Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Method to create an EPA of a particular type considering only the subset 'methods'
        /// </summary>
        /// <see cref="http://publicaciones.dc.uba.ar/Publications/2011/DBGU11/paper-icse-2011.pdf">Algorithm 1</see>
        protected Epa GenerateEpa(ISet <Action> constructors, ISet <Action> actions, IEpaBuilder epaBuilder)
            Contract.Requires(constructors != null);
            Contract.Requires(actions != null);
            Contract.Requires(epaBuilder != null);

            var initialState  = new State(constructors, new HashSet <Action>());
            var statesToVisit = new Queue <State>();
            var visitedStates = new HashSet <State>();


            while (statesToVisit.Count > 0)
                var source = statesToVisit.Dequeue();

                    // Change ParallelOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism to 1 to make the loop sequential.
                    Parallel.ForEach(source.EnabledActions, new ParallelOptions(), action =>
                        var analyzer = analyzerFactory.CreateAnalyzer();

                        // Which actions are enabled or disabled if 'action' is called from 'source'?
                        var actionsResult = analyzer.AnalyzeActions(source, action, actions);
                        if (actionsResult.EnabledActions.Count.Equals(actions.Count) && actionsResult.DisabledActions.Count.Equals(actions.Count))
                                       "Suspicious state! Only a state with a unsatisfiable invariant can lead to every action being enabled and disabled at the same time. It can also mean a bug in our code.");

                        Contract.Assert(!actionsResult.EnabledActions.Intersect(actionsResult.DisabledActions).Any(), "Results should be consistent");
                        if (!actionsResult.EnabledActions.Any() && !actionsResult.DisabledActions.Any())
                            Logger.Log(LogLevel.Warn, "State explosion!");

                        var possibleTargets = GeneratePossibleStates(actions, actionsResult);

                        if (cutter > 0 && possibleTargets.Count > cutter)
                            throw new Exception("Number of states too big.");

                        Contract.Assert(possibleTargets.Any(), "There is always at least one target to reach");

                        // Which states are reachable from the current state (aka source) using 'action'?
                        var transitionsResults = analyzer.AnalyzeTransitions(source, action, possibleTargets);

                        if (!transitionsResults.Any())
                            Logger.Log(LogLevel.Warn, "No states are reachable.");

                        foreach (var transition in transitionsResults)
                            var target = transition.TargetState;
                            // Do I have to add a new state to the EPA?
                            if (!visitedStates.Contains(target) && !statesToVisit.Contains(target))

                        analyzerFactory.GeneratedQueriesCount += analyzer.GeneratedQueriesCount();
                        analyzerFactory.UnprovenQueriesCount  += analyzer.UnprovenQueriesCount();
                catch (AggregateException e)
                    foreach (var ex in e.InnerExceptions)
                        if (ex.GetType() == typeof(OperationCanceledException))
                            throw ex;
