Exemplo n.º 1
 public RenderVoxels(Actor self, RenderVoxelsInfo info)
     this.self   = self;
     this.info   = info;
     body        = self.Trait <IBodyOrientation>();
     camera      = new WRot(WAngle.Zero, body.CameraPitch - new WAngle(256), new WAngle(256));
     lightSource = new WRot(WAngle.Zero, new WAngle(256) - info.LightPitch, info.LightYaw);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public WithCargo(Actor self, WithCargoInfo info)
            cargo     = self.Trait <Cargo>();
            facing    = self.TraitOrDefault <IFacing>();
            cargoInfo = info;

            body = self.Trait <IBodyOrientation>();
Exemplo n.º 3
        public Contrail(Actor self, ContrailInfo info)
            this.info = info;

            var color = info.UsePlayerColor ? ContrailRenderable.ChooseColor(self) : info.Color;

            trail = new ContrailRenderable(self.World, color, info.TrailLength, 0, 0);

            body = self.Trait <IBodyOrientation>();
Exemplo n.º 4
        public WithVoxelTurret(Actor self, WithVoxelTurretInfo info)
            this.self = self;
            body      = self.Trait <IBodyOrientation>();
            turreted  = self.TraitsImplementing <Turreted>()
                        .First(tt => tt.Name == info.Turret);

            var rv = self.Trait <RenderVoxels>();

            rv.Add(new VoxelAnimation(VoxelProvider.GetVoxel(rv.Image, info.Sequence),
                                      () => turreted.Position(self), () => TurretRotation(),
                                      () => false, () => 0));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public WithCargo(Actor self, WithCargoInfo info)
            cargo     = self.Trait <Cargo>();
            facing    = self.TraitOrDefault <IFacing>();
            cargoInfo = info;

            body = self.Trait <IBodyOrientation>();

            if (info.LocalOffset.Length == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("LocalOffset must have at least one entry");
Exemplo n.º 6
        public WithVoxelBarrel(Actor self, WithVoxelBarrelInfo info)
            this.self = self;
            this.info = info;
            body      = self.Trait <IBodyOrientation>();
            armament  = self.TraitsImplementing <Armament>()
                        .First(a => a.Info.Name == info.Armament);
            turreted = self.TraitsImplementing <Turreted>()
                       .First(tt => tt.Name == armament.Info.Turret);

            var rv = self.Trait <RenderVoxels>();

            rv.Add(new VoxelAnimation(VoxelProvider.GetVoxel(rv.Image, info.Sequence),
                                      BarrelOffset, BarrelRotation,
                                      () => false, () => 0));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public WithCargo(Actor self, WithCargoInfo info)
            cargo     = self.Trait <Cargo>();
            facing    = self.TraitOrDefault <IFacing>();
            cargoInfo = info;

            body = self.Trait <IBodyOrientation>();

            if (info.LocalOffset.Length % 3 != 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid LocalOffset array length");

            positions = new WVec[info.LocalOffset.Length / 3];
            for (var i = 0; i < info.LocalOffset.Length / 3; i++)
                positions[i] = new WVec(info.LocalOffset[3 * i], info.LocalOffset[3 * i + 1], info.LocalOffset[3 * i + 2]);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public WithTurret(Actor self, WithTurretInfo info)
            : base(info)
            rs     = self.Trait <RenderSprites>();
            body   = self.Trait <IBodyOrientation>();
            Attack = self.TraitOrDefault <AttackBase>();
            t      = self.TraitsImplementing <Turreted>()
                     .First(tt => tt.Name == info.Turret);
            arms = self.TraitsImplementing <Armament>()
                   .Where(w => w.Info.Turret == info.Turret).ToArray();

            DefaultAnimation = new Animation(self.World, rs.GetImage(self), () => t.TurretFacing);
            DefaultAnimation.PlayRepeating(NormalizeSequence(self, info.Sequence));
            rs.Add(new AnimationWithOffset(
                       DefaultAnimation, () => TurretOffset(self), () => IsTraitDisabled, () => false, p => ZOffsetFromCenter(self, p, 1)));

            // Restrict turret facings to match the sprite
            t.QuantizedFacings = DefaultAnimation.CurrentSequence.Facings;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public WithTurret(Actor self, WithTurretInfo info)
            this.info = info;
            rs        = self.Trait <RenderSprites>();
            body      = self.Trait <IBodyOrientation>();

            ab = self.TraitOrDefault <AttackBase>();
            t  = self.TraitsImplementing <Turreted>()
                 .First(tt => tt.Name == info.Turret);
            arms = self.TraitsImplementing <Armament>()
                   .Where(w => w.Info.Turret == info.Turret);

            anim = new Animation(rs.GetImage(self), () => t.turretFacing);
            rs.anims.Add("turret_{0}".F(info.Turret), new AnimationWithOffset(
                             anim, () => TurretOffset(self), null, p => ZOffsetFromCenter(self, p, 1)));

            // Restrict turret facings to match the sprite
            t.QuantizedFacings = anim.CurrentSequence.Facings;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public WithBarrel(Actor self, WithBarrelInfo info)
            this.self = self;
            this.info = info;
            body      = self.Trait <IBodyOrientation>();
            armament  = self.TraitsImplementing <Armament>()
                        .First(a => a.Info.Name == info.Armament);
            turreted = self.TraitsImplementing <Turreted>()
                       .First(tt => tt.Name == armament.Info.Turret);

            var rs = self.Trait <RenderSprites>();

            anim = new Animation(self.World, rs.GetImage(self), () => turreted.TurretFacing);
            rs.Add(new AnimationWithOffset(
                       anim, () => BarrelOffset(), null, () => false, p => WithTurret.ZOffsetFromCenter(self, p, 0)));

            // Restrict turret facings to match the sprite
            turreted.QuantizedFacings = anim.CurrentSequence.Facings;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public NukePower(Actor self, NukePowerInfo info)
     : base(self, info)
     body      = self.Trait <IBodyOrientation>();
     this.info = info;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public SmokeTrailWhenDamaged(Actor self, SmokeTrailWhenDamagedInfo info)
     this.info = info;
     body      = self.Trait <IBodyOrientation>();
Exemplo n.º 13
 public void Created(Actor self)
     attack = self.TraitOrDefault <AttackTurreted>();
     facing = self.TraitOrDefault <IFacing>();
     body   = self.Trait <IBodyOrientation>();