Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// in the future it might be a worthy idea to include AvalonEdit.TextEditor.Document
        /// or at least the Editor so that we can get to the elements within
        /// to do our writing natively to the Editor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="page"></param>
        /// <param name="justText"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static public string HtmlArtifacts(this Post page, bool justText)
            string output = string.Empty;

//			List<string> output = new List<string>();

            // logging something for no apparent reason.
//			output.Add("created list");

            // Read Html Document
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
            doc.OptionDefaultStreamEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
            doc.OptionCheckSyntax           = false;
            doc.OptionOutputAsXml           = true;
            doc.OptionWriteEmptyNodes       = true;

            // why are we buffering tagcontent?
            byte[] buffer = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(page.TagContent());

            using (MemoryStream instream = new MemoryStream(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, true))
                XPathNavigator n = doc.CreateNavigator();
                output += n.Iterate(true);
            doc    = null;
            buffer = null;
        private static List <Choice> ParseChoices(string choicesHtml)
            choicesHtml = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(choicesHtml);
            var choices = new List <Choice>();

             * <div id="room-choices"><h2>You have 4 choices:</h2>
             * <ul class="choices">
             * <li><a href="/story/choice.php?id=184898" title="184898,94419">Years later&hellip;</a></li>
             * <li><a href="/story/choice.php?id=184899" title="184899,94416">The Empire (Lies)</a></li>
             * <li><a href="/story/choice.php?id=184900" title="184900,94417">The Empire (Truth)</a></li>
             * <li><a href="/story/choice.php?id=184901" title="184901,94418">The Eternal Program (Hope)</a></li>
             * </ul>
             * </div>

            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
            doc.Load(new StringReader(choicesHtml));
            var nav           = doc.CreateNavigator();
            var strExpression = "//a";

            foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode link in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(strExpression))
                string   titleValue = link.GetAttributeValue("title", null);
                String[] titleSplit = titleValue.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                Choice   choice     = new Choice(titleSplit[0], titleSplit[1], link.InnerHtml);

        private static String ParseSaveAndFixImages(string contents, string dirPath)
            contents = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(contents);
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
            doc.Load(new StringReader(contents));
            var nav           = doc.CreateNavigator();
            var strExpression = "//img";

            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeCollection imgTags = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(strExpression);
            if (imgTags != null)
                foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode tag in imgTags)
                    if (tag.Attributes["src"] != null)
                        String imgPath = tag.Attributes["src"].Value;
                        tag.Attributes["src"].Value = GetAndSaveImage(imgPath, dirPath);

            string finalContents = null;

            using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter())
                finalContents = sw.ToString();

Exemplo n.º 4
        private static ConcurrentBag <Disciplina> LerDisciplinas(string urlCampus, string p, ClienteWeb wc)
            var discs = new ConcurrentBag <Disciplina>();

            wc          = new ClienteWeb();
            wc.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
            var    newUrl = urlCampus.Substring(0, urlCampus.LastIndexOf("/") + 1) + p;
            string html;

                html = wc.DownloadString(newUrl);
            catch (Exception)
                return(LerDisciplinas(urlCampus, p, wc));
            var dom = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();

            var navigator = dom.CreateNavigator();
            var tabela    = navigator.Select("//table[@class='FrameCinza']");

            while (tabela.MoveNext())
                var trs = tabela.Current.Select(".//tr");
                var f = new FilaDisciplinas();
                while (trs.MoveNext())
                    var td = trs.Current.Select(".//td[2]");
                    // estamos no TD que queremos
                    var url = td.Current.Select(".//a/@href");
                    var nome = td.Current.Select(".//a/text()");

                    f.Put(Tuple.Create(urlCampus, url.Current.Value, discs, nome.Current.Value));

        private static EnvironmentConfig getConfigFromFile(FileInfo fileInfo)
            EnvironmentConfig cfg = new EnvironmentConfig();
            cfg.FileInfo = fileInfo;
            cfg.IsGuardServerAllowed = !System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(fileInfo.Name, "NoGS", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            cfg.Name = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(fileInfo.Name, @"\.ttmd\.cfg", String.Empty, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            cfg.Name = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(cfg.Name, @"\.NoGS", String.Empty, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            using (var reader = fileInfo.OpenRead())
                HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();

                var xpathNavi = doc.CreateNavigator();
                var multicastNode = xpathNavi.SelectSingleNode("/ttmconfiguration[1]/multicastgroups[1]");
                if (multicastNode != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(multicastNode.Value))
                    cfg.Multicast = multicastNode.Value.Replace("> =", String.Empty).Trim();

                var daemonNode = xpathNavi.SelectSingleNode("/ttmconfiguration[1]/proxy[1]/daemon1[1]");
                if (daemonNode != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(daemonNode.Value))
                    var regex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline);
                    var match = regex.Match(daemonNode.Value);

                    if (match.Success)
                        cfg.RemoteDaemon = match.Value;
                        cfg.Multicast = null;
            return cfg;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static List <Departamento> LerDepartamentos(string urlCampus)
            List <Departamento> deps = new List <Departamento>();
            ClienteWeb          wc   = new ClienteWeb();

            wc.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
            var html = wc.DownloadString(urlCampus);
            var dom  = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();

            var navigator = dom.CreateNavigator();
            var tabela    = navigator.Select("//table[@class='FrameCinza']");

