public BlockHeader FindHeader(Keccak blockHash, bool mainChainOnly)
     return(_wrapped.FindHeader(blockHash, mainChainOnly));
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void RunBloomMigration(CancellationToken token)
            BlockHeader GetMissingBlockHeader(long i)
                if (_logger.IsWarn)
                    _logger.Warn(GetLogMessage("warning", $"Header for block {i} not found. Logs will not be searchable for this block."));

            if (_context.BloomStorage == null)
                throw new StepDependencyException(nameof(_context.BloomStorage));
            if (_context.BlockTree == null)
                throw new StepDependencyException(nameof(_context.BlockTree));
            if (_context.ChainLevelInfoRepository == null)
                throw new StepDependencyException(nameof(_context.ChainLevelInfoRepository));

            IBlockTree    blockTree = _context.BlockTree;
            IBloomStorage storage   = _context.BloomStorage;
            long          to        = MinBlockNumber;
            long          synced    = storage.MigratedBlockNumber + 1;
            long          from      = synced;

            _migrateCount = to + 1;
            _averages     = _context.BloomStorage.Averages.ToArray();
            var chainLevelInfoRepository = _context.ChainLevelInfoRepository;


            if (_logger.IsInfo)

            using (var timer = new Timer(1000)
                Enabled = true
                timer.Elapsed += (ElapsedEventHandler)((o, e) =>
                    if (_logger.IsInfo)
                        _logger.Info(GetLogMessage("in progress"));


                IEnumerable <BlockHeader> GetHeadersForMigration()
                    bool TryGetMainChainBlockHashFromLevel(long number, out Keccak?blockHash)
                        using var batch = chainLevelInfoRepository.StartBatch();
                        var level = chainLevelInfoRepository.LoadLevel(number);

                        if (level != null)
                            if (!level.HasBlockOnMainChain)
                                if (level.BlockInfos.Length > 0)
                                    level.HasBlockOnMainChain = true;
                                    chainLevelInfoRepository.PersistLevel(number, level, batch);

                            blockHash = level.MainChainBlock?.BlockHash;
                            return(blockHash != null);
                            blockHash = null;

                    for (long i = from; i <= to; i++)
                        if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
                            if (_logger.IsInfo)
                            yield break;

                        if (TryGetMainChainBlockHashFromLevel(i, out var blockHash))
                            var header = blockTree.FindHeader(blockHash, BlockTreeLookupOptions.None);
                            yield return(header ?? GetMissingBlockHeader(i));
                            yield return(GetMissingBlockHeader(i));


            if (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
                if (_logger.IsInfo)
Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <long> DownloadHeaders(PeerInfo bestPeer, BlocksRequest blocksRequest, CancellationToken cancellation)
            if (bestPeer == null)
                string message = $"Not expecting best peer to be null inside the {nameof(BlockDownloader)}";
                throw new ArgumentNullException(message);

            int headersSynced       = 0;
            int ancestorLookupLevel = 0;

            long currentNumber = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(_blockTree.BestKnownNumber, bestPeer.HeadNumber - 1));

            while (bestPeer.TotalDifficulty > (_blockTree.BestSuggestedHeader?.TotalDifficulty ?? 0) && currentNumber <= bestPeer.HeadNumber)
                int headersSyncedInPreviousRequests = headersSynced;
                if (_logger.IsTrace)
                    _logger.Trace($"Continue headers sync with {bestPeer} (our best {_blockTree.BestKnownNumber})");

                long blocksLeft       = bestPeer.HeadNumber - currentNumber - (blocksRequest.NumberOfLatestBlocksToBeIgnored ?? 0);
                int  headersToRequest = (int)Math.Min(blocksLeft + 1, _syncBatchSize.Current);
                if (headersToRequest <= 1)

                if (_logger.IsDebug)
                    _logger.Debug($"Headers request {currentNumber}+{headersToRequest} to peer {bestPeer} with {bestPeer.HeadNumber} blocks. Got {currentNumber} and asking for {headersToRequest} more.");
                BlockHeader[] headers = await RequestHeaders(bestPeer, cancellation, currentNumber, headersToRequest);

