Exemplo n.º 1
        public LogiConverter()
            var puzzles = new Logi.Common.Puzzles();

            _puzzle = puzzles.Puzzle2;

            int line = 0;

            foreach (var horizontals in _puzzle.Horizontal)
                foreach (var horizontal in horizontals)
                    Horizontals.Add(new CellModel(CellTypes.Digit, horizontal, line));
                line += 1;

            foreach (var verticals in _puzzle.Vertical)
                foreach (var vertical in verticals)
                    Verticals.Add(new CellModel(CellTypes.Digit, vertical, line));
                line += 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Load(string formattedTileName)
            BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(FilePaths.PathToUnityStreaming + "/TILECONFIGS/" + formattedTileName + ".DWB"));

            reader.BaseStream.Position += 4;
            int verticalCount   = reader.ReadInt32();
            int horizontalCount = reader.ReadInt32();


            string prefix = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/" + FilePaths.PathToUnityTileResources + formattedTileName + "/";

            for (int i = 0; i < verticalCount; i++)
                Verticals.Add(prefix + "VERTICAL_" + i + ".png");
            for (int i = 0; i < horizontalCount; i++)
                Horizontals.Add(prefix + "HORIZONTAL_" + i + ".png");
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void BuildFromNewCsproj()
            var propGroup = CsprojDoc.Root

            //build info
            .Select(prop => new { Prop = prop, Element = propGroup.Find(prop.Name) })
            .Where(map => map.Element != null)
            .ForAll(map => map.Prop.SetValue(Info, map.Element.Value));
            Info.AssemblyName = CsprojFile.Name.TrimEnd(CsprojFile.Extension);

            //build dependencies
            //1. assembly references
            .ForAll(element => Assemblies.Add(new AssemblyDependencyRef
                ProjectName = element.Attribute("Include").Value

            //2. external packages
            .ForAll(element => ExternalPackages.Add(new PackageDependencyRef
                ProjectName = element.Attribute("Include").Value,
                Version     = SemVerRange.Parse(element.Attribute("Version").Value)

            //3. horizontal project references
            .ForAll(element =>
                var path        = element.Attribute("Include").Value;
                var projectName = path.ExtractProjectNameFromFilePath();
                var versionArg  = ResolveHorizontalVersionArg(new FileInfo(path));
                Horizontals.Add(new ObgDependencyRef
                    ProjectPath = path,
                    ProjectName = projectName,
                    Version     = SemVerRange.Parse(propGroup.Find(versionArg).Value)

            //4. vertical project references
            .ForAll(element =>
                var path        = element.Attribute("Include").Value;
                var projectName = path.ExtractProjectNameFromFilePath();
                Verticals.Add(new ObgDependencyRef
                    ProjectPath = path,
                    ProjectName = projectName

            //5. plain project reference
            .ForAll(element =>
                var path        = element.Attribute("Include").Value;
                var projectName = path.ExtractProjectNameFromFilePath();
                PlainProjectRefs.Add(new PlainProjectRef
                    ProjectPath = path,
                    ProjectName = projectName
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void BuildFromOldCsproj()
            var nuspecFile = new FileInfo(Ext.ResolveNuspecPath(CsprojFile));
            var nuspecDoc  = nuspecFile.Exists
                ? nuspecFile.OpenRead().Using(XDocument.Load)
                : null;

            #region Generate project Info
            Info.AssemblyName =
                ?? CsprojDoc.Root.Find("PropertyGroup/AssemblyName").Value;

            var textInfo = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo;
            Info.Product = textInfo.ToTitleCase(Info.AssemblyName);

            Info.Authors = "OBG Api";

            Info.Company =
                ?? "Betsson Group";

            Info.Copyright = $"Copyright © {DateTimeOffset.Now.Year}";

            Info.Description = nuspecDoc?.Root.Find("metadata/description")?.Value;

            Info.PackageReleaseNotes = nuspecDoc?.Root.Find("metadata/releaseNotes")?.Value;

            Info.PackageTags = nuspecDoc?.Root.Find("metadata/tags")?.Value;

            Info.PackageProjectUrl = nuspecDoc?.Root.Find("metadata/projectUrl")?.Value;

            Info.PackageIconUrl = nuspecDoc?.Root.Find("metadata/iconUrl")?.Value;

            //1. assembly references
            .ForAll(element => Assemblies.Add(new AssemblyDependencyRef
                ProjectName = element.Attribute("Include").Value

            //2. external packages
            .ForAll(element =>
                var assembly = element.Attribute("Include").Value

                var dependency = nuspecDoc?.Root
                                 .FirstOrDefault(Ext.HasAttribute("id", assembly));

                if (dependency != null)
                    var version = dependency.Attribute("version").Value;
                    ExternalPackages.Add(new PackageDependencyRef
                        ProjectName = assembly,
                        Version     = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(version) ? null : SemVerRange.Parse(version)

                //else this is a transitive dependency; ignore it.

            //3. horizontal project reference
            //check the project references and determine, using the solution name, which are, and which aren't
            //horizontal references. Then check the nuspec file to determine the version to use
            .ForAll(element =>
                var path       = element.Attribute("Include").Value;
                var assembly   = path.ExtractProjectNameFromFilePath();
                var dependency = nuspecDoc?.Root
                                 .FirstOrDefault(Ext.HasAttribute("id", assembly));

                if (dependency != null)
                    var version = dependency

                    Horizontals.Add(new ObgDependencyRef
                        ProjectPath = path,
                        ProjectName = assembly,
                        Version     = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(version) ? null : SemVerRange.Parse(version)

                //else it is a transitive dependency; ignore it.
                //    PlainProjectRefs.Add(new PlainProjectRef
                //    {
                //        ProjectName = assembly,
                //        ProjectPath = path
                //    });

            //4. vertical project references
            //check the project references and determine, using the solution name, which are, and whicha aren't
            //vertical references.
            .ForAll(element =>
                var path        = element.Attribute("Include").Value;
                var projectName = path.ExtractProjectNameFromFilePath();
                Verticals.Add(new ObgDependencyRef
                    ProjectPath = path,
                    ProjectName = projectName