Exemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult ExtendLifetime(List <bool> Check, int Value, List <int> ID, List <short> RowVersion)
            var svHotFeat = new HotFeaProductService();

            var listID = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < ID.Count(); i++)
                if (Check[i] == true)
            svHotFeat.ExtendLifeTime(listID, Value);

            if (svHotFeat.IsResult)
                #region Send Mail
                //for (int i = 0; i < Company.Count(); i++)
                //  //  SendMailAlerts(Company[i].MemberID, Company[i].Email, 3, Value);

            return(Json(new { Result = svHotFeat.IsResult }));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void LoadFeatureProduct()
            #region Load Feature
            var feature = new List <view_HotFeaProduct>();
            if (MemoryCache.Default["LoadFeature"] != null)
                feature = (List <view_HotFeaProduct>)MemoryCache.Default["LoadFeature"];
                feature = feature.OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid()).ToList();
                feature = feature.OrderByDescending(m => m.Price).ToList();
                var svHotFeat = new HotFeaProductService();

                var SQLSelect_Feat = "";
                //if (Base.AppLang == "en-US")
                //    SQLSelect_Feat = "ProductID,ProductName,CompID,ProductImgPath,ProRowFlag,CompRowFlag,ProvinceName,Price,Ispromotion,PromotionPrice";

                SQLSelect_Feat = " ProductID,ProductName,CompID,ProductImgPath,ProRowFlag,CompRowFlag,ProvinceName,Price,Ispromotion,PromotionPrice,HotPrice";
                feature        = svHotFeat.SelectHotProduct <view_HotFeaProduct>(SQLSelect_Feat, "Rowflag = 3 AND Status = 'F' AND ProductID > 0 AND ProRowFlag in(2,4) AND CompRowFlag in(2,4) AND ProductDelete = 0", "NEWID(),HotPrice DESC", 1, 20);//""
                if (svHotFeat.TotalRow > 0)
                    MemoryCache.Default.Add("LoadFeature", feature, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10));
            ViewBag.FeatProducts = feature;
        public void List_DoloadData()
            var    svHotFeat = new HotFeaProductService();
            string sqlSelect, sqlWhere, sqlOrderBy = "";

            sqlSelect = @"  HotFeaProductID,ProductID,ProductName,Price_One,Qty,QtyUnit,Price,CompID,"
                        + "CompName,ActivatedDate,ExpiredDate,RowFlag,IsDelete,Status,PackageCount,CategoryType,HotPrice,ProductDelete";
            sqlWhere = svHotFeat.InitialWhere();

            sqlOrderBy = " ModifiedDate DESC ";

            #region DoWhereCause
            sqlWhere += svHotFeat.CreateWhereCauseHotFeat((string)ViewBag.TextSearch, (string)ViewBag.SearchType, (string)ViewBag.PStatus, int.Parse(ViewBag.ExpireStatus), (string)ViewBag.SearchStatus);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ViewBag.Period))
                sqlWhere += SQLWhereDateTimeFromPeriod(ViewBag.Period, "ModifiedDate");

            var HotFeats = svHotFeat.SelectData <view_HotFeaProduct>(sqlSelect, sqlWhere, sqlOrderBy, (int)ViewBag.PageIndex, (int)ViewBag.PageSize);
            ViewBag.HotFeats    = HotFeats;
            ViewBag.LogonCompID = LogonCompID;
            ViewBag.TotalRow    = svHotFeat.TotalRow;
            ViewBag.TotalPage   = svHotFeat.TotalPage;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public ActionResult SaveHotFeat(List <int> CompID, List <int> Expire, List <int> ProductID, List <string> Type, List <string> HotPrice)
            var svHotFeat = new HotFeaProductService();
            var Msg       = string.Empty;

                svHotFeat.SaveHotFeat(CompID, Expire, ProductID, Type, HotPrice, LogonCompCode);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(svHotFeat.Msg))
                    svHotFeat.IsResult = false;

