Exemplo n.º 1
    protected override void Start()

        image         = GetComponent <Image>();
        rectTransform = GetComponent <RectTransform>();

        rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(knobSmall.texture.width * 0.5f, knobSmall.texture.height * 0.5f);

        // Add hover event
        hoverHandler          = GetComponent <HoverHandler>();
        hoverHandler.OnHover += OnPointerHover;

        // Add drag and click events
        EventTrigger trigger = GetComponent <EventTrigger>();

        EventTrigger.Entry drag = new EventTrigger.Entry
            eventID = EventTriggerType.Drag
        drag.callback.AddListener((data) => { OnDragDelegate((PointerEventData)data); });

        EventTrigger.Entry click = new EventTrigger.Entry
            eventID = EventTriggerType.PointerClick
        click.callback.AddListener((data) => { OnClickDelegate((PointerEventData)data); });

        mapController = ComponentManager.Instance.Get <MapController>();
Exemplo n.º 2
    // Unity Methods

    private void Start()
        hoverHandler = GetComponent <HoverHandler>();

        // Initialize listeners
        hoverHandler.OnHover += OnPointerHover;
Exemplo n.º 3
    // Unity Methods

    private void Start()
        rectTransform = GetComponent <RectTransform>();
        planningTool  = ComponentManager.Instance.Get <PlanningTool>();

        // Add hover event
        hoverHandler          = GetComponent <HoverHandler>();
        hoverHandler.OnHover += OnPointerHover;
        public string GetLabel(bool markdown)
            string typeName = "define";

            if (CodeType != null)
                typeName = CodeType.Name;
            return(HoverHandler.Sectioned(typeName + " " + Name, null));
        public string GetLabel(bool markdown)
            string name = ReturnType?.Name ?? "define" + " " + Name;

            if (markdown)
                return(HoverHandler.Sectioned(name, null));
Exemplo n.º 6
    // Unity Methods

    private void Start()
        // Get components
        var componentManager = ComponentManager.Instance;

        dialogManager = componentManager.Get <ModalDialogManager>();
        hoverHandler  = GetComponent <HoverHandler>();

        // Initialize listeners
        editButton.onClick.AddListener(() => AskForSavedScaleName(LocalizationManager.Instance.Get("Rename Saved Location"), entryName));
        hoverHandler.OnHover += OnPointerHover;
        public string GetLabel(bool markdown)
            string name = (CodeType?.GetName() ?? "define") + " " + Name;

            if (markdown)
                return(HoverHandler.Sectioned(name, null));
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void LoadUnit()
            Window.btn_unit_exit.Click         += UnitButtonExit;
            Window.btn_unit_link.Click         += LinkClick;
            Window.btn_unit_order_cancel.Click += OrderCanel;

            Window.lbl_unit_location.MouseLeftButtonUp += LocationClick;

            Window.lbl_unit_commander.MouseLeftButtonUp += CommanderClick;

            Window.img_unit_commander.MouseLeftButtonUp += CommanderClick;
        public string GetLabel(bool markdown)
            string typeName = "define";

            if (CodeType != null)
                typeName = CodeType.GetName();
            if (markdown)
                return(HoverHandler.Sectioned(typeName + " " + Name, Documentation?.ToString(true)));
                return(typeName + " " + Name);
Exemplo n.º 10
    public void Init(Zone zone)
        DisplayedZone = zone;
        ButtonHandler Handler = new ButtonHandler(ButtonHandler.LeftClick, (x, y) => { },
                                                  (handler, mousePos) => {
            var tileCoordinate = MapManager.Instance.GetTilePositionFromPosition(mousePos);
            if (DisplayedZone.Contains(tileCoordinate))


        HoverHandler = new ConditionalHoverHandler(
            (x, y) => {  }, (x, y) => {},
            (x, y) => {
            //reverse the fill and outline colors
            _fill.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.SetColor(_fillColorShaderProperty, _OutlineColor);
            _outline.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.SetColor(_outlineColorShaderProperty, _FillColor);
            (x, y) => {},
            (x, y) => {
            _fill.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.SetColor(_fillColorShaderProperty, _FillColor);
            _outline.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.SetColor(_outlineColorShaderProperty, _OutlineColor);
            //condition for when hovering should trigger
            (x) => {
            Vector3 mousePosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
            var tileCoordinate    = MapManager.Instance.GetTilePositionFromPosition(mousePosition);