            List <Tuple <Departamento, string, string> > deptoTemp = new List <Tuple <Departamento, string, string> >();

            while (tabela.MoveNext())
                var trs = tabela.Current.Select(".//tr");
                while (trs.MoveNext())
                    var td = trs.Current.Select(".//td[3]");
                    // estamos no TD que queremos
                    var url = td.Current.Select(".//a/@href");
                    var nome = td.Current.Select(".//a/text()");

                    var dep = new Departamento();
                    dep.Nome = nome.Current.Value;
                    deptoTemp.Add(Tuple.Create(dep, urlCampus, url.Current.Value));

            /*          deptoTemp.RemoveAll(n =>
             *            !@"Departamento de Administração
             * Departamento de Ciência da Computação
             * Departamento de Economia
             * Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica.
             * Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica
             * Departamento de Estatística
             * Departamento de Filosofia
             * Departamento de Matemática.
             * Departamento de Planejamento e Administração Departamento de Sociologia
             * Departamento de Teoria e Fundamentos
             * Depto de Ciências Contábeis e Atuariais
             * Direção da Faculdade de Tecnologia
             * Faculd. de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade
             * Faculdade de Ciência da Informação
             * Faculdade de Tecnologia
             * ".Contains(n.Item1.Nome.Trim()));*/

            foreach (var depi in deptoTemp)
                var dep = depi.Item1;
                Console.WriteLine("Lendo dpto. " + dep.Nome);
                dep.Disciplinas = LerDisciplinas(depi.Item2, depi.Item3, null);

            var f = new FilaDisciplinas();


            return(deptoTemp.Select(n => n.Item1).ToList());
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static List <Turma> LerTurmas2(ClienteWeb wc, string newUrl)
            var    turmas = new List <Turma>();
            string html;

                html = wc.DownloadString(newUrl);
            catch (Exception)
                return(LerTurmas2(wc, newUrl));

            var dom = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();

            var navigator = dom.CreateNavigator();
            var tabela    = navigator.Select("//table[@class='framecinza']");


            var trs = tabela.Current.Select(".//tr[@bgcolor='#FFFFFF']");

            while (trs.MoveNext())
                if (!(trs.Current.Select(".//td").Count > 3))
                var nome = trs.Current.Select(".//td[1]/div/font/b/text()");
                var turma = new Turma();
                turma.Nome = nome.Current.Value;

                var vagas = trs.Current.Select(".//td[2]");
                string text = vagas.Current.Value;

                var rgx = new Regex("\\d+");
                foreach (Match mt in rgx.Matches(text))
                    if (turma.Total == null)
                        turma.Total = int.Parse(mt.ToString());
                    else if (turma.Ocupadas == null)
                        turma.Ocupadas = int.Parse(mt.ToString());
                    else if (turma.Disponiveis == null)
                        turma.Disponiveis = int.Parse(mt.ToString());

                turma.Aulas = new List <Aula>();

                var horas = trs.Current.Select(".//td[4]/div");
                while (horas.MoveNext())
                    var dictSemana = new Dictionary <string, DayOfWeek>()
                        { "Segunda", DayOfWeek.Monday },
                        { "Terça", DayOfWeek.Tuesday },
                        { "Quarta", DayOfWeek.Wednesday },
                        { "Quinta", DayOfWeek.Thursday },
                        { "Sexta", DayOfWeek.Friday },
                        { "Sábado", DayOfWeek.Saturday },
                        { "Domingo", DayOfWeek.Sunday },

                    var diaSemana = horas.Current.Select("./b");
                    string diaText = diaSemana.Current.Value;
                    // 1o font. com b dentro hora de inicio
                    var horaInicio = horas.Current.Select("./font[1]/b/text()");
                    string horaIniciStr = horaInicio.Current.Value;
                    // 2o font. texto direto dentro hora de fim
                    var horaFim = horas.Current.Select(".//font[2]/text()");
                    string horaFimStr = horaFim.Current.Value;
                    turma.Aulas.Add(new Aula()
                        Dia        = dictSemana[diaText],
                        HoraFim    = TimeSpan.Parse(horaFimStr),
                        HoraInicio = TimeSpan.Parse(horaIniciStr)


        private static List<Choice> ParseChoices(string choicesHtml)
            choicesHtml = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(choicesHtml);
            var choices = new List<Choice>();

