/// <summary>
        /// Tries to update the readings.
        /// Returns true if new readings are available, otherwise false.
        /// An exception is thrown if something goes wrong.
        /// </summary>
        public override bool Update()
            var readings = new SensorReadings
                Timestamp = DateTime.Now

            byte status = I2CSupport.Read8Bits(_i2CDevice, HTS221Defines.STATUS, "Failed to read HTS221 status");

            if ((status & 0x02) == 0x02)
                Int16 rawHumidity = (Int16)I2CSupport.Read16Bits(_i2CDevice, HTS221Defines.HUMIDITY_OUT_L + 0x80, ByteOrder.LittleEndian, "Failed to read HTS221 humidity");
                readings.Humidity      = _humidityConversionFunc(rawHumidity);
                readings.HumidityValid = true;

            if ((status & 0x01) == 0x01)
                Int16 rawTemperature = (Int16)I2CSupport.Read16Bits(_i2CDevice, HTS221Defines.TEMP_OUT_L + 0x80, ByteOrder.LittleEndian, "Failed to read HTS221 temperature");
                readings.Temperature      = _temperatureConversionFunc(rawTemperature);
                readings.TemperatureValid = true;

            if (readings.HumidityValid || readings.TemperatureValid)

        private Func <Int16, double> GetTemperatureConversionFunc()
            byte tempRawMsb = I2CSupport.Read8Bits(_i2CDevice, HTS221Defines.T1_T0 + 0x80, "Failed to read HTS221 T1_T0");

            byte temp0Lsb = I2CSupport.Read8Bits(_i2CDevice, HTS221Defines.T0_C_8 + 0x80, "Failed to read HTS221 T0_C_8");

            UInt16 T0_C_8 = (UInt16)((((UInt16)tempRawMsb & 0x03) << 8) | (UInt16)temp0Lsb);
            double T0     = T0_C_8 / 8.0;

            byte temp1Lsb = I2CSupport.Read8Bits(_i2CDevice, HTS221Defines.T1_C_8 + 0x80, "Failed to read HTS221 T1_C_8");

            UInt16 T1_C_8 = (UInt16)(((UInt16)(tempRawMsb & 0x0C) << 6) | (UInt16)temp1Lsb);
            double T1     = T1_C_8 / 8.0;

            Int16 T0_OUT = (Int16)I2CSupport.Read16Bits(_i2CDevice, HTS221Defines.T0_OUT + 0x80, ByteOrder.LittleEndian, "Failed to read HTS221 T0_OUT");

            Int16 T1_OUT = (Int16)I2CSupport.Read16Bits(_i2CDevice, HTS221Defines.T1_OUT + 0x80, ByteOrder.LittleEndian, "Failed to read HTS221 T1_OUT");

            // Temperature calibration slope
            double m = (T1 - T0) / (T1_OUT - T0_OUT);

            // Temperature calibration y intercept
            double b = T0 - (m * T0_OUT);

            return(rawTemperature => rawTemperature * m + b);
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to update the readings.
        /// Returns true if new readings are available, otherwise false.
        /// An exception is thrown if something goes wrong.
        /// </summary>
        public override bool Update()
            byte status = I2CSupport.Read8Bits(_i2CDevice, LPS25HDefines.STATUS_REG, "Failed to read LPS25H status");

            var readings = new SensorReadings
                Timestamp = DateTime.Now

            if ((status & 0x02) == 0x02)
                Int32 rawPressure = (Int32)I2CSupport.Read24Bits(_i2CDevice, LPS25HDefines.PRESS_OUT_XL + 0x80, ByteOrder.LittleEndian, "Failed to read LPS25H pressure");

                readings.Pressure      = rawPressure / 4096.0;
                readings.PressureValid = true;

            if ((status & 0x01) == 0x01)
                Int16 rawTemperature = (Int16)I2CSupport.Read16Bits(_i2CDevice, LPS25HDefines.TEMP_OUT_L + 0x80, ByteOrder.LittleEndian, "Failed to read LPS25H temperature");

                readings.Temperature      = rawTemperature / 480.0 + 42.5;
                readings.TemperatureValid = true;

            if (readings.PressureValid || readings.TemperatureValid)

        private void SetMagCtrl2()
            byte ctrl2;