        ContextMenuHandler = new ButtonHandler(ButtonHandler.RightClick,
                                               // Down
                                               (handler, position) => { },
                                               // Up
                                               (handler, position) => { ContextMenuManager.Instance.CreateContextMenu(new Vector3(position.x, position.y, 0), this); });
        public virtual string GetLabel(bool markdown)
            string typeName = "define";

            if (CodeType != null)
                typeName = CodeType.Name;
            if (markdown)
                return(HoverHandler.Sectioned(typeName + " " + Name, Documentation));
                return(typeName + " " + Name);
Exemplo n.º 12
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        returnColors = new Dictionary <Vector2Int, Color>();
        HoverHandler handler = new HoverHandler((x, y) => { HighlightTile(y); },
                                                (x, y) => {
            var prevMousePosition = y;
            var currMousePosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
            //dont return the tile if the cursor is still on the same tile
            if (_map.GetTilePositionFromPosition(prevMousePosition) != _map.GetTilePositionFromPosition(currMousePosition))
                                                (x, y) => {  }, (x, y) => { }, (x, y) => { });

        _map = MapManager.Instance;
Exemplo n.º 13
        private Task Initialize(Extensions.LanguageServer.Server.ILanguageServer server, InitializeParams initializeParams)

            // TODO: Make it easier to resolve handlers from MEF (without having to add more attributes to the services if we can help it)
            var workspace = _compositionHost.GetExport <OmniSharpWorkspace>();

            _compositionHost.GetExport <DiagnosticEventForwarder>().IsEnabled = true;

            foreach (var handler in TextDocumentSyncHandler.Enumerate(_handlers, workspace)

Exemplo n.º 14
        private Task Initialize(InitializeParams initializeParams)

            // TODO: Make it easier to resolve handlers from MEF (without having to add more attributes to the services if we can help it)
            var workspace = _compositionHost.GetExport <OmniSharpWorkspace>();

            _server.AddHandlers(TextDocumentSyncHandler.Enumerate(_handlers, workspace));

            _server.LogMessage(new LogMessageParams()
                Message = "Added handlers... waiting for initialize...",
                Type    = MessageType.Log

    private void Start()
        // Get Components
        image              = GetComponent <Image>();
        rectTransform      = GetComponent <RectTransform>();
        mapViewArea        = ComponentManager.Instance.Get <MapViewArea>();
        inspectorTool      = ComponentManager.Instance.Get <InspectorTool>();
        areaInspectorPanel = inspectorTool.areaInspectorPanel;

        rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(inspectionDelete.texture.width * 0.5f, inspectionDelete.texture.height * 0.5f);

        // Add hover event
        hoverHandler          = GetComponent <HoverHandler>();
        hoverHandler.OnHover += OnPointerHover;

        // Add click event
        EventTrigger trigger = GetComponent <EventTrigger>();

        EventTrigger.Entry click = new EventTrigger.Entry();
        click.eventID = EventTriggerType.PointerClick;
        click.callback.AddListener((data) => { areaInspectorPanel.OnRemoveAreaInspection(areaInfo); });
Exemplo n.º 16
 public string GetLabel(bool markdown) => HoverHandler.GetLabel(DoesReturnValue ? ReturnType?.Name ?? "define" : "void", Name, Parameters, markdown, Documentation);
 public string GetLabel(bool markdown) => HoverHandler.GetLabel(!IsValue ? null : ReturnType?.Name ?? "define", Name, Parameters, markdown, Wiki?.Description);
Exemplo n.º 18
 public string GetLabel(bool markdown) => HoverHandler.GetLabel("new " + Type.Name, Parameters, markdown, Documentation);
 public string GetLabel(bool markdown) => HoverHandler.GetLabel(ReturnType, Name, Parameters, markdown, null);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public void OpenUnit(Unit unit)

            #region Parents
            Unit             parent  = unit.Parent;
            List <UIElement> parents = new List <UIElement>();
            int c = 0;
            while (true)
                if (parent == null)
                Window.btn_unit_parent.Content = parent.Name;
                Button btn = (Button)SubWindow.CopyFrom(Window.btn_unit_parent);
                btn.Click += ParentClick;
                btn.Tag    = parent;
                parent = parent.Parent;
            foreach (UIElement element in parents)

            #region Top
            Window.img_unit_commander.Source    = Images.IconPerson;
            Window.lbl_unit_commander.Content   = "Kein Befehlshaber";
            Window.img_unit_main_size.Source    = unit.Symbol;
            Window.img_unit_main_counter.Source = unit.IconCounter;
            Window.lbl_unit_name.Content        = unit.Name;
            Window.lbl_unit_amount.Content      = unit.CurStrength;

            Window.proBar_unit_org.Maximum = unit.MaxOrganisation;
            Window.proBar_unit_org.Value   = unit.CurOrganisation;
            Window.proBar_unit_org.ToolTip = unit.CurOrganisation + " / " + unit.MaxOrganisation;

