public void Update()
            // do we have a current leaderboard?
            if (currentLeaderboard != null)
                // are we currently waiting for a page request to finish?
                if (requestedPage != null)
                    // check if the page request has completed and process accoringly
                    switch (requestedPage.PopulationState)
                        case ICELandaLib.LeaderboardPopulationState.LPS_PENDING:

                            // nothing to do yet...

                        case ICELandaLib.LeaderboardPopulationState.LPS_INVALID:

                            // data request failed - bail out and release requested page so we can try again later!
                            requestedPage = null;

                        case ICELandaLib.LeaderboardPopulationState.LPS_POPULATED:

                            // check to see if we recieved less entries than expected
                            if (requestedPage.Size < 20)
                                // if we recieved less than 20 entries then we must have reached the end of the leaderboard
                                // set no more entries to true so we dont constantly spam the website asking for more entries
                                noMoreEntries = true;

                            // got the data - copy it to our local list
                            for (uint i = 0; i < requestedPage.Size; i ++)
                                ICELandaLib.CoLeaderboardRow row = requestedPage.GetRow(i);
                                entries.Add(new leaderboardEntry(row.Rank.ToString() + " - " + row.UserName, row.Score.ToString()));

                            // increased the number of entries recieved
                            numEntriesReceived += (int)requestedPage.Size;

                            // store the last requested page and release the requested page ready for next time
                            lastRequestedPage = requestedPage;
                            requestedPage = null;