Exemplo n.º 1
        public static ICEFInfraWrapper CreateInfraWrapper(WrappingSupport need, WrappingAction action, bool isNew, object o, ObjectState?initState, IDictionary <string, object> props, IDictionary <string, Type> types)
            // Goal is to provision the lowest overhead object based on need!
            ICEFInfraWrapper infrawrap = null;

            if (action != WrappingAction.NoneOrProvisionedAlready)
                if ((o is INotifyPropertyChanged) || (need & WrappingSupport.Notifications) == 0)
                    if ((need & WrappingSupport.DataErrors) != 0)
                        infrawrap = new DynamicWithValuesBagErrors(o, initState.GetValueOrDefault(isNew ? ObjectState.Added : ObjectState.Unchanged), props, types);
                        if ((need & WrappingSupport.OriginalValues) != 0)
                            infrawrap = new DynamicWithValuesAndBag(o, initState.GetValueOrDefault(isNew ? ObjectState.Added : ObjectState.Unchanged), props, types);
                            infrawrap = new DynamicWithBag(o, props, types);
                    infrawrap = new DynamicWithAll(o, initState.GetValueOrDefault(isNew ? ObjectState.Added : ObjectState.Unchanged), props, types);

Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void InternalNodeVisiter(ICEFInfraWrapper iw, Action <ICEFInfraWrapper> toRun, IDictionary <object, bool> visits)
            if (visits.ContainsKey(iw))

            visits[iw] = true;

            var av     = (from a in iw.GetAllValues() where a.Value != null && !a.Value.GetType().IsValueType&& !a.Value.GetType().FullName.StartsWith("System.") select a).ToList();
            var maxdop = Globals.EnableParallelPropertyParsing && Environment.ProcessorCount > 4 && av.Count() > Environment.ProcessorCount ? Environment.ProcessorCount >> 2 : 1;

            Parallel.ForEach(av, new ParallelOptions()
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = maxdop
            }, (kvp) =>
                var asEnum = kvp.Value as IEnumerable;

                if (asEnum != null)
                    var sValEnum = asEnum.GetEnumerator();

                    while (sValEnum.MoveNext())
                        var iw2 = CEF.CurrentServiceScope.GetOrCreateInfra(sValEnum.Current, false);

                        if (iw2 != null)
                            InternalNodeVisiter(iw2, toRun, visits);
                    // If it's a tracked object, recurse
                    var iw2 = CEF.CurrentServiceScope.GetOrCreateInfra(kvp.Value, false);

                    if (iw2 != null)
                        InternalNodeVisiter(iw2, toRun, visits);

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Infrastructure wrappers offer extended information about tracked objects, such as their "row state" (added, modified, etc.).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o">Any object that's tracked within the current service scope.</param>
        /// <param name="canCreate">If false, the object must have an existing infrastructure wrapper or null is returned; if true, a new wrapper can be created.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ICEFInfraWrapper AsInfraWrapped(this object o, bool canCreate = true)
            ICEFInfraWrapper w = CEF.CurrentServiceScope.GetOrCreateInfra(o, canCreate);

            if (w == null && canCreate)
                var t = CEF.CurrentServiceScope.IncludeObjectNonGeneric(o, null);
                if (t != null)
                    w = CEF.CurrentServiceScope.GetOrCreateInfra(t, canCreate);

                if (w == null)
                    throw new CEFInvalidOperationException("Failed to identify wrapper object, current scope may be invalid.");

            return w;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public ICEFInfraWrapper SavePreview(ServiceScope ss, ICEFInfraWrapper saving, ObjectState state, DBSaveSettings settings)
            if (!IsLastUpdatedByDBAssigned && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastUpdatedByField))
                saving.SetValue(LastUpdatedByField, settings?.LastUpdatedBy ?? (ss.Settings.GetLastUpdatedBy ?? GetLastUpdatedBy).Invoke());

            if (!IsLastUpdatedDateDBAssigned && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastUpdatedDateField))
                saving.SetValue(LastUpdatedDateField, GetLastUpdatedDate.Invoke());

            if (state == ObjectState.Added)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(IsDeletedField))
                    saving.SetValue(IsDeletedField, false);

Exemplo n.º 5
 internal ValidationWrapper(ICEFInfraWrapper iw)
     // If contained object implements IDataErrorInfo, support that "first"
     _source   = iw.GetWrappedObject() as IDataErrorInfo;
     _iwsource = iw as IDataErrorInfo;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static void NodeVisiter(ICEFInfraWrapper iw, Action <ICEFInfraWrapper> toRun)
     InternalNodeVisiter(iw, toRun, new ConcurrentDictionary <object, bool>(Globals.DefaultCollectionConcurrencyLevel, Globals.DefaultDictionaryCapacity));