Exemplo n.º 1
        protected void TestInstallThenRun(UnrealBuildSource Build, UnrealTargetRole ProcessType, ITargetDevice Device, UnrealTargetConfiguration Config, UnrealOptions InOptions = null)
            // create a config based on the passed in params

            UnrealSessionRole Role = new UnrealSessionRole(ProcessType, Device.Platform, Config, InOptions);

            Log.Info("Testing {0}", Role);

            UnrealAppConfig AppConfig = Build.CreateConfiguration(Role);

            if (!CheckResult(AppConfig != null, "Could not create config for {0} {1} with platform {2} from build.", Config, ProcessType, Device))

            // Install the app on this device
            IAppInstall AppInstall = Device.InstallApplication(AppConfig);

            CheckResult(AppConfig != null, "Could not create AppInstall for {0} {1} with platform {2} from build.", Config, ProcessType, Device);

            DateTime StartTime = DateTime.Now;

            // Run the app and wait for either a timeout or it to exit
            IAppInstance AppProcess = AppInstall.Run();

            while (AppProcess.HasExited == false)
                if ((DateTime.Now - StartTime).TotalSeconds > 60)


            // Check it didn't exit unexpectedly
            CheckResult(AppProcess.HasExited == false, "Failed to run {0} {1} with platform {2}", Config, ProcessType, Device);

            // but kill it

            // Check that it left behind some artifacts (minimum should be a log)
            int ArtifactCount = new DirectoryInfo(AppProcess.ArtifactPath).GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Length;

            CheckResult(ArtifactCount > 0, "No artifacts on device!");
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Installs and launches all of our roles and returns an UnrealSessonInstance that represents the aggregate
        /// of all of these processes. Will perform retries if errors with devices are encountered so this is a "best
        /// attempt" at running with the devices provided
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public UnrealSessionInstance LaunchSession()
            SessionInstance = null;

            // tries to find devices and launch our session. Will loop until we succeed, we run out of devices/retries, or
            // something fatal occurs..
            while (SessionInstance == null && Globals.CancelSignalled == false)
                int Retries   = 5;
                int RetryWait = 120;

                IEnumerable <UnrealSessionRole> RolesNeedingDevices = SessionRoles.Where(R => R.IsNullRole() == false);

                while (ReservedDevices.Count() < RolesNeedingDevices.Count())
                    // get devices

                    if (Globals.CancelSignalled)

                    // if we failed to get enough devices, show a message and wait
                    if (ReservedDevices.Count() != SessionRoles.Count())
                        if (Retries == 0)
                            throw new AutomationException("Unable to acquire all devices for test.");
                        Log.Info("\nUnable to find enough device(s). Waiting {0} secs (retries left={1})\n", RetryWait, --Retries);
                        Thread.Sleep(RetryWait * 1000);

                if (Globals.CancelSignalled)

                Dictionary <IAppInstall, UnrealSessionRole> InstallsToRoles = new Dictionary <IAppInstall, UnrealSessionRole>();

                // create a copy of our list
                IEnumerable <ITargetDevice> DevicesToInstallOn = ReservedDevices.ToArray();

                bool InstallSuccess = true;

#if !__MonoCS__
                // count how many desktop clients
                IEnumerable <UnrealSessionRole> DesktopClients = SessionRoles.Where(R => R.Platform == BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform).Where(R => R.RoleType.IsClient());

                if (DesktopClients.Count() > 1)
                    int NumClientRows = (int)Math.Ceiling(DesktopClients.Count() / 2.0);

                    var ScreenRect = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds;

                    double Ratio = 16.0 / 9.0;

                    // pick width
                    int DesiredWidth = ScreenRect.Width / 2;

                    // height at 16:9 aspect
                    int DesiredHeight = (int)(DesiredWidth / Ratio);

                    // constrain width if the screen can't have that many rows
                    if (DesiredHeight * NumClientRows > ScreenRect.Height)
                        DesiredHeight = ScreenRect.Height / NumClientRows;
                        DesiredWidth  = (int)(DesiredHeight * Ratio);

                    // now set all these params and disable the regular params that pick windowed stuff
                    for (int i = 0; i < DesktopClients.Count(); i++)
                        UnrealSessionRole Role = DesktopClients.ElementAt(i);
                        int Row    = i / 2;
                        int Column = i - (Row * 2);

                        // this is hacky, but not sure if a better way to do it right now without changing interfaces in a TBD way
                        UnrealTestConfiguration ConfigOptions = Role.Options as UnrealTestConfiguration;

                        if (ConfigOptions != null)
                            ConfigOptions.IgnoreDefaultResolutionAndWindowMode = true;

                        Role.CommandLine += string.Format(" -WinX={0} -WinY={1} -ResX={2} -ResY={3} -windowed",
                                                          Column * DesiredWidth, Row * DesiredHeight, DesiredWidth, DesiredHeight);

                // sort by constraints, so that we pick constrained devices first
                List <UnrealSessionRole> SortedRoles = SessionRoles.OrderBy(R => R.Constraint.IsIdentity() ? 1 : 0).ToList();

