protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     string ls_value = "";
     HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
     HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtacheuser Hyoa_flowtacheuser = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtacheuser();
     DataTable dt_nextflowuser = Hyoa_flowtacheuser.Getflowtacheusersbyflowidtacheid(Request.QueryString["flowid"].ToString(), Request.QueryString["tacheid"].ToString());
     if (dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count > 0)
         string ls_temp1 = "";
         for (int i = 0; i < dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count; i++)
             ls_temp1 += "," + dt_nextflowuser.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
         ls_temp1 += ",";
         string sql_tj = "";
         if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
             sql_tj = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
         if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
             sql_tj = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
         DataTable dt2 = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable_USER(sql_tj);
         if (dt2.Rows.Count > 0)
             ls_temp1 = "";
             int t = 0;
             for (int i = 0; i < dt2.Rows.Count; i++)
                 if ((ls_temp1 + ",").Contains("," + dt2.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString() + ","))
                     if (ls_value == "")
                         ls_value = dt2.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString() + "+" + dt2.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString();
                         ls_value += "," + dt2.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString() + "+" + dt2.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString();
                     t += 1;
                     ls_temp1 += "," + dt2.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
Exemplo n.º 2
    private void DataPlay()
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowwork Hyoa_flowwork = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowwork();
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_user Hyoa_user = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_user();
        if (this.Request.QueryString["tableid"] != null)
            this.txttableid.Text = this.Request.QueryString["tableid"].ToString();
        if (this.Request.QueryString["flowid"] != null)
            this.txtflowid.Text = this.Request.QueryString["flowid"].ToString();
        if (this.Request.QueryString["tacheid"] != null)
           this.txtcurtacheid.Text = this.Request.QueryString["tacheid"].ToString();
        if (this.Request.QueryString["nexttacheids"] != null)
            string pis_nexttacheids = this.Request.QueryString["nexttacheids"].ToString();
            string pis_nexttachenames = this.Request.QueryString["nexttachenames"].ToString();

            //-----条件流程的情况 start-----
            DataTable dt = Hyoa_flowwork.Getflowworkbyflowidtacheid(this.txtflowid.Text, this.txtcurtacheid.Text);
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                this.Hy_CurrTacheName_Show.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_curtachename"].ToString();
                if (pis_nexttacheids != "")
                    string[] piv_nexttacheids = pis_nexttacheids.Split(',');
                    string[] piv_nexttachenames = pis_nexttachenames.Split(',');
                    for (var i = 0; i < piv_nexttacheids.Length; i++)
                        Hy_nexttachename.Items.Add(new ListItem(piv_nexttachenames[i], piv_nexttacheids[i]));
                    this.Hy_nexttachename.SelectedIndex = 0;

                    //得到 后续环节的默认环节 对应的 提醒默认值,然后进行赋值
                    string ls_temp_tacheid = piv_nexttacheids[0];
                    HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtache Hyoa_flowtache = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtache();
                    DataTable dt_getrddoissendsmsandmsg = Hyoa_flowtache.Getflowtachebyflowidtacheid(this.txtflowid.Text, ls_temp_tacheid);
                    if (dt_getrddoissendsmsandmsg.Rows.Count > 0)
                        if (dt_getrddoissendsmsandmsg.Rows[0]["hy_rdDoIsSendSms"].ToString() == "是")
                            this.f_isSendsms_clr.Checked = true;

                        if (dt_getrddoissendsmsandmsg.Rows[0]["hy_rdDoIsSendMessage"].ToString() == "是")
                            this.f_isSendjstx_clr.Checked = true;

                        if (dt_getrddoissendsmsandmsg.Rows[0]["hy_rdPassIsSendSms"].ToString() == "是")
                            this.f_isSendsms_cyr.Checked = true;

                        if (dt_getrddoissendsmsandmsg.Rows[0]["hy_rdPassIsSendMessage"].ToString() == "是")
                            this.f_isSendjstx_cyr.Checked = true;

                        this.txthy_ifshowcurcomp.Text = dt_getrddoissendsmsandmsg.Rows[0]["hy_ifshowcurcomp"].ToString();
                        this.txthy_ifshowcurdept.Text = dt_getrddoissendsmsandmsg.Rows[0]["hy_ifshowcurdept"].ToString();

            HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtacheuser Hyoa_flowtacheuser = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtacheuser();
            DataTable dt_nextflowuser = Hyoa_flowtacheuser.Getflowtacheusersbyflowidtacheid(this.txtflowid.Text, this.Hy_nexttachename.SelectedValue.ToString());
            if (dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count > 0)
                string ls_temp1 = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count; i++)
                    ls_temp1 += "," + dt_nextflowuser.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
                ls_temp1 += ",";
                string sql = "";
                if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                    sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                    sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                dt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable_USER(sql);
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    this.Hy_deptlist_clr.Items.Insert(0, "--请选择--");
                    ls_temp1 = "";
                    int t = 1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        if ((ls_temp1 + ",").Contains("," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptid"].ToString() + ","))
                            //解决多级部门后续提交时部门显示的问题  added by xf 20131226
                            string ls_deptname = "";
                            if (dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptid"].ToString().Length == 3)
                                ls_deptname = dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptname"].ToString();
                                ls_deptname = GetAllDeptNameByDeptId(dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptid"].ToString());
                            this.Hy_deptlist_clr.Items.Insert(t, new ListItem(ls_deptname, dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptid"].ToString()));
                            t += 1;
                            ls_temp1 += "," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptid"].ToString();
                    this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedIndex = 0;
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_dept Hyoa_dept = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_dept();
            dt = Hyoa_dept.Getdepts();
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    //解决多级部门后续提交时部门显示的问题  added by xf 20131226
                    string ls_deptname = "";
                    if (dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptid"].ToString().Length == 3)
                        ls_deptname = dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptname"].ToString();
                        ls_deptname = GetAllDeptNameByDeptId(dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptid"].ToString());
                    this.Hy_deptlist.Items.Insert(i, new ListItem(ls_deptname, dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptid"].ToString()));
                //this.Hy_deptlist.DataSource = dt;
                //this.Hy_deptlist.DataTextField = "hy_deptname";
                //this.Hy_deptlist.DataValueField = "hy_deptid";
                this.Hy_deptlist.SelectedIndex = 0;
            dt_nextflowuser = Hyoa_flowtacheuser.Getflowtacheusersbyflowidtacheid(this.txtflowid.Text, this.Hy_nexttachename.SelectedValue.ToString());
            if (dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count > 0)
                string ls_temp1 = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count; i++)
                    ls_temp1 += "," + dt_nextflowuser.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
                ls_temp1 += ",";
                string sql = "";
                if (this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() == "--请选择--")
                    if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                        sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                    if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                        sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                    if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                        sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' and b.hy_deptid='" + this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                    if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                        sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') and b.hy_deptid='" + this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                dt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable_USER(sql);
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    ls_temp1 = "";
                    int t = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        if ((ls_temp1 + ",").Contains("," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString() + ","))
                            this.Hy_hjclr.Items.Insert(t, new ListItem(dt.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString()));
                            t += 1;
                            ls_temp1 += "," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
            dt = Hyoa_user.Getusersbydeptid(this.Hy_deptlist.SelectedValue.ToString());
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                this.Hy_rylist.DataSource = dt;
                this.Hy_rylist.DataTextField = "hy_username";
                this.Hy_rylist.DataValueField = "hy_userid";
                //this.Hy_rylist.SelectedIndex = 0;
            //-----条件流程的情况 end-----
            //-----非条件流程的情况 start-----
            DataTable dt = Hyoa_flowwork.Getflowworkbyflowidtacheid(this.txtflowid.Text, this.txtcurtacheid.Text);
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                this.Hy_CurrTacheName_Show.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_curtachename"].ToString();
                this.Hy_nexttachename.DataSource = dt;
                this.Hy_nexttachename.DataTextField = "hy_nexttachename";
                this.Hy_nexttachename.DataValueField = "hy_nexttacheid";
                this.Hy_nexttachename.SelectedIndex = 0;

                //得到 后续环节的默认环节 对应的 提醒默认值,然后进行赋值
                string ls_temp_tacheid = dt.Rows[0]["hy_nexttacheid"].ToString();
                HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtache Hyoa_flowtache = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtache();
                DataTable dt_getrddoissendsmsandmsg = Hyoa_flowtache.Getflowtachebyflowidtacheid(this.txtflowid.Text, ls_temp_tacheid);
                if (dt_getrddoissendsmsandmsg.Rows.Count > 0)
                    if (dt_getrddoissendsmsandmsg.Rows[0]["hy_rdDoIsSendSms"].ToString() == "是")
                        this.f_isSendsms_clr.Checked = true;

                    if (dt_getrddoissendsmsandmsg.Rows[0]["hy_rdDoIsSendMessage"].ToString() == "是")
                        this.f_isSendjstx_clr.Checked = true;

                    if (dt_getrddoissendsmsandmsg.Rows[0]["hy_rdPassIsSendSms"].ToString() == "是")
                        this.f_isSendsms_cyr.Checked = true;

                    if (dt_getrddoissendsmsandmsg.Rows[0]["hy_rdPassIsSendMessage"].ToString() == "是")
                        this.f_isSendjstx_cyr.Checked = true;

                    this.txthy_ifshowcurcomp.Text = dt_getrddoissendsmsandmsg.Rows[0]["hy_ifshowcurcomp"].ToString();
                    this.txthy_ifshowcurdept.Text = dt_getrddoissendsmsandmsg.Rows[0]["hy_ifshowcurdept"].ToString();
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtacheuser Hyoa_flowtacheuser = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtacheuser();
            DataTable dt_nextflowuser = Hyoa_flowtacheuser.Getflowtacheusersbyflowidtacheid(this.txtflowid.Text, this.Hy_nexttachename.SelectedValue.ToString());
            if (dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count > 0)
                string ls_temp1 = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count; i++)
                    ls_temp1 += "," + dt_nextflowuser.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
                ls_temp1 += ",";
                string sql = "";
                if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                    sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                    sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                dt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable_USER(sql);

