public static void AddFhir(this HttpConfiguration config, params string[] endpoints)

            // Hook custom formatters

            // EK: Remove the default BodyModel validator. We don't need it,
            // and it makes the Validation framework throw a null reference exception
            // when the body empty. This only surfaces when calling a DELETE with no body,
            // while the action method has a parameter for the body.
            config.Services.Replace(typeof(IBodyModelValidator), null);
        public static void AddFhir(this HttpConfiguration config, bool permissiveParsing = true, params string[] endpoints)

            // Hook custom formatters
            config.AddFhirFormatters(permissiveParsing: permissiveParsing);

            // KM: Replace DefaultContentNegotiator with FhirContentNegotiator
            // this enables serving Binaries according to specification
            config.Services.Replace(typeof(IContentNegotiator), new FhirContentNegotiator());

            // EK: Remove the default BodyModel validator. We don't need it,
            // and it makes the Validation framework throw a null reference exception
            // when the body empty. This only surfaces when calling a DELETE with no body,
            // while the action method has a parameter for the body.
            config.Services.Replace(typeof(IBodyModelValidator), null);