static void Main(string[] args)
            // HttpListener example
            Console.WriteLine("Starting Server. You can reach it from your browser here: http://localhost:8888");
            var server = new HttpListener();

            // Register the RequestParsed event so we can react to incoming requests
            server.RequestParsed += (sender, request) =>
                var remoteAddress = request.Connection.NetworkSocket.RemoteEndPoint;
                // Generate the response body
                var responseText = $"<h1>Hello, {remoteAddress}!</h1><p>You requested '{request.Query}', and this is your response.</p>\n";

                // Create and configure a response object
                var response = new HttpResponse();
                response.StatusCode      = HttpStatusCodes.OK;
                response["Content-Type"] = "text/html; charset=utf-8";

                // Send the response to the client

            // Listen on localhost (loopback). This way, only local connections will be accepted.
            // Change to IPAddress.Any to allow connections from any source.
            var listeningEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(address: IPAddress.Loopback, port: 8888);


            // Start running the server. This method never returns!
            // Use RunInBackground if you want to continue doing work in this thread.