Exemplo n.º 1
		///Compares an end point of a TextRange object with an end point of another range.
		///<param name="type">String that specifies one of the following values:
		///StartToEnd Compare the start of the TextRange object with the end of the oRange parameter.
		///StartToStart Compare the start of the TextRange object with the start of the oRange parameter.
		///EndToStart Compare the end of the TextRange object with the start of the oRange parameter.
		///EndToEnd Compare the end of the TextRange object with the end of the oRange parameter
		///<param name="range">TextRange object that specifies the range to compare with the object</param>
		///<returns>Returns one of the following possible values:
		///-1 The end point of the object is further to the left than the end point of oRange.
		///0 The end point of the object is at the same location as the end point of oRange.
		///1 The end point of the object is further to the right than the end point of oRange.</returns>
		public int compareEndPoints(string type, HtmlTextRange range) {
			return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
		///Returns a value indicating whether the specified range is equal to the current range.
		///<param name="oCompareRange">Required. TextRange object to compare with the current TextRange object. </param>
		///<returns>Boolean that returns true if oCompareRange is equal to the parent object, otherwise false.</returns>
		public bool isEqual(HtmlTextRange oCompareRange) {
			return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
		///Returns a value indicating whether one range is contained within another.
		///<param name="range2">TextRange object that might be contained</param>
		///<returns>Boolean that returns one of the following possible values.
		///true oRange is contained within or is equal to the TextRange object on which the method is called.
		///false oRange is not contained within the TextRange object on which the method is called.
		public bool inRange(HtmlTextRange range2) {
			return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
		///Sets the endpoint of one range based on the endpoint of another range.
		///<param name="sType">Required. String that specifies the endpoint to transfer using one of the following values: startToEnd, startToStart, endToStart, endToEnd</param>
		///<param name="oTextRange">Required. TextRange object from which the source endpoint is to be taken.</param>
		public void setEndPoint(string sType, HtmlTextRange oTextRange) {