Exemplo n.º 1
 public HomeController(ILogger <HomeController> logger, ILibraryService libraryService, IWebHostEnvironment webEnvironment, IBarcodeService barcodeService)
     this.logger         = logger;
     this.libraryService = libraryService;
     this.webEnvironment = webEnvironment;
     this.barcodeService = barcodeService;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public CallWalmartProcessing(ILogService log,
                                     ITime time,
                                     ICacheService cacheService,
                                     IDbFactory dbFactory,
                                     IEmailService emailService,
                                     IItemHistoryService itemHistoryService,
                                     WalmartApi walmartApi,
                                     CompanyDTO company)
            _log                = log;
            _time               = time;
            _dbFactory          = dbFactory;
            _cacheService       = cacheService;
            _walmartApi         = walmartApi;
            _company            = company;
            _emailService       = emailService;
            _itemHistoryService = itemHistoryService;

            _actionService  = new SystemActionService(_log, _time);
            _htmlScraper    = new HtmlScraperService(log, time, dbFactory);
            _barcodeService = new BarcodeService(log, time, dbFactory);

            _openApi = new WalmartOpenApi(_log, "trn9fdghvb8p9gjj9j6bvjwx");
            _autoCreateListingService = new AutoCreateWalmartListingService(log,
Exemplo n.º 3
        public CallEBayProcessing(ILogService log,
                                  ITime time,
                                  ICacheService cacheService,
                                  IDbFactory dbFactory,
                                  IStyleManager styleManager,
                                  eBayApi eBayApi,
                                  IEmailService emailService,
                                  CompanyDTO company)
            _log                                 = log;
            _time                                = time;
            _dbFactory                           = dbFactory;
            _cacheService                        = cacheService;
            _styleManager                        = styleManager;
            _descriptionTemplatePath             = Path.Combine(AppSettings.TemplateDirectory, TemplateHelper.EBayDescriptionTemplateName);
            _descriptionMultiListingTemplatePath = Path.Combine(AppSettings.TemplateDirectory, TemplateHelper.EBayDescriptionMultiListingTemplateName);

            _eBayApi      = eBayApi;
            _company      = company;
            _emailService = emailService;

            _actionService = new SystemActionService(_log, _time);
            _htmlScraper   = new HtmlScraperService(log, time, dbFactory);

            var itemHistoryService = new ItemHistoryService(_log, _time, _dbFactory);

            _barcodeService           = new BarcodeService(log, time, dbFactory);
            _autoCreateListingService = new AutoCreateEBayListingService(_log, _time, dbFactory, cacheService, _barcodeService, _emailService, itemHistoryService, AppSettings.IsDebug);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public CallSupplieroasisProcessing(ILogService log,
                                           ITime time,
                                           ICacheService cacheService,
                                           IEmailService emailService,
                                           IDbFactory dbFactory,
                                           CompanyDTO company)
            _dbFactory             = dbFactory;
            _cacheService          = cacheService;
            _barcodeService        = new BarcodeService(log, time, dbFactory);
            _trackingNumberService = new TrackingNumberService(log, time, dbFactory);
            _log          = log;
            _time         = time;
            _emailService = emailService;
            _company      = company;

            _weightService  = new WeightService();
            _messageService = new SystemMessageService(_log, _time, dbFactory);
            _actionService  = new SystemActionService(_log, _time);
            _htmlScraper    = new HtmlScraperService(log, time, dbFactory);

            var itemHistoryService = new ItemHistoryService(log, time, dbFactory);

            _autoCreateListingService = new AutoCreateNonameListingService(_log, _time, dbFactory, cacheService, _barcodeService, _emailService, itemHistoryService, AppSettings.IsDebug);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public BarcodeController(
     IBarcodeService barcodeService,
     IProductService productService
     _barcodeService = barcodeService;
     _productService = productService;
 void Initialize()
     if (azure == null || searchService == null)
         azure = ServiceLocator.Instance.Resolve<IAzureClient>();
         searchService = ServiceLocator.Instance.Resolve<ISearchService>();
         barcodeService = ServiceLocator.Instance.Resolve<IBarcodeService>();
Exemplo n.º 7
 void Initialize()
     if (azure == null || searchService == null)
         azure          = ServiceLocator.Instance.Resolve <IAzureClient>();
         searchService  = ServiceLocator.Instance.Resolve <ISearchService>();
         barcodeService = ServiceLocator.Instance.Resolve <IBarcodeService>();
 public ProductService(IProductRepository productRepository,
                       ICategoryRepository categoryRepository,
                       IBarcodeService barcodeService,
                       IMapper mapper)
     _productRepository  = productRepository;
     _categoryRepository = categoryRepository;
     _barcodeService     = barcodeService;
     _mapper             = mapper;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static string GenerateBarcode(IBarcodeService barcodeService,
                                             string sku,
                                             DateTime when)
            var barcodeInfo = barcodeService.AssociateBarcodes(sku, when, null);

            if (barcodeInfo != null)
 public AutoCreateEBayListingService(ILogService log,
                                     ITime time,
                                     IDbFactory dbFactory,
                                     ICacheService cacheService,
                                     IBarcodeService barcodeService,
                                     IEmailService emailService,
                                     IItemHistoryService itemHistoryService,
                                     bool isDebug) : base(log, time, dbFactory, cacheService, barcodeService, emailService, itemHistoryService, isDebug)
     _log       = log;
     _time      = time;
     _dbFactory = dbFactory;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public AutoCreateAmazonAUListingService(ILogService log,
                                         ITime time,
                                         IDbFactory dbFactory,
                                         ICacheService cacheService,
                                         IBarcodeService barcodeService,
                                         IEmailService emailService,
                                         ISystemActionService actionService,
                                         IItemHistoryService itemHistoryService,
                                         bool isDebug) : base(log, time, dbFactory, cacheService, barcodeService, emailService, itemHistoryService, isDebug)
     _log           = log;
     _time          = time;
     _dbFactory     = dbFactory;
     _actionService = actionService;
Exemplo n.º 12
        public CallMagentoProcessing(ILogService log,
                                     ITime time,
                                     IEmailService emailService,
                                     ICacheService cacheService,
                                     IDbFactory dbFactory)
            _log          = log;
            _time         = time;
            _dbFactory    = dbFactory;
            _cacheService = cacheService;
            _emailService = emailService;

            var itemHistoryService = new ItemHistoryService(_log, _time, _dbFactory);