                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    this.Hy_deptlist_clr.Items.Insert(0, "--请选择--");
                    ls_temp1 = "";
                    int t = 1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        if ((ls_temp1 + ",").Contains("," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptid"].ToString() + ","))
                            //解决多级部门后续提交时部门显示的问题  added by xf 20131226
                            string ls_deptname = "";
                            if (dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptid"].ToString().Length == 3)
                                ls_deptname = dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptname"].ToString();
                                ls_deptname = GetAllDeptNameByDeptId(dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptid"].ToString());
                            this.Hy_deptlist_clr.Items.Insert(t, new ListItem(ls_deptname, dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptid"].ToString()));
                            t += 1;
                            ls_temp1 += "," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptid"].ToString();
                    this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedIndex = 0;
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_dept Hyoa_dept = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_dept();
            dt = Hyoa_dept.Getdepts();
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    //解决多级部门后续提交时部门显示的问题  added by xf 20131226
                    string ls_deptname = "";
                    if (dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptid"].ToString().Length == 3)
                        ls_deptname = dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptname"].ToString();
                        ls_deptname = GetAllDeptNameByDeptId(dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptid"].ToString());
                    this.Hy_deptlist.Items.Insert(i, new ListItem(ls_deptname, dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptid"].ToString()));
                //this.Hy_deptlist.DataSource = dt;
                //this.Hy_deptlist.DataTextField = "hy_deptname";
                //this.Hy_deptlist.DataValueField = "hy_deptid";
                this.Hy_deptlist.SelectedIndex = 0;
            dt_nextflowuser = Hyoa_flowtacheuser.Getflowtacheusersbyflowidtacheid(this.txtflowid.Text, this.Hy_nexttachename.SelectedValue.ToString());
            if (dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count > 0)
                string ls_temp1 = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count; i++)
                    ls_temp1 += "," + dt_nextflowuser.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
                ls_temp1 += ",";
                string sql="";
                if (this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() == "--请选择--")
                    if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                        sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                    if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                        sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                    if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                        sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' and b.hy_deptid='" + this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                    if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                        sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') and b.hy_deptid='" + this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                dt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable_USER(sql);
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    ls_temp1 = "";
                    int t = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        if ((ls_temp1 + ",").Contains("," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString() + ","))
                            this.Hy_hjclr.Items.Insert(t, new ListItem(dt.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString()));
                            t += 1;
                            ls_temp1 += "," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
            dt = Hyoa_user.Getusersbydeptid(this.Hy_deptlist.SelectedValue.ToString());
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                this.Hy_rylist.DataSource = dt;
                this.Hy_rylist.DataTextField = "hy_username";
                this.Hy_rylist.DataValueField = "hy_userid";
                //this.Hy_rylist.SelectedIndex = 0;
            //-----非条件流程的情况 end-----

        if (this.txthy_ifshowcurcomp.Text == "是")
            DataTable tempTable = new DataTable();
            DataColumn col  = new DataColumn("value1", typeof(String)); //定义新的一列
            tempTable.Columns.Add(col);  //追加一列  add
            DataColumn col2 = new DataColumn("value2", typeof(String)); //定义新的一列
            tempTable.Columns.Add(col2);  //追加一列  add

            for (var j = 0; j < this.Hy_deptlist_clr.Items.Count; j++)
                string ls_dept1 = this.Hy_deptlist_clr.Items[j].Value;
                ls_dept1 = ls_dept1.Substring(0, 3);
                string ls_curdept = Session["hydeptid"].ToString();
                ls_curdept = ls_curdept.Substring(0, 3);

                if (ls_dept1 == ls_curdept)
                    DataRow dr = tempTable.NewRow();
                    dr["value1"] = Hy_deptlist_clr.Items[j].Text;
                    dr["value2"] = Hy_deptlist_clr.Items[j].Value;

            this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataSource = tempTable;
            this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataTextField = "value1";
            this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataValueField = "value2";


            HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtacheuser Hyoa_flowtacheuser = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtacheuser();
            DataTable dt_nextflowuser = Hyoa_flowtacheuser.Getflowtacheusersbyflowidtacheid(this.txtflowid.Text, this.Hy_nexttachename.SelectedValue.ToString());
            if (dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count > 0)
                string ls_temp1 = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count; i++)
                    ls_temp1 += "," + dt_nextflowuser.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
                ls_temp1 += ",";
                string sql = "";
                if (this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() == "--请选择--")
                    if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                        sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                    if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                        sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                    if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                        sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' and b.hy_deptid='" + this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                    if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                        sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') and b.hy_deptid='" + this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                DataTable dt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable_USER(sql);
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    ls_temp1 = "";
                    int t = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        if ((ls_temp1 + ",").Contains("," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString() + ","))
                            this.Hy_hjclr.Items.Insert(t, new ListItem(dt.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString()));
                            t += 1;
                            ls_temp1 += "," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();