                BlockHeader?startingPoint = headers[0] == null ? null : _blockTree.FindHeader(headers[0].Hash, BlockTreeLookupOptions.TotalDifficultyNotNeeded);
                if (startingPoint == null)
                    if (ancestorLookupLevel >= _ancestorJumps.Length)
                        if (_logger.IsWarn)
                            _logger.Warn($"Could not find common ancestor with {bestPeer}");
                        throw new EthSyncException("Peer with inconsistent chain in sync");

                    int ancestorJump = _ancestorJumps[ancestorLookupLevel] - _ancestorJumps[ancestorLookupLevel - 1];
                    currentNumber = currentNumber >= ancestorJump ? (currentNumber - ancestorJump) : 0L;

                ancestorLookupLevel = 0;
                if (_sinceLastTimeout >= 2)
                    // if peers are not timing out then we can try to be slightly more eager

                for (int i = 1; i < headers.Length; i++)
                    if (cancellation.IsCancellationRequested)

                    BlockHeader currentHeader = headers[i];
                    if (currentHeader == null)
                        if (headersSynced - headersSyncedInPreviousRequests > 0)

                        SyncPeerPool.ReportNoSyncProgress(bestPeer, AllocationContexts.Blocks);

                    if (_logger.IsTrace)
                        _logger.Trace($"Received {currentHeader} from {bestPeer:s}");
                    bool isValid = i > 1 ? _blockValidator.ValidateHeader(currentHeader, headers[i - 1], false) : _blockValidator.ValidateHeader(currentHeader, false);
                    if (!isValid)
                        throw new EthSyncException($"{bestPeer} sent a block {currentHeader.ToString(BlockHeader.Format.Short)} with an invalid header");

                    // i == 0 is always false but leave it this was as it will be possible that we will change the
                    // loop iterator to start with o
                    if (HandleAddResult(bestPeer, currentHeader, i == 0, _blockTree.Insert(currentHeader)))

                    currentNumber = currentNumber + 1;

                if (headersSynced > 0)
                    _syncReport.FullSyncBlocksDownloaded.Update(_blockTree.BestSuggestedHeader?.Number ?? 0);
                    _syncReport.FullSyncBlocksKnown = bestPeer.HeadNumber;

Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <long> DownloadHeaders(PeerInfo bestPeer, int newBlocksToSkip, CancellationToken cancellation)
            if (bestPeer == null)
                string message = $"Not expecting best peer to be null inside the {nameof(BlockDownloader)}";
                throw new ArgumentNullException(message);

            int headersSynced       = 0;
            int ancestorLookupLevel = 0;

            long currentNumber = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(_blockTree.BestKnownNumber, bestPeer.HeadNumber - 1));

            while (bestPeer.TotalDifficulty > (_blockTree.BestSuggested?.TotalDifficulty ?? 0) && currentNumber <= bestPeer.HeadNumber)
                if (_logger.IsTrace)
                    _logger.Trace($"Continue headers sync with {bestPeer} (our best {_blockTree.BestKnownNumber})");

                if (ancestorLookupLevel > MaxReorganizationLength)
                    if (_logger.IsWarn)
                        _logger.Warn($"Could not find common ancestor with {bestPeer}");
                    throw new EthSynchronizationException("Peer with inconsistent chain in sync");

                long blocksLeft       = bestPeer.HeadNumber - currentNumber - newBlocksToSkip;
                int  headersToRequest = (int)BigInteger.Min(blocksLeft + 1, _syncBatchSize.Current);
                if (headersToRequest <= 1)

                if (_logger.IsTrace)
                    _logger.Trace($"Headers request {currentNumber}+{headersToRequest} to peer {bestPeer} with {bestPeer.HeadNumber} blocks. Got {currentNumber} and asking for {headersToRequest} more.");
                var headers = await RequestHeaders(bestPeer, cancellation, currentNumber, headersToRequest);

                BlockHeader startingPoint = headers[0] == null ? null : _blockTree.FindHeader(headers[0].Hash);
                if (startingPoint == null)
                    ancestorLookupLevel += _syncBatchSize.Current;
                    currentNumber        = currentNumber >= _syncBatchSize.Current ? (currentNumber - _syncBatchSize.Current) : 0L;

                if (_sinceLastTimeout >= 2)

                for (int i = 1; i < headers.Length; i++)
                    if (cancellation.IsCancellationRequested)

                    BlockHeader currentHeader = headers[i];
                    if (currentHeader == null)
                        if (headersSynced > 0)


                    if (_logger.IsTrace)
                        _logger.Trace($"Received {currentHeader} from {bestPeer:s}");
                    if (!_blockValidator.ValidateHeader(currentHeader, false))
                        throw new EthSynchronizationException($"{bestPeer} sent a block {currentHeader.ToString(BlockHeader.Format.Short)} with an invalid header");

                    if (HandleAddResult(currentHeader, i == 0, _blockTree.SuggestHeader(currentHeader)))

                    currentNumber = currentNumber + 1;

                if (headersSynced > 0)
                    _syncStats.ReportBlocksDownload(_blockTree.BestSuggested?.Number ?? 0, bestPeer.HeadNumber);