            _barcodeService           = new BarcodeService(log, time, dbFactory);
            _autoCreateListingService = new AutoCreateNonameListingService(_log, _time, dbFactory, cacheService, _barcodeService, _emailService, itemHistoryService, AppSettings.IsDebug);
 public AutoCreateWalmartCAListingService(ILogService log,
                                          ITime time,
                                          IDbFactory dbFactory,
                                          ICacheService cacheService,
                                          IBarcodeService barcodeService,
                                          IEmailService emailService,
                                          IItemHistoryService itemHistoryService,
                                          bool isDebug) : base(log, time, dbFactory, cacheService, barcodeService, emailService, itemHistoryService, isDebug)
     _log            = log;
     _time           = time;
     _dbFactory      = dbFactory;
     _cacheService   = cacheService;
     _barcodeService = barcodeService;
     _emailService   = emailService;
     _isDebug        = isDebug;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public ImportRelist(ILogService log,
                            ITime time,
                            IDbFactory dbFactory,
                            ICacheService cacheService,
                            IEmailService emailService,
                            ISystemActionService actionService)
            _log           = log;
            _time          = time;
            _dbFactory     = dbFactory;
            _cacheService  = cacheService;
            _emailService  = emailService;
            _actionService = actionService;

            var itemHistoryService = new ItemHistoryService(_log, _time, _dbFactory);

            _barcodeService           = new BarcodeService(_log, _time, _dbFactory);
            _autoCreateListingService = new AutoCreateNonameListingService(_log, _time, _dbFactory, _cacheService, _barcodeService, _emailService, itemHistoryService, AppSettings.IsDebug);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public DSCustomItemsSync(ILogService log,
                                 ITime time,
                                 IDbFactory dbFactory,
                                 IBarcodeService barcodeService,
                                 long dropShipperId,
                                 MarketType destMarket,
                                 string destMarketplaceId,
                                 MarketType sourceMarket,
                                 string sourceMarketplaceId)
            _log            = log;
            _time           = time;
            _dbFactory      = dbFactory;
            _barcodeService = barcodeService;

            _dropShipperId       = dropShipperId;
            _destMarket          = destMarket;
            _destMarketplaceId   = destMarketplaceId;
            _sourceMarket        = sourceMarket;
            _sourceMarketplaceId = sourceMarketplaceId;
        public static IList <CustomBarcodeViewModel> AssociateBarcodes(IBarcodeService barcodeService,
                                                                       string skuText,
                                                                       DateTime when,
            var skuList = skuText.Split(" \r\n\t".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            var results = new List <CustomBarcodeViewModel>();

            foreach (var sku in skuList)
                var formattedSku = sku.Trim();
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(formattedSku))

                var barcodeDto = barcodeService.AssociateBarcodes(sku, when, by);
                results.Add(new CustomBarcodeViewModel(barcodeDto));

        public CallDsApiProcessing(ILogService log,
                                   ITime time,
                                   ICacheService cacheService,
                                   IQuantityManager quantityManager,
                                   ISystemActionService actionService,
                                   IEmailService emailService,
                                   IDbFactory dbFactory)
            _dbFactory       = dbFactory;
            _cacheService    = cacheService;
            _quantityManager = quantityManager;
            _actionService   = actionService;
            _barcodeService  = new BarcodeService(log, time, dbFactory);
            _log             = log;
            _time            = time;
            _emailService    = emailService;

            var itemHistoryService = new ItemHistoryService(_log, _time, _dbFactory);
            var barcodeService     = new BarcodeService(log, time, dbFactory);

            _autoCreateListingService = new AutoCreateNonameListingService(_log, _time, dbFactory, cacheService, barcodeService, emailService, itemHistoryService, AppSettings.IsDebug);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public CallWalmartCAProcessing(ILogService log,
                                       ITime time,
                                       ICacheService cacheService,
                                       IDbFactory dbFactory,
                                       IEmailService emailService,
                                       WalmartCAApi walmartCAApi,
                                       CompanyDTO company)
            _log          = log;
            _time         = time;
            _dbFactory    = dbFactory;
            _cacheService = cacheService;
            _walmartCAApi = walmartCAApi;
            _company      = company;
            _emailService = emailService;

            var itemHistoryService = new ItemHistoryService(_log, _time, _dbFactory);

            _actionService            = new SystemActionService(_log, _time);
            _htmlScraper              = new HtmlScraperService(log, time, dbFactory);
            _barcodeService           = new BarcodeService(log, time, dbFactory);
            _autoCreateListingService = new AutoCreateWalmartCAListingService(log, time, dbFactory, _cacheService, _barcodeService, _emailService, itemHistoryService, AppSettings.IsDebug);
        public Entry2PageViewModel(
            INavigator navigator,
            IDialogService dialogService,
            ISettingService settingService,
            IBarcodeService barcodeService,
            ItemService itemService,
            EntryService entryService,
            Session session)
            this.navigator      = navigator;
            this.dialogService  = dialogService;
            this.barcodeService = barcodeService;
            this.itemService    = itemService;
            this.entryService   = entryService;

            UserId.Value     = session.UserId;
            TerminalNo.Value = settingService.GetTerminalNo();