            Window.proBar_unit_strenght.Maximum = unit.MaxStrength;
            Window.proBar_unit_strenght.Value   = unit.CurStrength;
            Window.proBar_unit_strenght.ToolTip = unit.CurStrength + " / " + unit.MaxStrength;

            if (unit.Commander != null)
                Window.img_unit_commander.Source  = unit.Commander.Image;
                Window.img_unit_commander.Tag     = unit.Commander;
                Window.lbl_unit_commander.Content = unit.Commander.Name;
                Window.lbl_unit_commander.Tag     = unit.Commander;

            #region Center
            Window.lbl_unit_location.Content = unit.Location.Name;
            Window.lbl_unit_location.Tag     = unit.Location;
            if (unit.IsLinked)
                Window.btn_unit_link.Content = "Link-Out";
                Window.btn_unit_link.Content = "Linkup";
            Window.btn_unit_link.Tag       = unit;
            Window.btn_unit_link.IsEnabled = true;
            if (unit.Parent == null || unit.Parent.LocationID != unit.LocationID)
                Window.btn_unit_link.IsEnabled = false;

            //- Orders
            Window.lbl_unit_order.Content = "Kein Befehl";
            if (unit.Orders.Count != 0)
                Order order = unit.Orders[0];
                Window.lbl_unit_order.Content    = order.OrderText;
                Window.btn_unit_order_cancel.Tag = unit;

            #region LocalUnits
            Window.lbl_unit_localunit_count.Content = unit.LocalUnits.Count;
            foreach (Unit local_unit in unit.LocalUnits)
                Window.img_localunit_counter.Source      = local_unit.IconCounter;
                Window.img_localunit_size.Source         = local_unit.Symbol;
                Window.lbl_localunit_name.Content        = local_unit.Name;
                Window.lbl_localunit_size.Content        = local_unit.CurStrength;
                Window.proBar_localunit_org.Maximum      = local_unit.MaxOrganisation;
                Window.proBar_localunit_org.Value        = local_unit.CurOrganisation;
                Window.proBar_localunit_strenght.Maximum = local_unit.MaxStrength;
                Window.proBar_localunit_strenght.Value   = local_unit.CurStrength;

                Border sub = (Border)SubWindow.CopyFrom(Window.border_localunit_vorlage);

            #region SubUnits
            Window.lbl_unit_subunit_count.Content = unit.SubUnits.Count;
            int subunits_amount = 0;
            foreach (Unit sub_unit in unit.SubUnits)
                //- Mark other Units in Unit
                if (sub_unit.BorderParent != null)
                    sub_unit.BorderParent.Background = ColorHandler.ColorFromRGB("10-10-220");

                Window.img_subunit_counter.Source      = sub_unit.IconCounter;
                Window.img_subunit_size.Source         = sub_unit.Symbol;
                Window.lbl_subunit_name.Content        = sub_unit.Name;
                Window.lbl_subunit_size.Content        = sub_unit.CurStrength;
                Window.proBar_subunit_org.Maximum      = sub_unit.MaxOrganisation;
                Window.proBar_subunit_org.Value        = sub_unit.CurOrganisation;
                Window.proBar_subunit_strenght.Maximum = sub_unit.MaxStrength;
                Window.proBar_subunit_strenght.Value   = sub_unit.CurStrength;
                Window.lbl_subunit_commander.Content   = "Kein Befehlshaber";
                if (sub_unit.Commander != null)
                    Window.lbl_subunit_commander.Content = sub_unit.Commander.Name;

                subunits_amount += sub_unit.CurStrength;

                Border sub = (Border)SubWindow.CopyFrom(Window.border_unit_vorlage);
                sub.Tag = sub_unit;
                sub.MouseLeftButtonUp += SubUnitClick;
            Window.lbl_unit_subunit_amount.Content = subunits_amount;