Exemplo n.º 5
        internal Snapshot GetOrCreateSnapshot(UInt256 number, Keccak hash)
            // Search for a snapshot in memory or on disk for checkpoints
            List <BlockHeader> headers = new List <BlockHeader>();
            Snapshot           snapshot;

            while (true)
                snapshot = GetSnapshot(number, hash);
                if (snapshot != null)

                // If we're at an checkpoint block, make a snapshot if it's known
                BlockHeader header = _blockTree.FindHeader(hash);
                if (header == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown ancestor");

                if (header.Hash == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Block tree block without hash set");

                Keccak parentHash = header.ParentHash;
                if (number == 0 || (IsEpochTransition(number) && _blockTree.FindHeader(parentHash) == null))
                    int signersCount = header.CalculateSignersCount();
                    SortedList <Address, UInt256> signers = new SortedList <Address, UInt256>(signersCount, CliqueAddressComparer.Instance);
                    for (int i = 0; i < signersCount; i++)
                        Address signer = new Address(header.ExtraData.Slice(Clique.ExtraVanityLength + i * AddressLength, AddressLength));
                        signers.Add(signer, UInt256.Zero);

                    snapshot = new Snapshot(_signatures, number, header.Hash, signers);

                // No snapshot for this header, gather the header and move backward
                number = number - 1;
                hash   = header.ParentHash;

            // Previous snapshot found, apply any pending headers on top of it
            for (int i = 0; i < headers.Count / 2; i++)
                BlockHeader temp = headers[headers.Count - 1 - i];
                headers[headers.Count - 1 - i] = headers[i];
                headers[i] = temp;

            for (int i = 0; i < headers.Count; i++)
                headers[i].Author = headers[i].Author ?? GetBlockSealer(headers[i]);

            snapshot = snapshot.Apply(headers, _config.Epoch);

            _recent.Set(snapshot.Hash, snapshot);
            // If we've generated a new checkpoint snapshot, save to disk
            if ((ulong)snapshot.Number % Clique.CheckpointInterval == 0 && headers.Count > 0)

Exemplo n.º 6
        private void Process(Block suggestedBlock, bool forMining)
            if (suggestedBlock.Number != 0 && _blockTree.FindParent(suggestedBlock) == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Got an orphaned block for porcessing.");

            if (suggestedBlock.Header.TotalDifficulty == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("block without total difficulty calculated was suggested for processing");

            if (!forMining && suggestedBlock.Hash == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("block hash should be known at this stage if the block is not mining");

            foreach (BlockHeader ommerHeader in suggestedBlock.Ommers)
                if (ommerHeader.Hash == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("ommer's hash is null when processing block");

            BigInteger totalDifficulty   = suggestedBlock.TotalDifficulty ?? 0;
            BigInteger totalTransactions = suggestedBlock.TotalTransactions ?? 0;

            if (_logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                _logger.Debug($"Total difficulty of block {suggestedBlock.ToString(Block.Format.Short)} is {totalDifficulty}");
                _logger.Debug($"Total transactions of block {suggestedBlock.ToString(Block.Format.Short)} is {totalTransactions}");

            if (totalDifficulty > (_blockTree.Head?.TotalDifficulty ?? 0))
                List <Block> blocksToBeAddedToMain = new List <Block>();
                Block        toBeProcessed         = suggestedBlock;
                    toBeProcessed = toBeProcessed.Number == 0 ? null : _blockTree.FindParent(toBeProcessed);
                    // TODO: need to remove the hardcoded head block store at keccak zero as it would be referenced by the genesis...

                    if (toBeProcessed == null)
                } while (!_blockTree.IsMainChain(toBeProcessed.Hash));

                BlockHeader branchingPoint = toBeProcessed?.Header;
                if (branchingPoint != null && branchingPoint.Hash != _blockTree.Head?.Hash)
                    if (_logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                        _logger.Debug($"Head block was: {_blockTree.Head?.ToString(BlockHeader.Format.Short)}");
                        _logger.Debug($"Branching from: {branchingPoint.ToString(BlockHeader.Format.Short)}");
                    if (_logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                        _logger.Debug(branchingPoint == null ? "Setting as genesis block" : $"Adding on top of {branchingPoint.ToString(BlockHeader.Format.Short)}");