                //อีเมล์แจ้งเพิ่ม HotFeat
                var data = svHotFeat.SelectData <b2bHotFeaProduct>("HotFeaProductID", "Isdelete = 0", "CreatedDate DESC", 1, CompID.Count());
                for (int i = 0; i < data.Count(); i++)
                    SendMailAddHotFeat(data[i].HotFeaProductID, Expire[i]);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Msg = res.Admin.lblCannot_save;
                svHotFeat.IsResult = false;
            return(Json(new { IsResult = svHotFeat.IsResult, CountSuccess = svHotFeat.CountSuccess, CountProductExist = svHotFeat.Msg }));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public ActionResult EditExpiredDate(List <int> HotFeaProductID, int NumMonth, int SendMailExpire, string EditStatus, string EditHotprice)
            var svHotFeat = new HotFeaProductService();

                foreach (var item in HotFeaProductID)
                    if (NumMonth != 0)
                        svHotFeat.EditExpiredDate(item, NumMonth);
                    svHotFeat.EditStatusHotprice(item, EditStatus, EditHotprice);
                    // แจ้ง HotFeat ต่ออายุแล้วการใช้งาน
                    if (svHotFeat.IsResult && SendMailExpire == 1)
                        SendMailAlerts(item, 3, NumMonth);
                        //return Json(new { Result = true });

            catch (Exception ex)
            return(Json(new { IsResult = svHotFeat.IsResult, MsgError = "", Count_to_Exp = ViewBag.Count_to_Exp, Count_Exp_today = ViewBag.Count_Exp_today, Count_Exp = ViewBag.Count_Exp }));
 public void LoadFeatureProduct()
     #region Load Feature
     var svHotFeat    = new HotFeaProductService();
     var FeatProducts = svHotFeat.SelectData <view_HotFeaProduct>(" ProductID,ProductName,CompID,ProductImgPath ", "Rowflag = 3 AND Status = 'F' AND ProductID > 0", "   NEWID() ", 1, 10);
     ViewBag.FeatProducts = FeatProducts;
        public JsonResult GetEditByID(string HotFeaProductID = "")
            var           svHotFeat = new HotFeaProductService();
            CommonService svCommon  = new CommonService();

            var EnumHotFeatStatus = svCommon.SelectEnum(CommonService.EnumType.HotFeatStatus);
            var data = svHotFeat.SelectData <view_HotFeaProduct>("HotPrice,Status", "IsDelete = 0 AND HotFeaProductID=" + HotFeaProductID);

            return(Json(new { IsResult = true, HotPrice = data.First().HotPrice, Status = data.First().Status, EnumHotFeatStatus = EnumHotFeatStatus }));
Exemplo n.º 8
        public ActionResult DeleteHotFeat(int HotFeaProductID)
            var svHotFeat = new HotFeaProductService();

            catch (Exception ex)
            return(Json(new { IsResult = svHotFeat.IsResult, MsgError = "" }));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public ActionResult UpdateStatusHotFeat(int HotFeaProductID, string Status)
            var svHotFeat = new HotFeaProductService();

                svHotFeat.UpdateStatusHotFeat(HotFeaProductID, Status);
            catch (Exception ex)
            return(Json(new { IsResult = svHotFeat.IsResult, MsgError = "" }));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public ActionResult SaveProductHotFeat(string ProductID, string HotFeaProductID)
            var svHotFeat = new HotFeaProductService();

                svHotFeat.UpdateProductHotFeat(ProductID, HotFeaProductID);
            catch (Exception ex)
            return(Json(new { IsResult = svHotFeat.IsResult, MsgError = "" }));
Exemplo n.º 11
        public ActionResult DeleteAll(List <int> ID)
            var svHotFeat = new HotFeaProductService();

                svHotFeat.DeleteHotFeatAll(ID, LogonCompCode);
            catch (Exception ex)
            return(Json(new { IsResult = svHotFeat.IsResult, MsgError = "" }));
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void DoloadExpireHotFeat()
            var svHotFeat = new HotFeaProductService();