            //  convert FSR to uT

            switch (_config.MagneticFullScaleRange)
            case MagneticFullScaleRange.Range4Gauss:
                ctrl2 = 0;
                _magneticFieldScale = 0.014;

            case MagneticFullScaleRange.Range8Gauss:
                ctrl2 = 0x20;
                _magneticFieldScale = 0.029;

            case MagneticFullScaleRange.Range12Gauss:
                ctrl2 = 0x40;
                _magneticFieldScale = 0.043;

            case MagneticFullScaleRange.Range16Gauss:
                ctrl2 = 0x60;
                _magneticFieldScale = 0.058;

                throw new SensorException($"Illegal LSM9DS1 compass FSR code {_config.MagneticFullScaleRange}");

            I2CSupport.Write(_magI2CDevice, LSM9DS1Defines.MAG_CTRL2, ctrl2, "Failed to set LSM9DS1 compass CTRL6");
        private void SetAccelCtrl7()
            byte ctrl7 = 0x00;

            //Bug: Bad things happen.
            //byte ctrl7 = 0x05;

            I2CSupport.Write(_accelGyroI2CDevice, LSM9DS1Defines.CTRL7, ctrl7, "Failed to set LSM9DS1 accel CTRL7");
        private void VerifyDeviceMagId()
            byte id = I2CSupport.Read8Bits(_magI2CDevice, LSM9DS1Defines.MAG_WHO_AM_I, "Failed to read LSM9DS1 mag id");

            if (id != LSM9DS1Defines.MAG_ID)
                throw new SensorException($"Incorrect LSM9DS1 mag id {id}");
        private void VerifyDeviceAccelGyroId()
            byte id = I2CSupport.Read8Bits(_accelGyroI2CDevice, LSM9DS1Defines.WHO_AM_I, "Failed to read LSM9DS1 accel/gyro id");

            if (id != LSM9DS1Defines.ID)
                throw new SensorException($"Incorrect LSM9DS1 gyro id {id}");
        private void SetMagCtrl1()
            int compassSampleRateValue = (int)_config.CompassSampleRate;

            if ((compassSampleRateValue < 0) || (compassSampleRateValue > 7))
                throw new SensorException($"Illegal LSM9DS1 compass sample rate code {_config.CompassSampleRate}");

            byte ctrl1 = (byte)(compassSampleRateValue << 2);

            I2CSupport.Write(_magI2CDevice, LSM9DS1Defines.MAG_CTRL1, ctrl1, "Failed to set LSM9DS1 compass CTRL5");
        protected override async Task <bool> InitDeviceAsync()
            await ConnectToI2CDevices();

            I2CSupport.Write(_i2CDevice, HTS221Defines.CTRL1, 0x87, "Failed to set HTS221 CTRL_REG_1");

            I2CSupport.Write(_i2CDevice, HTS221Defines.AV_CONF, 0x1b, "Failed to set HTS221 AV_CONF");

            _temperatureConversionFunc = GetTemperatureConversionFunc();

            _humidityConversionFunc = GetHumidityConversionFunc();

        protected override async Task <bool> InitDeviceAsync()
            await ConnectToI2CDevices();

            I2CSupport.Write(_i2CDevice, LPS25HDefines.CTRL_REG_1, 0xc4, "Failed to set LPS25H CTRL_REG_1");

            I2CSupport.Write(_i2CDevice, LPS25HDefines.RES_CONF, 0x05, "Failed to set LPS25H RES_CONF");

            I2CSupport.Write(_i2CDevice, LPS25HDefines.FIFO_CTRL, 0xc0, "Failed to set LPS25H FIFO_CTRL");

            I2CSupport.Write(_i2CDevice, LPS25HDefines.CTRL_REG_2, 0x40, "Failed to set LPS25H CTRL_REG_2");

        private void SetGyroCtrl3()
            int gyroHighPassFilterCodeValue = (int)_config.GyroHighPassFilterCode;

            if ((gyroHighPassFilterCodeValue < 0) || (gyroHighPassFilterCodeValue > 9))
                throw new SensorException($"Illegal LSM9DS1 gyro high pass filter code {_config.GyroHighPassFilterCode}");

            byte ctrl3 = (byte)gyroHighPassFilterCodeValue;

