Exemplo n.º 1
        protected unsafe override void OnFillRegionComputed(IBitVector2D stencil)
            Document     doc  = PintaCore.Workspace.ActiveDocument;
            ImageSurface surf = doc.ToolLayer.Surface;

            using (var g = new Context(surf)) {
                g.Operator = Operator.Source;

            SimpleHistoryItem hist = new SimpleHistoryItem(Icon, Name);


            ColorBgra  color  = fill_color.ToColorBgra().ToPremultipliedAlpha();
            ColorBgra *dstPtr = (ColorBgra *)surf.DataPtr;
            int        width  = surf.Width;


            // Color in any pixel that the stencil says we need to fill
            Parallel.For(0, stencil.Height, y =>
                int stencil_width = stencil.Width;
                for (int x = 0; x < stencil_width; ++x)
                    if (stencil.GetUnchecked(x, y))
                        surf.SetColorBgraUnchecked(dstPtr, width, color, x, y);


            // Transfer the temp layer to the real one,
            // respecting any selection area
            using (var g = doc.CreateClippedContext()) {
                g.Operator = Operator.Source;


Exemplo n.º 2
        protected unsafe override void OnFillRegionComputed(IBitVector2D stencil)
            Document doc = PintaCore.Workspace.ActiveDocument;
            ImageSurface surf = doc.ToolLayer.Surface;

            using (var g = new Context (surf)) {
                g.Operator = Operator.Source;
                g.SetSource (doc.CurrentLayer.Surface);
                g.Paint ();

            SimpleHistoryItem hist = new SimpleHistoryItem (Icon, Name);
            hist.TakeSnapshotOfLayer (doc.CurrentLayer);

            ColorBgra color = fill_color.ToColorBgra ();
            ColorBgra* dstPtr = (ColorBgra*)surf.DataPtr;
            int width = surf.Width;

            surf.Flush ();

            // Color in any pixel that the stencil says we need to fill
            for (int x = 0; x < stencil.Width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < stencil.Height; y++)
                    if (stencil.GetUnchecked (x, y))
                        surf.SetColorBgra (dstPtr, width, color, x, y);

            surf.MarkDirty ();

            // Transfer the temp layer to the real one,
            // respecting any selection area
            using (var g = doc.CreateClippedContext ()) {
                g.Operator = Operator.Source;
                g.SetSource (surf);
                g.Paint ();

            doc.History.PushNewItem (hist);
            doc.Workspace.Invalidate ();
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static unsafe void FillStencilFromPoint(Surface surface, IBitVector2D stencil, Point start, 
            int tolerance, out Rectangle boundingBox, PdnRegion limitRegion, bool limitToSelection)
            ColorBgra cmp = surface[start];
            int top = int.MaxValue;
            int bottom = int.MinValue;
            int left = int.MaxValue;
            int right = int.MinValue;
            Rectangle[] scans;


            if (limitToSelection)
                using (PdnRegion excluded = new PdnRegion(new Rectangle(0, 0, stencil.Width, stencil.Height)))
                    scans = excluded.GetRegionScansReadOnlyInt();
                scans = new Rectangle[0];

            foreach (Rectangle rect in scans)
                stencil.Set(rect, true);

            Queue<Point> queue = new Queue<Point>(16);

            while (queue.Count > 0)
                Point pt = queue.Dequeue();

                ColorBgra* rowPtr = surface.GetRowAddressUnchecked(pt.Y);
                int localLeft = pt.X - 1;
                int localRight = pt.X;

                while (localLeft >= 0 &&
                       !stencil.GetUnchecked(localLeft, pt.Y) &&
                       CheckColor(cmp, rowPtr[localLeft], tolerance))
                    stencil.SetUnchecked(localLeft, pt.Y, true);

                while (localRight < surface.Width &&
                       !stencil.GetUnchecked(localRight, pt.Y) &&
                       CheckColor(cmp, rowPtr[localRight], tolerance))
                    stencil.SetUnchecked(localRight, pt.Y, true);


                if (pt.Y > 0)
                    int sleft = localLeft;
                    int sright = localLeft;
                    ColorBgra* rowPtrUp = surface.GetRowAddressUnchecked(pt.Y - 1);

                    for (int sx = localLeft; sx <= localRight; ++sx)
                        if (!stencil.GetUnchecked(sx, pt.Y - 1) &&
                            CheckColor(cmp, rowPtrUp[sx], tolerance))
                            if (sright - sleft > 0)
                                queue.Enqueue(new Point(sleft, pt.Y - 1));

