Exemplo n.º 1
 public string Add(FullHouse house)
     ISqlMapper mapper = MapperHelper.GetMapper();
     House_OtherFeeDao hofdao = new House_OtherFeeDao(mapper);
     RentFeeDao rfdao = new RentFeeDao(mapper);
     House_CustomerDao hcdao = new House_CustomerDao(mapper);
     RentFee rf = null;
     house.RentFee.HouseOrRoomID = house.House.ID;
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(house.RentFee.ID)) rf = rfdao.Query(new RentFeeQueryForm { HouseOrRoomID = house.House.ID, Enabled = 1, IsDeleted = 0 }).FirstOrDefault();
     string id = house.RentFee.ID;
     if (rf != null)
         rfdao.Update(new RentFeeUpdateForm
             Entity = new RentFee { Enabled = 0 },
             RentFeeQueryForm = new RentFeeQueryForm { ID = rf.ID }
     id = rfdao.Add(house.RentFee);
     if (house.OtherFees != null)
         foreach (var of in house.OtherFees)
             hofdao.Add(new House_OtherFee { HouseOrRoomID = house.House.ID, OtherFeeID = of.ID, Type = (int)HouseOrRoomType.House });
     if (house.Renter != null) hcdao.Add(new House_Customer { HouseOrRoomID = house.House.ID, CustomerID = house.Renter.ID, Type = (int)CustomerType.租客 });
     return id;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public List<FullHouse> QueryFullHouse(QueryHouseServiceForm form)
            List<FullHouse> list = new List<FullHouse>();
            ISqlMapper mapper = MapperHelper.GetMapper();

            HouseDao dao = new HouseDao(mapper);
            House_CustomerDao hcdao = new House_CustomerDao(mapper);
            CustomerDao customerdao = new CustomerDao(mapper);
            BuildingDao buildingdao = new BuildingDao(mapper);
            RentFeeDao rfdao = new RentFeeDao(mapper);
            House_OtherFeeDao hofdao = new House_OtherFeeDao(mapper);
            OtherFeeDao ofdao = new OtherFeeDao(mapper);
            var house = dao.QueryFullHouse(form);
            var houseids = (from h in house select h.ID).ToList();
            var hcs = hcdao.Query(new House_CustomerQueryForm { HouseOrRoomIDs = houseids });
            var customerids = (from ho in hcs select ho.CustomerID).Distinct().ToList();
            var customers = customerdao.Query(new CustomerQueryForm { IDs = customerids, Enabled = 1, IsDeleted = 0, });
            var buildingids = (from h in house select h.BuildingID).Distinct().ToList();
            var buidlings = buildingdao.Query(new BuildingQueryForm { IDs = buildingids });
            var rentfees = rfdao.Query(new RentFeeQueryForm { HouseOrRoomIDs = houseids, Enabled = 1, IsDeleted = 0 });
            var rentfeeids = (from rf in rentfees select rf.ID).ToList();
            var hos = hofdao.Query(new House_OtherFeeQueryForm { HouseOrRoomIDs = houseids });
            var otherfeeids = (from ho in hos select ho.OtherFeeID).Distinct().ToList();
            var ofs = ofdao.Query(new OtherFeeQueryForm { IDs = otherfeeids });
            foreach (var h in house)
                FullHouse fh = new FullHouse
                    House = h,
                    Customer = (from ho in hcs
                                join c in customers on ho.CustomerID equals c.ID
                                where ho.HouseOrRoomID.Equals(h.ID) && c.Type == (int)CustomerType.业主
                                select c).FirstOrDefault(),
                    Building = buidlings.Find(t => t.ID.Equals(h.BuildingID)),
                    RentFee = rentfees.Find(t => t.HouseOrRoomID.Equals(h.ID)),
                    OtherFees = (from ho in hos
                                 join of in ofs on ho.OtherFeeID equals of.ID
                                 where ho.HouseOrRoomID.Equals(h.ID)
                                 select of).ToList(),
                    Renter = (from ho in hcs
                              join c in customers on ho.CustomerID equals c.ID
                              where ho.HouseOrRoomID.Equals(h.ID) && c.Type == (int)CustomerType.租客
                              select c).FirstOrDefault(),
            return list;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public List<House_OtherFee> Query(House_OtherFeeQueryForm form)
     ISqlMapper mapper = MapperHelper.GetMapper();
     House_OtherFeeDao dao = new House_OtherFeeDao(mapper);
     return dao.Query(form);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public bool Delete(House_OtherFeeQueryForm form)
     ISqlMapper mapper = MapperHelper.GetMapper();
     House_OtherFeeDao dao = new House_OtherFeeDao(mapper);
     return dao.Delete(form);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public string Add(House_OtherFee ho)
     ISqlMapper mapper = MapperHelper.GetMapper();
     House_OtherFeeDao dao = new House_OtherFeeDao(mapper);
     return dao.Add(ho);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public BillModel QuerySingle(string BillID)
            ISqlMapper mapper = MapperHelper.GetMapper();
            BillDao dao = new BillDao(mapper);
            OtherFeeDao ofdao = new OtherFeeDao(mapper);
            House_OtherFeeDao hodao = new House_OtherFeeDao(mapper);
            OtherFeeBillDao ofbdao = new OtherFeeBillDao(mapper);

            var bill = dao.QueryFullBill(new QueryFullBillServiceForm { ID = BillID }).FirstOrDefault();
            BillModel model = new BillModel
                Bill = bill,
            if (bill == null) return model;
            var house_otherfees = hodao.Query(new House_OtherFeeQueryForm { HouseOrRoomID = bill.HouseOrRoomID });
            var otherfeeids = (from ho in house_otherfees select ho.OtherFeeID).ToList();
            var otherfeebills = ofbdao.Query(new OtherFeeBillQueryForm { BillID = bill.ID, });
            var otherfees = ofdao.Query(new OtherFeeQueryForm { IDs = otherfeeids });
            var fullotherfeebills = new List<FullOtherFeeBill>();
            foreach (var ho in house_otherfees)
                FullOtherFeeBill ofb = new FullOtherFeeBill
                    House_OtherFee = ho,
                    OtherFee = otherfees.Find(t => t.ID.Equals(ho.OtherFeeID)),
                    OtherFeeBill = otherfeebills.Find(t => t.OtherFeeID.Equals(ho.OtherFeeID)),
            model.OtherFeeBill = fullotherfeebills;
            return model;