Exemplo n.º 1
        private bool AzManTestCheckAccess()
            WindowsIdentity identity        = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
            string          applicationName = "Application Test";

            string[]                  operations             = new string[] { this.txtOperation.Text };
            HybridDictionary          businessRuleParameters = new HybridDictionary();
            AzAuthorizationStoreClass store = new AzAuthorizationStoreClass();

            store.Initialize(0, AzManStorePath, null);
            IAzApplication   azApp     = store.OpenApplication(applicationName, null);
            IAzClientContext clientCtx = azApp.InitializeClientContextFromToken((UInt64)identity.Token, null);

            // costruisce il vettore dei valori e dei delle regole di business
            Object[] names        = new Object[0];
            Object[] values       = new Object[0];
            Object[] operationIds = new Object[operations.Length];
            for (Int32 index = 0; index < operations.Length; index++)
                operationIds[index] = azApp.OpenOperation(operations[index], null).OperationID;
            Object[] internalScopes = new Object[1];
            Object[] result         = (Object[])clientCtx.AccessCheck("AuditString", internalScopes, operationIds, names, values, null, null, null);
            foreach (Int32 accessAllowed in result)
                if (accessAllowed != 0)
        /// <devdoc>
        /// Gets the client context for the call based on the identity, system and parameters.
        /// </devdoc>
        private IAzClientContext GetClientContext(WindowsIdentity identity, String applicationName, out IAzApplication azApp)
            lock (contextLock)
                AzAuthorizationStoreClass store = new AzAuthorizationStoreClass();
                store.Initialize(0, this.storeLocation, null);
                azApp = store.OpenApplication(applicationName, null);

            ulong            tokenHandle = (ulong)identity.Token.ToInt64();
            IAzClientContext clientCtx   = azApp.InitializeClientContextFromToken(tokenHandle, null);

        public bool AccessCheck(string audit, Operations op,
                                WindowsIdentity clientIdentity)
            try {
                // first step is to create an AzMan context for the client
                // this looks at the security identifiers (SIDs) in the user's
                // access token and maps them onto AzMan roles, tasks, and operations
                IAzClientContext ctx = app.InitializeClientContextFromToken(
                    (ulong)clientIdentity.Token.ToInt64(), null);

                // next step is to see if this user is authorized for
                // the requested operation. Note that AccessCheck allows
                // you to check multiple operations at once if you desire
                object[] scopes     = { "" };
                object[] operations = { (int)op };
                object[] results    = (object[])ctx.AccessCheck(audit, scopes, operations,
                                                                null, null, null, null, null);
                int result = (int)results[0];
                return(0 == result);
            catch (COMException x) {
                throw new AzManException("AccessCheck failed", x);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <devdoc>
        /// Gets the client context for the call based on the identity, system and parameters.
        /// </devdoc>
        private IAzClientContext GetClientContext(AzManAuthorizationProviderData data, IIdentity identity, String applicationName, out IAzApplication azApp)
            WindowsIdentity winIdentity = identity as WindowsIdentity;

            if (winIdentity == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.WindowsIdentityOnly);

            AzAuthorizationStoreClass store = new AzAuthorizationStoreClass();

            store.Initialize(0, data.StoreLocation, null);
            azApp = store.OpenApplication(applicationName, null);
            Debug.Assert(azApp != null, "could not open the application");

            ulong            tokenHandle = (ulong)winIdentity.Token.ToInt64();
            IAzClientContext clientCtx   = azApp.InitializeClientContextFromToken(tokenHandle, null);

            Debug.Assert(clientCtx != null, "could not get the context");
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Check access permission for user
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>void</returns>
        public bool CheckAccessPermissions(object[] operationIds)
            bool bCheckAccess = false;

            AzAuthorizationStoreClass AzManStore = new AzAuthorizationStoreClass();

            AzManStore.Initialize(0, ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[AuthorizationManagerConstants.AZMANPOLICYSTORECONNECTIONSTRING].ConnectionString, null);
            IAzApplication azApp = AzManStore.OpenApplication(AuthorizationManagerConstants.AZMANAPPLICATION, null);

            // Get the current user context
            IPrincipal      userPrincipal = HttpContext.Current.User;
            WindowsIdentity userIdentity  = userPrincipal.Identity as WindowsIdentity;

            IAzClientContext clientContext = azApp.InitializeClientContextFromToken((ulong)userIdentity.Token, null);

            // Check if user has access to the operations
            // The first argument, "Auditstring", is a string that is used if you
            // have run-time auditing turned on
            object[] result = (object[])clientContext.AccessCheck("CheckAccessPermission", new object[1], operationIds, null, null, null, null, null);

            // Test the integer array we got back to see which operations are
            // authorized
            int accessAllowed = (int)result[0];

            if (accessAllowed != 0)
                // current user not authorized to perform operation
                bCheckAccess = false;
                // current user authorized to perform operation
                bCheckAccess = true;

Exemplo n.º 6
        private void TestSuAzMan(string azManStorePath, int max)
            WindowsIdentity       id    = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
            IAzAuthorizationStore store = new AzAuthorizationStoreClass();

            store.Initialize(0, azManStorePath, null);
            int              rnd    = 0; // new Random().Next(max);
            IAzApplication   app    = store.OpenApplication("Application" + rnd.ToString(), null);
            IAzClientContext ctx    = app.InitializeClientContextFromToken((ulong)id.Token.ToInt64(), null);
            string           opName = "Operation" + rnd.ToString();
            IAzOperation     op     = app.OpenOperation(opName, null);

            object[] parameterNames = new object[1] {
            object[] parameterValues = new object[1] {
            object[] oRes = (object[])ctx.AccessCheck("Test", null, new object[] { op.OperationID }, parameterNames, parameterValues, null, null, null);
            foreach (int accessAllowed in oRes)
                if (accessAllowed != 0)
            store.CloseApplication("Application" + rnd.ToString(), 0);
            op    = null;
            ctx   = null;
            app   = null;
            store = null;
		/// <devdoc>
		/// Gets the client context for the call based on the identity, system and parameters.
		/// </devdoc>        
		private IAzClientContext GetClientContext(WindowsIdentity identity, String applicationName, out IAzApplication azApp)
			lock (contextLock)
				AzAuthorizationStoreClass store = new AzAuthorizationStoreClass();
				store.Initialize(0, this.storeLocation, null);
				azApp = store.OpenApplication(applicationName, null);

			ulong tokenHandle = (ulong)identity.Token.ToInt64();
			IAzClientContext clientCtx = azApp.InitializeClientContextFromToken(tokenHandle, null);
			return clientCtx;
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <devdoc>
        /// Gets the client context for the call based on the identity, system and parameters.
        /// </devdoc>        
        private IAzClientContext GetClientContext(AzManAuthorizationProviderData data, IIdentity identity, String applicationName, out IAzApplication azApp)
            WindowsIdentity winIdentity = identity as WindowsIdentity;
            if (winIdentity == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.WindowsIdentityOnly);

            AzAuthorizationStoreClass store = new AzAuthorizationStoreClass();
            store.Initialize(0, data.StoreLocation, null);
            azApp = store.OpenApplication(applicationName, null);
            Debug.Assert(azApp != null, "could not open the application");

            ulong tokenHandle = (ulong) winIdentity.Token.ToInt64();
            IAzClientContext clientCtx = azApp.InitializeClientContextFromToken(tokenHandle, null);
            Debug.Assert(clientCtx != null, "could not get the context");
            return clientCtx;