                // first install all roles on these devices
                foreach (var Role in SortedRoles)
                    ITargetDevice Device = null;

                    if (Role.IsNullRole() == false)
                        Device = DevicesToInstallOn.Where(D => D.IsConnected && D.Platform == Role.Platform &&
                                                          (Role.Constraint.IsIdentity() || DevicePool.Instance.GetConstraint(D) == Role.Constraint)).First();

                        DevicesToInstallOn = DevicesToInstallOn.Where(D => D != Device);
                        Device = new TargetDeviceNull(string.Format("Null{0}", Role.RoleType));

                    var OtherRoles = SortedRoles.Where(R => R != Role);

                    // create a config from the build source (this also applies the role options)
                    UnrealAppConfig AppConfig = BuildSource.CreateConfiguration(Role, OtherRoles);

                    // todo - should this be elsewhere?
                    AppConfig.Sandbox = Sandbox;

                    IAppInstall Install = null;

                        Install = Device.InstallApplication(AppConfig);
                    catch (System.Exception Ex)
                        // Warn, ignore the device, and do not continue
                        Log.Info("Failed to install app onto device {0} for role {1}. {2}. Will retry with new device", Device, Role, Ex);
                        InstallSuccess = false;

                    if (Globals.CancelSignalled)

                    // Device has app installed, give role a chance to configure device

                    InstallsToRoles[Install] = Role;

                if (InstallSuccess == false)
                    // release all devices

                if (InstallSuccess && Globals.CancelSignalled == false)
                    List <UnrealSessionInstance.RoleInstance> RunningRoles = new List <UnrealSessionInstance.RoleInstance>();

                    // Now try to run all installs on their devices
                    foreach (var InstallRoleKV in InstallsToRoles)
                        IAppInstall CurrentInstall = InstallRoleKV.Key;

                        bool Success = false;

                            IAppInstance Instance = CurrentInstall.Run();

                            if (Instance != null || Globals.CancelSignalled)
                                RunningRoles.Add(new UnrealSessionInstance.RoleInstance(InstallRoleKV.Value, Instance));

                            Success = true;
                        catch (DeviceException Ex)
                            // shutdown all
                            Log.Warning("Device {0} threw an exception during launch. \nException={1}", CurrentInstall.Device, Ex.Message);
                            Success = false;

                        if (Success == false)
                            Log.Warning("Failed to start build on {0}. Marking as problem device and retrying with new set", CurrentInstall.Device);

                            // terminate anything that's running
                            foreach (UnrealSessionInstance.RoleInstance RunningRole in RunningRoles)
                                Log.Info("Shutting down {0}", RunningRole.AppInstance.Device);

                            // mark that device as a problem

                            // release all devices

                            break;                             // do not continue loop

                    if (RunningRoles.Count() == SessionRoles.Count())
                        SessionInstance = new UnrealSessionInstance(RunningRoles.ToArray());

        void TestClientPlatform(UnrealTargetPlatform Platform)
            string GameName  = this.ProjectFile.FullName;
            string BuildPath = this.BuildPath;
            string DevKit    = this.DevkitName;

            if (GameName.Equals("OrionGame", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == false)
                Log.Info("Skipping test {0} due to non-Orion project!", this);

            // create a new build
            UnrealBuildSource Build = new UnrealBuildSource(ProjectFile, this.UnrealPath, UsesSharedBuildType, BuildPath);

            // check it's valid
            if (!CheckResult(Build.BuildCount > 0, "staged build was invalid"))

            // Create devices to run the client and server
            ITargetDevice ServerDevice = new TargetDeviceWindows("PC Server", Gauntlet.Globals.TempDir);
            ITargetDevice ClientDevice = null;

            if (Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.PS4)
                //ClientDevice = new TargetDevicePS4(this.PS4Name);
                ClientDevice = new TargetDeviceWindows("PC Client", Gauntlet.Globals.TempDir);

            UnrealAppConfig ServerConfig = Build.CreateConfiguration(new UnrealSessionRole(UnrealTargetRole.Server, ServerDevice.Platform, UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development));
            UnrealAppConfig ClientConfig = Build.CreateConfiguration(new UnrealSessionRole(UnrealTargetRole.Client, ClientDevice.Platform, UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development));

            if (!CheckResult(ServerConfig != null && ServerConfig != null, "Could not create configs!"))

            ShortSoloOptions Options = new ShortSoloOptions();


            IAppInstall ClientInstall = ClientDevice.InstallApplication(ClientConfig);
            IAppInstall ServerInstall = ServerDevice.InstallApplication(ServerConfig);

            if (!CheckResult(ServerConfig != null && ServerConfig != null, "Could not create configs!"))

