Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// If test fails we want to get Source code of the page.
        /// This method saves it as html file.
        /// </summary>
        protected static void DumpSource(String fileName)
            String source = Driver.PageSource;
            var    html   = Html2Xhtml.RunAsFilter(stdin => stdin.Write(source), lineLength: 100, tabLength: 2).ReadToEnd();

            html = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(html);
            File.WriteAllText(fileName, Reporting.preamble + html + Reporting.postamble);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void convert_epub(Updf cPDF)
                string rootPath = cPDF.b_rootpath;
                string outPath  = cPDF.b_outpath;
                string fnameWOE = cPDF.b_filenamewoe;
                string pdfFile  = cPDF.b_pdffile;

                probar_update("Create Directory...", 10, 0);

                #region create dir
                string wrkDir = rootPath;
                if (!Directory.Exists(wrkDir + "\\META-INF"))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(wrkDir + "\\META-INF");
                if (!Directory.Exists(wrkDir + "\\OEBPS"))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(wrkDir + "\\OEBPS");
                string oebDir = wrkDir + "\\OEBPS";
                if (!Directory.Exists(oebDir + "\\html"))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(oebDir + "\\html");
                //if (!Directory.Exists(oebDir + "\\images"))
                //    Directory.CreateDirectory(oebDir + "\\images");
                if (!Directory.Exists(oebDir + "\\styles"))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(oebDir + "\\styles");

                string imgDir  = oebDir + "\\images";
                string styDir  = oebDir + "\\styles";
                string htmlDir = oebDir + "\\html";

                probar_update("Generate html...", 10, 3);


                int    pCount = 0;
                string cTxt   = PDFEngine.ConvertHtml(pdfFile, oebDir + "\\001.html", ref pCount);
                if (cTxt != "")
                    curErrLog += cTxt + "\nAdobe Acrobat 7 or later should be installed in your system.";

                if (!File.Exists(oebDir + "\\001.html"))
                    curErrLog += "Unable to generate html";

                #region cover image

                if (cPDF.b_coverpath != "")
                    File.Copy(cPDF.b_coverpath, imgDir + "\\cover.jpg", true);
                    File.Copy(Application.StartupPath + "\\template\\cover.jpg", imgDir + "\\cover.jpg", true);

                string b_title  = cPDF.b_title;
                string b_author = cPDF.b_author;

                probar_update("xhtml conversion...", 10, 6);
                //html edit
                #region html edit
                string tHtml = File.ReadAllText(oebDir + "\\001.html");
                tHtml = tHtml.Replace("\r\n", "");
                tHtml = tHtml.Replace("\r", "");
                tHtml = tHtml.Replace("\n", "");

                tHtml = tHtml.Replace("<!-- Created from PDF via Acrobat SaveAsXML --><!-- Mapping table version: 28-February-2003 -->", "");
                Regex rgx = new Regex("<STYLE\\stype=\"text/css\">(.+?)</STYLE>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                tHtml = rgx.Replace(tHtml, "");
                rgx   = new Regex("<DIV\\sclass=\"(.+?)\">", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                tHtml = rgx.Replace(tHtml, "");
                rgx   = new Regex("</DIV>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                tHtml = rgx.Replace(tHtml, "");
                var xhtmlTxt = Html2Xhtml.RunAsFilter(stdin => stdin.Write(tHtml)).ReadToEnd();
                tHtml = xhtmlTxt;

                tHtml = tHtml.Replace("\r\n", "");
                tHtml = tHtml.Replace("\r", "");
                tHtml = tHtml.Replace("\n", "");

                #region get author and title
                rgx = new Regex("<meta\\sname=\"dc.creator\"\\scontent=\"(.+?)\"", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                if (b_author == "")
                    if (rgx.Match(tHtml).Success)
                        b_author = rgx.Match(tHtml).Groups[1].Value.ToString();

                rgx = new Regex("<meta\\sname=\"dc.title\"\\scontent=\"(.+?)\"", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                if (b_title == "")
                    if (rgx.Match(tHtml).Success)
                        b_title = rgx.Match(tHtml).Groups[1].Value.ToString();

                #region edit1

                rgx   = new Regex("<head>(.+?)</head>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                tHtml = rgx.Replace(tHtml, "<head><title>" + b_title + "</title></head>");

                rgx = new Regex("<body><hr\\s/><ul>(.+?)</ul>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                #region get toc content
                string tocTxt = "";
                if (rgx.Match(tHtml).Success)
                    tocTxt = rgx.Match(tHtml).Groups[1].Value.ToString();
                    tHtml  = rgx.Replace(tHtml, "<body>");


                rgx   = new Regex("<!DOCTYPE\\shtml(.+?)>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                tHtml = rgx.Replace(tHtml, "");