             * <div id="room-choices"><h2>You have 4 choices:</h2>
             * <ul class="choices">
             * <li><a href="/story/choice.php?id=184898" title="184898,94419">Years later&hellip;</a></li>
             * <li><a href="/story/choice.php?id=184899" title="184899,94416">The Empire (Lies)</a></li>
             * <li><a href="/story/choice.php?id=184900" title="184900,94417">The Empire (Truth)</a></li>
             * <li><a href="/story/choice.php?id=184901" title="184901,94418">The Eternal Program (Hope)</a></li>
             * </ul>
             * </div> 

            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
            doc.Load(new StringReader(choicesHtml));
            var nav = doc.CreateNavigator();
            var strExpression = "//a";

            foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode link in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(strExpression))

                string titleValue = link.GetAttributeValue("title", null);
                String[] titleSplit = titleValue.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                Choice choice = new Choice(titleSplit[0], titleSplit[1], link.InnerHtml);

            return choices;
        private static String ParseSaveAndFixImages(string contents, string dirPath)
            contents = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(contents);
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
            doc.Load(new StringReader(contents));
            var nav = doc.CreateNavigator();
            var strExpression = "//img";

            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeCollection imgTags = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(strExpression);
            if (imgTags != null)
                foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode tag in imgTags)
                    if (tag.Attributes["src"] != null)
                        String imgPath = tag.Attributes["src"].Value;
                        tag.Attributes["src"].Value = GetAndSaveImage(imgPath, dirPath);

            string finalContents = null;
            using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter())
                finalContents = sw.ToString();

            return finalContents;
Exemplo n.º 10
        private void go_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ProgressDialog d = new ProgressDialog();
            string character_path = character_box.Text;
            string macro_path = macro_box.Text;
            List<PowerInfo> powers = new List<PowerInfo>();
            Dictionary<string, int> skills = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex img_remover = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"<img.*?>", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            // save the value of the checkbox
            m_use_compendium = compendium_check.Checked;

            d.AddTask((progress) =>
                progress.Update("Scanning character sheet...");

                using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(character_path))
                    XPathDocument doc = new XPathDocument(fs);
                    XPathNavigator nav = doc.CreateNavigator();
                    XPathNodeIterator power_iter, weapon_iter;

                    // select all power nodes
                    power_iter = nav.Select("/D20Character/CharacterSheet/PowerStats/Power");

                    // update the progress steps
                    progress.Update(0, power_iter.Count);

                    // iterate them
                    while (power_iter.MoveNext())
                        string name;
                        string action_type;
                        List<string> compendium_info = new List<string>();
                        PowerUsage usage;
                        XPathNavigator power_url_nav = null;

                            // read the basic stuff
                            name = power_iter.Current.SelectSingleNode("@name").Value;
                            usage = Util.EnumParse<PowerUsage>(power_iter.Current.SelectSingleNode("specific[@name = 'Power Usage']").Value.Replace("-", ""));
                            action_type = power_iter.Current.SelectSingleNode("specific[@name = 'Action Type']").Value.Trim();

                            // get the url for the power in the compendium
                            if (m_use_compendium)
                                power_url_nav = nav.SelectSingleNode("//RulesElementTally/RulesElement[@name = \"" + name + "\"]/@url");

                            // ...and if we did that, pull down the power description
                            if (power_url_nav != null)
                                HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument scraper_doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
                                HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeNavigator scraper_result;
                                XPathNodeIterator content_iter;
                                XPathNavigator scraper_nav = null;

                                // slurp
                                    using (Stream s = m_compendium.GetEntryByUrl(power_url_nav.Value))
                                        scraper_doc.Load(s, new UTF8Encoding());
                                        scraper_nav = scraper_doc.CreateNavigator();
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    // if the user clicked cancel, stop attempting compendium stuff
                                    if (ex is ApplicationException && ex.Message.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("user refused"))
                                        m_use_compendium = false;
                                        MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Compendium Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                                // if the web request succeeded...
                                if (scraper_nav != null)
                                    // select all the detail p tags
                                    content_iter = scraper_nav.Select("//div[@id = 'detail']/p");

                                    // loop through them
                                    while (content_iter.MoveNext())
                                        string line;

                                        // cast to HtmlNodeNavigator
                                        scraper_result = content_iter.Current as HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeNavigator;

                                        // skip publishing stuff
                                        if (scraper_result == null || scraper_result.CurrentNode.InnerHtml.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("published in"))

                                        // grab the line, strip images, and remove [] stuff
                                        line = scraper_result.CurrentNode.InnerHtml;
                                        line = img_remover.Replace(line, "-");
                                        line = line.Replace("[W]", "<i>W</i>");

                                        // add the line

                            // select weapons
                            weapon_iter = power_iter.Current.Select("Weapon");

