public static Stream AsStream(this IBuffer source)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source));

            byte[] dataArr;
            int    dataOffs;

            if (source.TryGetUnderlyingData(out dataArr, out dataOffs))
                Debug.Assert(source.Capacity < int.MaxValue);
                return(new MemoryStream(dataArr, dataOffs, (int)source.Capacity, true));

                IBufferByteAccess bufferByteAccess = (IBufferByteAccess)source;
                return(new WindowsRuntimeBufferUnmanagedMemoryStream(source, (byte *)bufferByteAccess.GetBuffer()));
Exemplo n.º 2
        unsafe private void ShowMappedBodyFrame(int depthWidth, int depthHeight, IBuffer bodyIndexFrameData, IBufferByteAccess bodyIndexByteAccess)
            bodyIndexByteAccess = (IBufferByteAccess)bodyIndexFrameData;
            byte* bodyIndexBytes = null;
            bodyIndexByteAccess.Buffer(out bodyIndexBytes);

            fixed (DepthSpacePoint* colorMappedToDepthPointsPointer = this.colorMappedToDepthPoints)
                IBufferByteAccess bitmapBackBufferByteAccess = (IBufferByteAccess)this.bitmap.PixelBuffer;

                byte* bitmapBackBufferBytes = null;
                bitmapBackBufferByteAccess.Buffer(out bitmapBackBufferBytes);

                // Treat the color data as 4-byte pixels
                uint* bitmapPixelsPointer = (uint*)bitmapBackBufferBytes;

                // Loop over each row and column of the color image
                // Zero out any pixels that don't correspond to a body index
                int colorMappedLength = this.colorMappedToDepthPoints.Length;
                for (int colorIndex = 0; colorIndex < colorMappedLength; ++colorIndex)
                    float colorMappedToDepthX = colorMappedToDepthPointsPointer[colorIndex].X;
                    float colorMappedToDepthY = colorMappedToDepthPointsPointer[colorIndex].Y;

                    // The sentinel value is -inf, -inf, meaning that no depth pixel corresponds to this color pixel.
                    if (!float.IsNegativeInfinity(colorMappedToDepthX) &&
                        // Make sure the depth pixel maps to a valid point in color space
                        int depthX = (int)(colorMappedToDepthX + 0.5f);
                        int depthY = (int)(colorMappedToDepthY + 0.5f);

                        // If the point is not valid, there is no body index there.
                        if ((depthX >= 0) && (depthX < depthWidth) && (depthY >= 0) && (depthY < depthHeight))
                            int depthIndex = (depthY * depthWidth) + depthX;

                            // If we are tracking a body for the current pixel, do not zero out the pixel
                            if (bodyIndexBytes[depthIndex] != 0xff)
                                // this bodyIndexByte is good and is a body, loop again.
                    // this pixel does not correspond to a body so make it black and transparent
                    bitmapPixelsPointer[colorIndex] = 0;

            FrameDisplayImage.Source = this.bitmap;

Exemplo n.º 3
        unsafe private void ShowMappedBodyFrame(int depthWidth, int depthHeight, IBuffer bodyIndexFrameData, IBufferByteAccess bodyIndexByteAccess)
            bodyIndexByteAccess = (IBufferByteAccess)bodyIndexFrameData;
            byte *bodyIndexBytes = null;

            bodyIndexByteAccess.Buffer(out bodyIndexBytes);

            fixed(DepthSpacePoint *colorMappedToDepthPointsPointer = this.colorMappedToDepthPoints)
                IBufferByteAccess bitmapBackBufferByteAccess = (IBufferByteAccess)this.bitmap.PixelBuffer;

                byte *bitmapBackBufferBytes = null;

                bitmapBackBufferByteAccess.Buffer(out bitmapBackBufferBytes);

                // Treat the color data as 4-byte pixels
                uint *bitmapPixelsPointer = (uint *)bitmapBackBufferBytes;

                // Loop over each row and column of the color image
                // Zero out any pixels that don't correspond to a body index
                int colorMappedLength = this.colorMappedToDepthPoints.Length;

                for (int colorIndex = 0; colorIndex < colorMappedLength; ++colorIndex)
                    float colorMappedToDepthX = colorMappedToDepthPointsPointer[colorIndex].X;
                    float colorMappedToDepthY = colorMappedToDepthPointsPointer[colorIndex].Y;

                    // The sentinel value is -inf, -inf, meaning that no depth pixel corresponds to this color pixel.
                    if (!float.IsNegativeInfinity(colorMappedToDepthX) &&
                        // Make sure the depth pixel maps to a valid point in color space
                        int depthX = (int)(colorMappedToDepthX + 0.5f);
                        int depthY = (int)(colorMappedToDepthY + 0.5f);