            #region Count_Exp
            ViewBag.Count_to_Exp = svHotFeat.CountData <view_HotFeaProduct>(" * ", @" IsDelete = 0 AND (Status = 'H' OR Status = 'F') AND ExpiredDate Between '" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToShortDateString()
                                                                            + "' AND '" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).ToShortDateString() + "'");

            #region Count_Exp_today
            ViewBag.Count_Exp_today = svHotFeat.CountData <view_HotFeaProduct>(" * ", @"IsDelete = 0 AND (Status = 'H' OR Status = 'F') AND ExpiredDate Between '" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()
                                                                               + " 00:00:00' AND '" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " 23:59:59'");

            #region Count_Exp
            ViewBag.Count_Exp = svHotFeat.CountData <view_HotFeaProduct>(" * ", "IsDelete = 0 AND (Status = 'H' OR Status = 'F') AND  ExpiredDate < '" + DateTime.Now.Date.ToShortDateString() + "'");
Exemplo n.º 13
 public void LoadFeatureProduct()
     #region Load Feature
     var feature = new List <view_HotFeaProduct>();
     if (MemoryCache.Default["LoadFeature"] != null)
         feature = (List <view_HotFeaProduct>)MemoryCache.Default["LoadFeature"];
         feature = feature.OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid()).ToList();
         var svHotFeat = new HotFeaProductService();
         feature = svHotFeat.SelectData <view_HotFeaProduct>(" ProductID,ProductName,CompID,ProductImgPath,ProRowFlag,CompRowFlag,ProvinceName,Price,Ispromotion,PromotionPrice", "Rowflag = 3 AND Status = 'F' AND ProductID > 0 AND ProRowFlag in(2,4) AND CompRowFlag in(2,4)", " NEWID()", 1, 20);
         if (svHotFeat.TotalRow > 0)
             MemoryCache.Default.Add("LoadFeature", feature, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10));
     ViewBag.FeatProducts = feature;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void LoadHotProduct()
            var svHotFeat = new HotFeaProductService();
            var name      = "hotfeat";

            List <view_HotFeaProduct> data;

            if (MemoryCache.Default[name] != null)
                data = (List <view_HotFeaProduct>)MemoryCache.Default[name];
                data = svHotFeat.SelectData <view_HotFeaProduct>(" ProductID,ProductName,CompID,ProductImgPath", "Rowflag = 3 AND Status = 'H' AND ProductID > 0 AND IsDelete=0", "  CreatedDate DESC ", 1, 20);

                if (data != null && data.Count > 0)
                    MemoryCache.Default.Add(name, data, DateTime.Now.AddHours(4));
            ViewBag.HotProducts      = data;
            ViewBag.HotProductsCount = svHotFeat.TotalRow;
        public bool SendEmailApproveBuylead(b2bBuylead model)
            #region variable
            bool IsSend     = true;
            var  Detail     = "";
            var  url        = "";
            var  urlBuylead = "";
            var  mailTo     = new List <string>();
            var  mailCC     = new List <string>();

            var svHotFeat      = new HotFeaProductService();
            var SQLSelect_Feat = "";

            SQLSelect_Feat = " ProductID,ProductName,CompID,ProductImgPath,ProRowFlag,CompRowFlag,ProvinceName,Price,Ispromotion,PromotionPrice,HotPrice";
            var HotProduct = svHotFeat.SelectHotProduct <view_HotFeaProduct>(SQLSelect_Feat, "Rowflag = 3 AND Status = 'H' AND ProductID > 0 AND ProRowFlag in(2,4) AND CompRowFlag in(2,4) AND ProductDelete = 0", "NEWID(),HotPrice DESC", 1, 4);

            #region Set Content & Value For Send Email
            string urlb2bthai = res.Pageviews.UrlWeb;
            url        = urlb2bthai + "/MyB2B/buylead";
            urlBuylead = urlb2bthai + "/Purchase/Search/Detail/" + model.BuyleadID + "?name=" + model.BuyleadName;

            //test path logo
            string b2bthai_url = res.Pageviews.UrlWeb;
            string pathlogo    = b2bthai_url + "/Content/Default/logo/Ouikum/img_Logo120x74.png";

