Exemplo n.º 1
        public void ExecuteTurn_WhenDoesNotHaveObjectsInCurrentRoundAndGroupRandomReturns0AndObjectRandomReturns1_ShouldReturnSecondObjectFromFirstGroup(
            [Frozen] IBattleRandom battleRandom,
            BattleOrder battleOrder)
            // 999 controls order to be defense
            // 0 is the first group idx
            // 1 is the second combat obj idx
            // 1 is the random obj after we've found no objects are in the current round
            // 0 is going to be when looking into the attacker list (for group and obj) after it didnt find a defense
            battleRandom.Next(Arg.Any <int>()).Returns(999, 0, 1, 1, 0);

            ICombatObject outCombatObject;
            ICombatGroup  outCombatGroup;

            BattleManager.BattleSide foundInGroup;

            var attackerObject = CreateCombatObject(round: 1);
            var attackerGroup  = CreateGroup(attackerObject);
            var attackerList   = CreateList(upkeepNotParticipated: 1, combatGroups: attackerGroup);

            var defenderObject1 = CreateCombatObject(round: 1);
            var defenderObject2 = CreateCombatObject(round: 1);
            var defenderGroup   = CreateGroup(defenderObject1, defenderObject2);
            var defenderList    = CreateList(upkeepNotParticipated: 999, combatGroups: defenderGroup);

            var result = battleOrder.NextObject(0, attackerList, defenderList, out outCombatObject, out outCombatGroup, out foundInGroup);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public void ExecuteTurn_WhenDoesNotHaveObjectsInCurrentRoundAndGroupRandomReturns0AndFirstGroupIsEmpty_ShouldReturnObjectFromSecondGroup(
            [Frozen] IBattleRandom battleRandom,
            BattleOrder battleOrder)
            // 999 controls order to be defense
            // 0 is the to always return first obj and first group
            battleRandom.Next(Arg.Any <int>()).Returns(999, 0);

            ICombatObject outCombatObject;
            ICombatGroup  outCombatGroup;

            BattleManager.BattleSide foundInGroup;

            var attackerObject = CreateCombatObject(round: 1);
            var attackerGroup  = CreateGroup(attackerObject);
            var attackerList   = CreateList(upkeepNotParticipated: 1, combatGroups: attackerGroup);

            var defenderGroup1  = CreateGroup();
            var defenderObject2 = CreateCombatObject(round: 1);
            var defenderGroup2  = CreateGroup(defenderObject2);
            var defenderList    = CreateList(upkeepNotParticipated: 999, combatGroups: new [] { defenderGroup1, defenderGroup2 });

            var result = battleOrder.NextObject(0, attackerList, defenderList, out outCombatObject, out outCombatGroup, out foundInGroup);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public override void CalcActualDmgToBeTaken(ICombatList attackers,
                                                    ICombatList defenders,
                                                    IBattleRandom random,
                                                    decimal baseDmg,
                                                    int attackIndex,
                                                    out decimal actualDmg)
            // Miss chance
            actualDmg = BattleFormulas.GetDmgWithMissChance(attackers.UpkeepExcludingWaitingToJoinBattle, defenders.UpkeepExcludingWaitingToJoinBattle, baseDmg, random);

            // Splash dmg reduction
            actualDmg = BattleFormulas.SplashReduction(this, actualDmg, attackIndex);

            // if hp is less than 20% of the original total HP(entire group), lastStand kicks in.
            if (Hp < (Hp + DmgRecv) / 5m)
                var lastStandEffects = TroopStub.City.Technologies.GetEffects(EffectCode.LastStand);
                var percent          =
                        tech =>
                    .Max(x => x == null ? 0 : (int)x.Value[0]);

                actualDmg = actualDmg * (100 - percent) / 100m;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void ExecuteTurn_WhenGroupRandomReturns1AndGroupHasNoObjectsLeft_ShouldReturnFirstObjectFromFirstGroup(
            [Frozen] IBattleRandom battleRandom,
            BattleOrder battleOrder)
            // 999 controls order to be defense
            // 1 is the second group idx
            // 0 is the first combat obj idx
            battleRandom.Next(Arg.Any <int>()).Returns(999, 1, 0);

            ICombatObject outCombatObject;
            ICombatGroup  outCombatGroup;

            BattleManager.BattleSide foundInGroup;

            var attackerObject = CreateCombatObject(round: 0);
            var attackerGroup  = CreateGroup(attackerObject);
            var attackerList   = CreateList(upkeepNotParticipated: 1, combatGroups: attackerGroup);

            var defenderObject1 = CreateCombatObject(round: 0);
            var defenderGroup1  = CreateGroup(defenderObject1);
            var defenderObject2 = CreateCombatObject(round: 1);
            var defenderGroup2  = CreateGroup(defenderObject2);
            var defenderList    = CreateList(upkeepNotParticipated: 999, combatGroups: new [] { defenderGroup1, defenderGroup2 });

            var result = battleOrder.NextObject(0, attackerList, defenderList, out outCombatObject, out outCombatGroup, out foundInGroup);

Exemplo n.º 5
        public BattleManager(uint battleId,
                             BattleLocation location,
                             BattleOwner owner,
                             IRewardStrategy rewardStrategy,
                             IDbManager dbManager,
                             IBattleReport battleReport,
                             ICombatListFactory combatListFactory,
                             IBattleFormulas battleFormulas,
                             IBattleOrder battleOrder,
                             IBattleRandom battleRandom)
            groupIdGen = new LargeIdGenerator(uint.MaxValue);
            idGen      = new LargeIdGenerator(uint.MaxValue);
            // Group id 1 is always reserved for local troop

