Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Устанавливает способ выравнивания текста.
        /// </summary>
        public void SetHorizontalTextAlignment(HorizontalTextAlignment value)
            if (_horizontalTextAlignment != value)
                _horizontalTextAlignment = value;

                switch (value)
                case HorizontalTextAlignment.Left:
                    Control.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left;

                case HorizontalTextAlignment.Right:
                    Control.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right;

                case HorizontalTextAlignment.Center:
                    Control.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;

                case HorizontalTextAlignment.Justify:
                    Control.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Justify;

                    Control.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public TextAlignment(HorizontalTextAlignment horizontal, VerticalTextAlignment vertical, double horizontalContinuousAlignment, double verticalContinuousAlignment)
     : base(5, 18)
     Horizontal = horizontal;
     Vertical   = vertical;
     HorizontalContinuousAlignment = horizontalContinuousAlignment;
     VerticalContinuousAlignment   = verticalContinuousAlignment;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public TextDescriptor(string text = "CraftLie", string fontName = "Arial", float fontSize = 32, float extrude = 0, HorizontalTextAlignment textAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment.Center, VerticalTextAlignment paragraphAlignment = VerticalTextAlignment.Center)
     : base(PrimitiveType.Text)
     Text               = text;
     FontName           = fontName;
     FontSize           = fontSize;
     Extrude            = extrude;
     TextAlignment      = textAlignment;
     ParagraphAlignment = paragraphAlignment;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Get template of each attribute type
        /// it is used in TextRangeFindDialog.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IList <TemplateData> GetTemplate()
            var boolList = new List <KeyValuePair <bool, string> >()
                new KeyValuePair <bool, string>(false, "False"), new KeyValuePair <bool, string>(true, "True")