                        // If the point is not valid, there is no body index there.
                        if ((depthX >= 0) && (depthX < depthWidth) && (depthY >= 0) && (depthY < depthHeight))
                            int depthIndex = (depthY * depthWidth) + depthX;

                            // If we are tracking a body for the current pixel, do not zero out the pixel
                            if (bodyIndexBytes[depthIndex] != 0xff)
                                // this bodyIndexByte is good and is a body, loop again.
                    // this pixel does not correspond to a body so make it black and transparent
                    bitmapPixelsPointer[colorIndex] = 0;

            FrameDisplayImage.Source = this.bitmap;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void Reader_MultiSourceFrameArrived(MultiSourceFrameReader sender, MultiSourceFrameArrivedEventArgs e)
            MultiSourceFrame multiSourceFrame = e.FrameReference.AcquireFrame();

            // If the Frame has expired by the time we process this event, return.
            if (multiSourceFrame == null)
            DepthFrame     depthFrame           = null;
            ColorFrame     colorFrame           = null;
            InfraredFrame  infraredFrame        = null;
            BodyFrame      bodyFrame            = null;
            BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame       = null;
            IBuffer        depthFrameDataBuffer = null;
            IBuffer        bodyIndexFrameData   = null;
            // Com interface for unsafe byte manipulation
            IBufferByteAccess bufferByteAccess = null;

            switch (CurrentDisplayFrameType)
            case DisplayFrameType.Infrared:
                using (infraredFrame = multiSourceFrame.InfraredFrameReference.AcquireFrame())

            case DisplayFrameType.Color:
                using (colorFrame = multiSourceFrame.ColorFrameReference.AcquireFrame())

            case DisplayFrameType.Depth:
                using (depthFrame = multiSourceFrame.DepthFrameReference.AcquireFrame())

            case DisplayFrameType.BodyMask:
                // Put in a try catch to utilise finally() and clean up frames
                    depthFrame     = multiSourceFrame.DepthFrameReference.AcquireFrame();
                    bodyIndexFrame = multiSourceFrame.BodyIndexFrameReference.AcquireFrame();
                    colorFrame     = multiSourceFrame.ColorFrameReference.AcquireFrame();
                    if ((depthFrame == null) || (colorFrame == null) || (bodyIndexFrame == null))

                    // Access the depth frame data directly via LockImageBuffer to avoid making a copy
                    depthFrameDataBuffer = depthFrame.LockImageBuffer();
                    this.coordinateMapper.MapColorFrameToDepthSpaceUsingIBuffer(depthFrameDataBuffer, this.colorMappedToDepthPoints);
                    // Process Color
                    colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToBuffer(this.bitmap.PixelBuffer, ColorImageFormat.Bgra);
                    // Access the body index frame data directly via LockImageBuffer to avoid making a copy
                    bodyIndexFrameData = bodyIndexFrame.LockImageBuffer();
                    ShowMappedBodyFrame(depthFrame.FrameDescription.Width, depthFrame.FrameDescription.Height, bodyIndexFrameData, bufferByteAccess);
                    if (depthFrame != null)
                    if (colorFrame != null)
                    if (bodyIndexFrame != null)

                    if (depthFrameDataBuffer != null)
                        // We must force a release of the IBuffer in order to ensure that we have dropped all references to it.
                    if (bodyIndexFrameData != null)
                    if (bufferByteAccess != null)

            case DisplayFrameType.BodyJoints:
                using (bodyFrame = multiSourceFrame.BodyFrameReference.AcquireFrame())

            case DisplayFrameType.BackgroundRemoved:
                // Put in a try catch to utilise finally() and clean up frames
                    depthFrame = multiSourceFrame.DepthFrameReference.AcquireFrame();
                    colorFrame = multiSourceFrame.ColorFrameReference.AcquireFrame();
                    if ((depthFrame == null) || (colorFrame == null))
                    this.coordinateMapper.MapColorFrameToDepthSpace(depthFrameData, this.colorMappedToDepthPoints);
                    // Process Color.
                    colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToBuffer(this.bitmap.PixelBuffer, ColorImageFormat.Bgra);

                    ShowMappedColorBackgroundRemoved(colorMappedToDepthPoints, depthFrameData, depthFrame.FrameDescription);
                    if (depthFrame != null)
                    if (colorFrame != null)

        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the depth/color/body index frame data arriving from the sensor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">object sending the event</param>
        /// <param name="e">event arguments</param>
        private void Reader_MultiSourceFrameArrived(object sender, MultiSourceFrameArrivedEventArgs e)
            int depthWidth  = 0;
            int depthHeight = 0;