            IAppInstance ClientInstance = ClientInstall.Run();
            IAppInstance ServerInstance = ServerInstall.Run();

            DateTime StartTime        = DateTime.Now;
            bool     RunWasSuccessful = true;

            while (ClientInstance.HasExited == false)
                if ((DateTime.Now - StartTime).TotalSeconds > 800)
                    RunWasSuccessful = false;


            UnrealLogParser LogParser = new UnrealLogParser(ClientInstance.StdOut);

            UnrealLogParser.CallstackMessage ErrorInfo = LogParser.GetFatalError();
            if (ErrorInfo != null)
                CheckResult(false, "FatalError - {0}", ErrorInfo.Message);

            RunWasSuccessful = LogParser.HasRequestExit();

            CheckResult(RunWasSuccessful, "Failed to run for platform {0}", Platform);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Installs and launches all of our roles and returns an UnrealSessonInstance that represents the aggregate
        /// of all of these processes. Will perform retries if errors with devices are encountered so this is a "best
        /// attempt" at running with the devices provided
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public UnrealSessionInstance LaunchSession()
            SessionInstance = null;

            // tries to find devices and launch our session. Will loop until we succeed, we run out of devices/retries, or
            // something fatal occurs..
            while (SessionInstance == null && Globals.CancelSignalled == false)
                int Retries   = 5;
                int RetryWait = 120;

                IEnumerable <UnrealSessionRole> RolesNeedingDevices = SessionRoles.Where(R => R.IsNullRole() == false);

                while (ReservedDevices.Count() < RolesNeedingDevices.Count())
                    // get devices

                    if (Globals.CancelSignalled)

                    // if we failed to get enough devices, show a message and wait
                    if (ReservedDevices.Count() != SessionRoles.Count())
                        if (Retries == 0)
                            throw new AutomationException("Unable to acquire all devices for test.");
                        Log.Info("\nUnable to find enough device(s). Waiting {0} secs (retries left={1})\n", RetryWait, --Retries);
                        Thread.Sleep(RetryWait * 1000);

                if (Globals.CancelSignalled)

                Dictionary <IAppInstall, UnrealSessionRole> InstallsToRoles = new Dictionary <IAppInstall, UnrealSessionRole>();

                // create a copy of our list
                IEnumerable <ITargetDevice> DevicesToInstallOn = ReservedDevices.ToArray();

                bool InstallSuccess = true;

                // sort by constraints, so that we pick constrained devices first
                List <UnrealSessionRole> SortedRoles = SessionRoles.OrderBy(R => R.Constraint.IsIdentity() ? 1 : 0).ToList();

                // first install all roles on these devices
                foreach (var Role in SortedRoles)
                    ITargetDevice Device = null;

                    if (Role.IsNullRole() == false)
                        Device = DevicesToInstallOn.Where(D => D.IsConnected && D.Platform == Role.Platform &&
                                                          (Role.Constraint.IsIdentity() || DevicePool.Instance.GetConstraint(D) == Role.Constraint)).First();

                        DevicesToInstallOn = DevicesToInstallOn.Where(D => D != Device);
                        Device = new TargetDeviceNull(string.Format("Null{0}", Role.RoleType));

                    // create a config from the build source (this also applies the role options)
                    UnrealAppConfig AppConfig = BuildSource.CreateConfiguration(Role);

                    // todo - should this be elsewhere?
                    AppConfig.Sandbox = Sandbox;

                    IAppInstall Install = null;

                        Install = Device.InstallApplication(AppConfig);
                    catch (System.Exception Ex)
                        // Warn, ignore the device, and do not continue
                        Log.Info("Failed to install app onto device {0} for role {1}. {2}. Will retry with new device", Device, Role, Ex);
                        InstallSuccess = false;

                    if (Globals.CancelSignalled)

                    InstallsToRoles[Install] = Role;

                if (InstallSuccess == false)
                    // release all devices

                if (InstallSuccess && Globals.CancelSignalled == false)
                    List <UnrealSessionInstance.RoleInstance> RunningRoles = new List <UnrealSessionInstance.RoleInstance>();

                    // Now try to run all installs on their devices
                    foreach (var InstallRoleKV in InstallsToRoles)
                        IAppInstall CurrentInstall = InstallRoleKV.Key;

                        bool Success = false;

                            IAppInstance Instance = CurrentInstall.Run();

                            if (Instance != null || Globals.CancelSignalled)
                                RunningRoles.Add(new UnrealSessionInstance.RoleInstance(InstallRoleKV.Value, Instance));

                            Success = true;
                        catch (DeviceException Ex)
                            // shutdown all
                            Log.Warning("Device {0} threw an exception during launch. \nException={1}", CurrentInstall.Device, Ex.Message);
                            Success = false;

                        if (Success == false)
                            Log.Warning("Failed to start build on {0}. Marking as problem device and retrying with new set", CurrentInstall.Device);

                            // terminate anything that's running
                            foreach (UnrealSessionInstance.RoleInstance RunningRole in RunningRoles)
                                Log.Info("Shutting down {0}", RunningRole.AppInstance.Device);

                            // mark that device as a problem

                            // release all devices

                            break;                             // do not continue loop

                    if (RunningRoles.Count() == SessionRoles.Count())
                        SessionInstance = new UnrealSessionInstance(RunningRoles.ToArray());