        if (this.txthy_ifshowcurcomp.Text == "和登记人同单位")
            if (Request.QueryString["docid"] != null)
                string ls_djrbmid = "";
                string sql = "select * from hyc_" + this.txttableid.Text+" where DOCID='" + Request.QueryString["docid"].ToString()+"'";
                DataTable dt_flowmain = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(sql);
                if (dt_flowmain.Rows.Count > 0)
                    ls_djrbmid = dt_flowmain.Rows[0]["hy_djrbmid"].ToString();
                    DataTable tempTable = new DataTable();
                    DataColumn col = new DataColumn("value1", typeof(String)); //定义新的一列
                    tempTable.Columns.Add(col);  //追加一列  add
                    DataColumn col2 = new DataColumn("value2", typeof(String)); //定义新的一列
                    tempTable.Columns.Add(col2);  //追加一列  add

                    for (var j = 0; j < this.Hy_deptlist_clr.Items.Count; j++)
                        string ls_dept1 = this.Hy_deptlist_clr.Items[j].Value;
                        if (ls_dept1.Substring(0, 3) == ls_djrbmid.Substring(0, 3))
                            DataRow dr = tempTable.NewRow();
                            dr["value1"] = Hy_deptlist_clr.Items[j].Text;
                            dr["value2"] = Hy_deptlist_clr.Items[j].Value;

                    this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataSource = tempTable;
                    this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataTextField = "value1";
                    this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataValueField = "value2";


                    HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtacheuser Hyoa_flowtacheuser = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtacheuser();
                    DataTable dt_nextflowuser = Hyoa_flowtacheuser.Getflowtacheusersbyflowidtacheid(this.txtflowid.Text, this.Hy_nexttachename.SelectedValue.ToString());
                    if (dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count > 0)
                        string ls_temp1 = "";
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count; i++)
                            ls_temp1 += "," + dt_nextflowuser.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
                        ls_temp1 += ",";
                        if (this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() == "--请选择--")
                            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                                sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                                sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                                sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' and b.hy_deptid='" + this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                                sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') and b.hy_deptid='" + this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                        DataTable dt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable_USER(sql);
                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            ls_temp1 = "";
                            int t = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                                if ((ls_temp1 + ",").Contains("," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString() + ","))
                                    this.Hy_hjclr.Items.Insert(t, new ListItem(dt.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString()));
                                    t += 1;
                                    ls_temp1 += "," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();

        if (this.txthy_ifshowcurcomp.Text == "登记人的分管领导")
            if (Request.QueryString["docid"] != null)
                string ls_djrbmid = "";
                string sql = "select * from hyc_" + this.txttableid.Text + " where DOCID='" + Request.QueryString["docid"].ToString() + "'";
                DataTable dt_flowmain = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(sql);
                if (dt_flowmain.Rows.Count > 0)
                    ls_djrbmid = dt_flowmain.Rows[0]["hy_djrbmid"].ToString();
                    DataTable tempTable = new DataTable();
                    DataColumn col = new DataColumn("value1", typeof(String)); //定义新的一列
                    tempTable.Columns.Add(col);  //追加一列  add
                    DataColumn col2 = new DataColumn("value2", typeof(String)); //定义新的一列
                    tempTable.Columns.Add(col2);  //追加一列  add

                    for (var j = 0; j < this.Hy_deptlist_clr.Items.Count; j++)
                        string ls_dept1 = this.Hy_deptlist_clr.Items[j].Value;
                        if (ls_dept1.Substring(3) == ls_djrbmid.Substring(3))
                            DataRow dr = tempTable.NewRow();
                            dr["value1"] = Hy_deptlist_clr.Items[j].Text;
                            dr["value2"] = Hy_deptlist_clr.Items[j].Value;

                    this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataSource = tempTable;
                    this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataTextField = "value1";
                    this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataValueField = "value2";


                    HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtacheuser Hyoa_flowtacheuser = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtacheuser();
                    DataTable dt_nextflowuser = Hyoa_flowtacheuser.Getflowtacheusersbyflowidtacheid(this.txtflowid.Text, this.Hy_nexttachename.SelectedValue.ToString());
                    if (dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count > 0)
                        string ls_temp1 = "";
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count; i++)
                            ls_temp1 += "," + dt_nextflowuser.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
                        ls_temp1 += ",";
                        if (this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() == "--请选择--")
                            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                                sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                                sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                                sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' and b.hy_deptid='" + this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                                sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') and b.hy_deptid='" + this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                        DataTable dt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable_USER(sql);
                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            ls_temp1 = "";
                            int t = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                                if ((ls_temp1 + ",").Contains("," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString() + ","))
                                    this.Hy_hjclr.Items.Insert(t, new ListItem(dt.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString()));
                                    t += 1;
                                    ls_temp1 += "," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();

        if (this.txthy_ifshowcurdept.Text == "只显示登记人")
            if (Request.QueryString["docid"] != null)
                string sql = "select * from hyc_" + this.txttableid.Text + " where DOCID='" + Request.QueryString["docid"].ToString() + "'";
                DataTable dt_flowmain = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(sql);
                if (dt_flowmain.Rows.Count > 0)
                    Hy_deptlist_clr.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(dt_flowmain.Rows[0]["hy_djrbmname"].ToString(), dt_flowmain.Rows[0]["hy_djrbmid"].ToString()));

