Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Selects a node identified by its chm file and local
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="col">treenode collection to search</param>
        /// <param name="chmFile">chm filename</param>
        /// <param name="local">local of the toc item</param>
        private void SelectTOCItem(TreeNodeCollection col, string chmFile, string local)
            foreach (TreeNode curNode in col)
                HtmlHelpTocItem curItem = curNode.Tag as HtmlHelpTocItem;

                if (curItem != null)
                    if ((curItem.Local == local) || (("/" + curItem.Local) == local))
                        if (chmFile.Length > 0)
                            if (curItem.AssociatedFile.ChmFilePath == chmFile)
                                tocTreeView.SelectedNode = curNode;
                            tocTreeView.SelectedNode = curNode;

                SelectTOCItem(curNode.Nodes, chmFile, local);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a HHC file and returns an list with the table of contents (TOC) tree
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hhcFile">string content of the hhc file</param>
        /// <param name="chmFile">CHMFile instance</param>
        /// <returns>Returns an list with the table of contents (TOC) tree</returns>
        public static List <HtmlHelpTocItem> ParseHHC(string hhcFile, CHMFile chmFile)
            _lastTopicItem = null;
            _mergeItems    = null;          // clear merged item list
            List <HtmlHelpTocItem> tocList = new List <HtmlHelpTocItem>();

            ulRE         = new Regex(RE_ULBoundaries, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
            NestedRE     = new Regex(RE_NestedBoundaries, RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
            ObjectRE     = new Regex(RE_ObjectBoundaries, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
            ParamRE      = new Regex(RE_ParamBoundaries, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
            AttributesRE = new Regex(RE_QuoteAttributes, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);

            int innerTextIdx = ulRE.GroupNumberFromName("innerText");

            if (ulRE.IsMatch(hhcFile, 0))
                Match m = ulRE.Match(hhcFile, 0);

                int nFirstUL = 0;

                nFirstUL = hhcFile.ToLower().IndexOf("<ul>");

                if (nFirstUL == -1)
                    nFirstUL = hhcFile.ToLower().IndexOf("<il>");

                if (ObjectRE.IsMatch(hhcFile, 0))                  // first object block contains information types and categories
                    Match mO    = ObjectRE.Match(hhcFile, 0);
                    int   iOTxt = ObjectRE.GroupNumberFromName("innerText");

                    string globalText = mO.Groups[iOTxt].Value;

                    if (mO.Groups[iOTxt].Index <= nFirstUL)
                        ParseGlobalSettings(globalText, chmFile);

                // parse toc tree
                string innerText = m.Groups["innerText"].Value;

                innerText = innerText.Replace("(", "&#040;");
                innerText = innerText.Replace(")", "&#041;");
                innerText = Regex.Replace(innerText, RE_ULOpening, "(", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                innerText = Regex.Replace(innerText, RE_ULClosing, ")", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                ParseTree(innerText, null, tocList, chmFile);

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively parses a sitemap tree
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">content text</param>
        /// <param name="parent">Parent for all read items</param>
        /// <param name="arrNodes">arraylist which receives the extracted nodes</param>
        /// <param name="chmFile">CHMFile instance</param>
        private static void ParseTree(string text, HtmlHelpTocItem parent,
                                      IList <HtmlHelpTocItem> arrNodes, CHMFile chmFile)
            string strPreItems = "", strPostItems = "";
            string innerText = "";

            int nIndex = 0;

            while (NestedRE.IsMatch(text, nIndex))
                Match m = NestedRE.Match(text, nIndex);

                innerText = m.Value.Substring(1, m.Length - 2);

                strPreItems = text.Substring(nIndex, m.Index - nIndex);

                ParseItems(strPreItems, parent, arrNodes, chmFile);

                if ((arrNodes.Count > 0) && (innerText.Length > 0))
                    HtmlHelpTocItem p = arrNodes[arrNodes.Count - 1];
                    ParseTree(innerText, p, p.Children, chmFile);

                nIndex = m.Index + m.Length;

            if (nIndex == 0)
                strPostItems = text.Substring(nIndex, text.Length - nIndex);
                ParseItems(strPostItems, parent, arrNodes, chmFile);
            else if (nIndex < text.Length - 1)
                strPostItems = text.Substring(nIndex, text.Length - nIndex);
                ParseTree(strPostItems, parent, arrNodes, chmFile);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Called if the user has collapsed a tree item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">event sender</param>
        /// <param name="e">event parameter</param>
        private void tocTreeView_AfterCollapse(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs e)
            HtmlHelpTocItem curItem = (HtmlHelpTocItem)(e.Node.Tag);