            BackCommand = MakeAsyncCommand(Back);
            NextCommand = MakeAsyncCommand(Next);
            ScanCommand = MakeAsyncCommand(Scan);
            EditCommand = MakeAsyncCommand <EntryEntity>(Edit);
Exemplo n.º 20
 public ResultsController(IRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IPhredService phredService, IBarcodeService barcodeService)
     _repositoryFactory = repositoryFactory;
     _phredService = phredService;
     _barcodeService = barcodeService;
Exemplo n.º 21
 public UserJobController(IRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IBarcodeService barcodeService)
     _repositoryFactory = repositoryFactory;
     _barcodeService    = barcodeService;
Exemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// 初始化一个<see cref="ZXingBarcodeServiceTest"/>类型的实例
 /// </summary>
 public ZXingBarcodeServiceTest(ITestOutputHelper output) : base(output)
     _service = new ZXingBarcodeService();
Exemplo n.º 23
 public PrinterController(IBarcodeService barcodeService)
     _barcodeService = barcodeService;
Exemplo n.º 24
        public static void CopyToMarketplaces(IUnitOfWork db,
                                              ICacheService cache,
                                              IBarcodeService barcodeService,
                                              ISystemActionService actionService,
                                              IAutoCreateListingService autoCreateListingService,
                                              IItemHistoryService itemHistoryService,
                                              int id,
                                              DateTime when,
                                              IList <ItemMarketViewModel> toMarketplaces,
                                              out IList <MessageString> messages)
            var parent = db.ParentItems.GetAsDTO(id);

            messages = new List <MessageString>();

            foreach (var toMarketplace in toMarketplaces)
                var model = ItemEditViewModel.CreateFromParentASIN(db,
                                                                   false, //NOTE: false - ex.: exclude to copy FBP to Walmart
                                                                   out messages);

                model.Id            = null;
                model.Market        = toMarketplace.Market;
                model.MarketplaceId = toMarketplace.MarketplaceId;
                //model.OnHold = true;

                var parentBaseASIN = SkuHelper.RemoveSKULastIndex(model.ASIN);
                var parentIndex    = 0;
                while (db.ParentItems.GetAsDTO(parentBaseASIN + ((parentIndex == 0) ? "" : "-" + parentIndex), (MarketType)toMarketplace.Market, toMarketplace.MarketplaceId) != null)
                var parentSKU = parentBaseASIN + ((parentIndex == 0) ? "" : "-" + parentIndex);

                var forceReplace = model.VariationList.Any(s => (s.Size ?? "").Contains("/"));

                model.ASIN = parentSKU;

                foreach (var item in model.VariationList)
                    item.Id = null;

                    if (model.Market == (int)MarketType.Walmart ||
                        model.Market == (int)MarketType.WalmartCA)
                        item.Barcode = null;
                        item.AutoGeneratedBarcode = true;

                    if (item.StyleItemId.HasValue)
                        var sourceUSDPrice = item.Price;
                        var fromCurrency   = PriceHelper.GetCurrencyAbbr((MarketType)parent.Market, parent.MarketplaceId);
                        if (fromCurrency != PriceHelper.USDSymbol)
                            sourceUSDPrice = PriceHelper.ConvertToUSD(item.Price, fromCurrency);

                        var rateForMarketplace = RateHelper.GetRatesByStyleItemId(db, item.StyleItemId.Value);
                        var newPrice           = RateHelper.CalculateForMarket((MarketType)toMarketplace.Market,

                                                                               RateService.GetMarketShippingAmount(MarketType.Amazon, MarketplaceKeeper.AmazonComMarketplaceId),
                                                                               RateService.GetMarketShippingAmount((MarketType)toMarketplace.Market, toMarketplace.MarketplaceId),
                                                                               RateService.GetMarketExtraAmount((MarketType)toMarketplace.Market, toMarketplace.MarketplaceId));

                        if (newPrice.HasValue)
                            item.Price = newPrice.Value;

                    if (db.Listings.CheckForExistenceSKU(item.SKU,
                        var baseSKU = item.StyleString + "-" + SizeHelper.PrepareSizeForSKU(item.StyleSize, forceReplace);
                        var index   = parentIndex;

                        while (db.Listings.CheckForExistenceSKU(SkuHelper.SetSKUMiddleIndex(baseSKU, index),

                        item.SKU = SkuHelper.SetSKUMiddleIndex(baseSKU, index);

        public string Export(IUnitOfWork db,
                             ITime time,
                             ILogService log,
                             IBarcodeService barcodeService,
                             IMarketCategoryService categoryService,
                             IMarketplaceService marketplaceService,
                             DateTime when,
            log.Info("Export, parentId=" + Id + ", market=" + Market + ", marketplaceId=" + MarketplaceId);

            string filename    = null;
            var    parent      = db.ParentItems.GetAsDTO((int)Id);
            var    parentImage = db.ParentItemImages.GetAllAsDto().FirstOrDefault(pi => pi.ItemId == parent.Id);

            parent.LargeImage = parentImage;

            var parentChildren = db.Items.GetAllActualExAsDto().Where(i => i.ParentASIN == parent.ASIN && //NOTE: use original ASIN
                                                                      i.Market == (int)parent.Market &&
                                                                      i.MarketplaceId == parent.MarketplaceId).ToList();

            //if (exportMode != ExportToExcelMode.FBA) //TASK: Generate excel only for listing that haven't FBA
            parentChildren = parentChildren.Where(i => !i.IsFBA).ToList();
            parentChildren = parentChildren
                             .OrderBy(ch => ch.StyleString)
                             .ThenBy(ch => SizeHelper.GetSizeIndex(ch.Size))

            var children = VariationList
                           .Where(v => v.IsSelected &&
                           .Select(v => new ItemExDTO()
                StyleString  = v.StyleString,
                StyleId      = v.StyleId,
                StyleItemId  = v.StyleItemId,
                Barcode      = v.Barcode,
                SKU          = v.SKU,
                Size         = v.Size,
                Color        = v.Color,
                CurrentPrice = v.Price,

            parent.ASIN       = ASIN;
            parent.AmazonName = Name;