                Keccak stateRoot = branchingPoint?.StateRoot;
                if (_logger.IsTraceEnabled)
                    _logger.Trace($"State root lookup: {stateRoot}");

                List <Block> unprocessedBlocksToBeAddedToMain = new List <Block>();

                foreach (Block block in blocksToBeAddedToMain)
                    if (!forMining && _blockTree.WasProcessed(block.Hash))
                        stateRoot = block.Header.StateRoot;
                        if (_logger.IsTraceEnabled)
                            _logger.Trace($"State root lookup: {stateRoot}");



                Block[] blocks = new Block[unprocessedBlocksToBeAddedToMain.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < unprocessedBlocksToBeAddedToMain.Count; i++)
                    blocks[blocks.Length - i - 1] = unprocessedBlocksToBeAddedToMain[i];

                if (_logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                    _logger.Debug($"Processing {blocks.Length} blocks from state root {stateRoot}");

                //TODO: process blocks one by one here, refactor this, test
                for (int i = 0; i < blocks.Length; i++)
                    if (blocks[i].Transactions.Length > 0 && blocks[i].Transactions[0].SenderAddress == null)
                Block[] processedBlocks = _blockProcessor.Process(stateRoot, blocks, forMining);

                // TODO: lots of unnecessary loading and decoding here, review after adding support for loading headers only
                List <BlockHeader> blocksToBeRemovedFromMain = new List <BlockHeader>();
                if (_blockTree.Head?.Hash != branchingPoint?.Hash && _blockTree.Head != null)
                    BlockHeader teBeRemovedFromMain = _blockTree.FindHeader(_blockTree.Head.ParentHash);
                    while (teBeRemovedFromMain != null && teBeRemovedFromMain.Hash != branchingPoint?.Hash)
                        teBeRemovedFromMain = _blockTree.FindHeader(teBeRemovedFromMain.ParentHash);

                if (!forMining)
                    foreach (Block processedBlock in processedBlocks)
                        if (_logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                            _logger.Debug($"Marking {processedBlock.ToString(Block.Format.Short)} as processed");

                        // TODO: review storage and retrieval of receipts since we removed them from the block class

                    Block newHeadBlock = processedBlocks[processedBlocks.Length - 1];
                    newHeadBlock.Header.TotalDifficulty = suggestedBlock.TotalDifficulty; // TODO: cleanup total difficulty
                    if (_logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                        _logger.Debug($"Setting head block to {newHeadBlock.ToString(Block.Format.Short)}");

                    foreach (BlockHeader blockHeader in blocksToBeRemovedFromMain)
                        if (_logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                            _logger.Debug($"Moving {blockHeader.ToString(BlockHeader.Format.Short)} to branch");

                        // TODO: only for miners
                        //foreach (Transaction transaction in block.Transactions)
                        //    _transactionStore.AddPending(transaction);

                        if (_logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                            _logger.Debug($"Block {blockHeader.ToString(BlockHeader.Format.Short)} moved to branch");

                    foreach (Block block in blocksToBeAddedToMain)
                        if (_logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                            _logger.Debug($"Moving {block.ToString(Block.Format.Short)} to main");

                        // TODO: only for miners
                        foreach (Transaction transaction in block.Transactions)

                        if (_logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                            _logger.Debug($"Block {block.ToString(Block.Format.Short)} added to main chain");

                    if (_logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                        _logger.Debug($"Updating total difficulty of the main chain to {totalDifficulty}");
                    if (_logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                        _logger.Debug($"Updating total transactions of the main chain to {totalTransactions}");
                    Block blockToBeMined = processedBlocks[processedBlocks.Length - 1];
                    _miningCancellation = new CancellationTokenSource();
                    CancellationTokenSource anyCancellation =
                        CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(_miningCancellation.Token, _loopCancellationSource.Token);
                    _sealEngine.MineAsync(blockToBeMined, anyCancellation.Token).ContinueWith(t =>

                        if (_logger.IsInfoEnabled)
                            _logger.Info($"Mined a block {t.Result.ToString(Block.Format.Short)} with parent {t.Result.Header.ParentHash}");

                        Block minedBlock = t.Result;

                        if (minedBlock.Hash == null)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Mined a block with null hash");

                    }, _miningCancellation.Token);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public BlockHeader FindHeader(Keccak blockHash)
Exemplo n.º 8
        public Snapshot GetOrCreateSnapshot(long number, Keccak hash)
            Snapshot?snapshot = GetSnapshot(number, hash);

            if (!(snapshot is null))

            var headers = new List <BlockHeader>();

            lock (_snapshotCreationLock)
                // Search for a snapshot in memory or on disk for checkpoints
                while (true)
                    snapshot = GetSnapshot(number, hash);
                    if (snapshot != null)