                #region get style
                int       sPoint  = 0;
                ArrayList styList = new ArrayList();
                while (tHtml.IndexOf("style=\"", sPoint) != -1)
                    int    iPoint = tHtml.IndexOf("style=\"", sPoint);
                    int    ePoint = tHtml.IndexOf("\"", iPoint + 7) + 1;
                    string sTxt   = tHtml.Substring(iPoint, ePoint - iPoint);
                    tHtml = tHtml.Remove(iPoint, ePoint - iPoint);

                    sTxt = sTxt.Replace("style=\"", "");
                    sTxt = sTxt.Replace("\"", "");
                    string sFound = "";
                    for (int s = 0; s < styList.Count; s++)
                        if (styList[s].ToString() == sTxt)
                            sFound = "sty" + s.ToString();

                    if (sFound == "")
                        sFound = "sty" + (styList.Count - 1).ToString();

                    tHtml = tHtml.Insert(iPoint, "class=\"" + sFound + "\"");

                    sPoint = iPoint + 5;


                #region style writte

                string cssTxt = "";

                for (int s = 0; s < styList.Count; s++)
                    cssTxt += ".sty" + s.ToString() + " {\n";
                    cssTxt += styList[s] + "\n";
                    cssTxt += "}\n";
                File.WriteAllText(styDir + "\\page.css", cssTxt);

                tHtml = tHtml.Replace("src=\"images/", "src=\"../images/");
                tHtml = tHtml.Replace("<head>", "<head>\n<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../styles/page.css\" />");

                ArrayList pageList = new ArrayList();
                #region split page
                rgx = new Regex("<body>(.+?)</body>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                if (rgx.Match(tHtml).Success)
                    string mBody = rgx.Match(tHtml).Groups[1].Value.ToString();
                    sPoint = 0;
                    while (mBody.IndexOf("id=\"LinkTarget_", sPoint) != -1)
                        int iPoint = mBody.IndexOf("id=\"LinkTarget_", sPoint);
                        if (iPoint > 15)
                            if (mBody.LastIndexOf("</", iPoint) != -1)
                                int    m1   = mBody.LastIndexOf("</", iPoint);
                                int    m2   = mBody.IndexOf(">", m1) + 1;
                                string getX = mBody.Substring(0, m2);
                                mBody = mBody.Remove(0, m2);
                                iPoint = mBody.IndexOf("id=\"LinkTarget_");
                        sPoint = iPoint + 5;


                ArrayList pageFileList = new ArrayList();

                for (int p = 0; p < pageList.Count; p++)
                    string pgTxt = pageList[p].ToString();
                    int    lp    = p + 1;
                    pgTxt = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\"  \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\" >\n <html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xmlns:ibooks=\"http://apple.com/ibooks/html-extensions\" xmlns:epub=\"http://www.idpf.org/2007/ops\">\n<head><link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../styles/page.css\" />\n<title>" + b_title + "</title>\n</head>\n<body>" + pgTxt + "\n</body>\n</html>";

                    xhtmlTxt = Html2Xhtml.RunAsFilter(stdin => stdin.Write(pgTxt)).ReadToEnd();
                    pgTxt    = xhtmlTxt;
                    rgx      = new Regex("<html\\sxmlns=\"(.+?)\">", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    pgTxt    = rgx.Replace(pgTxt, "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xmlns:ibooks=\"http://apple.com/ibooks/html-extensions\" xmlns:epub=\"http://www.idpf.org/2007/ops\">");

                    string htmlFile = "";
                    if (lp.ToString().Length == 1)
                        htmlFile = "00" + lp.ToString() + ".html";
                    else if (lp.ToString().Length == 2)
                        htmlFile = "0" + lp.ToString() + ".html";
                        htmlFile = lp.ToString() + ".html";

                    File.WriteAllText(htmlDir + "\\" + htmlFile, pgTxt);

                File.Delete(oebDir + "\\001.html");



                probar_update("Metadata generation...", 10, 7);

                File.Copy(Application.StartupPath + "\\template\\META-INF\\container.xml", wrkDir + "\\META-INF\\container.xml", true);
                File.Copy(Application.StartupPath + "\\template\\mimetype", wrkDir + "\\mimetype", true);

                #region toc.ncx
                string tocX = File.ReadAllText(Application.StartupPath + "\\template\\OEBPS\\toc.ncx");
                tocX = tocX.Replace("<docTitle><text></text></docTitle>", "<docTitle><text>" + b_title + "</text></docTitle>");
                tocX = tocX.Replace("<docAuthor><text></text></docAuthor>", "<docAuthor><text>" + b_author + "</text></docAuthor>");
                string mtocX = "";

                string wtocTxt = "";
                if (tocTxt == "")
                    mtocX += "<navPoint id=\"p1\" playOrder=\"1\">\n";
                    mtocX += "<navLabel><text>" + b_title + "</text></navLabel>\n";
                    mtocX += "<content src=\"html/001.html\" />\n";
                    mtocX += "</navPoint>\n";
                    rgx = new Regex("<a\\shref=\"(.+?)\">(.+?)</a>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    MatchCollection tmcol  = rgx.Matches(tocTxt);
                    int             tIndex = 1;
                    foreach (Match m in tmcol)
                        string linkTxt = m.Groups[1].Value.ToString();
                        linkTxt = linkTxt.Replace("#", "");
                        string pageLink = "";
                        for (int j = 0; j < pageList.Count; j++)
                            if (pageList[j].ToString().IndexOf(linkTxt) != -1)
                                pageLink = pageFileList[j].ToString();