            var styleStringList = children.Select(ch => ch.StyleString).Distinct().ToList();
            var styles          = db.Styles.GetAllActive().Where(s => styleStringList.Contains(s.StyleID)).ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)
                var style = styles.FirstOrDefault(s => s.StyleID == children[i].StyleString);
                if (style != null)
                    children[i].StyleId = style.Id;

                var existParentChild = parentChildren.FirstOrDefault(p => String.Compare(p.SKU, children[i].SKU, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0);
                if (existParentChild != null)
                    children[i].Id   = existParentChild.Id;
                    children[i].ASIN = existParentChild.ASIN;

                    children[i].Name            = existParentChild.Name;
                    children[i].ImageUrl        = existParentChild.ImageUrl;
                    children[i].IsExistOnAmazon = existParentChild.IsExistOnAmazon;

                    children[i].ListPrice   = existParentChild.ListPrice;
                    children[i].BrandName   = existParentChild.BrandName;
                    children[i].SpecialSize = existParentChild.SpecialSize;
                    children[i].Features    = existParentChild.Features;
                    children[i].Department  = existParentChild.Department;

                    children[i].RealQuantity = existParentChild.RealQuantity;
                    children[i].Weight       = existParentChild.Weight; //NOTE: only for FBA
                    children[i].IsPrime      = existParentChild.IsPrime;

            var resultRecords = ExcelProductUSViewModel.GetItemsFor(db,
                                                                    PictureSourceType == PictureSourceTypes.FromStyle ? UseStyleImageModes.StyleImage : UseStyleImageModes.ListingImage,
                                                                    out filename);

            //NOTE: mark already exist listings as PartialUpdate
            foreach (var resultRecord in resultRecords)
                if (resultRecord.Id > 0 &&
                    resultRecord.Parentage == ExcelHelper.ParentageChild &&
                    resultRecord.Update        = "PartialUpdate";
                    resultRecord.Quantity      = null;
                    resultRecord.StandardPrice = null;
                    //resultRecord.SuggestedPrice = null;
                    //resultRecord.MainImageURL = null;
                    //resultRecord.OtherImageUrl1 = null;
                    //resultRecord.OtherImageUrl2 = null;
                    //resultRecord.OtherImageUrl3 = null;

            var firstResult = resultRecords.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Parentage == ExcelHelper.ParentageChild);

            if (firstResult != null)
                foreach (var resultRecord in resultRecords)
                    if (CopyBulletPoints &&
                        resultRecord.Id == 0 &&
                        resultRecord.Parentage == ExcelHelper.ParentageChild)
                        resultRecord.KeyProductFeatures1 = firstResult.KeyProductFeatures1;
                        resultRecord.KeyProductFeatures2 = firstResult.KeyProductFeatures2;
                        resultRecord.KeyProductFeatures3 = firstResult.KeyProductFeatures3;
                        resultRecord.KeyProductFeatures4 = firstResult.KeyProductFeatures4;
                        resultRecord.KeyProductFeatures5 = firstResult.KeyProductFeatures5;

                        resultRecord.SearchTerms1 = firstResult.SearchTerms1;

            var styleStringToGenerate = children.Where(ch => ch.Id == 0).Select(ch => ch.StyleString).Distinct().ToList();

            foreach (var styleString in styleStringToGenerate)
                var styleDto   = db.Styles.GetActiveByStyleIdAsDto(styleString);
                var styleModel = new StyleViewModel(db, marketplaceService, styleDto);
                //Update Barcode and AutoGenerateBarcode flag, other info already exists in resultRecords
                foreach (var si in styleModel.StyleItems.Items)
                    var variationItem = VariationList.FirstOrDefault(v => v.StyleItemId == si.Id);
                    if (variationItem != null)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(variationItem.Barcode))
                            si.Barcodes = new[] { new BarcodeDTO()
                                                      Barcode = variationItem.Barcode
                                                  } }
                        si.AutoGeneratedBarcode = variationItem.AutoGeneratedBarcode;

                string tempFilename       = null;
                var    styleResultRecords = ExcelProductUSViewModel.GenerateToExcelUS(db, barcodeService, categoryService, styleModel, when, out tempFilename);

                foreach (var styleResultRecord in styleResultRecords)
                    if (!styleResultRecord.StyleItemId.HasValue)

                    var resultRecord = resultRecords.FirstOrDefault(s => s.StyleItemId == styleResultRecord.StyleItemId);
                    if (resultRecord != null)
                        resultRecord.ASIN      = styleResultRecord.ASIN;
                        resultRecord.ProductId = styleResultRecord.ProductId;

                        resultRecord.Title          = styleResultRecord.Title;
                        resultRecord.Description    = styleResultRecord.Description;
                        resultRecord.BrandName      = styleResultRecord.BrandName;
                        resultRecord.Type           = styleResultRecord.Type;
                        resultRecord.MainImageURL   = styleResultRecord.MainImageURL;
                        resultRecord.OtherImageUrl1 = styleResultRecord.OtherImageUrl1;
                        resultRecord.OtherImageUrl2 = styleResultRecord.OtherImageUrl2;
                        resultRecord.OtherImageUrl3 = styleResultRecord.OtherImageUrl3;
                        resultRecord.Department     = styleResultRecord.Department;

                        resultRecord.SuggestedPrice = styleResultRecord.SuggestedPrice;
                        resultRecord.Quantity       = styleResultRecord.Quantity;

                        if (!CopyBulletPoints)
                            resultRecord.KeyProductFeatures1 = styleResultRecord.KeyProductFeatures1;
                            resultRecord.KeyProductFeatures2 = styleResultRecord.KeyProductFeatures2;
                            resultRecord.KeyProductFeatures3 = styleResultRecord.KeyProductFeatures3;
                            resultRecord.KeyProductFeatures4 = styleResultRecord.KeyProductFeatures4;
                            resultRecord.KeyProductFeatures5 = styleResultRecord.KeyProductFeatures5;