            if (curItem != null)
                if (HtmlHelpSystem.UseHH2TreePics)
                    if (curItem.ImageIndex <= 15)
                        e.Node.ImageIndex         = curItem.ImageIndex;
                        e.Node.SelectedImageIndex = curItem.ImageIndex;
                    if (curItem.ImageIndex < 8)
                        e.Node.ImageIndex         = curItem.ImageIndex;
                        e.Node.SelectedImageIndex = curItem.ImageIndex;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses tree nodes from the text
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemstext">text containing the items</param>
        /// <param name="parent">Parent for all read items</param>
        /// <param name="arrNodes">arraylist where the nodes should be added</param>
        /// <param name="chmFile">CHMFile instance</param>
        private static void ParseItems(string itemstext, HtmlHelpTocItem parent,
                                       IList <HtmlHelpTocItem> arrNodes, CHMFile chmFile)
            int innerTextIdx  = ObjectRE.GroupNumberFromName("innerText");
            int innerPTextIdx = ParamRE.GroupNumberFromName("innerText");

            // get group-name indexes
            int nameIndex  = AttributesRE.GroupNumberFromName("attributeName");
            int valueIndex = AttributesRE.GroupNumberFromName("attributeValue");
            int tdIndex    = AttributesRE.GroupNumberFromName("attributeTD");

            int nObjStartIndex = 0;

            while (ObjectRE.IsMatch(itemstext, nObjStartIndex))
                Match m = ObjectRE.Match(itemstext, nObjStartIndex);

                string innerText = m.Groups[innerTextIdx].Value;

                HtmlHelpTocItem tocItem = new HtmlHelpTocItem();
                tocItem.TocMode        = DataMode.TextBased;
                tocItem.AssociatedFile = chmFile;
                tocItem.Parent         = parent;

                // read parameters
                int nParamIndex = 0;

                while (ParamRE.IsMatch(innerText, nParamIndex))
                    Match mP = ParamRE.Match(innerText, nParamIndex);

                    string innerP = mP.Groups[innerPTextIdx].Value;

                    string paramName  = "";
                    string paramValue = "";

                    int nAttrIdx = 0;

                    while (AttributesRE.IsMatch(innerP, nAttrIdx))
                        Match mA = AttributesRE.Match(innerP, nAttrIdx);

                        string attributeName  = mA.Groups[nameIndex].Value;
                        string attributeValue = mA.Groups[valueIndex].Value;
                        string attributeTD    = mA.Groups[tdIndex].Value;

                        if (attributeTD.Length > 0)
                            // delete the trailing textqualifier
                            if (attributeValue.Length > 0)
                                int ltqi = attributeValue.LastIndexOf(attributeTD);

                                if (ltqi >= 0)
                                    attributeValue = attributeValue.Substring(0, ltqi);

                        if (attributeName.ToLower() == "name")
                            paramName = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(attributeValue);                             // for unicode encoded values

                        if (attributeName.ToLower() == "value")
                            paramValue = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(attributeValue);                             // for unicode encoded values
                            // delete trailing /
                            while ((paramValue.Length > 0) && (paramValue[paramValue.Length - 1] == '/'))
                                paramValue = paramValue.Substring(0, paramValue.Length - 1);

                        nAttrIdx = mA.Index + mA.Length;

                    tocItem.Params[paramName] = paramValue;
                    switch (paramName.ToLower())
                    case "name":
                        tocItem.Name = paramValue;
                    }; break;

                    case "local":
                        tocItem.Local = paramValue.Replace("../", "").Replace("./", "");
                    }; break;

                    case "imagenumber":
                        tocItem.ImageIndex  = Int32.Parse(paramValue);
                        tocItem.ImageIndex -= 1;

                        int nFolderAdd = 0;

                        if ((chmFile != null) && (chmFile.ImageTypeFolder))
                            // get the value which should be added, to display folders instead of books
                            if (HtmlHelpSystem.UseHH2TreePics)
                                nFolderAdd = 8;
                                nFolderAdd = 4;