            //- Parent
            if (unit.Parent != null && unit.Parent.BorderParent != null)
                unit.Parent.BorderParent.Background = ColorHandler.ColorFromRGB("20-220-20");
                SubUnitParten = unit.Parent;
Exemplo n.º 21
 public string GetLabel(bool markdown) => HoverHandler.Sectioned((ReturnType?.Name ?? "define") + " " + Name, null);
 /// <summary>Calls a type from the specified document range.</summary>
 /// <param name="parseInfo">The script that the type was called from.</param>
 /// <param name="callRange">The range of the call.</param>
 public virtual void Call(ParseInfo parseInfo, DocRange callRange)
     parseInfo.Script.AddHover(callRange, HoverHandler.Sectioned(Kind + " " + Name, Description));
     parseInfo.Script.AddToken(callRange, TokenType, TokenModifiers.ToArray());
 public string GetLabel(bool markdown) => HoverHandler.GetLabel(!DoesReturnValue ? null : CodeType?.Name ?? "define", Name, Parameters, markdown, Documentation);
Exemplo n.º 24
 protected void UnRegisterHoverHandler(HoverHandler handler)
Exemplo n.º 25
 // Hover
 protected void RegisterHoverHandler(HoverHandler handler)
Exemplo n.º 26
 public string GetLabel(bool markdown) => HoverHandler.GetLabel(ReturnType, Name, Parameters, markdown, Wiki?.Description);
Exemplo n.º 27
 public string GetLabel(bool markdown) => HoverHandler.GetLabel(ReturnType, Name, Parameters, markdown, Documentation.HasString ? Documentation.String : Documentation.MarkupContent.Value);
Exemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the LSIF content for a single document.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The ID of the outputted Document vertex.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The high level algorithm here is we are going to walk across each token, produce a <see cref="Graph.Range"/> for that token's span,
        /// bind that token, and then link up the various features. So we'll link that range to the symbols it defines or references,
        /// will link it to results like Quick Info, and more. This method has a <paramref name="topLevelSymbolsResultSetTracker"/> that
        /// lets us link symbols across files, and will only talk about "top level" symbols that aren't things like locals that can't
        /// leak outside a file.
        /// </remarks>
        private static Id <Graph.LsifDocument> GenerateForDocument(
            SemanticModel semanticModel,
            HostLanguageServices languageServices,
            OptionSet options,
            IResultSetTracker topLevelSymbolsResultSetTracker,
            ILsifJsonWriter lsifJsonWriter,
            IdFactory idFactory)
            var syntaxTree           = semanticModel.SyntaxTree;
            var sourceText           = semanticModel.SyntaxTree.GetText();
            var syntaxFactsService   = languageServices.GetRequiredService <ISyntaxFactsService>();
            var semanticFactsService = languageServices.GetRequiredService <ISemanticFactsService>();

            string?contentBase64Encoded = null;

            // TODO: move to checking the enum member mentioned in https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/49326 when that
            // is implemented. In the mean time, we'll use a heuristic of the path being a relative path as a way to indicate
            // this is a source generated file.
            if (!PathUtilities.IsAbsolute(syntaxTree.FilePath))
                var text = semanticModel.SyntaxTree.GetText();

                // We always use UTF-8 encoding when writing out file contents, as that's expected by LSIF implementations.
                // TODO: when we move to .NET Core, is there a way to reduce allocatios here?
                contentBase64Encoded = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text.ToString()));

            var documentVertex = new Graph.LsifDocument(new Uri(syntaxTree.FilePath, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), GetLanguageKind(semanticModel.Language), contentBase64Encoded, idFactory);

            lsifJsonWriter.Write(new Event(Event.EventKind.Begin, documentVertex.GetId(), idFactory));

            // As we are processing this file, we are going to encounter symbols that have a shared resultSet with other documents like types
            // or methods. We're also going to encounter locals that never leave this document. We don't want those locals being held by
            // the topLevelSymbolsResultSetTracker, so we'll make another tracker for document local symbols, and then have a delegating
            // one that picks the correct one of the two.
            var documentLocalSymbolsResultSetTracker = new SymbolHoldingResultSetTracker(lsifJsonWriter, semanticModel.Compilation, idFactory);
            var symbolResultsTracker = new DelegatingResultSetTracker(symbol =>
                if (symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Local ||
                    symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.RangeVariable ||
                    symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Label)
                    // These symbols can go in the document local one because they can't escape methods
                else if (symbol.ContainingType != null && symbol.DeclaredAccessibility == Accessibility.Private && symbol.ContainingType.Locations.Length == 1)
                    // This is a private member in a class that isn't partial, so it can't escape the file

            // We will walk the file token-by-token, making a range for each one and then attaching information for it
            var rangeVertices = new List <Id <Graph.Range> >();

            foreach (var syntaxToken in syntaxTree.GetRoot().DescendantTokens(descendIntoTrivia: true))
                // We'll only create the Range vertex once it's needed, but any number of bits of code might create it first,
                // so we'll just make it Lazy.
                var lazyRangeVertex = new Lazy <Graph.Range>(() =>
                    var rangeVertex = Graph.Range.FromTextSpan(syntaxToken.Span, sourceText, idFactory);