                            resultRecord.SearchTerms1 = styleResultRecord.SearchTerms1;

            var stream = ExcelHelper.ExportIntoFile(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(ExcelProductUSViewModel.USTemplatePath),

            var filePath = UrlHelper.GetProductTemplateFilePath(filename);

            using (var file = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Create))
Exemplo n.º 26
 /// <summary>
 /// Initiated a instance of the <see cref="BarcodeController"/> class
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="barcodeService">A implementation of the <see cref="IBarcodeService"/> interface</param>
 /// <param name="mapper">A implementation of the <see cref="IMapper"/> interface</param>
 public BarcodeController(IBarcodeService barcodeService, IMapper mapper)
     this.barcodeService = barcodeService;
     this.mapper         = mapper;
 public void SetUp()
     _service = _kernel.Get <IBarcodeService>();
Exemplo n.º 28
 public CardService(IBarcodeService barcodeService)
     _filePath       = string.Empty;
     _barcodeService = barcodeService;
Exemplo n.º 29
 public PrinterController(IBarcodeService barcodeService)
     _barcodeService = barcodeService;
Exemplo n.º 30
 public ResultsController(IRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, IPhredService phredService, IBarcodeService barcodeService)
     _repositoryFactory = repositoryFactory;
     _phredService      = phredService;
     _barcodeService    = barcodeService;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="scanner">BarcodeScan service.</param>
 /// <param name="searcher"></param>
 /// <param name="logger">NLog logger.</param>
 public BarcodeController(IBarcodeService scanner, IBarcodeCatalogSearchService searcher, ILogger logger) : base(logger)
     _scanner  = scanner;
     _searcher = searcher;
        public static IList <ExcelWFSProductUSViewModel> GenerateToExcelUS(IUnitOfWork db,
                                                                           IBarcodeService barcodeService,
                                                                           IMarketCategoryService categoryService,
                                                                           StyleViewModel model,
                                                                           DateTime when,
                                                                           out string filename)
             *  1.	Item_sku:
             *      a.	First row = Style
             *      b.	Other rows – Style-%size%, i.e. K123123-2T, K123123-3T..
             *  2.	Item name:
             *      a.	First Raw - %Name% + “,”+%Size Group% (Infant, Toddler, Kids)+”Sizes”+%Size_Range%” (example: Planes Boys 'Turn Up the Heat' Coat Style Pajama Set, Toddler Sizes 2T-4T)
             *      b.	Other rows: %Name% + “,”+%Size Group% (Infant, Toddler, Kids)+%Size% (i.e. Planes Boys 'Turn Up the Heat' Coat Style Pajama Set, Toddler Size 2T)
             *  3.	external_product_id – barcode (empty for first raw)
             *  4.	external_product_id_type – harcoded “UPC” (empty for first raw)
             *  16.	brand_name - Main License
             *  17.	item_type – use same logic as you use when you generate xls from ASIN
             *  18.	main_image_url – upload image to server, and insert public URL to this image here
             *  19.	Color - %Color%
             *  20.	Department_name - use same logic as you use when you generate xls from ASIN
             *  21.	Size - %size%
             *  22.	update_delete – “Update”
             *  23.	standard_price - %price%
             *  24.	list_price -- %MSRP%
             *  25.	currency – “USD”
             *  26.	quantity – “%Quantity%
             *  27.	bullet_point1 – “Authentic ”+ %Main License% +” product with reliable quality and durability
             *  28.	bullet_point2 – “Featuring “+%sublicense%
             *  29.	bullet_point3 – if(Material  != Cotton) “Flame resistant” else “100% Cotton”
             *  30.	bullet_point4 – “Machine Wash, Easy Care”
             *  31.	generic_keywords1 = if(Item style = pajama) “ sleepwear, pj, jummie, new, %sleeve%”
             *      if(nightgown) “night, gown, night-gown, sleepwear, pj, jummie, new, %sleeve%, dress up”
             *  32.	“Gift, present, 2015, cozy ” If(Material =fleece) “Fleece, microfleece, warm, winter spring”
             *  33.	parent_child, parent_sku, relationship_type, variation_theme – same logic as you use when you generate xls from ASIN
             *  34.	if More then one picture provided insert their URL into other_image_url1, other_image_url2, other_image_url3

            var models = new List <ExcelWFSProductUSViewModel>();

            var parent = new ExcelWFSProductUSViewModel();
            var childs = new List <ExcelWFSProductUSViewModel>();

            var sizes = model.StyleItems.Items;

            //Size Group, Size Range
            var             hasKids2      = sizes.Any(s => ItemExportHelper.GetSizeGroupByName(s.SizeGroupName, true) == ExportSizeGroup.Kids2);
            ExportSizeGroup?sizeGroup     = sizes.Any() ? (ExportSizeGroup?)ItemExportHelper.GetSizeGroupByName(sizes.Last().SizeGroupName, false) : null;
            var             sizeGroupName = ItemExportHelper.GetSizeGroupName(sizeGroup);
            var             sizeRange     = ItemExportHelper.GetSizeRangeName(sizes.Select(s => s.Size).ToList(), hasKids2);
            var             firstSize     = sizes.Any() ? sizes[0].Size : String.Empty;

            //Features Values
            var features = model.Features.Select(f => new FeatureValueDTO()
                FeatureId = f.FeatureId,
                Value     = f.Value,
            var allFeatureValues = db.FeatureValues.GetAllFeatureValueByItemType(1);

            var gender      = ItemExportHelper.GetFeatureValue(features, allFeatureValues, StyleFeatureHelper.GENDER);
            var itemStyle   = ItemExportHelper.GetFeatureValue(features, allFeatureValues, StyleFeatureHelper.ITEMSTYLE);
            var sleeve      = ItemExportHelper.GetFeatureValue(features, allFeatureValues, StyleFeatureHelper.SLEEVE);
            var material    = ItemExportHelper.GetFeatureValue(features, allFeatureValues, StyleFeatureHelper.MATERIAL);
            var color1      = ItemExportHelper.GetFeatureValue(features, allFeatureValues, StyleFeatureHelper.COLOR1);
            var mainLicense = ItemExportHelper.GetFeatureValue(features, allFeatureValues, StyleFeatureHelper.MAIN_LICENSE);
            var subLicense  = ItemExportHelper.GetFeatureValue(features, allFeatureValues, StyleFeatureHelper.SUB_LICENSE1);
            //var shippingSize = ItemExportHelper.GetFeatureValue(features, allFeatureValues, Feature.SHIPPING_SIZE);