            //  Turn on hpf
            ctrl3 |= 0x40;

            I2CSupport.Write(_accelGyroI2CDevice, LSM9DS1Defines.CTRL3, ctrl3, "Failed to set LSM9DS1 gyro CTRL3");
        private void SetAccelCtrl6()
            int accelSampleRateValue = (int)_config.AccelSampleRate;

            if ((accelSampleRateValue < 1) || (accelSampleRateValue > 6))
                throw new SensorException($"Illegal LSM9DS1 accel sample rate code {_config.AccelSampleRate}");

            int accelLowPassFilterValue = (int)_config.AccelLowPassFilter;

            if ((accelLowPassFilterValue < 0) || (accelLowPassFilterValue > 3))
                throw new SensorException($"Illegal LSM9DS1 accel low pass fiter code {_config.AccelLowPassFilter}");

            byte ctrl6 = (byte)(accelSampleRateValue << 5);

            switch (_config.AccelFullScaleRange)
            case AccelFullScaleRange.Range2g:
                _accelerationScale = 0.000061;

            case AccelFullScaleRange.Range4g:
                _accelerationScale = 0.000122;

            case AccelFullScaleRange.Range8g:
                _accelerationScale = 0.000244;

            case AccelFullScaleRange.Range16g:
                _accelerationScale = 0.000732;

                throw new SensorException($"Illegal LSM9DS1 accel FSR code {_config.AccelFullScaleRange}");

            ctrl6 |= (byte)((accelLowPassFilterValue) | (accelSampleRateValue << 3));

            I2CSupport.Write(_accelGyroI2CDevice, LSM9DS1Defines.CTRL6, ctrl6, "Failed to set LSM9DS1 accel CTRL6");
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to update the readings.
        /// Returns true if new readings are available, otherwise false.
        /// An exception is thrown if something goes wrong.
        /// </summary>
        public override bool Update()
            byte status = I2CSupport.Read8Bits(_accelGyroI2CDevice, LSM9DS1Defines.STATUS, "Failed to read LSM9DS1 status");

            if ((status & 0x03) != 0x03)
                // Data not yet available

            byte[] gyroData = I2CSupport.ReadBytes(_accelGyroI2CDevice, 0x80 + LSM9DS1Defines.OUT_X_L_G, 6, "Failed to read LSM9DS1 gyro data");

            byte[] accelData = I2CSupport.ReadBytes(_accelGyroI2CDevice, 0x80 + LSM9DS1Defines.OUT_X_L_XL, 6, "Failed to read LSM9DS1 accel data");

            byte[] magData = I2CSupport.ReadBytes(_magI2CDevice, 0x80 + LSM9DS1Defines.MAG_OUT_X_L, 6, "Failed to read LSM9DS1 compass data");

            var readings = new SensorReadings
                Timestamp          = DateTime.Now,
                Gyro               = MathSupport.ConvertToVector(gyroData, _gyroScale, ByteOrder.LittleEndian),
                GyroValid          = true,
                Acceleration       = MathSupport.ConvertToVector(accelData, _accelerationScale, ByteOrder.LittleEndian),
                AccelerationValid  = true,
                MagneticField      = MathSupport.ConvertToVector(magData, _magneticFieldScale, ByteOrder.LittleEndian),
                MagneticFieldValid = true

            // Sort out gyro axes and correct for bias
            readings.Gyro.Z = -readings.Gyro.Z;

            // Sort out accel data;
            readings.Acceleration.X = -readings.Acceleration.X;
            readings.Acceleration.Y = -readings.Acceleration.Y;