                    // If we're at an checkpoint block, make a snapshot if it's known
                    BlockHeader header = _blockTree.FindHeader(hash, BlockTreeLookupOptions.TotalDifficultyNotNeeded);
                    if (header == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown ancestor");

                    if (header.Hash == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Block tree block without hash set");

                    Keccak parentHash = header.ParentHash;
                    if (IsEpochTransition(number))
                        Snapshot?parentSnapshot = GetSnapshot(number - 1, parentHash);

                        if (_logger.IsInfo)
                            _logger.Info($"Creating epoch snapshot at block {number}");
                        int     signersCount = CalculateSignersCount(header);
                        var     signers      = new SortedList <Address, long>(signersCount, AddressComparer.Instance);
                        Address epochSigner  = GetBlockSealer(header);
                        for (int i = 0; i < signersCount; i++)
                            Address signer = new Address(header.ExtraData.Slice(Clique.ExtraVanityLength + i * Address.ByteLength, Address.ByteLength));
                            signers.Add(signer, signer == epochSigner ? number : parentSnapshot == null ? 0L : parentSnapshot.Signers.ContainsKey(signer) ? parentSnapshot.Signers[signer] : 0L);

                        snapshot = new Snapshot(number, header.Hash, signers);

                    // No snapshot for this header, gather the header and move backward
                    number = number - 1;
                    hash   = header.ParentHash;

                if (headers.Count > 0)
                    // Previous snapshot found, apply any pending headers on top of it

                    for (int i = 0; i < headers.Count; i++)
                        headers[i].Author ??= GetBlockSealer(headers[i]);

                    int countBefore = snapshot.Signers.Count;
                    snapshot = Apply(snapshot, headers, _cliqueConfig.Epoch);

                    int countAfter = snapshot.Signers.Count;
                    if (countAfter != countBefore && _logger.IsInfo)
                        int    signerIndex = 0;
                        string word        = countAfter > countBefore ? "added to" : "removed from";
                        _logger.Info($"At block {number } a signer has been {word} the signer list:{Environment.NewLine}{string.Join(Environment.NewLine, snapshot.Signers.OrderBy(s => s.Key, AddressComparer.Instance).Select(s => $"  Signer {signerIndex++}: " + (KnownAddresses.GoerliValidators.ContainsKey(s.Key) ? KnownAddresses.GoerliValidators[s.Key] : s.Key.ToString())))}");

                _snapshotCache.Set(snapshot.Hash, snapshot);
                // If we've generated a new checkpoint snapshot, save to disk

            if ((ulong)snapshot.Number % Clique.CheckpointInterval == 0 && headers.Count > 0)

        private IReadOnlyList <BlockHeader> GetFinalizedBlocks(BlockHeader block)
            (ChainLevelInfo parentLevel, BlockInfo parentBlockInfo) GetBlockInfo(BlockHeader blockHeader)
                var chainLevelInfo = _chainLevelInfoRepository.LoadLevel(blockHeader.Number);
                var blockInfo      = chainLevelInfo.BlockInfos.First(i => i.BlockHash == blockHeader.Hash);

                return(chainLevelInfo, blockInfo);

            var minSealersForFinalization = block.IsGenesis ? 1 : _auRaValidator.MinSealersForFinalization;
            var originalBlock             = block;

            bool IsConsecutiveBlock() => originalBlock.ParentHash == _lastProcessedBlockHash;
            bool ConsecutiveBlockWillFinalizeBlocks() => _consecutiveValidatorsForNotYetFinalizedBlocks.CountWith(block) >= minSealersForFinalization;

            List <BlockHeader> finalizedBlocks;
            var isConsecutiveBlock = IsConsecutiveBlock();

            // Optimization:
            // if block is consecutive than we can just check if this sealer will cause any blocks get finalized
            // using cache of vallidators of not yet finalized blocks from previous block operation
            if (isConsecutiveBlock && !ConsecutiveBlockWillFinalizeBlocks())
                finalizedBlocks = Empty;
                if (!isConsecutiveBlock)

                finalizedBlocks = new List <BlockHeader>();
                var  validators             = new HashSet <Address>();
                var  originalBlockSealer    = originalBlock.Beneficiary;
                bool ancestorsNotYetRemoved = true;

                using (var batch = _chainLevelInfoRepository.StartBatch())
                    var(chainLevel, blockInfo) = GetBlockInfo(block);