            //var itemType = ItemExportHelper.GetItemType(itemStyle);
            var sizeType     = ItemExportHelper.GetSizeType(firstSize);
            var categoryInfo = categoryService.GetCategory(MarketType.Amazon, MarketplaceKeeper.AmazonComMarketplaceId, itemStyle, gender, sizeType);

            var brandName = ItemExportHelper.GetBrandName(mainLicense, subLicense);

            var    newItemType   = categoryInfo.Key1;// ItemExportHelper.ItemTypeConverter(firstSize ?? "", itemType, itemStyle, gender);
            var    newDepartment = StringHelper.GetFirstNotEmpty(categoryInfo.Key2, ItemExportHelper.DepartmentConverter(gender, newItemType, sizeType));
            string clothingType  = categoryInfo.Key3;

            var searchTerms = model.SearchTerms;       // ItemExportHelper.BuildSearchTerms(itemStyle, material, sleeve);
            var keyFeatures = model.GetBulletPoints(); // ItemExportHelper.BuildKeyFeatures(mainLicense, subLicense, material);

            //Parent item
            parent.SKU  = model.StyleId;
            parent.ASIN = "";

            parent.Title = model.Name + "," + (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sizeGroupName) ? " " + ItemExportHelper.FormatSizeGroupName(sizeGroupName) : String.Empty) + " " + sizeRange;
            //If it causes name length to exceed maximum allowed, please drop words “Kids” or Toddler”
            var inlcudeSizeGroup = true;

            if (parent.Title.Length > ItemExportHelper.MaxItemNameLength)
                parent.Title     = model.Name + ", " + sizeRange;
                inlcudeSizeGroup = false;

            parent.ProductId = "";
            parent.BrandName = brandName;

            parent.Type = newItemType;

            var images      = new List <string>();
            var swatchImage = "";

            if (model.ImageSet != null)
                images = model.ImageSet.Images
                         .Where(im => im.Category != (int)StyleImageCategories.Swatch)
                         .OrderByDescending(im => ImageHelper.GetSortIndex(im.Category))
                         .ThenByDescending(im => im.IsDefault)
                         .ThenBy(im => im.Id)
                         .Select(im => im.ImageUrl)
                swatchImage = model.ImageSet.Images
                              .FirstOrDefault(im => im.Category == (int)StyleImageCategories.Swatch)?.ImageUrl;

                parent.MainImageURL   = images.Count > 0 ? images[0] : "";
                parent.OtherImageUrl1 = images.Count > 1 ? images[1] : "";
                parent.OtherImageUrl2 = images.Count > 2 ? images[2] : "";
                parent.OtherImageUrl3 = images.Count > 3 ? images[3] : "";
                parent.SwatchImageUrl = swatchImage;

            parent.Color      = "";// color1;
            parent.Department = newDepartment;

            parent.Size           = "";
            parent.Description    = model.Description;
            parent.Update         = "Update";
            parent.StandardPrice  = "";
            parent.SuggestedPrice = Math.Round(model.MSRP).ToString("G");
            parent.Currency       = "USD";

            parent.Quantity = "";

            parent.KeyProductFeatures1 = keyFeatures.Count > 0 ? keyFeatures[0] : "";
            parent.KeyProductFeatures2 = keyFeatures.Count > 1 ? keyFeatures[1] : "";
            parent.KeyProductFeatures3 = keyFeatures.Count > 2 ? keyFeatures[2] : "";
            parent.KeyProductFeatures4 = keyFeatures.Count > 3 ? keyFeatures[3] : "";
            parent.KeyProductFeatures5 = keyFeatures.Count > 4 ? keyFeatures[4] : "";

            parent.SearchTerms1 = searchTerms;
            //parent.SearchTerms3 = "";
            //parent.SearchTerms4 = "";
            //parent.SearchTerms5 = "";

            parent.Parentage        = "Parent";
            parent.ParentSKU        = "";
            parent.RelationshipType = "";
            parent.VariationTheme   = "Size";
            parent.FeedProductType  = clothingType;

            //Child items
            foreach (var size in sizes)
                var child = new ExcelWFSProductUSViewModel();
                child.SKU = model.StyleId + "-" + ItemExportHelper.ConvertSizeForStyleId(size.Size, hasKids2);

                child.StyleItemId = size.Id;
                child.StyleId     = model.Id;

                if (size.AutoGeneratedBarcode)
                    var newBarcode = BarcodeHelper.GenerateBarcode(barcodeService, child.SKU, when);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(newBarcode))
                        if (size.Barcodes == null)
                            size.Barcodes = new List <BarcodeDTO>();
                        size.Barcodes.Insert(0, new BarcodeDTO()
                            Barcode = newBarcode

                child.ASIN = (size.Barcodes != null && size.Barcodes.Any()) ? size.Barcodes.FirstOrDefault().Barcode : String.Empty;

                child.Title = model.Name + "," + (inlcudeSizeGroup ? " " + ItemExportHelper.FormatSizeGroupName(size.SizeGroupName) : "") + " Size " + ItemExportHelper.ConvertSizeForItemName(size.Size, hasKids2);

                child.ProductId = "UPC";
                child.BrandName = brandName;

                child.Type = newItemType;

                child.MainImageURL   = images.Count > 0 ? images[0] : "";
                child.OtherImageUrl1 = images.Count > 1 ? images[1] : "";
                child.OtherImageUrl2 = images.Count > 2 ? images[2] : "";
                child.OtherImageUrl3 = images.Count > 3 ? images[3] : "";
                child.SwatchImageUrl = swatchImage;