                        if (tocItem.ImageIndex % 2 != 0)
                            if (tocItem.ImageIndex == 1)
                                tocItem.ImageIndex = 0;
                        if (HtmlHelpSystem.UseHH2TreePics)
                            if (tocItem.ImageIndex == 0)
                                tocItem.ImageIndex = HtmlHelpTocItem.STD_FOLDER_HH2 + nFolderAdd;
                    }; break;

                    case "merge":                             // this item contains topics or a full TOC from a merged CHM
                        tocItem.MergeLink = paramValue;

                        // "register" this item as merge-link
                        if (_mergeItems == null)
                            _mergeItems = new List <HtmlHelpTocItem>();

                    }; break;

                    case "type":                                // information type assignment for item
                    }; break;

                    nParamIndex = mP.Index + mP.Length;

                tocItem.ChmFile = chmFile.ChmFilePath;

                if (tocItem.MergeLink.Length > 0)
                    if (_lastTopicItem != null)
                        tocItem.Parent = _lastTopicItem;
                    _lastTopicItem = tocItem;

                nObjStartIndex = m.Index + m.Length;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows help for a specific keyword
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="namespaceFilter">namespace filter (used for merged files)</param>
        /// <param name="hlpNavigator">navigator value</param>
        /// <param name="keyword">keyword</param>
        /// <param name="url">url</param>
        void IHelpViewer.ShowHelp(string namespaceFilter, HelpNavigator hlpNavigator, string keyword, string url)
            switch (hlpNavigator)
            case HelpNavigator.AssociateIndex:
                HtmlHelpIndexItem foundIdx = _reader.Index.SearchIndex(keyword, IndexType.AssiciativeLinks);
                if (foundIdx != null)
                    if (foundIdx.Topics.Count > 0)
                        HtmlHelpIndexTopic topic = foundIdx.Topics[0];

                        if (topic.Local.Length > 0)

            case HelpNavigator.Find:
                this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                DataTable dtResults = _reader.PerformSearch(keyword, 500, true, false);
                this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;

            case HelpNavigator.Index:

            case HelpNavigator.KeywordIndex:
                HtmlHelpIndexItem foundIdx = _reader.Index.SearchIndex(keyword, IndexType.KeywordLinks);
                if (foundIdx != null)
                    if (foundIdx.Topics.Count == 1)
                        HtmlHelpIndexTopic topic = foundIdx.Topics[0];

                        if (topic.Local.Length > 0)
                    else if (foundIdx.Topics.Count > 1)

            case HelpNavigator.TableOfContents:
                HtmlHelpTocItem foundTOC = _reader.HtmlHelpToc.SearchTopic(keyword);
                if (foundTOC != null)
                    if (foundTOC.Local.Length > 0)

            case HelpNavigator.Topic:
                HtmlHelpTocItem foundTOC = _reader.HtmlHelpToc.SearchTopic(keyword);
                if (foundTOC != null)
                    if (foundTOC.Local.Length > 0)
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Decodes the binary file data and fills the internal properties
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if succeeded</returns>
        private bool DecodeData()
            _toc         = new List <HtmlHelpTocItem>();
            _offsetTable = new Hashtable();

            bool bRet = true;

            MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(_binaryFileData);
            BinaryReader binReader = new BinaryReader(memStream);

            int nCurOffset = 0;

            _offset2028        = binReader.ReadInt32();
            _offset16structs   = binReader.ReadInt32();
            _numberOf16structs = binReader.ReadInt32();
            _offsetOftopics    = binReader.ReadInt32();

            binReader.BaseStream.Seek(_offset2028, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            if (RecursivelyBuildTree(ref binReader, _offset2028, _toc, null))
                binReader.BaseStream.Seek(_offset16structs, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                nCurOffset = (int)binReader.BaseStream.Position;

                for (int i = 0; i < _numberOf16structs; i++)
                    int tocOffset   = binReader.ReadInt32();
                    int sqNr        = binReader.ReadInt32();
                    int topOffset   = binReader.ReadInt32();
                    int hhctopicIdx = binReader.ReadInt32();

                    nCurOffset = (int)binReader.BaseStream.Position;