            Hashtable EmailDetail = new Hashtable();
            EmailDetail["Name"]        = model.BuyleadContactPerson;
            EmailDetail["CompName"]    = model.BuyleadCompanyName;
            EmailDetail["BuyleadCode"] = model.BuyleadCode;
            EmailDetail["BuyleadName"] = model.BuyleadName;
            EmailDetail["Remark"]      = model.Remark;
            EmailDetail["pathLogo"]    = pathlogo;
            EmailDetail["url"]         = url;
            EmailDetail["urlBuylead"]  = urlBuylead;

            if (model.RowFlag == 4)
                EmailDetail["Title"]  = "แจ้งผลอนุมัติประกาศซื้อสินค้าของคุณ";
                EmailDetail["Result"] = res.Admin.lblApprove;
            else if (model.RowFlag == 3)
                EmailDetail["Title"]  = "แจ้งผลไม่อนุมัติประกาศซื้อสินค้าของคุณ";
                EmailDetail["Result"] = res.Admin.lblReject;

            ViewBag.Data       = EmailDetail;
            ViewBag.HotProduct = HotProduct;

            string Subject = "แจ้งผลการตรวจสอบประกาศซื้อสินค้า B2BThai.com";

            Detail = PartialViewToString("UC/Email/SendApproveBuylead");

            var mailFrom = res.Config.EmailNoReply;

            IsSend = OnSendByAlertEmail(Subject, mailFrom, mailTo, mailCC, Detail);

        public ActionResult List(int?Sort = 1, int PIndex = 1, int PSize = 20, string txtSearch = "", int?BizTypeID = 0, int CateLevel = 0, int CategoryID = 0, int?CompLevelID = 0, int ProvinceID = 0)
            ViewBag.Title = res.Common.lblSearchProduct;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtSearch))
                txtSearch = txtSearch.Trim();
                LoadHotProduct(txtSearch, CategoryID, CateLevel);

            CommonService svCommon = new CommonService();

            ViewBag.EnumSortByProduct = svCommon.SelectEnum(CommonService.EnumType.SortByProduct);
            sqlSelect = @"ProductID,ProductName,ProductNameEng,ProductCount,CompID,CompName,CompLevel,BizTypeName,CompProvinceID,ListNo," +

            #region DoWhereCause
            sqlWhere  = svProduct.CreateWhereAction(ProductAction.FrontEnd, 0);
            sqlWhere += svProduct.CreateWhereCause(0, txtSearch, 0, 0, (int)CateLevel, (int)CategoryID, (int)BizTypeID, (int)CompLevelID, (int)ProvinceID);


            #region Sort By
            sqlOrderBy += " ListNo DESC ";
            if (CompLevelID == 3)
                sqlOrderBy += " ,Complevel DESC ";

            switch (Sort)
            case 1:
                sqlOrderBy += svProduct.CreateOrderby(OrderBy.ComplevelDESC);

            case 2:
                sqlOrderBy += svProduct.CreateOrderby(OrderBy.CreatedDateDESC);

            case 3:
                sqlOrderBy += svProduct.CreateOrderby(OrderBy.ViewCountDESC);

            case 4:
                sqlOrderBy += svProduct.CreateOrderby(OrderBy.ContactCountDESC);
            sqlOrderBy += " , ModifiedDate DESC  ";

            #region Get b2bProduct
            FindCateName(CategoryID, CateLevel);
            ViewBag.Sort = Convert.ToString(Sort);

            var data     = svProduct.SearchProduct(ProductAction.FrontEnd, txtSearch, (int)CateLevel, (int)CategoryID, (int)BizTypeID, (int)ProvinceID, 0, PIndex, PSize, sqlOrderBy);
            var products = MappingProduct(data);
            //var mgKeyword = new KeywordMongo();
            //  var products = new List<Models.tbProduct>();
            //var mongoProducts = mgKeyword.SearchProductMongo(Sort, PIndex, PSize, txtSearch, BizTypeID, CateLevel, CategoryID, CompLevelID, ProvinceID);
            //var products = MappingProductMongo(mongoProducts);
            ViewBag.Products = products;
            if (svProduct.TotalRow > 0)
                var product = products.First();
                if (BizTypeID > 0)
                    ViewBag.Title += " " + product.BizTypeName;
                if (ProvinceID > 0)
                    ViewBag.Title += " " + product.ProvinceName;
            ViewBag.Title += " | " + res.Common.lblDomainShortName;