                child.Color      = ItemExportHelper.PrepareColor(String.IsNullOrEmpty(size.Color) ? color1 : size.Color);
                child.Department = newDepartment;

                child.Size           = size.Size;
                child.Description    = model.Description;
                child.Update         = "Update";
                child.StandardPrice  = model.Price.ToString("G");
                child.SuggestedPrice = Math.Round(model.MSRP).ToString("G");
                child.Currency       = "USD";

                child.Quantity = size.Quantity.ToString();

                child.KeyProductFeatures1 = parent.KeyProductFeatures1;
                child.KeyProductFeatures2 = parent.KeyProductFeatures2;
                child.KeyProductFeatures3 = parent.KeyProductFeatures3;
                child.KeyProductFeatures4 = parent.KeyProductFeatures4;
                child.KeyProductFeatures5 = parent.KeyProductFeatures5;

                child.SearchTerms1 = parent.SearchTerms1;
                //child.SearchTerms1 = parent.SearchTerms1;
                //child.SearchTerms2 = parent.SearchTerms2;
                //child.SearchTerms3 = parent.SearchTerms3;
                //child.SearchTerms4 = parent.SearchTerms4;
                //child.SearchTerms5 = parent.SearchTerms5;

                child.Parentage        = "Child";
                child.ParentSKU        = parent.SKU;
                child.RelationshipType = "Variation";
                child.VariationTheme   = "Size";

                child.FeedProductType = clothingType;



            filename = model.StyleId + "_" + subLicense;
            filename = filename.Replace(" ", "") + "_US.xls";

Exemplo n.º 33
        public static IList <ExcelProductUKViewModel> GenerateToExcelUK(IUnitOfWork db,
                                                                        IBarcodeService barcodeService,
                                                                        IMarketCategoryService categoryService,
                                                                        StyleViewModel model,
                                                                        DateTime when,
                                                                        out string filename)
            var gbpExchangeRate = PriceHelper.GBPtoUSD;

            var models = new List <ExcelProductUKViewModel>();

            var parent = new ExcelProductUKViewModel();
            var childs = new List <ExcelProductUKViewModel>();

            var sizes = model.StyleItems.Items;

            //Size Group, Size Range
            var             hasKids2      = sizes.Any(s => ItemExportHelper.GetSizeGroupByName(s.SizeGroupName, true) == ExportSizeGroup.Kids2);
            ExportSizeGroup?sizeGroup     = sizes.Any() ? (ExportSizeGroup?)ItemExportHelper.GetSizeGroupByName(sizes.Last().SizeGroupName, false) : null;
            var             sizeGroupName = ItemExportHelper.GetSizeGroupName(sizeGroup);

            var sizeRange = ItemExportHelper.GetSizeRangeName(sizes.Select(s => s.Size).ToList(), hasKids2);

            var firstSize = sizes.Any() ? sizes[0].Size : String.Empty;

            //Features Values
            var features = model.Features.Select(f => new FeatureValueDTO()
                FeatureId = f.FeatureId,
                Value     = f.Value,
            var allFeatureValues = db.FeatureValues.GetAllFeatureValueByItemType(1);

            var gender    = ItemExportHelper.GetFeatureValue(features, allFeatureValues, StyleFeatureHelper.GENDER);
            var itemStyle = ItemExportHelper.GetFeatureValue(features, allFeatureValues, StyleFeatureHelper.ITEMSTYLE);
            var sleeve    = ItemExportHelper.GetFeatureValue(features, allFeatureValues, StyleFeatureHelper.SLEEVE);
            var material  = ItemExportHelper.GetFeatureValue(features, allFeatureValues, StyleFeatureHelper.MATERIAL);

            var color1      = ItemExportHelper.GetFeatureValue(features, allFeatureValues, StyleFeatureHelper.COLOR1);
            var mainLicense = ItemExportHelper.GetFeatureValue(features, allFeatureValues, StyleFeatureHelper.MAIN_LICENSE);
            var subLicense  = ItemExportHelper.GetFeatureValue(features, allFeatureValues, StyleFeatureHelper.SUB_LICENSE1);
            //var shippingSize = ItemExportHelper.GetFeatureValue(features, allFeatureValues, StyleFeatureHelper.SHIPPING_SIZE);

            var materialComposition = ItemExportHelper.GetFeatureTextValue(features, StyleFeatureHelper.MATERIAL_COMPOSITION);

            var sizeType     = ItemExportHelper.GetSizeType(firstSize);
            var categoryInfo = categoryService.GetCategory(MarketType.AmazonEU, MarketplaceKeeper.AmazonUkMarketplaceId, itemStyle, gender, sizeType);
            //var itemType = ItemExportHelper.GetItemType(itemStyle);

            var brandName = ItemExportHelper.GetBrandName(mainLicense, subLicense);

            var newItemType   = categoryInfo.Key1;// ItemExportHelper.ItemTypeConverter(firstSize ?? "", itemType, itemStyle, gender);
            var newDepartment = StringHelper.GetFirstNotEmpty(categoryInfo.Key2, ItemExportHelper.DepartmentConverter(gender, newItemType, sizeType));

            var searchTerms = model.SearchTerms;       // ItemExportHelper.BuildSearchTerms(itemStyle, material, sleeve);
            var keyFeatures = model.GetBulletPoints(); // ItemExportHelper.BuildKeyFeatures(mainLicense, subLicense, material);

            var hasCotton = StringHelper.GetInOneOfStrings("Cotton", new List <string>()

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(materialComposition))
                if (hasCotton)
                    materialComposition = "Cotton";
                    materialComposition = "Polyester";