                    Hy_hjclr.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(dt_flowmain.Rows[0]["hy_djrname"].ToString(), dt_flowmain.Rows[0]["hy_djrid"].ToString()));

        if (this.txthy_ifshowcurdept.Text == "是")
            if (Request.QueryString["docid"] != null)
                DataTable tempTable = new DataTable();
                DataColumn col = new DataColumn("value1", typeof(String)); //定义新的一列
                tempTable.Columns.Add(col);  //追加一列  add
                DataColumn col2 = new DataColumn("value2", typeof(String)); //定义新的一列
                tempTable.Columns.Add(col2);  //追加一列  add

                for (var j = 0; j < this.Hy_deptlist_clr.Items.Count; j++)
                    string ls_dept1 = this.Hy_deptlist_clr.Items[j].Value;
                    if (ls_dept1 == Session["hydeptid"].ToString())
                        DataRow dr = tempTable.NewRow();
                        dr["value1"] = Hy_deptlist_clr.Items[j].Text;
                        dr["value2"] = Hy_deptlist_clr.Items[j].Value;

                this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataSource = tempTable;
                this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataTextField = "value1";
                this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataValueField = "value2";


                HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtacheuser Hyoa_flowtacheuser = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtacheuser();
                DataTable dt_nextflowuser = Hyoa_flowtacheuser.Getflowtacheusersbyflowidtacheid(this.txtflowid.Text, this.Hy_nexttachename.SelectedValue.ToString());
                if (dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count > 0)
                    string ls_temp1 = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count; i++)
                        ls_temp1 += "," + dt_nextflowuser.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
                    ls_temp1 += ",";
                    string sql = "";
                    if (this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() == "--请选择--")
                        if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                            sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                        if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                            sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                        if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                            sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' and b.hy_deptid='" + this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                        if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                            sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') and b.hy_deptid='" + this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                    DataTable dt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable_USER(sql);
                    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        ls_temp1 = "";
                        int t = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            if ((ls_temp1 + ",").Contains("," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString() + ","))
                                this.Hy_hjclr.Items.Insert(t, new ListItem(dt.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString()));
                                t += 1;
                                ls_temp1 += "," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();

        //----自动传阅 start------------
        DataTable dt_zdcy = Hyoa_flowwork.Getflowworkbyflowidtacheidnexttacheid(this.txtflowid.Text, this.txtcurtacheid.Text, this.Hy_nexttachename.SelectedValue);
        if (dt_zdcy.Rows.Count > 0)
            if (dt_zdcy.Rows[0]["hy_zdcyuserids"] != null)
                if (dt_zdcy.Rows[0]["hy_zdcyuserids"].ToString() != "")
            int ii=0;
                    string[] lv_zdcyuserids = dt_zdcy.Rows[0]["hy_zdcyuserids"].ToString().Split(',');
                    for (int i = 0; i < lv_zdcyuserids.Length; i++)
                        DataTable dt_user = Hyoa_user.Getuserallinfobyloginid(lv_zdcyuserids[i]);
                        if (dt_user.Rows.Count > 0)
                            this.Hy_selectedcyr.Items.Insert(ii, new ListItem(dt_user.Rows[0]["hy_username"].ToString(), lv_zdcyuserids[i]));
                ii = ii + 1;
        //----自动传阅 end------------
Exemplo n.º 3
    protected void Hy_nexttachename_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtacheuser Hyoa_flowtacheuser = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtacheuser();
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataSource = dt;
        this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataTextField = "hy_deptname";
        this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataValueField = "hy_deptid";
        DataTable dt_nextflowuser = Hyoa_flowtacheuser.Getflowtacheusersbyflowidtacheid(this.txtflowid.Text, this.Hy_nexttachename.SelectedValue.ToString());
        if (dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count > 0)
            string ls_temp1 = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count; i++)
                ls_temp1 += "," + dt_nextflowuser.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
            ls_temp1 += ",";
            string sql = "";
            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
            dt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable_USER(sql);
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                this.Hy_deptlist_clr.Items.Insert(0, "--请选择--");
                ls_temp1 = "";
                int t = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if ((ls_temp1 + ",").Contains("," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptid"].ToString() + ","))
                        //解决多级部门后续提交时部门显示的问题  added by xf 20131226
                        string ls_deptname = "";
                        if (dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptid"].ToString().Length == 3)
                            ls_deptname = dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptname"].ToString();
                            ls_deptname = GetAllDeptNameByDeptId(dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptid"].ToString());
                        this.Hy_deptlist_clr.Items.Insert(t, new ListItem(ls_deptname, dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptid"].ToString()));
                        t += 1;
                        ls_temp1 += "," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptid"].ToString();
                this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedIndex = 0;
        this.Hy_deptlist.DataSource = dt;
        this.Hy_deptlist.DataTextField = "hy_deptname";
        this.Hy_deptlist.DataValueField = "hy_deptid";
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_dept Hyoa_dept = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_dept();
        dt = Hyoa_dept.Getdepts();
        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                //解决多级部门后续提交时部门显示的问题  added by xf 20131226
                string ls_deptname = "";
                if (dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptid"].ToString().Length == 3)
                    ls_deptname = dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptname"].ToString();
                    ls_deptname = GetAllDeptNameByDeptId(dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptid"].ToString());
                this.Hy_deptlist.Items.Insert(i, new ListItem(ls_deptname, dt.Rows[i]["hy_deptid"].ToString()));
            this.Hy_deptlist.SelectedIndex = 0;
        this.Hy_hjclr.DataSource = dt;
        this.Hy_hjclr.DataTextField = "hy_username";
        this.Hy_hjclr.DataValueField = "hy_userid";
        dt_nextflowuser = Hyoa_flowtacheuser.Getflowtacheusersbyflowidtacheid(this.txtflowid.Text, this.Hy_nexttachename.SelectedValue.ToString());
        if (dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count > 0)
            string ls_temp1 = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count; i++)
                ls_temp1 += "," + dt_nextflowuser.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
            ls_temp1 += ",";
            string sql = "";
            if (this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() == "--请选择--")
                if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                    sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                    sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                    sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' and b.hy_deptid='" + this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                    sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') and b.hy_deptid='" + this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
            dt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable_USER(sql);
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                ls_temp1 = "";
                int t = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if ((ls_temp1 + ",").Contains("," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString() + ","))
                        this.Hy_hjclr.Items.Insert(t, new ListItem(dt.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString()));
                        t += 1;
                        ls_temp1 += "," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_user Hyoa_user = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_user();
        dt = Hyoa_user.Getusersbydeptid(this.Hy_deptlist.SelectedValue.ToString());
        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            this.Hy_rylist.DataSource = dt;
            this.Hy_rylist.DataTextField = "hy_username";
            this.Hy_rylist.DataValueField = "hy_userid";
        //得到 后续环节的默认环节 对应的 提醒默认值,然后进行赋值
        string ls_temp_tacheid = this.Hy_nexttachename.SelectedValue.ToString();
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtache Hyoa_flowtache = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtache();
        DataTable dt_getrddoissendsmsandmsg = Hyoa_flowtache.Getflowtachebyflowidtacheid(this.txtflowid.Text, ls_temp_tacheid);
        if (dt_getrddoissendsmsandmsg.Rows.Count > 0)
            if (dt_getrddoissendsmsandmsg.Rows[0]["hy_rdDoIsSendSms"].ToString() == "是")
                this.f_isSendsms_clr.Checked = true;
                this.f_isSendsms_clr.Checked = false;