            #region Set ViewBag
            ViewBag.TextSearch = txtSearch;
            ViewBag.PageIndex  = PIndex;
            ViewBag.PageSize   = PSize;
            ViewBag.CateID     = CategoryID;
            ViewBag.TotalRow   = svProduct.TotalRow;
            ViewBag.TotalPage  = svProduct.TotalPage;
            //ViewBag.TotalRow = mgKeyword.TotalRow;
            //ViewBag.TotalPage = mgKeyword.TotalPage;

            if (CategoryID == 0)
                ViewBag.CateParentLevel = 0;
                ViewBag.CateParentLevel = CateLevel;
            ViewBag.MetaKeyword     = ViewBag.Title;
            ViewBag.MetaDescription = ViewBag.Title;

            #region Load Feature
            var feature = new List <view_HotFeaProduct>();
            if (MemoryCache.Default["LoadFeatureSearch"] != null)
                feature = (List <view_HotFeaProduct>)MemoryCache.Default["LoadFeatureSearch"];
                feature = feature.OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid()).ToList();
                feature = feature.OrderByDescending(m => m.Price).ToList();
                var svHotFeat      = new HotFeaProductService();
                var SQLSelect_Feat = "";

                SQLSelect_Feat = " ProductID,ProductName,CompID,ProductImgPath,ProRowFlag,CompRowFlag,ProvinceName,Price,Ispromotion,PromotionPrice,HotPrice";
                feature        = svHotFeat.SelectHotProduct <view_HotFeaProduct>(SQLSelect_Feat, "Rowflag = 3 AND Status = 'H' AND ProductID > 0 AND ProRowFlag in(2,4) AND CompRowFlag in(2,4) AND ProductDelete = 0", "NEWID(),HotPrice DESC", 1, 10);//""
                if (svHotFeat.TotalRow > 0)
                    MemoryCache.Default.Add("LoadFeatureSearch", feature, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10));
            ViewBag.FeatProducts = feature;

            //if (Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice)
            //    return PartialView("UC_mobile/ProductListUC");
        public ActionResult Index(int?Category, int?CateLevel, string CategoryName, string TextSearch, int?Province)
            if (RedirectToProduction())

            CommonService svCommon = new CommonService();

            int    ProvinceID = (Province != null || Province == 0) ? (int)Province : 0;
            int    CateID     = (Category != null || Category == 0) ? (int)Category : 0;
            int    CateLV     = (CateLevel != null) ? (int)CateLevel : 0;
            string txtSearch  = (TextSearch != null) ? TextSearch.Trim() : "";

            if (txtSearch == "")
                ViewBag.TextSearch = "";
                if (CateID == 0)
                    ViewBag.Title = MvcHtmlString.Create(res.Common.lblSearchProduct + " | " + res.Common.lblDomainShortName);
                ViewBag.TextSearch = txtSearch;
                ViewBag.Relate     = txtSearch;
                ViewBag.Title      = MvcHtmlString.Create(ViewBag.TextSearch + " | " + res.Common.lblDomainShortName);

            //#region query Product
            var data = svProduct.SearchProduct(ProductAction.FrontEnd, txtSearch, CateLV, CateID, 0, 0, 0, 1, 20);

            ViewBag.Status = svProduct.CodeError;
            var products = MappingProduct(data);

            ViewBag.Products = products;

            #region query Product Mongo
            //var mgKeywod = new KeywordMongo();
            //var mongoProducts = mgKeywod.SearchProductMongo(1, 1, 20, txtSearch, 0, CateLV, CateID, 0, ProvinceID);
            //var products = MappingProductMongo(mongoProducts);
            ViewBag.Status   = svProduct.CodeError;
            ViewBag.Products = products;

