public void CommonHtmlControlMethodsProperties()
            // All controls have a Click/MouseClick. The .Click invokes a click from the DOM,
            // the MouseClick(), moves the mouse to the controls and clicks it.

            // CLICKING
            Find.ById <HtmlInputButton>("button1").Click();
            Find.ById <HtmlInputButton>("button1").MouseClick();

            // You can capture any element on the page using the .Capture()
            Find.ById <HtmlInputImage>("image1").Capture("myfile"); // Will be stored to the Log.LogLocation

            // CHECKING
            // Check a checkbox and invoke the onclick event.
            HtmlInputCheckBox ck = Find.ById <HtmlInputCheckBox>("checkbox1");

            if (ActiveBrowser.BrowserType == BrowserType.Safari)
                // Unfortunately the way Safari behaves is different then the other browsers.
                ck.Check(true, false);
                ck.Check(true, true);

            // Query the checked state
            // You can also simply set the value without invoking the clicked event.
            ck.Checked = false;

            // Get whether a checkbox is enabled or disabled.
            HtmlInputCheckBox cks = Find.ById <HtmlInputCheckBox>("checkbox1");
            bool disabled         = cks.GetValue <bool>("disabled");

            // Disable it
            cks.SetValue <string>("disabled", "true");
            Assert.IsTrue(cks.GetValue <bool>("disabled"));

            // Is it visible

            // When the contents of a div element are larger than the declared
            // width or height of element it automatically adds scroll bars.
            // When that happens we can scroll the contents of the div element.
            // The value represents the offset in pixels to scroll the contents.
            HtmlDiv infoDiv = Find.ById <HtmlDiv>("AutoInfo");

            infoDiv.ScrollTop  = 50;
            infoDiv.ScrollLeft = 75;

            // SELECTING
            HtmlSelect select = Find.ById <HtmlSelect>("color_product");

            Assert.IsTrue(select.SelectedOption.Text.Equals("Color : Blue"));

            Assert.IsTrue(select.SelectedOption.Text.Equals("Color : Green"));

            // SET TEXT
            Find.ById <HtmlTextArea>("textarea1").Text = "NEW TEXT";

            // Access common methods
            HtmlAnchor link = Find.ByAttributes <HtmlAnchor>("href=~google");

            Assert.IsTrue(link.Attributes.Count == 3);

            // Invoke any events on the control