                            sleft = sright;

                    if (sright - sleft > 0)
                        queue.Enqueue(new Point(sleft, pt.Y - 1));

                if (pt.Y < surface.Height - 1)
                    int sleft = localLeft;
                    int sright = localLeft;
                    ColorBgra* rowPtrDown = surface.GetRowAddressUnchecked(pt.Y + 1);

                    for (int sx = localLeft; sx <= localRight; ++sx)
                        if (!stencil.GetUnchecked(sx, pt.Y + 1) &&
                            CheckColor(cmp, rowPtrDown[sx], tolerance))
                            if (sright - sleft > 0)
                                queue.Enqueue(new Point(sleft, pt.Y + 1));

                            sleft = sright;

                    if (sright - sleft > 0)
                        queue.Enqueue(new Point(sleft, pt.Y + 1));

                if (localLeft < left)
                    left = localLeft;

                if (localRight > right)
                    right = localRight;

                if (pt.Y < top)
                    top = pt.Y;

                if (pt.Y > bottom)
                    bottom = pt.Y;

            foreach (Rectangle rect in scans)
                stencil.Set(rect, false);

            boundingBox = Rectangle.FromLTRB(left, top, right + 1, bottom + 1);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public unsafe static void FillStencilFromPoint(ImageSurface surface, IBitVector2D stencil, Point start, int tolerance,
                                                       out Rectangle boundingBox, Gdk.Region limitRegion, bool limitToSelection)
            ColorBgra cmp    = surface.GetColorBgra(start.X, start.Y);
            int       top    = int.MaxValue;
            int       bottom = int.MinValue;
            int       left   = int.MaxValue;
            int       right  = int.MinValue;

            Gdk.Rectangle[] scans;


            if (limitToSelection)
                using (Gdk.Region excluded = Gdk.Region.Rectangle(new Gdk.Rectangle(0, 0, stencil.Width, stencil.Height))) {
                    scans = excluded.GetRectangles();
                scans = new Gdk.Rectangle[0];

            foreach (Gdk.Rectangle rect in scans)
                stencil.Set(rect, true);

            Queue <Point> queue = new Queue <Point> (16);


            while (queue.Count > 0)
                Point pt = queue.Dequeue();

                ColorBgra *rowPtr     = surface.GetRowAddressUnchecked(pt.Y);
                int        localLeft  = pt.X - 1;
                int        localRight = pt.X;

                while (localLeft >= 0 &&
                       !stencil.GetUnchecked(localLeft, pt.Y) &&
                       CheckColor(cmp, rowPtr[localLeft], tolerance))
                    stencil.SetUnchecked(localLeft, pt.Y, true);

                int surfaceWidth = surface.Width;
                while (localRight < surfaceWidth &&
                       !stencil.GetUnchecked(localRight, pt.Y) &&
                       CheckColor(cmp, rowPtr[localRight], tolerance))
                    stencil.SetUnchecked(localRight, pt.Y, true);


                Action <int> checkRow = (row) =>
                    int        sleft       = localLeft;
                    int        sright      = localLeft;
                    ColorBgra *otherRowPtr = surface.GetRowAddressUnchecked(row);

                    for (int sx = localLeft; sx <= localRight; ++sx)
                        if (!stencil.GetUnchecked(sx, row) &&
                            CheckColor(cmp, otherRowPtr[sx], tolerance))
                            if (sright - sleft > 0)
                                queue.Enqueue(new Point(sleft, row));

                            sleft = sright;

                    if (sright - sleft > 0)
                        queue.Enqueue(new Point(sleft, row));

                if (pt.Y > 0)
                    checkRow(pt.Y - 1);

                if (pt.Y < surface.Height - 1)
                    checkRow(pt.Y + 1);

                if (localLeft < left)
                    left = localLeft;

                if (localRight > right)
                    right = localRight;

                if (pt.Y < top)
                    top = pt.Y;

                if (pt.Y > bottom)
                    bottom = pt.Y;

            foreach (Gdk.Rectangle rect in scans)
                stencil.Set(rect, false);

            boundingBox = new Rectangle(left, top, right - left + 1, bottom - top + 1);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static unsafe void FillStencilFromPoint(ImageSurface surface, IBitVector2D stencil, Point start, int tolerance, out Rectangle boundingBox)
            ColorBgra cmp = surface.GetColorBgra (start.X, start.Y);
            int top = int.MaxValue;
            int bottom = int.MinValue;
            int left = int.MaxValue;
            int right = int.MinValue;

            stencil.Clear (false);