            if (dt_getrddoissendsmsandmsg.Rows[0]["hy_rdDoIsSendMessage"].ToString() == "是")
                this.f_isSendjstx_clr.Checked = true;
                this.f_isSendjstx_clr.Checked = false;

            if (dt_getrddoissendsmsandmsg.Rows[0]["hy_rdPassIsSendSms"].ToString() == "是")
                this.f_isSendsms_cyr.Checked = true;
                this.f_isSendsms_cyr.Checked = false;

            if (dt_getrddoissendsmsandmsg.Rows[0]["hy_rdPassIsSendMessage"].ToString() == "是")
                this.f_isSendjstx_cyr.Checked = true;
                this.f_isSendjstx_cyr.Checked = false;

            this.txthy_ifshowcurcomp.Text = dt_getrddoissendsmsandmsg.Rows[0]["hy_ifshowcurcomp"].ToString();
            this.txthy_ifshowcurdept.Text = dt_getrddoissendsmsandmsg.Rows[0]["hy_ifshowcurdept"].ToString();

        if (this.txthy_ifshowcurcomp.Text == "是")
            DataTable tempTable = new DataTable();
            DataColumn col = new DataColumn("value1", typeof(String)); //定义新的一列
            tempTable.Columns.Add(col);  //追加一列  add
            DataColumn col2 = new DataColumn("value2", typeof(String)); //定义新的一列
            tempTable.Columns.Add(col2);  //追加一列  add

            for (var j = 0; j < this.Hy_deptlist_clr.Items.Count; j++)
                string ls_dept1 = this.Hy_deptlist_clr.Items[j].Value;
                ls_dept1 = ls_dept1.Substring(0, 3);
                string ls_curdept = Session["hydeptid"].ToString();
                ls_curdept = ls_curdept.Substring(0, 3);

                if (ls_dept1 == ls_curdept)
                    DataRow dr = tempTable.NewRow();
                    dr["value1"] = Hy_deptlist_clr.Items[j].Text;
                    dr["value2"] = Hy_deptlist_clr.Items[j].Value;

            this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataSource = tempTable;
            this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataTextField = "value1";
            this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataValueField = "value2";


            dt_nextflowuser = Hyoa_flowtacheuser.Getflowtacheusersbyflowidtacheid(this.txtflowid.Text, this.Hy_nexttachename.SelectedValue.ToString());
            if (dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count > 0)
                string ls_temp1 = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count; i++)
                    ls_temp1 += "," + dt_nextflowuser.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
                ls_temp1 += ",";
                string sql = "";
                if (this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() == "--请选择--")
                    if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                        sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                    if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                        sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                    if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                        sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' and b.hy_deptid='" + this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                    if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                        sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') and b.hy_deptid='" + this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                dt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable_USER(sql);
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    ls_temp1 = "";
                    int t = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        if ((ls_temp1 + ",").Contains("," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString() + ","))
                            this.Hy_hjclr.Items.Insert(t, new ListItem(dt.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString()));
                            t += 1;
                            ls_temp1 += "," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();

        if (this.txthy_ifshowcurcomp.Text == "和登记人同单位")
            if (Request.QueryString["docid"] != null)
                string ls_djrbmid = "";
                string sql = "select * from hyc_" + this.txttableid.Text + " where DOCID='" + Request.QueryString["docid"].ToString() + "'";
                DataTable dt_flowmain = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(sql);
                if (dt_flowmain.Rows.Count > 0)
                    ls_djrbmid = dt_flowmain.Rows[0]["hy_djrbmid"].ToString();