                    // Optimization:
                    // if this block sealer seals for 2nd time than this seal can not finalize any blocks
                    // as the 1st seal or some seal between 1st seal and current one would already finalize some of them
                    bool OriginalBlockSealerSignedOnlyOnce() => !validators.Contains(originalBlockSealer) || block.Beneficiary != originalBlockSealer;

                    while (!blockInfo.IsFinalized && OriginalBlockSealerSignedOnlyOnce())
                        if (validators.Count >= minSealersForFinalization)
                            blockInfo.IsFinalized = true;
                            _chainLevelInfoRepository.PersistLevel(block.Number, chainLevel, batch);

                            if (ancestorsNotYetRemoved)
                                ancestorsNotYetRemoved = false;

                        if (!block.IsGenesis)
                            block = _blockTree.FindHeader(block.ParentHash, BlockTreeLookupOptions.None);
                            (chainLevel, blockInfo) = GetBlockInfo(block);

                finalizedBlocks.Reverse(); // we were adding from the last to earliest, going through parents

            _lastProcessedBlockHash = originalBlock.Hash;

Exemplo n.º 10
 public static BlockHeader FindParentHeader(this IBlockTree tree, BlockHeader header, BlockTreeLookupOptions options)
     return(tree.FindHeader(header.ParentHash, options));
Exemplo n.º 11
        private async Task RefreshPeerInfo(PeerInfo peerInfo, CancellationToken token)
            if (_logger.IsTrace)
                _logger.Trace($"Requesting head block info from {peerInfo.SyncPeer.Node:s}");

            ISyncPeer          syncPeer          = peerInfo.SyncPeer;
            Task <BlockHeader> getHeadHeaderTask = peerInfo.SyncPeer.GetHeadBlockHeader(peerInfo.HeadHash, token);
            Task delayTask       = Task.Delay(InitTimeout, token);
            Task firstToComplete = await Task.WhenAny(getHeadHeaderTask, delayTask);

            await firstToComplete.ContinueWith(
                t =>
                if (firstToComplete.IsFaulted || firstToComplete == delayTask)
                    if (_logger.IsDebug)
                        _logger.Debug($"InitPeerInfo failed for node: {syncPeer.Node:s}{Environment.NewLine}{t.Exception}");
                    syncPeer.Disconnect(DisconnectReason.DisconnectRequested, "refresh peer info fault");
                    SyncEvent?.Invoke(this, new SyncEventArgs(syncPeer, peerInfo.IsInitialized ? Synchronization.SyncEvent.Failed : Synchronization.SyncEvent.InitFailed));
                else if (firstToComplete.IsCanceled)
                    if (_logger.IsTrace)
                        _logger.Trace($"InitPeerInfo canceled for node: {syncPeer.Node:s}{Environment.NewLine}{t.Exception}");
                    SyncEvent?.Invoke(this, new SyncEventArgs(syncPeer, peerInfo.IsInitialized ? Synchronization.SyncEvent.Cancelled : Synchronization.SyncEvent.InitCancelled));
                    if (_logger.IsTrace)
                        _logger.Trace($"Received head block info from {syncPeer.Node:s} with head block numer {getHeadHeaderTask.Result}");
                    if (!peerInfo.IsInitialized)
                            new SyncEventArgs(syncPeer, Synchronization.SyncEvent.InitCompleted));

                    if (_logger.IsTrace)
                        _logger.Trace($"REFRESH Updating header of {peerInfo} from {peerInfo.HeadNumber} to {getHeadHeaderTask.Result.Number}");
                    peerInfo.HeadNumber = getHeadHeaderTask.Result.Number;
                    peerInfo.HeadHash   = getHeadHeaderTask.Result.Hash;

                    BlockHeader parent = _blockTree.FindHeader(getHeadHeaderTask.Result.ParentHash);
                    if (parent != null)
                        peerInfo.TotalDifficulty = (parent.TotalDifficulty ?? UInt256.Zero) + getHeadHeaderTask.Result.Difficulty;

                    peerInfo.IsInitialized = true;
                    foreach ((SyncPeerAllocation allocation, object _) in _allocations)
                        if (allocation.Current == peerInfo)
            }, token);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public BlockHeader FindHeader(long number)
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates all the header elements (usually in relation to parent). Difficulty calculation is validated in <see cref="ISealValidator"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="header">Block header to validate</param>
        /// <param name="isOmmer"><value>True</value> if the <paramref name="header"/> is an ommer, otherwise <value>False</value></param>
        /// <returns><value>True</value> if <paramref name="header"/> is valid, otherwise <value>False</value></returns>
        public bool Validate(BlockHeader header, bool isOmmer = false)
            BlockHeader parent = _blockTree.FindHeader(header.ParentHash, false);