            Queue<Point> queue = new Queue<Point> (16);
            queue.Enqueue (start);

            while (queue.Count > 0) {
                Point pt = queue.Dequeue ();

                ColorBgra* rowPtr = surface.GetRowAddressUnchecked (pt.Y);
                int localLeft = pt.X - 1;
                int localRight = pt.X;

                while (localLeft >= 0 &&
                       !stencil.GetUnchecked (localLeft, pt.Y) &&
                       CheckColor (cmp, rowPtr[localLeft], tolerance)) {
                    stencil.SetUnchecked (localLeft, pt.Y, true);

                while (localRight < surface.Width &&
                       !stencil.GetUnchecked (localRight, pt.Y) &&
                       CheckColor (cmp, rowPtr[localRight], tolerance)) {
                    stencil.SetUnchecked (localRight, pt.Y, true);


                if (pt.Y > 0) {
                    int sleft = localLeft;
                    int sright = localLeft;
                    ColorBgra* rowPtrUp = surface.GetRowAddressUnchecked (pt.Y - 1);

                    for (int sx = localLeft; sx <= localRight; ++sx) {
                        if (!stencil.GetUnchecked (sx, pt.Y - 1) &&
                            CheckColor (cmp, rowPtrUp[sx], tolerance)) {
                        } else {
                            if (sright - sleft > 0) {
                                queue.Enqueue (new Point (sleft, pt.Y - 1));

                            sleft = sright;

                    if (sright - sleft > 0) {
                        queue.Enqueue (new Point (sleft, pt.Y - 1));

                if (pt.Y < surface.Height - 1) {
                    int sleft = localLeft;
                    int sright = localLeft;
                    ColorBgra* rowPtrDown = surface.GetRowAddressUnchecked (pt.Y + 1);

                    for (int sx = localLeft; sx <= localRight; ++sx) {
                        if (!stencil.GetUnchecked (sx, pt.Y + 1) &&
                            CheckColor (cmp, rowPtrDown[sx], tolerance)) {
                        } else {
                            if (sright - sleft > 0) {
                                queue.Enqueue (new Point (sleft, pt.Y + 1));

                            sleft = sright;

                    if (sright - sleft > 0) {
                        queue.Enqueue (new Point (sleft, pt.Y + 1));

                if (localLeft < left) {
                    left = localLeft;

                if (localRight > right) {
                    right = localRight;

                if (pt.Y < top) {
                    top = pt.Y;

                if (pt.Y > bottom) {
                    bottom = pt.Y;

            boundingBox = new Rectangle (left, top, right + 1, bottom + 1);
Exemplo n.º 6
		public unsafe static void FillStencilFromPoint (ImageSurface surface, IBitVector2D stencil, Point start, int tolerance, 
		                                                out Rectangle boundingBox, Gdk.Region limitRegion, bool limitToSelection)
			ColorBgra cmp = surface.GetColorBgraUnchecked (start.X, start.Y);
			int top = int.MaxValue;
			int bottom = int.MinValue;
			int left = int.MaxValue;
			int right = int.MinValue;
			Gdk.Rectangle[] scans;

			stencil.Clear (false);

			if (limitToSelection) {
				using (Gdk.Region excluded = Gdk.Region.Rectangle (new Gdk.Rectangle (0, 0, stencil.Width, stencil.Height))) {
					excluded.Xor (limitRegion);
					scans = excluded.GetRectangles ();
			} else {
				scans = new Gdk.Rectangle[0];

			foreach (Gdk.Rectangle rect in scans) {
				stencil.Set (rect, true);

			Queue<Point> queue = new Queue<Point> (16);
			queue.Enqueue (start);

			while (queue.Count > 0) {
				Point pt = queue.Dequeue ();

				ColorBgra* rowPtr = surface.GetRowAddressUnchecked (pt.Y);
				int localLeft = pt.X - 1;
				int localRight = pt.X;

				while (localLeft >= 0 &&
				       !stencil.GetUnchecked (localLeft, pt.Y) &&
				       CheckColor (cmp, rowPtr[localLeft], tolerance)) {
					stencil.SetUnchecked (localLeft, pt.Y, true);

                int surfaceWidth = surface.Width;
				while (localRight < surfaceWidth &&
				       !stencil.GetUnchecked (localRight, pt.Y) &&
				       CheckColor (cmp, rowPtr[localRight], tolerance)) {
					stencil.SetUnchecked (localRight, pt.Y, true);