            // Sort out mag axes
            readings.MagneticField.X = -readings.MagneticField.X;
            readings.MagneticField.Z = -readings.MagneticField.Z;

        private Func <Int16, double> GetHumidityConversionFunc()
            byte   H0_H_2 = I2CSupport.Read8Bits(_i2CDevice, HTS221Defines.H0_H_2 + 0x80, "Failed to read HTS221 H0_H_2");
            double H0     = H0_H_2 / 2.0;

            byte   H1_H_2 = I2CSupport.Read8Bits(_i2CDevice, HTS221Defines.H1_H_2 + 0x80, "Failed to read HTS221 H1_H_2");
            double H1     = H1_H_2 / 2.0;

            Int16 H0_T0_OUT = (Int16)I2CSupport.Read16Bits(_i2CDevice, HTS221Defines.H0_T0_OUT + 0x80, ByteOrder.LittleEndian, "Failed to read HTS221 H0_T_OUT");

            Int16 H1_T0_OUT = (Int16)I2CSupport.Read16Bits(_i2CDevice, HTS221Defines.H1_T0_OUT + 0x80, ByteOrder.LittleEndian, "Failed to read HTS221 H1_T_OUT");

            // Humidity calibration slope
            double m = (H1 - H0) / (H1_T0_OUT - H0_T0_OUT);

            // Humidity calibration y intercept
            double b = H0 - (m * H0_T0_OUT);

            return(rawHumidity => rawHumidity * m + b);
 private void SetMagCtrl3()
     I2CSupport.Write(_magI2CDevice, LSM9DS1Defines.MAG_CTRL3, 0x00, "Failed to set LSM9DS1 compass CTRL3");
        private void SetGyroSampleRate()
            byte ctrl1;

            switch (_config.GyroSampleRate)
            case GyroSampleRate.Freq14_9Hz:
                ctrl1      = 0x20;
                SampleRate = 15;

            case GyroSampleRate.Freq59_5Hz:
                ctrl1      = 0x40;
                SampleRate = 60;

            case GyroSampleRate.Freq119Hz:
                ctrl1      = 0x60;
                SampleRate = 119;

            case GyroSampleRate.Freq238Hz:
                ctrl1      = 0x80;
                SampleRate = 238;

            case GyroSampleRate.Freq476Hz:
                ctrl1      = 0xa0;
                SampleRate = 476;

            case GyroSampleRate.Freq952Hz:
                ctrl1      = 0xc0;
                SampleRate = 952;

                throw new SensorException($"Illegal LSM9DS1 gyro sample rate code {_config.GyroSampleRate}");

            SampleInterval = (long)1000000 / SampleRate;

            switch (_config.GyroBandwidthCode)
            case GyroBandwidthCode.BandwidthCode0:
                ctrl1 |= 0x00;

            case GyroBandwidthCode.BandwidthCode1:
                ctrl1 |= 0x01;

            case GyroBandwidthCode.BandwidthCode2:
                ctrl1 |= 0x02;

            case GyroBandwidthCode.BandwidthCode3:
                ctrl1 |= 0x03;

                throw new SensorException($"Illegal LSM9DS1 gyro BW code {_config.GyroBandwidthCode}");

            switch (_config.GyroFullScaleRange)
            case GyroFullScaleRange.Range245:
                ctrl1     |= 0x00;
                _gyroScale = 0.00875 * MathSupport.DegreeToRad;

            case GyroFullScaleRange.Range500:
                ctrl1     |= 0x08;
                _gyroScale = 0.0175 * MathSupport.DegreeToRad;

            case GyroFullScaleRange.Range2000:
                ctrl1     |= 0x18;
                _gyroScale = 0.07 * MathSupport.DegreeToRad;

                throw new SensorException($"Illegal LSM9DS1 gyro FSR code {_config.GyroFullScaleRange}");

            I2CSupport.Write(_accelGyroI2CDevice, LSM9DS1Defines.CTRL1, ctrl1, "Failed to set LSM9DS1 gyro CTRL1");
        private void BootDevice()
            I2CSupport.Write(_accelGyroI2CDevice, LSM9DS1Defines.CTRL8, 0x81, "Failed to boot LSM9DS1");

        private async Task BootDevice()
            I2CSupport.Write(_accelGyroI2CDevice, LSM9DS1Defines.CTRL8, 0x81, "Failed to boot LSM9DS1");

            await Task.Delay(100);