                    DataTable tempTable = new DataTable();
                    DataColumn col = new DataColumn("value1", typeof(String)); //定义新的一列
                    tempTable.Columns.Add(col);  //追加一列  add
                    DataColumn col2 = new DataColumn("value2", typeof(String)); //定义新的一列
                    tempTable.Columns.Add(col2);  //追加一列  add

                    for (var j = 0; j < this.Hy_deptlist_clr.Items.Count; j++)
                        string ls_dept1 = this.Hy_deptlist_clr.Items[j].Value;
                        if (ls_dept1.Substring(0, 3) == ls_djrbmid.Substring(0, 3))
                            DataRow dr = tempTable.NewRow();
                            dr["value1"] = Hy_deptlist_clr.Items[j].Text;
                            dr["value2"] = Hy_deptlist_clr.Items[j].Value;

                    this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataSource = tempTable;
                    this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataTextField = "value1";
                    this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataValueField = "value2";


                    dt_nextflowuser = Hyoa_flowtacheuser.Getflowtacheusersbyflowidtacheid(this.txtflowid.Text, this.Hy_nexttachename.SelectedValue.ToString());
                    if (dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count > 0)
                        string ls_temp1 = "";
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count; i++)
                            ls_temp1 += "," + dt_nextflowuser.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
                        ls_temp1 += ",";
                        if (this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() == "--请选择--")
                            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                                sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                                sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                                sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' and b.hy_deptid='" + this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                                sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') and b.hy_deptid='" + this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                        dt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable_USER(sql);
                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            ls_temp1 = "";
                            int t = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                                if ((ls_temp1 + ",").Contains("," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString() + ","))
                                    this.Hy_hjclr.Items.Insert(t, new ListItem(dt.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString()));
                                    t += 1;
                                    ls_temp1 += "," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();

        if (this.txthy_ifshowcurcomp.Text == "登记人的分管领导")
            if (Request.QueryString["docid"] != null)
                string ls_djrbmid = "";
                string sql = "select * from hyc_" + this.txttableid.Text + " where DOCID='" + Request.QueryString["docid"].ToString() + "'";
                DataTable dt_flowmain = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(sql);
                if (dt_flowmain.Rows.Count > 0)
                    ls_djrbmid = dt_flowmain.Rows[0]["hy_djrbmid"].ToString();

                    DataTable tempTable = new DataTable();
                    DataColumn col = new DataColumn("value1", typeof(String)); //定义新的一列
                    tempTable.Columns.Add(col);  //追加一列  add
                    DataColumn col2 = new DataColumn("value2", typeof(String)); //定义新的一列
                    tempTable.Columns.Add(col2);  //追加一列  add

                    for (var j = 0; j < this.Hy_deptlist_clr.Items.Count; j++)
                        string ls_dept1 = this.Hy_deptlist_clr.Items[j].Value;
                        if (ls_dept1.Substring(3) == ls_djrbmid.Substring(3))
                            DataRow dr = tempTable.NewRow();
                            dr["value1"] = Hy_deptlist_clr.Items[j].Text;
                            dr["value2"] = Hy_deptlist_clr.Items[j].Value;

                    this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataSource = tempTable;
                    this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataTextField = "value1";
                    this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataValueField = "value2";


                    dt_nextflowuser = Hyoa_flowtacheuser.Getflowtacheusersbyflowidtacheid(this.txtflowid.Text, this.Hy_nexttachename.SelectedValue.ToString());
                    if (dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count > 0)
                        string ls_temp1 = "";
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count; i++)
                            ls_temp1 += "," + dt_nextflowuser.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
                        ls_temp1 += ",";
                        if (this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() == "--请选择--")
                            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                                sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                                sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                                sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' and b.hy_deptid='" + this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                                sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') and b.hy_deptid='" + this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                        dt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable_USER(sql);
                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            ls_temp1 = "";
                            int t = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                                if ((ls_temp1 + ",").Contains("," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString() + ","))
                                    this.Hy_hjclr.Items.Insert(t, new ListItem(dt.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString()));
                                    t += 1;
                                    ls_temp1 += "," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();

        if (this.txthy_ifshowcurdept.Text == "只显示登记人")
            if (Request.QueryString["docid"] != null)
                string sql = "select * from hyc_" + this.txttableid.Text + " where DOCID='" + Request.QueryString["docid"].ToString() + "'";
                DataTable dt_flowmain = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(sql);
                if (dt_flowmain.Rows.Count > 0)
                    Hy_deptlist_clr.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(dt_flowmain.Rows[0]["hy_djrbmname"].ToString(), dt_flowmain.Rows[0]["hy_djrbmid"].ToString()));