                    int topicIdx = -1;
                    // if the topic offset is within the range of the stream
                    // and is >= the offset of the first topic dword
                    if ((topOffset < (binReader.BaseStream.Length - 4)) && (topOffset >= _offsetOftopics))
                        // read the index of the topic for this item
                        binReader.BaseStream.Seek(topOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        topicIdx = binReader.ReadInt32();
                        binReader.BaseStream.Seek(nCurOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                        HtmlHelpTocItem item = (HtmlHelpTocItem)_offsetTable[tocOffset.ToString()];
                        if (item != null)
                            if ((topicIdx < _associatedFile.TopicsFile.TopicTable.Count) && (topicIdx >= 0))
                                TopicEntry te = (TopicEntry)(_associatedFile.TopicsFile.TopicTable[topicIdx]);
                                if ((te != null) && (item.TopicOffset < 0))
                                    item.TopicOffset = te.EntryOffset;

Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively reads the binary toc tree from the file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="binReader">reference to binary reader</param>
        /// <param name="NodeOffset">offset of the first node in the current level</param>
        /// <param name="level">arraylist of TOCItems for the current level</param>
        /// <param name="parentItem">parent item for the item</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if succeeded</returns>
        private bool RecursivelyBuildTree(ref BinaryReader binReader,
                                          int NodeOffset, IList <HtmlHelpTocItem> level, HtmlHelpTocItem parentItem)
            bool bRet       = true;
            int  nextOffset = 0;

            int nReadOffset = (int)binReader.BaseStream.Position;

            binReader.BaseStream.Seek(NodeOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                int nCurOffset = (int)binReader.BaseStream.Position;

                int unkn1 = binReader.ReadInt16();                 // unknown
                int unkn2 = binReader.ReadInt16();                 // unknown

                int flag = binReader.ReadInt32();

                int nFolderAdd = 0;

                if ((_associatedFile != null) && (_associatedFile.ImageTypeFolder))
                    // get the value which should be added, to display folders instead of books
                    if (HtmlHelpSystem.UseHH2TreePics)
                        nFolderAdd = 8;
                        nFolderAdd = 4;

                int nFolderImgIdx = (HtmlHelpSystem.UseHH2TreePics ? (HtmlHelpTocItem.STD_FOLDER_HH2 + nFolderAdd) : (HtmlHelpTocItem.STD_FOLDER_HH1 + nFolderAdd));
                int nFileImgIdx   = (HtmlHelpSystem.UseHH2TreePics ? HtmlHelpTocItem.STD_FILE_HH2 : HtmlHelpTocItem.STD_FILE_HH1);

                int stdImage = ((flag & 0x4) != 0) ? nFolderImgIdx : nFileImgIdx;

                int stringOffset = binReader.ReadInt32();

                int ParentOffset = binReader.ReadInt32();
                nextOffset = binReader.ReadInt32();

                int firstChildOffset = 0;
                int unkn3            = 0;

                if ((flag & 0x4) != 0)
                    firstChildOffset = binReader.ReadInt32();
                    unkn3            = binReader.ReadInt32();          // unknown

                HtmlHelpTocItem newItem = new HtmlHelpTocItem();
                newItem.ImageIndex     = stdImage;
                newItem.Offset         = nCurOffset;
                newItem.OffsetNext     = nextOffset;
                newItem.AssociatedFile = _associatedFile;
                newItem.TocMode        = DataMode.Binary;
                newItem.Parent         = parentItem;

                if ((flag & 0x08) == 0)
                    // toc item doesn't have a local value (=> stringOffset = offset of strings file)
                    newItem.Name = _associatedFile.StringsFile[stringOffset];
                    // this item has a topic entry (=> stringOffset = index of topic entry)
                    if ((stringOffset < _associatedFile.TopicsFile.TopicTable.Count) && (stringOffset >= 0))
                        TopicEntry te = (TopicEntry)(_associatedFile.TopicsFile.TopicTable[stringOffset]);
                        if (te != null)
                            newItem.TopicOffset = te.EntryOffset;

                _offsetTable[nCurOffset.ToString()] = newItem;

                // if this item has children (firstChildOffset > 0)
                if (firstChildOffset > 0)
                    bRet &= RecursivelyBuildTree(ref binReader, firstChildOffset, newItem.Children, newItem);


                if (nCurOffset != nextOffset)
                    binReader.BaseStream.Seek(nextOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            }while(nextOffset != 0);

            binReader.BaseStream.Seek(nReadOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Standard constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item">toc item associated with the event</param>
 public TocEventArgs(HtmlHelpTocItem item)
     _tocItem = item;