            #region Category

            var ParentCate = svCategory.GetCategoryByLevel(1);

            ViewBag.Category = ParentCate;

            #region query Biztype
            var Biztype = svBizType.GetBiztypeAll();
            ViewBag.Biztype = Biztype;

            #region query Province
            //ViewBag.Province = svAddress.GetProvinceAll();

            ViewBag.EnumServiceType   = svCommon.SelectEnum(CommonService.EnumType.SearchByServiceType);
            ViewBag.EnumSortByProduct = svCommon.SelectEnum(CommonService.EnumType.SortByProduct);
            if (TextSearch != "")
                //  LoadFeatureProduct(TextSearch, Category, CateLevel);
                LoadHotProduct(TextSearch, Category, CateLevel);
            FindCateName(CateID, CateLV);

            if ((Category == 1083 || Category == 1165))
                ViewBag.ShowBranner = "Show";
                ViewBag.CateBanner  = Category;

            #region Set ViewBag
            ViewBag.CateLV    = CateLV;
            ViewBag.CateID    = CateID;
            ViewBag.PageIndex = 1;
            ViewBag.PageSize  = 20;

            ViewBag.TotalRow  = svProduct.TotalRow;
            ViewBag.TotalPage = svProduct.TotalPage;

            //ViewBag.TotalRow = mgKeywod.TotalRow;
            //ViewBag.TotalPage = mgKeywod.TotalPage;

            ViewBag.MetaKeyword     = ViewBag.Title;
            ViewBag.MetaDescription = ViewBag.Title;
            //  GetStatusUser();

            #region Load Feature
            var feature = new List <view_HotFeaProduct>();
            if (MemoryCache.Default["LoadFeatureSearch"] != null)
                feature = (List <view_HotFeaProduct>)MemoryCache.Default["LoadFeatureSearch"];
                feature = feature.OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid()).ToList();
                feature = feature.OrderByDescending(m => m.Price).ToList();
                var svHotFeat = new HotFeaProductService();

                var SQLSelect_Feat = "";
                //if (Base.AppLang == "en-US")
                //    SQLSelect_Feat = "ProductID,ProductName,CompID,ProductImgPath,ProRowFlag,CompRowFlag,ProvinceName,Price,Ispromotion,PromotionPrice";

                SQLSelect_Feat = " ProductID,ProductName,CompID,ProductImgPath,ProRowFlag,CompRowFlag,ProvinceName,Price,Ispromotion,PromotionPrice,HotPrice";
                feature        = svHotFeat.SelectHotProduct <view_HotFeaProduct>(SQLSelect_Feat, "Rowflag = 3 AND Status = 'H' AND ProductID > 0 AND ProRowFlag in(2,4) AND CompRowFlag in(2,4) AND ProductDelete = 0", "NEWID(),HotPrice DESC", 1, 10);//""
                if (svHotFeat.TotalRow > 0)
                    MemoryCache.Default.Add("LoadFeatureSearch", feature, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10));
            ViewBag.FeatProducts = feature;

Exemplo n.º 18
        public ActionResult Contact(int?ToCompID, string ProductID, string type, string BuyleadID)
            if (RedirectToProduction())

            CommonService svCommon = new CommonService();

            #region Company Info
            if (ToCompID > 0)
                svCompany = new CompanyService();
                string sqlSelect    = "CompID,CompName,ContactEmail,CompPhone";
                string sqlWhere     = svCompany.CreateWhereAction(CompStatus.Online, ToCompID);
                var    countcompany = svCompany.CountData <view_Company>(sqlSelect, sqlWhere);
                if (countcompany > 0)
                    var company = svCompany.SelectData <view_Company>(sqlSelect, sqlWhere).First();
                    ViewBag.Company  = company;
                    ViewBag.CompName = company.CompName;