                }, LazyThreadSafetyMode.None);

                var     declaredSymbol   = semanticFactsService.GetDeclaredSymbol(semanticModel, syntaxToken, CancellationToken.None);
                ISymbol?referencedSymbol = null;

                if (syntaxFactsService.IsBindableToken(syntaxToken))
                    var bindableParent = syntaxFactsService.TryGetBindableParent(syntaxToken);

                    if (bindableParent != null)
                        var symbolInfo = semanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(bindableParent);
                        if (symbolInfo.Symbol != null && IncludeSymbolInReferences(symbolInfo.Symbol))
                            referencedSymbol = symbolInfo.Symbol;

                if (declaredSymbol != null || referencedSymbol != null)
                    // For now, we will link the range to the original definition, preferring the definition, as this is the symbol
                    // that would be used if we invoke a feature on this range. This is analogous to the logic in
                    // SymbolFinder.FindSymbolAtPositionAsync where if a token is both a reference and definition we'll prefer the
                    // definition. Once we start supporting hover we'll have to remove the "original definition" part of this, since
                    // since we show different contents for different constructed types there.
                    var symbolForLinkedResultSet   = (declaredSymbol ?? referencedSymbol) !.OriginalDefinition;
                    var symbolForLinkedResultSetId = symbolResultsTracker.GetResultSetIdForSymbol(symbolForLinkedResultSet);
                    lsifJsonWriter.Write(Edge.Create("next", lazyRangeVertex.Value.GetId(), symbolForLinkedResultSetId, idFactory));

                    if (declaredSymbol != null)
                        var definitionResultsId = symbolResultsTracker.GetResultIdForSymbol(declaredSymbol, Methods.TextDocumentDefinitionName, () => new DefinitionResult(idFactory));
                        lsifJsonWriter.Write(new Item(definitionResultsId.As <DefinitionResult, Vertex>(), lazyRangeVertex.Value.GetId(), documentVertex.GetId(), idFactory));

                    if (referencedSymbol != null)
                        // Create the link from the references back to this range. Note: this range can be reference to a
                        // symbol but the range can point a different symbol's resultSet. This can happen if the token is
                        // both a definition of a symbol (where we will point to the definition) but also a reference to some
                        // other symbol.
                        var referenceResultsId = symbolResultsTracker.GetResultIdForSymbol(referencedSymbol.OriginalDefinition, Methods.TextDocumentReferencesName, () => new ReferenceResult(idFactory));
                        lsifJsonWriter.Write(new Item(referenceResultsId.As <ReferenceResult, Vertex>(), lazyRangeVertex.Value.GetId(), documentVertex.GetId(), idFactory, property: "references"));

                    // Write hover information for the symbol, if edge has not already been added.
                    // 'textDocument/hover' edge goes from the symbol ResultSet vertex to the hover result
                    // See https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/blob/main/indexFormat/specification.md#resultset for an example.
                    if (symbolResultsTracker.ResultSetNeedsInformationalEdgeAdded(symbolForLinkedResultSet, Methods.TextDocumentHoverName))
                        // TODO: Can we avoid the WaitAndGetResult_CanCallOnBackground call by adding a sync method to compute hover?
                        var hover = HoverHandler.GetHoverAsync(semanticModel, syntaxToken.SpanStart, languageServices, CancellationToken.None).WaitAndGetResult_CanCallOnBackground(CancellationToken.None);
                        if (hover != null)
                            var hoverResult = new HoverResult(hover, idFactory);
                            lsifJsonWriter.Write(Edge.Create(Methods.TextDocumentHoverName, symbolForLinkedResultSetId, hoverResult.GetId(), idFactory));

            lsifJsonWriter.Write(Edge.Create("contains", documentVertex.GetId(), rangeVertices, idFactory));

            // Write the folding ranges for the document.
            var foldingRanges      = FoldingRangesHandler.GetFoldingRanges(syntaxTree, languageServices, options, isMetadataAsSource: false, CancellationToken.None);
            var foldingRangeResult = new FoldingRangeResult(foldingRanges, idFactory);

            lsifJsonWriter.Write(Edge.Create(Methods.TextDocumentFoldingRangeName, documentVertex.GetId(), foldingRangeResult.GetId(), idFactory));

            lsifJsonWriter.Write(new Event(Event.EventKind.End, documentVertex.GetId(), idFactory));
Exemplo n.º 29
 public string GetLabel(bool markdown) => HoverHandler.GetLabel(!doesReturnValue ? null : ReturnType?.Name ?? "define", Name, Parameters, markdown, null);
Exemplo n.º 30
 public string GetLabel(bool markdown) => HoverHandler.GetLabel(CustomMethodType == CustomMethodType.Action ? null : ReturnType?.Name ?? "define", Name, Parameters, markdown, Documentation);