            return(Validate(header, parent, isOmmer));
Exemplo n.º 14
 public BlockHeader FindHeader(Keccak blockHash, BlockTreeLookupOptions options) => _wrapped.FindHeader(blockHash, options);
Exemplo n.º 15
        private async Task RefreshPeerInfo(PeerInfo peerInfo, CancellationToken token)
            if (_logger.IsTrace)
                _logger.Trace($"Requesting head block info from {peerInfo.SyncPeer.Node:s}");

            ISyncPeer          syncPeer          = peerInfo.SyncPeer;
            Task <BlockHeader> getHeadHeaderTask = peerInfo.SyncPeer.GetHeadBlockHeader(peerInfo.HeadHash, token);
            Task delayTask       = Task.Delay(InitTimeout, token);
            Task firstToComplete = await Task.WhenAny(getHeadHeaderTask, delayTask);

            await firstToComplete.ContinueWith(
                t =>
                if (firstToComplete.IsFaulted || firstToComplete == delayTask)
                    if (_logger.IsDebug)
                        _logger.Debug($"InitPeerInfo failed for node: {syncPeer.Node:c}{Environment.NewLine}{t.Exception}");
                    _stats.ReportSyncEvent(syncPeer.Node, peerInfo.IsInitialized ? NodeStatsEventType.SyncFailed : NodeStatsEventType.SyncInitFailed);
                    syncPeer.Disconnect(DisconnectReason.DisconnectRequested, "refresh peer info fault");
                else if (firstToComplete.IsCanceled)
                    if (_logger.IsTrace)
                        _logger.Trace($"InitPeerInfo canceled for node: {syncPeer.Node:c}{Environment.NewLine}{t.Exception}");
                    _stats.ReportSyncEvent(syncPeer.Node, peerInfo.IsInitialized ? NodeStatsEventType.SyncCancelled : NodeStatsEventType.SyncInitCancelled);
                    BlockHeader header = getHeadHeaderTask.Result;
                    if (header == null)
                        if (_logger.IsDebug)
                            _logger.Debug($"InitPeerInfo failed for node: {syncPeer.Node:c}{Environment.NewLine}{t.Exception}");

                        _stats.ReportSyncEvent(syncPeer.Node, peerInfo.IsInitialized ? NodeStatsEventType.SyncFailed: NodeStatsEventType.SyncInitFailed);
                        syncPeer.Disconnect(DisconnectReason.DisconnectRequested, "refresh peer info fault");

                    if (_logger.IsTrace)
                        _logger.Trace($"Received head block info from {syncPeer.Node:c} with head block numer {header.Number}");
                    if (!peerInfo.IsInitialized)
                        _stats.ReportSyncEvent(syncPeer.Node, NodeStatsEventType.SyncInitCompleted);

                    if (_logger.IsTrace)
                        _logger.Trace($"REFRESH Updating header of {peerInfo} from {peerInfo.HeadNumber} to {header.Number}");
                    peerInfo.HeadNumber = header.Number;
                    peerInfo.HeadHash   = header.Hash;

                    BlockHeader parent = _blockTree.FindHeader(header.ParentHash, BlockTreeLookupOptions.None);
                    if (parent != null)
                        peerInfo.TotalDifficulty = (parent.TotalDifficulty ?? UInt256.Zero) + header.Difficulty;

                    peerInfo.IsInitialized = true;
                    foreach ((SyncPeerAllocation allocation, object _) in _allocations)
                        if (allocation.Current == peerInfo)
            }, token);
Exemplo n.º 16
 public BlockHeader FindHeader(Keccak blockHash, BlockTreeLookupOptions options)
     return(_blockTree.FindHeader(blockHash, options));
Exemplo n.º 17
 public BlockHeader FindHeader(Keccak hash)
     return(_blockTree.FindHeader(hash, false));
Exemplo n.º 18
 public static BlockHeader FindParentHeader(this IBlockTree tree, BlockHeader header)
     return(tree.FindHeader(header.ParentHash, false));
Exemplo n.º 19
 public BlockHeader FindHeader(Keccak blockHash) => _blockTree.FindHeader(blockHash, BlockTreeLookupOptions.None);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public Snapshot GetSnapshot(Keccak hash)
            BlockHeader head = _blockTree.FindHeader(hash, BlockTreeLookupOptions.TotalDifficultyNotNeeded);

