Exemplo n.º 1
    void ShowTooltip(GameObject go)
        UIButton btn = go.GetComponent <UIButton>();

        if (btn != null)
            if (btn.data != null)
                string text = "";
                if (btn.data is string)
                    text = (string)btn.data;
                else if (btn.data is HyperNpc)
                    HyperNpc npc = (HyperNpc)btn.data;
                    text = npc.Name;
                else if (btn.data is HyperAttack)
                    HyperAttack attack = (HyperAttack)btn.data;
                    text = attack.Name;

                if (text != "")
                    CEventSystem.Instance.PushEvent(GAME_EVENT_ID.GE_SUPERTOOLTIP, text);
                    lastWinName = go.name;
Exemplo n.º 2
    // 解析NPC对话超链接 [3/13/2012 Ivan]
    void ParseNpcTalkLink(ref HyperLink link, ref string src)
        //npc超链接 eg:{#npc[sid,x,y,,id]描述文字} sid标示场景id ,x和y标示坐标,id标示npc的id
        Regex           rDic = new Regex(@"{#npc\[\d+,\d+,\d+,\d+\]\w*}");
        MatchCollection mc   = rDic.Matches(src);

        for (int i = 0; i < mc.Count; i++)
            // Add the match string to the string array.
            string   fullText      = mc[i].Value;
            int      firstKeyIndex = fullText.IndexOf('[') + 1;
            int      lastKeyIndex  = fullText.IndexOf(']');
            string[] poss          = fullText.Substring(firstKeyIndex, lastKeyIndex - firstKeyIndex).Split(',');
            if (poss.Length != 4)
                LogManager.LogError("超链接格式填写错误:" + fullText);

            int    descLength = fullText.IndexOf('}') - lastKeyIndex - 1;
            string desc       = fullText.Substring(lastKeyIndex + 1, descLength);
            // 将特定标示转换为显示文字
            src = src.Replace(fullText, hyperLinkColor + desc + Color.white);

            HyperNpc npc = new HyperNpc();
            npc.SceneId        = int.Parse(poss[0]);
            npc.PosTarget      = new UnityEngine.Vector3(float.Parse(poss[1]), 0, float.Parse(poss[2]));
            npc.NpcId          = int.Parse(poss[3]);
            npc.textCheck.Text = desc;
Exemplo n.º 3
    private void ItemClick(GameObject go)
        UIButton btn = go.GetComponent <UIButton>();

        if (btn != null)
            if (btn.data is HyperNpc)
                HyperNpc npc = (HyperNpc)btn.data;
            else if (btn.data is HyperAttack)
                HyperAttack attack = (HyperAttack)btn.data;
Exemplo n.º 4
    void UpdateNpc()
        if (ShowNpc)
            foreach (MAP_POS_DEFINE item in WorldManager.Instance.ExpNPClistObj)
                bool     alreadyExist;
                UIButton newWin = AddNewWin(item, npcIconName, out alreadyExist);
                if (newWin == null || alreadyExist)

                HyperNpc hyper = new HyperNpc();
                hyper.Name      = item.name;
                hyper.NpcId     = item.nServerID;
                hyper.SceneId   = WorldManager.Instance.GetActiveSceneID();
                hyper.PosTarget = new Vector3(item.pos.x, 0, item.pos.y);

                newWin.data = hyper;