Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes Graph instance.
 /// </summary>
 public Graph()
     m_edges    = new Edges();
     m_vertices = new Vertices();
     m_name     = string.Empty;
     m_desc     = string.Empty;
     m_approxs  = new Approximations();
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds an efficiently directed path between specified start and destination(goal) vertices.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p_start">The specific start of the search.</param>
        /// <param name="p_destination">The search destination.</param>
        /// <returns>The directed path between the specified start and destination, null if no such path exists.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Start or destination is null.</exception>
        /// The A* search algorithm is known due its performance and accuracy.
        /// <para>
        /// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*_search_algorithm
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        public IPath AStar(IVertex p_start, IVertex p_destination)
            SearchResultPath                  rv               = null;
            IApproximations                   approxTable      = null;
            SearchVertex                      expanding        = null;         //current explored vertex
            IVertex                           expandingGVertex = null;         //current explored vertex of the graph(cache from object expanding)
            string                            expandingName    = string.Empty; //the name of the current explored vertex(cache from object expanding)
            Dictionary <string, byte>         visited          = null;         //Already visited vertices, we intersted in the key only.
            PriorityQueue <SearchVertex>      frontier         = null;
            Dictionary <string, SearchVertex> frontierLookup   = null;         //Quick search if expanded vertex is in the frontier already.
            SearchVertex                      goal             = null;

            if (null == p_start)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("p_start", "Start vertex can not be null");
            else if (null == p_destination)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("p_destination", "Destination vertex can not be null");

            if (p_start.Equals(p_destination))
                goal = new SearchVertex(p_start, null, 0, 0);
                approxTable    = m_graph.Approximations;
                frontier       = new MinPriorityQueue <SearchVertex>(m_graph.Vertices.Count);
                frontierLookup = new Dictionary <string, SearchVertex>();
                visited        = new Dictionary <string, byte>();

                //Initialize the frontier with our serach start
                SearchVertex start = new SearchVertex(p_start, null, 0, approxTable.GetH(p_start, p_destination));
                frontierLookup.Add(start.Name, start);

                //Let's roll ...
                while (!frontier.IsEmpty)
                    //pick the best path so far, remove the vertex from the frontier and mark it as visited.
                    expanding        = frontier.Dequeue();
                    expandingGVertex = expanding.GraphVertex;
                    expandingName    = expandingGVertex.Name;
                    visited.Add(expandingName, 0);

                    //Expand ...
                    foreach (IEdge e in expandingGVertex.OutEdges)
                        IVertex neighbor = e.Target;

                        if (null == neighbor)
                            continue; //Dead-end
                        else if (visited.ContainsKey(neighbor.Name))
                            continue; //We have been here before.

                        string neighborName = neighbor.Name;

                        SearchVertex discovery = new SearchVertex(neighbor, expanding, e.Weight, approxTable.GetH(neighbor, p_destination));

                        if (neighbor.Equals(p_destination))
                            if (null == goal)
                                goal = discovery;
                                if (discovery.Delta < goal.Delta)
                                    //Better path.
                                    goal = discovery;


                        if (frontierLookup.ContainsKey(neighborName))
                            //Still in the frontier.
                            SearchVertex exists = frontierLookup[neighborName];
                            if (discovery.Delta < exists.Delta)

                                frontierLookup.Add(discovery.Name, discovery);


                        //Don't bother if we have found a path and it is better that what we are still exploring.
                        if (null == goal || (null != goal && discovery.Delta < goal.Delta))
                            frontierLookup.Add(discovery.Name, discovery);
                    } //foreach
                }     //while
            }         //start != destination

            if (null != goal)
                rv = new SearchResultPath(goal);