                    Hy_hjclr.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(dt_flowmain.Rows[0]["hy_djrname"].ToString(), dt_flowmain.Rows[0]["hy_djrid"].ToString()));

        if (this.txthy_ifshowcurdept.Text == "是")
            if (Request.QueryString["docid"] != null)
                DataTable tempTable = new DataTable();
                DataColumn col = new DataColumn("value1", typeof(String)); //定义新的一列
                tempTable.Columns.Add(col);  //追加一列  add
                DataColumn col2 = new DataColumn("value2", typeof(String)); //定义新的一列
                tempTable.Columns.Add(col2);  //追加一列  add
                for (var j = 0; j < this.Hy_deptlist_clr.Items.Count; j++)
                    string ls_dept1 = this.Hy_deptlist_clr.Items[j].Value;
                    if (ls_dept1 == Session["hydeptid"].ToString())
                        DataRow dr = tempTable.NewRow();
                        dr["value1"] = Hy_deptlist_clr.Items[j].Text;
                        dr["value2"] = Hy_deptlist_clr.Items[j].Value;

                this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataSource = tempTable;
                this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataTextField = "value1";
                this.Hy_deptlist_clr.DataValueField = "value2";


                dt_nextflowuser = Hyoa_flowtacheuser.Getflowtacheusersbyflowidtacheid(this.txtflowid.Text, this.Hy_nexttachename.SelectedValue.ToString());
                if (dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count > 0)
                    string ls_temp1 = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count; i++)
                        ls_temp1 += "," + dt_nextflowuser.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
                    ls_temp1 += ",";
                    string sql = "";
                    if (this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() == "--请选择--")
                        if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                            sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                        if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                            sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                        if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                            sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' and b.hy_deptid='" + this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                        if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                            sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') and b.hy_deptid='" + this.Hy_deptlist_clr.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                    dt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable_USER(sql);
                    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        ls_temp1 = "";
                        int t = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            if ((ls_temp1 + ",").Contains("," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString() + ","))
                                this.Hy_hjclr.Items.Insert(t, new ListItem(dt.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString()));
                                t += 1;
                                ls_temp1 += "," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
Exemplo n.º 4
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string ls_flowid;
        string ls_nexttacheid;
        string ls_deptid;
        string ls_username;
        string ls_userid;
        string ls_opt;
        ls_flowid = "";
        ls_nexttacheid = "";
        ls_deptid = "";
        ls_username = "";
        ls_userid = "";
        ls_opt = "";

        if (this.Request.QueryString["flowid"] != null)
            ls_flowid = this.Request.QueryString["flowid"].ToString();
        if (this.Request.QueryString["nexttacheid"] != null)
            ls_nexttacheid = this.Request.QueryString["nexttacheid"].ToString();
        if (this.Request.QueryString["deptid"] != null)
            ls_deptid = this.Request.QueryString["deptid"].ToString();
        if (this.Request.QueryString["opt"] != null)
            ls_opt = this.Request.QueryString["opt"].ToString();
        if (ls_opt == "clr")
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtacheuser Hyoa_flowtacheuser = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtacheuser();
            DataTable dt_nextflowuser = Hyoa_flowtacheuser.Getflowtacheusersbyflowidtacheid(ls_flowid, ls_nexttacheid);
            if (dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count > 0)
                string ls_temp1 = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < dt_nextflowuser.Rows.Count; i++)
                    ls_temp1 += "," + dt_nextflowuser.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
                ls_temp1 += ",";
                string sql = "";
                if (ls_deptid == "--请选择--")
                    if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                        sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                    if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                        sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                    if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                        sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like '%,'+b.hy_userid+',%' and b.hy_deptid='" + ls_deptid + "' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                    if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                        sql = "select * from hyt_dept a,hyt_user b where a.hy_deptid=b.hy_deptid and '" + ls_temp1 + "' like CONCAT(CONCAT('%,',b.hy_userid),',%') and b.hy_deptid='" + ls_deptid + "' order by a.hy_deptsort,b.hy_sort";
                DataTable dt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable_USER(sql);
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    ls_temp1 = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        if ((ls_temp1 + ",").Contains("," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString() + ","))
                            if (ls_username == "")
                                ls_username = dt.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString();
                                ls_userid = dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
                                ls_username += "+" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString();
                                ls_userid += "+" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
                            ls_temp1 += "," + dt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
            this.Response.Write(ls_username + "*" + ls_userid);
            return ;

        if (ls_opt == "cyr")
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_user Hyoa_user = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_user();
            DataTable dt3 = Hyoa_user.Getusersbydeptid(ls_deptid);
            if (dt3.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < dt3.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (ls_username == "")
                        ls_username = dt3.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString();
                        ls_userid = dt3.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
                        ls_username = ls_username + "+" + dt3.Rows[i]["hy_username"].ToString();
                        ls_userid = ls_userid + "+" + dt3.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
            this.Response.Write(ls_username + "*" + ls_userid);