            #region Load Feature
            var feature = new List <view_HotFeaProduct>();
            if (MemoryCache.Default["LoadFeatureMessage"] != null)
                feature = (List <view_HotFeaProduct>)MemoryCache.Default["LoadFeatureMessage"];
                feature = feature.OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid()).ToList();
                feature = feature.OrderByDescending(m => m.HotPrice).ToList();
                var svHotFeat      = new HotFeaProductService();
                var SQLSelect_Feat = "";

                SQLSelect_Feat = " ProductID,ProductName,CompID,ProductImgPath,ProRowFlag,CompRowFlag,ProvinceName,Price,Ispromotion,PromotionPrice,HotPrice";
                feature        = svHotFeat.SelectHotProduct <view_HotFeaProduct>(SQLSelect_Feat, "Rowflag = 3 AND Status = 'P' AND ProductID > 0 AND ProRowFlag in(4) AND CompRowFlag in(2,4) AND ProductDelete = 0", "NEWID(),HotPrice DESC", 1, 3);//""
                if (svHotFeat.TotalRow > 0)
                    MemoryCache.Default.Add("LoadFeatureMessage", feature, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10));
            ViewBag.FeatProducts = feature;

            #region Product
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProductID))
                svProduct = new ProductService();

                #region Set Cookie ProductID
                Response.Cookies["MsgContactProID"].Value   = ProductID;
                Response.Cookies["MsgContactProID"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1);

                string[] strProductID = ProductID.Split(',');
                string   WhereIN      = CreateWhereIN(strProductID, "ProductID");
                var      product      = svProduct.SelectData <b2bProduct>("ProductID,ProductName", WhereIN + " AND IsDelete = 0");
                ViewBag.ProductID = product;
                if (svProduct.TotalRow > 0)
                    ViewBag.Title      = "ติดต่อผู้ขายสินค้า " + product.First().ProductName + ", " + ViewBag.CompName + " – B2Bthai.com";
                    ViewBag.PronameUrl = @Url.ReplaceUrl(product.First().ProductName);
                ViewBag.chkProductID = 1;
                ViewBag.chkProductID = 0;
                ViewBag.Title        = "ติดต่อบริษัท" + ViewBag.CompName + " – B2Bthai.com";
                Response.Cookies["MsgContactProID"].Value   = null;
                Response.Cookies["MsgContactProID"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1);

            #region Buylead
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BuyleadID))
                svBuylead = new BuyleadService();

                #region Set Cookie ProductID
                Response.Cookies["MsgContactBuyID"].Value   = BuyleadID;
                Response.Cookies["MsgContactBuyID"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1);

                string[] strBuyleadID = BuyleadID.Split(',');
                string   WhereIN      = CreateWhereIN(strBuyleadID, "BuyleadID");
                var      buylead      = svBuylead.SelectData <b2bBuylead>("BuyleadID,BuyleadName,BuyleadEmail,BuyleadCompanyName", WhereIN + " AND IsDelete = 0");
                ViewBag.BuyleadID = buylead;
                if (svBuylead.TotalRow > 0)
                    ViewBag.Title      = "ติดต่อผู้ประกาศซื้อสินค้า " + buylead.First().BuyleadName + ", " + buylead.First().BuyleadCompanyName + " – B2Bthai.com";
                    ViewBag.BuynameUrl = @Url.ReplaceUrl(buylead.First().BuyleadName);
                ViewBag.chkBuyleadID = 1;
                ViewBag.chkBuyleadID = 0;
                ViewBag.Title        = "ติดต่อบริษัท" + ViewBag.CompName + " – B2Bthai.com";
                Response.Cookies["MsgContactBuyID"].Value   = null;
                Response.Cookies["MsgContactBuyID"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1);

            #region check message type
            if (type == "SendtoFriend")
                ViewBag.chkSendToFriend = 1;
                ViewBag.Title           = "ส่งรายละเอียดให้เพื่อน " + ViewBag.CompName + " – B2Bthai.com";
                ViewBag.chkSendToFriend = 0;

            ViewBag.EnumServiceType = svCommon.SelectEnum(CommonService.EnumType.SearchByServiceType);
            ViewBag.MetaKeyword     = ViewBag.Title;
            ViewBag.MetaDescription = ViewBag.Title;