reorderCodesLength, reorderTable);

            settings.FastLatinOptions = CollationFastLatin.GetOptions(
                tailoring.Data, settings,
Exemplo n.º 12
        private static BreakIterator CreateBreakInstance(ULocale locale, int kind)
            RuleBasedBreakIterator iter = null;
            ICUResourceBundle      rb   = ICUResourceBundle.
                                          GetBundleInstance(ICUData.ICU_BRKITR_BASE_NAME, locale,

            //  Get the binary rules.
            ByteBuffer bytes      = null;
            string     typeKeyExt = null;

            if (kind == BreakIterator.KIND_LINE)
                string lbKeyValue = locale.GetKeywordValue("lb");
                if (lbKeyValue != null && (lbKeyValue.Equals("strict") || lbKeyValue.Equals("normal") || lbKeyValue.Equals("loose")))
                    typeKeyExt = "_" + lbKeyValue;

                string typeKey       = (typeKeyExt == null) ? KIND_NAMES[kind] : KIND_NAMES[kind] + typeKeyExt;
                string brkfname      = rb.GetStringWithFallback("boundaries/" + typeKey);
                string rulesFileName = ICUData.ICU_BRKITR_NAME + '/' + brkfname;
                bytes = ICUBinary.GetData(rulesFileName);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new MissingManifestResourceException(e.ToString(), e /*, "", ""*/);

            // Create a normal RuleBasedBreakIterator.
#pragma warning disable 612, 618
                iter = RuleBasedBreakIterator.GetInstanceFromCompiledRules(bytes);
#pragma warning restore 612, 618
            catch (IOException e)
                // Shouldn't be possible to get here.
                // If it happens, the compiled rules are probably corrupted in some way.
            // TODO: Determine valid and actual locale correctly.
            ULocale uloc = ULocale.ForLocale(rb.GetLocale());
            iter.SetLocale(uloc, uloc);
            iter.BreakType = kind;

            // filtered break
            if (kind == BreakIterator.KIND_SENTENCE)
                string ssKeyword = locale.GetKeywordValue("ss");
                if (ssKeyword != null && ssKeyword.Equals("standard"))
                    ULocale @base = new ULocale(locale.GetBaseName());