                            // some powers aren't attacks or don't use weapons
                            if (weapon_iter.Count < 1)
                                powers.Add(new PowerInfo(name, compendium_info, WEAPON_NONE, usage, action_type));
                                while (weapon_iter.MoveNext())
                                    PowerInfo power = new PowerInfo(name, compendium_info, weapon_iter.Current.SelectSingleNode("@name").Value, usage, action_type);

                                    // when there is more than one weapon, skip the Unarmed weapon
                                    if (power.Weapon == WEAPON_UNARMED && weapon_iter.Count > 1)

                                    // read the attack info
                                    power.AttackBonus = weapon_iter.Current.SelectSingleNode("AttackBonus").ValueAsInt;
                                    power.AttackStat = weapon_iter.Current.SelectSingleNode("AttackStat").Value.Trim();
                                    power.DamageExpression = weapon_iter.Current.SelectSingleNode("Damage").Value.Trim();
                                    power.Defense = weapon_iter.Current.SelectSingleNode("Defense").Value.Trim();

                                    // all powers list an Unarmed weapon, even if they don't include an attack, set these to WEAPON_NONE
                                    if (power.Defense == "")
                                        power.Weapon = WEAPON_NONE;

                                    // add it to the list

                        catch (Exception ex)
                            MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                        // wait briefly to avoid spamming compendium
                        if (m_use_compendium)

                        // advance progress

                    // detect skills from the RulesElementTally
                    power_iter = nav.Select("//RulesElementTally/RulesElement[@type = 'Skill']/@name");

                    // read the value for each one
                    while (power_iter.MoveNext())
                        string name = power_iter.Current.Value;
                        int value;
                        XPathNavigator value_node = nav.SelectSingleNode("/D20Character/CharacterSheet/StatBlock/Stat[@name = '" + name + "']/@value");

                        if (value_node != null && int.TryParse(value_node.Value, out value))
                            skills[name] = value;

            d.AddTask((progress) =>
                progress.Update("Writing macros...");

                using (FileStream fs = File.Open(macro_path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                    XmlWriterSettings settings;

                    settings = new XmlWriterSettings();
                    settings.Encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
                    settings.Indent = true;
                    settings.IndentChars = "  ";
                    settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = false;

                    using (XmlWriter w = XmlWriter.Create(fs, settings))

                        foreach (PowerInfo power in powers)
                            StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder();
                            string text, background;

                            // skip basic attacks with no weapons
                            if (IsPowerBasicAttack(power.Name) && power.Weapon == WEAPON_NONE)

                            // begin macro definition
                            w.WriteElementString("saveLocation", "Token");
                            w.WriteElementString("label", power.Name);
                            w.WriteElementString("autoExecute", "true");
                            w.WriteElementString("sortby", GetSortPriority(power));

                            // set colors based on usage limits
                            if (GetColors(power.Usage, out text, out background))
                                w.WriteElementString("fontColorKey", text);
                                w.WriteElementString("colorKey", background);

                            // start with the table and header
                            command.AppendLine("<table border=\"0\">");
                            command.AppendFormat("<tr bgcolor=\"{0}\" style=\"color: white;\">", background);
                            command.AppendFormat("<th align=\"left\" style=\"font-size: 1.1em; padding: 2px 4px;\">{0}</th>", power.Name);
                            command.AppendFormat("<td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" style=\"padding: 2px 4px;\"><i>{0}</i></td></tr>", power.Weapon == WEAPON_NONE ? "" : power.Weapon);

                            // write compendium info
                            foreach (string line in power.CompendiumInfo)
                                command.AppendLine("<tr><td colspan=\"2\">" + line + "</td></tr>");

                            // when we have a weapon, put the macro in the weapon's group and include the rolls
                            if (power.Weapon != WEAPON_NONE)
                                w.WriteElementString("group", "Attacks - " + power.Weapon);

                                command.AppendFormat("<tr><td nowrap><b>[1d20+{0}]</b></td><td><b>vs. {1}</b></td></tr>", power.AttackBonus, power.Defense);
                                command.AppendFormat("<tr><td nowrap>[{0}]</td><td>damage</td></tr>", power.DamageExpression);

                            // finish up the command

                            // write the command and end element
                            w.WriteElementString("command", command.ToString());
                            w.WriteEndElement(); // MACRO_ELEMENT_NAME

                        // write skill check macros
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> skill in skills)
                            // begin macro definition
                            w.WriteElementString("saveLocation", "Token");
                            w.WriteElementString("label", skill.Key);
                            w.WriteElementString("autoExecute", "true");
                            w.WriteElementString("group", "Skills");
                            w.WriteElementString("command", string.Format("<p><b>{0} Check</b> [1d20+{1}]</p>", skill.Key, skill.Value));
                            w.WriteEndElement(); // MACRO_ELEMENT_NAME


            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);