Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Special processing is needed for defaultLangStyles.css.
        /// This file is designed to hold information about each language seen by this book and its ancestors.
        /// But that means we may have font information for a language not present in this version of the book.
        /// We don't want to include those fonts.
        /// </summary>
        private static void ProcessDefaultLangStyles(string bookHtmContent, string defaultLangStylesContent, HashSet <string> result)
            if (bookHtmContent == null || defaultLangStylesContent == null)

            var htmlDom = new HtmlDom(XmlHtmlConverter.GetXmlDomFromHtml(bookHtmContent, false));
            var languagesWithContent = htmlDom.GetLanguagesWithContent().ToArray();

            // Find something like this
            //	[lang='en']
            //	{
            //		font-family: 'Andika New Basic';
            //		direction: ltr;
            //	}
            Regex languageCssRegex = new Regex(@"\[\s*lang\s*=\s*['""](.*?)['""]\s*\]\s*{.*?}", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Compiled);

            // Remove it for languages which are not in the book.
            foreach (Match match in languageCssRegex.Matches(defaultLangStylesContent))
                var langTag = match.Groups[1].Value;
                if (languagesWithContent.Contains(langTag))
                var wholeRuleForLang = match.Groups[0].Value;
                defaultLangStylesContent = defaultLangStylesContent.Replace(wholeRuleForLang, "");

            HtmlDom.FindFontsUsedInCss(defaultLangStylesContent, result, false);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Examine the stylesheets and collect the font families they mention.
        /// Note that the process used by ePub and bloomPub publication to
        /// determine fonts is more complicated, using the DOM in an actual browser.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Enumerable of font names</returns>
        internal static IEnumerable <string> GetFontsUsed(string bookPath)
            string bookHtmContent           = null;
            string defaultLangStylesContent = null;

            var result = new HashSet <string>();

            // Css for styles are contained in the actual html
            foreach (var filePath in Directory.EnumerateFiles(bookPath, "*.*").Where(f => f.EndsWith(".css") || f.EndsWith(".htm") || f.EndsWith(".html")))
                var fileContents = RobustFile.ReadAllText(filePath, Encoding.UTF8);

                if (filePath.EndsWith(".htm"))
                    bookHtmContent = fileContents;
                else if (filePath.EndsWith("defaultLangStyles.css"))
                    defaultLangStylesContent = fileContents;
                    // Delay processing defaultLangStyles to the end when we know we have the htm content.

                HtmlDom.FindFontsUsedInCss(fileContents, result, false);

            ProcessDefaultLangStyles(bookHtmContent, defaultLangStylesContent, result);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void ReportInvalidFonts(string destDirName, IProgress progress)
            // For ePUB and BloomPub, we display the book to determine exactly which fonts are
            // actually used.  We don't have a browser available to do that for uploads, so we scan
            // css files and the styles set in the html file to see what font-family values are present.
            // There's also the question of multilanguage books having data that isn't actively
            // displayed but could potentially be displayed.
            HashSet <string> fontsFound = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (var filepath in Directory.EnumerateFiles(destDirName, "*.css"))
                var cssContent = RobustFile.ReadAllText(filepath);
                HtmlDom.FindFontsUsedInCss(cssContent, fontsFound, includeFallbackFonts: true);
            // There should be only one html file with the same name as the directory it's in, but let's
            // not make any assumptions here.
            foreach (var filepath in Directory.EnumerateFiles(destDirName, "*.htm"))
                var cssContent = RobustFile.ReadAllText(filepath);
                HtmlDom.FindFontsUsedInCss(cssContent, fontsFound, includeFallbackFonts: true);                 // works on HTML files as well
            if (_fontMetadataMap == null)
                _fontMetadataMap = new Dictionary <string, FontMetadata>();
                foreach (var meta in FontsApi.AvailableFontMetadata)
                    _fontMetadataMap.Add(meta.name, meta);
            var cssGenericFonts = new HashSet <string> {
                "serif", "sans-serif", "cursive", "fantasy", "monospace"

            foreach (var font in fontsFound)
                if (cssGenericFonts.Contains(font.ToLowerInvariant()))
                if (_fontMetadataMap.TryGetValue(font, out var meta))
                    string msg2 = null;
                    switch (meta.determinedSuitability)
                    case FontMetadata.kOK:

                    case FontMetadata.kUnknown:
                        //progress.WriteWarning("This book has a font, \"{0}\", which has an unknown license.", font);

                    case FontMetadata.kUnsuitable:
                        msg2 = LocalizationManager.GetString("PublishTab.FontProblem.License",
                                                             "The metadata inside this font tells us that it may not be embedded for free in ebooks and the web.");

                    case FontMetadata.kInvalid:
                        if (meta.determinedSuitabilityNotes.Contains("exception"))
                            msg2 = LocalizationManager.GetString("PublishTab.FontProblem.Exception",
                                                                 "The font's file cannot be processed by Bloom and may be corrupted or not a font file.");
                            msg2 = String.Format(LocalizationManager.GetString("PublishTab.FontProblem.Format",
                                                                               "Bloom cannot publish ePUBs and BloomPubs with this font's format ({0})."), meta.fileExtension);
                    if (msg2 != null)
                        var msgFmt1 = LocalizationManager.GetString("PublishTab.FontProblem",
                                                                    "This book has a font, \"{0}\", which has the following problem:");
                        var msg3 = LocalizationManager.GetString("PublishTab.FontProblem.Result",
                                                                 "BloomLibrary.org will display the PDF and allow downloads for translation, but cannot offer the “READ” button or downloads for BloomPUB or ePUB.");
                        // progress.WriteError() uses Color.Red, but also exposes a link to "report error" which we don't want here.
                        progress.WriteMessageWithColor("Red", msgFmt1, font);
                        progress.WriteMessageWithColor("Red", " \u2022 {0}", msg2);
                        progress.WriteMessageWithColor("Red", " \u2022 {0}", msg3);
                    //progress.WriteWarning("This book has a font, \"{0}\", which is not on this computer and whose license is unknown.", font);