                        wtocTxt += "<li><a href=\"" + pageLink + m.Groups[1].Value.ToString() + "\">" + m.Groups[2].Value.ToString() + "</a></li>\n";

                        mtocX += "<navPoint id=\"p" + tIndex.ToString() + "\" playOrder=\"" + tIndex.ToString() + "\">\n";
                        mtocX += "<navLabel><text>" + m.Groups[2].Value.ToString() + "</text></navLabel>\n";
                        mtocX += "<content src=\"html/" + pageLink + m.Groups[1].Value.ToString() + "\" />\n";
                        mtocX += "</navPoint>\n";

                tocX = tocX.Replace("</ncx>", "<navMap>" + mtocX + "</navMap>\n</ncx>");
                File.WriteAllText(oebDir + "\\toc.ncx", tocX);

                string tocw2 = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">\n<head><title></title>\n</head><body>\n";
                tocw2 += "<ul>" + wtocTxt + "</ul>\n</body>\n</html>";
                File.WriteAllText(htmlDir + "\\toc.html", tocw2);


                #region content.opf
                string contX = "<manifest>\n";
                //contX += "<item id=\"cover\" href=\"html/cover.html\" media-type=\"application/xhtml+xml\" />\n";
                if (tocTxt != "")
                    contX += "<item id=\"ncx\" href=\"toc.ncx\" media-type=\"application/x-dtbncx+xml\" />\n";
                contX += "<item id=\"toc\" href=\"html/toc.html\" media-type=\"application/xhtml+xml\" />\n";
                contX += "<item id=\"pagecommon\" href=\"styles/page.css\" media-type=\"text/css\" />\n";

                for (int l = 0; l < pageFileList.Count; l++)
                    contX += "<item id=\"page" + (l + 1).ToString() + "\" href=\"html/" + pageFileList[l].ToString() + "\" media-type=\"application/xhtml+xml\" />\n";

                string[] doc_images = Directory.GetFiles(imgDir, "*.jpg");

                for (int p = 0; p < doc_images.Length; p++)
                    string imgFileName = Path.GetFileName(doc_images[p]);
                    if (imgFileName != "cover.jpg")
                        contX += "<item id=\"image" + p.ToString() + "\" href=\"images/" + imgFileName + "\" media-type=\"image/jpeg\" />\n";
                contX += "<item id=\"cover-image\" href=\"images/cover.jpg\" media-type=\"image/jpeg\" />\n";
                contX += "</manifest>\n";
                contX += "<spine toc=\"ncx\">\n";
                // contX += "<itemref idref=\"cover\" />\n";
                if (tocTxt != "")
                    contX += "<itemref idref=\"toc\" />\n";

                for (int t = 0; t < pageFileList.Count; t++)
                    contX += "<itemref idref=\"page" + (t + 1).ToString() + "\" />\n";

                contX += "</spine>\n";

                string rcont = File.ReadAllText(Application.StartupPath + "\\template\\OEBPS\\content.opf");
                rcont = rcont.Replace("<dc:title></dc:title>", "<dc:title>" + b_title + "</dc:title>");
                rcont = rcont.Replace("<dc:creator></dc:creator>", "<dc:creator>" + b_author + "</dc:creator>");
                rcont = rcont.Replace("<dc:publisher></dc:publisher>", "<dc:publisher>" + b_author + "</dc:publisher>");
                rcont = rcont.Replace("<dc:rights></dc:rights>", "<dc:rights>" + b_author + "</dc:rights>");
                string mdyDate = DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                rcont = rcont.Replace("<dc:date></dc:date>", "<dc:date>" + mdyDate + "</dc:date>");

                rcont = rcont.Replace("</metadata>", "</metadata>" + contX);
                File.WriteAllText(oebDir + "\\content.opf", rcont);

                string outepubPath = outPath + "\\" + fnameWOE + ".epub";

                if (File.Exists(outepubPath))

                string[] content = { wrkDir + "\\mimetype", wrkDir + "\\OEBPS", wrkDir + "\\META-INF" };

                probar_update("ePub Package creation...", 10, 9);

                //epub package
                #region epub package
                ProcessStartInfo psInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
                psInfo.CreateNoWindow         = true;
                psInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
                psInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                psInfo.WindowStyle            = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
                psInfo.FileName  = "ezip.exe";
                psInfo.Arguments = " -Xr9D \"" + outepubPath + "\" mimetype *";
                //psInfo.Arguments = "-Xr9D " + cPDF.b_filename + ".epub mimetype *";
                    using (Process exeProcess = Process.Start(psInfo))
                        string outE = exeProcess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
                catch (Exception erd)
                    curErrLog += erd.Message.ToString();



                probar_update("Delete temp folder...", 10, 10);

                Directory.Delete(rootPath, true);
            catch (Exception erd) {
                curErrLog += erd.Message.ToString();