            return(new List <TemplateData>
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_AnimationStyleAttributeId, AnimationStyle.GetInstance()),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_BackgroundColorAttributeId),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_BulletStyleAttributeId, BulletStyle.GetInstance()),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_CapStyleAttributeId, CapStyle.GetInstance()),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_CultureAttributeId, CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.InstalledWin32Cultures).Select(c => new KeyValuePair <int, string>(c.LCID, c.EnglishName)).ToList()),
                CreateTemplateData <string>(UIA_FontNameAttributeId),
                CreateTemplateData <double>(UIA_FontSizeAttributeId),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_FontWeightAttributeId, FontWeight.GetInstance()),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_ForegroundColorAttributeId),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_HorizontalTextAlignmentAttributeId, HorizontalTextAlignment.GetInstance()),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_IndentationFirstLineAttributeId),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_IndentationLeadingAttributeId),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_IndentationTrailingAttributeId),
                CreateTemplateData <bool>(UIA_IsHiddenAttributeId, boolList),
                CreateTemplateData <bool>(UIA_IsItalicAttributeId, boolList),
                CreateTemplateData <bool>(UIA_IsReadOnlyAttributeId, boolList),
                CreateTemplateData <bool>(UIA_IsSubscriptAttributeId, boolList),
                CreateTemplateData <bool>(UIA_IsSuperscriptAttributeId, boolList),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_MarginBottomAttributeId),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_MarginLeadingAttributeId),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_MarginTopAttributeId),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_MarginTrailingAttributeId),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_OutlineStylesAttributeId, OutlineStyle.GetInstance()),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_OverlineColorAttributeId),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_OverlineStyleAttributeId, TextDecorationLineStyle.GetInstance()),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_StrikethroughColorAttributeId),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_StrikethroughStyleAttributeId, TextDecorationLineStyle.GetInstance()),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_TabsAttributeId),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_TextFlowDirectionsAttributeId, FlowDirection.GetInstance()),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_UnderlineColorAttributeId),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_UnderlineStyleAttributeId, TextDecorationLineStyle.GetInstance()),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_AnnotationTypesAttributeId, AnnotationType.GetInstance()),
                //CreateTemplateData<int>(UIA_AnnotationObjectsAttributeId, AnimationStyles.GetInstance()),
                CreateTemplateData <string>(UIA_StyleNameAttributeId),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_StyleIdAttributeId, StyleId.GetInstance()),
                //CreateTemplateData<int>(UIA_LinkAttributeId, AnimationStyles.GetInstance()),
                CreateTemplateData <bool>(UIA_IsActiveAttributeId, boolList),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_SelectionActiveEndAttributeId, ActiveEnd.GetInstance()),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_CaretPositionAttributeId, CaretPosition.GetInstance()),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_CaretBidiModeAttributeId, CaretBidiMode.GetInstance()),
                CreateTemplateData <string>(UIA_LineSpacingAttributeId),
                CreateTemplateData <double>(UIA_BeforeParagraphSpacingAttributeId),
                CreateTemplateData <double>(UIA_AfterParagraphSpacingAttributeId),
                CreateTemplateData <int>(UIA_SayAsInterpretAsAttributeId, SayAsInterpretAs.GetInstance()),
Exemplo n.º 5
 private static void SetVerticalAlignment(SerializedProperty alignment, VerticalTextAlignment verticalAlignment)
     foreach (var obj in alignment.serializedObject.targetObjects)
         Text text = obj as Text;
         HorizontalTextAlignment currentHorizontalAlignment = GetHorizontalAlignment(text.alignment);
         Undo.RecordObject(text, "Vertical Alignment");
         text.alignment = GetAnchor(verticalAlignment, currentHorizontalAlignment);
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Set Internal Text Display Settings
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value"></param>
 /// <param name="bold"></param>
 /// <param name="italic"></param>
 /// <param name="size"></param>
 /// <param name="fontFamilyName"></param>
 /// <param name="location"></param>
 /// <param name="alignment"></param>
 /// <param name="rotation"></param>
 internal void InternalSetTextSettings(string value, bool bold, bool italic, double size, string fontFamilyName, DS.Point location, HorizontalTextAlignment alignment, double rotation)
     this.Value          = value;
     this.Bold           = bold;
     this.Italic         = italic;
     this.FontSize       = size;
     this.FontFamilyName = fontFamilyName;
     this.Location       = location;
     this.Alignment      = alignment;
     this.Rotation       = rotation;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public TextItem CreateTextItemFor(
     Player player,
     string text,
     Vector2 position,
     float scale      = 1,
     Color?color      = null,
     byte shadowAlpha = 0,
     HorizontalTextAlignment horizontalAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment.Left,
     VerticalTextAlignment verticalAlignment     = VerticalTextAlignment.Top
     return(this.CreateTextItemFor(new Player[] { player }, text, position, scale, color, shadowAlpha, horizontalAlignment, verticalAlignment));
Exemplo n.º 8
        private static void DoHorizontalAligmentControl(Rect position, SerializedProperty alignment)
            TextAnchor ta = (TextAnchor)alignment.intValue;
            HorizontalTextAlignment horizontalAlignment = GetHorizontalAlignment(ta);

            bool leftAlign   = (horizontalAlignment == HorizontalTextAlignment.Left);
            bool centerAlign = (horizontalAlignment == HorizontalTextAlignment.Center);
            bool rightAlign  = (horizontalAlignment == HorizontalTextAlignment.Right);

            if (alignment.hasMultipleDifferentValues)
                foreach (var obj in alignment.serializedObject.targetObjects)
                    Text text = obj as Text;
                    horizontalAlignment = GetHorizontalAlignment(text.alignment);
                    leftAlign           = leftAlign || (horizontalAlignment == HorizontalTextAlignment.Left);
                    centerAlign         = centerAlign || (horizontalAlignment == HorizontalTextAlignment.Center);
                    rightAlign          = rightAlign || (horizontalAlignment == HorizontalTextAlignment.Right);

            position.width = kAlignmentButtonWidth;