                Action<int> checkRow = (row) =>
					int sleft = localLeft;
					int sright = localLeft;
					ColorBgra* otherRowPtr = surface.GetRowAddressUnchecked (row);

					for (int sx = localLeft; sx <= localRight; ++sx) {
						if (!stencil.GetUnchecked (sx, row) &&
						    CheckColor (cmp, otherRowPtr[sx], tolerance)) {
						} else {
							if (sright - sleft > 0) {
								queue.Enqueue (new Point (sleft, row));

							sleft = sright;

					if (sright - sleft > 0) {
						queue.Enqueue (new Point (sleft, row));

				if (pt.Y > 0) {
                    checkRow (pt.Y - 1);

				if (pt.Y < surface.Height - 1) {
                    checkRow (pt.Y + 1);

				if (localLeft < left) {
					left = localLeft;

				if (localRight > right) {
					right = localRight;

				if (pt.Y < top) {
					top = pt.Y;

				if (pt.Y > bottom) {
					bottom = pt.Y;

			foreach (Gdk.Rectangle rect in scans)
				stencil.Set (rect, false);
			boundingBox = new Rectangle (left, top, right - left + 1, bottom - top + 1);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public unsafe static void FillStencilFromPoint(Surface surface, IBitVector2D stencil, Point start,
                                                       int tolerance, out Rectangle boundingBox, PdnRegion limitRegion, bool limitToSelection)
            ColorBgra cmp    = surface[start];
            int       top    = int.MaxValue;
            int       bottom = int.MinValue;
            int       left   = int.MaxValue;
            int       right  = int.MinValue;

            Rectangle[] scans;


            if (limitToSelection)
                using (PdnRegion excluded = new PdnRegion(new Rectangle(0, 0, stencil.Width, stencil.Height)))
                    scans = excluded.GetRegionScansReadOnlyInt();
                scans = new Rectangle[0];

            foreach (Rectangle rect in scans)
                stencil.Set(rect, true);

            Queue <Point> queue = new Queue <Point>(16);


            while (queue.Count > 0)
                Point pt = queue.Dequeue();

                ColorBgra *rowPtr     = surface.GetRowAddressUnchecked(pt.Y);
                int        localLeft  = pt.X - 1;
                int        localRight = pt.X;

                while (localLeft >= 0 &&
                       !stencil.GetUnchecked(localLeft, pt.Y) &&
                       CheckColor(cmp, rowPtr[localLeft], tolerance))
                    stencil.SetUnchecked(localLeft, pt.Y, true);

                while (localRight < surface.Width &&
                       !stencil.GetUnchecked(localRight, pt.Y) &&
                       CheckColor(cmp, rowPtr[localRight], tolerance))
                    stencil.SetUnchecked(localRight, pt.Y, true);


                if (pt.Y > 0)
                    int        sleft    = localLeft;
                    int        sright   = localLeft;
                    ColorBgra *rowPtrUp = surface.GetRowAddressUnchecked(pt.Y - 1);

                    for (int sx = localLeft; sx <= localRight; ++sx)
                        if (!stencil.GetUnchecked(sx, pt.Y - 1) &&
                            CheckColor(cmp, rowPtrUp[sx], tolerance))
                            if (sright - sleft > 0)
                                queue.Enqueue(new Point(sleft, pt.Y - 1));

                            sleft = sright;

                    if (sright - sleft > 0)
                        queue.Enqueue(new Point(sleft, pt.Y - 1));

                if (pt.Y < surface.Height - 1)
                    int        sleft      = localLeft;
                    int        sright     = localLeft;
                    ColorBgra *rowPtrDown = surface.GetRowAddressUnchecked(pt.Y + 1);

                    for (int sx = localLeft; sx <= localRight; ++sx)
                        if (!stencil.GetUnchecked(sx, pt.Y + 1) &&
                            CheckColor(cmp, rowPtrDown[sx], tolerance))
                            if (sright - sleft > 0)
                                queue.Enqueue(new Point(sleft, pt.Y + 1));

                            sleft = sright;

                    if (sright - sleft > 0)
                        queue.Enqueue(new Point(sleft, pt.Y + 1));

                if (localLeft < left)
                    left = localLeft;

                if (localRight > right)
                    right = localRight;

                if (pt.Y < top)
                    top = pt.Y;

                if (pt.Y > bottom)
                    bottom = pt.Y;

            foreach (Rectangle rect in scans)
                stencil.Set(rect, false);

            boundingBox = Rectangle.FromLTRB(left, top, right + 1, bottom + 1);