Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Establishes a hosting agreement for the client's identity with specific identity type using the already opened connection to the profile server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="IdentityType">Identity type of the new identity.</param>
        /// <returns>true if the function succeeds, false otherwise.</returns>
        public async Task <bool> EstablishProfileHostingAsync(string IdentityType = null)

            bool startConversationOk = await StartConversationAsync();

            HostingPlanContract contract = null;

            if (IdentityType != null)
                contract = new HostingPlanContract();
                contract.IdentityType = IdentityType;

            PsProtocolMessage requestMessage = messageBuilder.CreateRegisterHostingRequest(contract);

            await SendMessageAsync(requestMessage);

            PsProtocolMessage responseMessage = await ReceiveMessageAsync();

            bool idOk     = responseMessage.Id == requestMessage.Id;
            bool statusOk = responseMessage.Response.Status == Status.Ok;

            bool registerHostingOk = idOk && statusOk;

            bool res = startConversationOk && registerHostingOk;

            log.Trace("(-):{0}", res);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether the contract received from user with hosting registration request is valid.
        /// <para>This function does not verify that the hosting plan exists.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="IdentityPublicKey">Public key of the identity that wants to register hosting.</param>
        /// <param name="Contract">Description of the contract.</param>
        /// <param name="MessageBuilder">Client's network message builder.</param>
        /// <param name="RequestMessage">Full request message from client.</param>
        /// <param name="ErrorResponse">If the function fails, this is filled with error response message that is ready to be sent to the client.</param>
        /// <returns>true if the profile update request can be applied, false otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool ValidateRegisterHostingRequest(byte[] IdentityPublicKey, HostingPlanContract Contract, PsMessageBuilder MessageBuilder, PsProtocolMessage RequestMessage, out PsProtocolMessage ErrorResponse)
            log.Trace("(IdentityPublicKey:'{0}')", IdentityPublicKey.ToHex());

            bool res = false;

            ErrorResponse = null;
            string details = null;

            if (Contract == null)
                Contract = new HostingPlanContract();

            if (!MessageBuilder.VerifySignedConversationRequestBodyPart(RequestMessage, Contract.ToByteArray(), IdentityPublicKey))
                log.Debug("Contract signature is invalid.");
                ErrorResponse = MessageBuilder.CreateErrorInvalidSignatureResponse(RequestMessage);
                details       = "";

            if (details == null)
                byte[] contractPubKey = Contract.IdentityPublicKey.ToByteArray();
                bool   publicKeyValid = ByteArrayComparer.Equals(contractPubKey, IdentityPublicKey);
                if (!publicKeyValid)
                    log.Debug("Contract public key '{0}' does not match client's public key '{1}'.", contractPubKey.ToHex(), IdentityPublicKey.ToHex());
                    details = "contract.identityPublicKey";

            if (details == null)
                DateTime?startTime      = ProtocolHelper.UnixTimestampMsToDateTime(Contract.StartTime);
                bool     startTimeValid = (startTime != null) && ((startTime.Value - DateTime.UtcNow).TotalMinutes >= -60);

                if (!startTimeValid)
                    if (startTime == null)
                        log.Debug("Invalid contract start time timestamp {0}.", Contract.StartTime);
                        log.Debug("Contract start time {0} is more than 1 hour in the past.", startTime.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
                    details = "contract.startTime";

            if (details == null)
                int  typeSize  = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(Contract.IdentityType);
                bool typeValid = (0 < typeSize) && (typeSize <= IdentityBase.MaxProfileTypeLengthBytes);
                if (!typeValid)
                    log.Debug("Invalid contract identity type size in bytes {0}.", typeSize);
                    details = "contract.identityType";

            if (details == null)
                res = true;
                if (ErrorResponse == null)
                    ErrorResponse = MessageBuilder.CreateErrorInvalidValueResponse(RequestMessage, details);

            log.Trace("(-):{0}", res);