            DepthFrame depthFrame     = null;
            IBuffer    depthFrameData = null;

            ColorFrame colorFrame = null;

            BodyIndexFrame    bodyIndexFrame      = null;
            IBuffer           bodyIndexFrameData  = null;
            IBufferByteAccess bodyIndexByteAccess = null;

            MultiSourceFrame multiSourceFrame = e.FrameReference.AcquireFrame();

            // If the Frame has expired by the time we process this event, return.
            if (multiSourceFrame == null)

            // We use a try/finally to ensure that we clean up before we exit the function.
            // This includes calling Dispose on any Frame objects that we may have and unlocking the bitmap back buffer.
                depthFrame     = multiSourceFrame.DepthFrameReference.AcquireFrame();
                colorFrame     = multiSourceFrame.ColorFrameReference.AcquireFrame();
                bodyIndexFrame = multiSourceFrame.BodyIndexFrameReference.AcquireFrame();

                // If any frame has expired by the time we process this event, return.
                // The "finally" statement will Dispose any that are not null.
                if ((depthFrame == null) || (colorFrame == null) || (bodyIndexFrame == null))

                // Process Depth
                FrameDescription depthFrameDescription = depthFrame.FrameDescription;

                depthWidth  = depthFrameDescription.Width;
                depthHeight = depthFrameDescription.Height;

                // Access the depth frame data directly via LockImageBuffer to avoid making a copy
                depthFrameData = depthFrame.LockImageBuffer();

                this.coordinateMapper.MapColorFrameToDepthSpaceUsingIBuffer(depthFrameData, this.colorMappedToDepthPoints);

                // We're done with the DepthFrame
                depthFrame = null;

                // We must force a release of the IBuffer in order to ensure that we have dropped all references to it.
                depthFrameData = null;

                // Process Color
                colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToBuffer(this.bitmap.PixelBuffer, ColorImageFormat.Bgra);

                // We're done with the ColorFrame
                colorFrame = null;

                FrameDescription bodyIndexFrameDescription = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription;

                // Access the body index frame data directly via LockImageBuffer to avoid making a copy
                bodyIndexFrameData = bodyIndexFrame.LockImageBuffer();

                int colorMappedToDepthPointCount = this.colorMappedToDepthPoints.Length;

                    bodyIndexByteAccess = (IBufferByteAccess)bodyIndexFrameData;
                    byte *bodyIndexBytes = null;
                    bodyIndexByteAccess.Buffer(out bodyIndexBytes);

                    fixed(DepthSpacePoint *colorMappedToDepthPointsPointer = this.colorMappedToDepthPoints)
                        IBufferByteAccess bitmapBackBufferByteAccess = (IBufferByteAccess)this.bitmap.PixelBuffer;

                        byte *bitmapBackBufferBytes = null;

                        bitmapBackBufferByteAccess.Buffer(out bitmapBackBufferBytes);

                        // Treat the color data as 4-byte pixels
                        uint *bitmapPixelsPointer = (uint *)bitmapBackBufferBytes;

                        // Loop over each row and column of the color image
                        // Zero out any pixels that don't correspond to a body index
                        for (int colorIndex = 0; colorIndex < colorMappedToDepthPointCount; ++colorIndex)
                            float colorMappedToDepthX = colorMappedToDepthPointsPointer[colorIndex].X;
                            float colorMappedToDepthY = colorMappedToDepthPointsPointer[colorIndex].Y;

                            // The sentinel value is -inf, -inf, meaning that no depth pixel corresponds to this color pixel.
                            if (!float.IsNegativeInfinity(colorMappedToDepthX) &&
                                // Make sure the depth pixel maps to a valid point in color space
                                int depthX = (int)(colorMappedToDepthX + 0.5f);
                                int depthY = (int)(colorMappedToDepthY + 0.5f);

                                // If the point is not valid, there is no body index there.
                                if ((depthX >= 0) && (depthX < depthWidth) && (depthY >= 0) && (depthY < depthHeight))
                                    int depthIndex = (depthY * depthWidth) + depthX;

                                    // If we are tracking a body for the current pixel, do not zero out the pixel
                                    if (bodyIndexBytes[depthIndex] != 0xff)

                            bitmapPixelsPointer[colorIndex] = 0;

                if (depthFrame != null)

                if (depthFrameData != null)
                    // We must force a release of the IBuffer in order to ensure that we have dropped all references to it.

                if (colorFrame != null)

                if (bodyIndexFrame != null)

                if (bodyIndexFrameData != null)
                    // We must force a release of the IBuffer in order to ensure that we have dropped all references to it.

                if (bodyIndexByteAccess != null)
                    // We must force a release of the IBuffer in order to ensure that we have dropped all references to it.