            BattleId     = battleId;
            Location     = location;
            Owner        = owner;
            BattleReport = battleReport;
            Attackers    = combatListFactory.GetAttackerCombatList();
            Defenders    = combatListFactory.GetDefenderCombatList();

            this.rewardStrategy = rewardStrategy;
            this.dbManager      = dbManager;
            this.battleOrder    = battleOrder;
            this.battleFormulas = battleFormulas;
            this.battleRandom   = battleRandom;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public override void CalcActualDmgToBeTaken(ICombatList attackers,
                                             ICombatList defenders,
                                             IBattleRandom random,
                                             decimal baseDmg,
                                             int attackIndex,
                                             out decimal actualDmg)
     actualDmg = baseDmg / 10;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public override void CalcActualDmgToBeTaken(ICombatList attackers,
                                             ICombatList defenders,
                                             IBattleRandom random,
                                             decimal baseDmg,
                                             int attackIndex,
                                             out decimal actualDmg)
     // Miss chance
     actualDmg = BattleFormulas.GetDmgWithMissChance(attackers.UpkeepExcludingWaitingToJoinBattle, defenders.UpkeepExcludingWaitingToJoinBattle, baseDmg, random);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public PublicBattleManager(uint battleId,
                            BattleLocation location,
                            BattleOwner owner,
                            IRewardStrategy rewardStrategy,
                            IDbManager dbManager,
                            IBattleReport battleReport,
                            ICombatListFactory combatListFactory,
                            IBattleFormulas battleFormulas,
                            IBattleOrder battleOrder,
                            IBattleRandom battleRandom)
     : base(battleId, location, owner, rewardStrategy, dbManager, battleReport, combatListFactory, battleFormulas, battleOrder, battleRandom)
Exemplo n.º 9
 public StrongholdMainBattleManager(uint battleId,
                                    BattleLocation location,
                                    BattleOwner owner,
                                    IRewardStrategy rewardStrategy,
                                    IDbManager dbManager,
                                    IBattleReport battleReport,
                                    ICombatListFactory combatListFactory,
                                    IGameObjectLocator gameObjectLocator,
                                    IBattleOrder battleOrder,
                                    IBattleFormulas battleFormulas,
                                    IBattleRandom random) :
     base(battleId, location, owner, rewardStrategy, dbManager, battleReport, combatListFactory, battleFormulas, battleOrder, random)
     this.gameObjectLocator = gameObjectLocator;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public BattleManagerGate(uint battleId,
                                 IStronghold stronghold,
                                 BattleLocation location,
                                 BattleOwner owner,
                                 IRewardStrategy rewardStrategy,
                                 IDbManager dbManager,
                                 IBattleReport battleReport,
                                 ICombatListFactory combatListFactory,
                                 IBattleFormulas battleFormulas,
                                 IBattleOrder battleOrder,
                                 IBattleRandom battleRandom)
            : base(battleId, location, owner, rewardStrategy, dbManager, battleReport, combatListFactory, battleFormulas, battleOrder, battleRandom)
            this.stronghold = stronghold;

            precision = 1m + (new Random((int)(owner.Id + battleId + location.Id)).Next(-20, 20) / 100m);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public override void CalcActualDmgToBeTaken(ICombatList attackers,
                                                    ICombatList defenders,
                                                    IBattleRandom random,
                                                    decimal baseDmg,
                                                    int attackIndex,
                                                    out decimal actualDmg)
            // Miss chance
            actualDmg = BattleFormulas.GetDmgWithMissChance(attackers.UpkeepExcludingWaitingToJoinBattle, defenders.UpkeepExcludingWaitingToJoinBattle, baseDmg, random);

            // Splash dmg reduction
            actualDmg = BattleFormulas.SplashReduction(this, actualDmg, attackIndex);

            // AP Bonuses
            if (City.AlignmentPoint >= 90m)
                actualDmg *= .1m;
Exemplo n.º 12
        public virtual decimal GetDmgWithMissChance(int attackersUpkeep, int defendersUpkeep, decimal dmg, IBattleRandom random)
            double delta         = Math.Max(0, (double)attackersUpkeep / defendersUpkeep);
            double effectiveness = attackersUpkeep > 200 ? 1 : (double)attackersUpkeep / 200;

            int missChance;

            if (delta < 1)
                missChance = (int)(0 * effectiveness);
            else if (delta < 1.25)
                missChance = (int)(10 * effectiveness);
            else if (delta < 1.5)
                missChance = (int)(17 * effectiveness);
            else if (delta < 2)
                missChance = (int)(22 * effectiveness);
            else if (delta < 3.5)
                missChance = (int)(30 * effectiveness);
            else if (delta < 5)
                missChance = (int)(40 * effectiveness);
            else if (delta < 7)
                missChance = (int)(48 * effectiveness);
            else if (delta < 10)
                missChance = (int)(55 * effectiveness);
                missChance = (int)(60 * effectiveness);

            var rand = (int)(random.NextDouble() * 100);

            if (missChance <= 0 || rand > missChance)

            return(dmg / 2m);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public override void CalcActualDmgToBeTaken(ICombatList attackers, ICombatList defenders, IBattleRandom random, decimal baseDmg, int attackIndex, out decimal actualDmg)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 14
 public abstract void CalcActualDmgToBeTaken(ICombatList attackers,
                                             ICombatList defenders,
                                             IBattleRandom random,
                                             decimal baseDmg,
                                             int attackIndex,
                                             out decimal actualDmg);
Exemplo n.º 15
 public BattleOrder(IBattleRandom random)
     this.random = random;