            return(_snapshotManager.GetOrCreateSnapshot(head.Number, head.Hash));
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates all the header elements (usually in relation to parent). Difficulty calculation is validated in <see cref="ISealValidator"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="header">Block header to validate</param>
        /// <param name="isOmmer"><value>True</value> if the <paramref name="header"/> is an ommer, otherwise <value>False</value></param>
        /// <returns><value>True</value> if <paramref name="header"/> is valid, otherwise <value>False</value></returns>
        public bool Validate(BlockHeader header, bool isOmmer = false)
            // the rule here is to validate the seal first (avoid any cheap attacks on validation logic)
            // then validate whatever does not need to load parent from disk (the most expensive operation)

            bool areNonceValidAndMixHashValid = header.Number == 0 || header.SealEngineType == SealEngineType.None || _sealValidator.ValidateSeal(header);

            if (!areNonceValidAndMixHashValid)
                if (_logger.IsWarn)
                    _logger.Warn($"Invalid block header ({header.Hash}) - invalid mix hash / nonce");

            bool hashAsExpected = header.Hash == BlockHeader.CalculateHash(header);

            if (!hashAsExpected)
                if (_logger.IsWarn)
                    _logger.Warn($"Invalid block header ({header.Hash}) - invalid block hash");

            bool extraDataValid = isOmmer ||
                                  _daoBlockNumber == null ||
                                  header.Number < _daoBlockNumber ||
                                  header.Number >= _daoBlockNumber + 10 ||
                                  Bytes.AreEqual(header.ExtraData, DaoExtraData);

            if (!extraDataValid)
                _logger.Warn($"Invalid block header ({header.Hash}) - DAO extra data not valid");

            BlockHeader parent = _blockTree.FindHeader(header.ParentHash, false);

            if (parent == null)
                if (header.Number == 0)
                    var isGenesisValid = ValidateGenesis(header);;
                    if (!isGenesisValid)
                        if (_logger.IsWarn)
                            _logger.Warn($"Invalid genesis block header ({header.Hash})");


                if (_logger.IsWarn)
                    _logger.Warn($"Orphan block, could not find parent ({header.Hash})");

            // seal is validated when synchronizing so we can remove it from here - review and test
            bool sealParamsCorrect = _sealValidator.ValidateParams(parent, header);

            if (!sealParamsCorrect)
                _logger.Warn($"Invalid block header ({header.Hash}) - seal parameters incorrect");

            bool gasUsedBelowLimit = header.GasUsed <= header.GasLimit;

            if (!gasUsedBelowLimit)
                _logger.Warn($"Invalid block header ({header.Hash}) - gas used above gas limit");

            long maxGasLimitDifference = parent.GasLimit / 1024;
            bool gasLimitNotTooHigh    = header.GasLimit < parent.GasLimit + maxGasLimitDifference;

            if (!gasLimitNotTooHigh)
                _logger.Warn($"Invalid block header ({header.Hash}) - gas limit too high");

            bool gasLimitNotTooLow = header.GasLimit > parent.GasLimit - maxGasLimitDifference;

            if (!gasLimitNotTooLow)
                _logger.Warn($"Invalid block header ({header.Hash}) - invalid mix hash / nonce");

            // bool gasLimitAboveAbsoluteMinimum = header.GasLimit >= 125000; // described in the YellowPaper but not followed
            bool timestampMoreThanAtParent = header.Timestamp > parent.Timestamp;

            if (!timestampMoreThanAtParent)
                _logger.Warn($"Invalid block header ({header.Hash}) - timestamp before parent");

            bool numberIsParentPlusOne = header.Number == parent.Number + 1;

            if (!numberIsParentPlusOne)
                _logger.Warn($"Invalid block header ({header.Hash}) - block number is not parent + 1");

            if (_logger.IsTrace)
                _logger.Trace($"Validating block {header.ToString(BlockHeader.Format.Short)}, extraData {header.ExtraData.ToHexString(true)}");

                (areNonceValidAndMixHashValid &&
                 gasUsedBelowLimit &&
                 gasLimitNotTooLow &&
                 gasLimitNotTooHigh &&
                 sealParamsCorrect &&
                 // gasLimitAboveAbsoluteMinimum && // described in the YellowPaper but not followed
                 timestampMoreThanAtParent &&
                 numberIsParentPlusOne &&
                 hashAsExpected &&