            //Parent item
            parent.SKU  = model.StyleId;
            parent.ASIN = "";

            parent.Title = model.Name + "," + (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sizeGroupName) ? " " + ItemExportHelper.FormatSizeGroupName(sizeGroupName) : String.Empty) + " " + sizeRange;
            //If it causes name length to exceed maximum allowed, please drop words “Kids” or Toddler”
            var inlcudeSizeGroup = true;

            if (parent.Title.Length > ItemExportHelper.MaxItemNameLength)
                parent.Title     = model.Name + ", " + sizeRange;
                inlcudeSizeGroup = false;

            parent.ProductId = "";
            parent.BrandName = brandName;

            parent.ClothingType = "sleepwear"; // = newItemType;

            var images      = new List <string>();
            var swatchImage = "";

            if (model.ImageSet != null)
                images = model.ImageSet.Images
                         .Where(im => im.Category != (int)StyleImageCategories.Swatch)
                         .OrderByDescending(im => ImageHelper.GetSortIndex(im.Category))
                         .ThenByDescending(im => im.IsDefault)
                         .ThenBy(im => im.Id)
                         .Select(im => im.ImageUrl)
                swatchImage = model.ImageSet.Images
                              .FirstOrDefault(im => im.Category == (int)StyleImageCategories.Swatch)?.ImageUrl;

                parent.MainImageURL   = images.Count > 0 ? images[0] : "";
                parent.OtherImageUrl1 = images.Count > 1 ? images[1] : "";
                parent.OtherImageUrl2 = images.Count > 2 ? images[2] : "";
                parent.OtherImageUrl3 = images.Count > 3 ? images[3] : "";
                //parent.SwatchImageUrl = swatchImage;

            parent.Color      = "";
            parent.Department = newDepartment;

            parent.Size = "";
            parent.MaterialComposition = materialComposition;
            parent.Description         = model.Description;
            parent.Update        = "Update";
            parent.StandardPrice = "";
            //parent.SuggestedPrice = model.MSRP.ToString("G");
            parent.Currency = "GBP";

            parent.Quantity = "";

            parent.RecommendedBrowseNodes1 = ExcelProductUKViewModel.GetRecommendedBrowseNodes1(newDepartment, firstSize, newItemType);

            parent.SearchTerms1 = searchTerms;

            parent.KeyProductFeatures1 = keyFeatures.Count > 0 ? keyFeatures[0] : "";
            parent.KeyProductFeatures2 = keyFeatures.Count > 1 ? keyFeatures[1] : "";
            parent.KeyProductFeatures3 = keyFeatures.Count > 2 ? keyFeatures[2] : "";
            parent.KeyProductFeatures4 = keyFeatures.Count > 3 ? keyFeatures[3] : "";
            parent.KeyProductFeatures5 = keyFeatures.Count > 4 ? keyFeatures[4] : "";

            parent.Parentage        = "Parent";
            parent.ParentSKU        = "";
            parent.RelationshipType = "";
            parent.VariationTheme   = "Size";

            //Child items
            foreach (var size in sizes)
                var child = new ExcelProductUKViewModel();
                child.SKU = model.StyleId + "-" + ItemExportHelper.ConvertSizeForStyleId(size.Size, hasKids2);
                if (size.AutoGeneratedBarcode)
                    var newBarcode = BarcodeHelper.GenerateBarcode(barcodeService, child.SKU, when);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(newBarcode))
                        if (size.Barcodes == null)
                            size.Barcodes = new List <BarcodeDTO>();
                        size.Barcodes.Insert(0, new BarcodeDTO()
                            Barcode = newBarcode

                child.UPC = (size.Barcodes != null && size.Barcodes.Any()) ? size.Barcodes.FirstOrDefault().Barcode : String.Empty;

                child.Title = model.Name + "," + (inlcudeSizeGroup ? " " + ItemExportHelper.FormatSizeGroupName(size.SizeGroupName) : "") + " Size " + ItemExportHelper.ConvertSizeForItemName(size.Size, hasKids2);

                child.ProductId = "UPC";
                child.BrandName = brandName;

                child.ClothingType = "sleepwear";// newItemType;

                child.MainImageURL   = images.Count > 0 ? images[0] : "";
                child.OtherImageUrl1 = images.Count > 1 ? images[1] : "";
                child.OtherImageUrl2 = images.Count > 2 ? images[2] : "";
                child.OtherImageUrl3 = images.Count > 3 ? images[3] : "";
                //child.SwatchImageUrl = swatchImage;

                child.Color      = ItemExportHelper.PrepareColor(String.IsNullOrEmpty(size.Color) ? color1 : size.Color);
                child.Department = newDepartment;

                child.Size = ExcelProductUKViewModel.SizeConverter(size.Size, material);
                child.MaterialComposition = materialComposition;
                child.Description         = model.Description;
                child.Update        = "Update";
                child.StandardPrice = PriceHelper.Convert(model.Price, gbpExchangeRate, true).ToString("G");
                //child.SuggestedPrice = model.MSRP.ToString("G");
                child.Currency = "GBP";

                child.Quantity = size.Quantity.ToString();

                child.RecommendedBrowseNodes1 = ExcelProductUKViewModel.GetRecommendedBrowseNodes1(newDepartment, child.Size, newItemType);

                child.KeyProductFeatures1 = parent.KeyProductFeatures1;
                child.KeyProductFeatures2 = parent.KeyProductFeatures2;
                child.KeyProductFeatures3 = parent.KeyProductFeatures3;
                child.KeyProductFeatures4 = parent.KeyProductFeatures4;
                child.KeyProductFeatures5 = parent.KeyProductFeatures5;

                child.SearchTerms1 = parent.SearchTerms1;
                //child.SearchTerms2 = parent.SearchTerms2;
                //child.SearchTerms3 = parent.SearchTerms3;
                //child.SearchTerms4 = parent.SearchTerms4;
                //child.SearchTerms5 = parent.SearchTerms5;

                child.Parentage        = "Child";
                child.ParentSKU        = parent.SKU;
                child.RelationshipType = "Variation";
                child.VariationTheme   = "Size";



            filename = model.StyleId + "_" + subLicense;
            filename = filename.Replace(" ", "") + "_UK.xls";
            return(models); //ExcelHelper.ExportIntoFile(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(UKTemplatePath), models);