            EditorToggle(position, leftAlign, leftAlign ? Styles.m_LeftAlignTextActive : Styles.m_LeftAlignText, Styles.alignmentButtonLeft);
            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                SetHorizontalAlignment(alignment, HorizontalTextAlignment.Left);

            position.x += position.width;
            EditorToggle(position, centerAlign, centerAlign ? Styles.m_CenterAlignTextActive : Styles.m_CenterAlignText, Styles.alignmentButtonMid);
            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                SetHorizontalAlignment(alignment, HorizontalTextAlignment.Center);

            position.x += position.width;
            EditorToggle(position, rightAlign, rightAlign ? Styles.m_RightAlignTextActive : Styles.m_RightAlignText, Styles.alignmentButtonRight);
            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                SetHorizontalAlignment(alignment, HorizontalTextAlignment.Right);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public TestCase(
     TickBarPlacement placement,
     bool isDirectionReversed,
     HorizontalTextAlignment horizontalTextAlignment,
     VerticalTextAlignment verticalTextAlignment,
     double tickFrequency,
     DoubleCollection ticks,
     Thickness padding)
     this.Placement           = placement;
     this.IsDirectionReversed = isDirectionReversed;
     this.TickFrequency       = tickFrequency;
     this.Ticks   = ticks;
     this.Padding = padding;
     this.HorizontalTextAlignment = horizontalTextAlignment;
     this.VerticalTextAlignment   = verticalTextAlignment;
Exemplo n.º 10
    public TextItem CreateTextItemFor(
        IEnumerable <Player> players,
        string text,
        Vector2 position,
        float scale      = 1,
        Color?color      = null,
        byte shadowAlpha = 0,
        HorizontalTextAlignment horizontalAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment.Left,
        VerticalTextAlignment verticalAlignment     = VerticalTextAlignment.Top
        var textItem = new TextItem(++this.textItemId);

        byte format = (byte)(((byte)horizontalAlignment) | ((byte)verticalAlignment));
        var  packet = new TextItemPacket(textItem.Id, position, text, scale, color, format, shadowAlpha);


Exemplo n.º 11
        public DrawTextDescription(Matrix transformation, Color4 color, BlendMode blendMode = BlendMode.TextDefault,
                                   string text       = "CraftLie",
                                   float size        = 12,
                                   string fontName   = "Arial",
                                   FontWeight weight = FontWeight.Normal,
                                   FontStyle style   = FontStyle.Normal,
                                   HorizontalTextAlignment horizontalAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment.Left,
                                   VerticalTextAlignment verticalAlignment     = VerticalTextAlignment.Top,
                                   float textWidth = 100)
            Transformation = transformation;
            Color          = color;
            Blending       = blendMode;

            Text                = text;
            Size                = size;
            FontName            = fontName;
            Weight              = weight;
            Style               = style;
            HorizontalAlignment = horizontalAlignment;
            VerticalAlignment   = verticalAlignment;
            TextWidth           = textWidth;
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Uworzenie zawartości wiersza na podstawie tablicy pól i szerokości kolumn
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="values">Tablica pól wiersza, pola wylądują w kolumnach</param>
        /// <param name="columnsWidths">Szerokości kolumn do których powędrują pola</param>
        /// <param name="horizontalTextAlignment">Sposób wyrównania tekstu w poziomie, domyślnie jest do lewej</param>
        /// <returns>Zawartość wiersza</returns>
        public static string GetRow(string[] values, int[] columnsWidths, HorizontalTextAlignment horizontalTextAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment.Left)
            string        fieldContent;                        //Tutaj będzie tymczasowo porzechowywana zawartość danego pola wiersza
            int           fieldContentWidth;                   //Tutaj będzie tymaczasowo przechowywana szerokość zawartości kolumny w której będzie pole
            StringBuilder rowContent = new StringBuilder("|"); //Utworzenie wstępnej zawartości wiersza, lewa krawędź wiersza.

            values.ForEach((x, index) =>                       //Przejście po wszystkich polach
                fieldContentWidth = columnsWidths[index];      //Ustawienie szerokości zawartości danego pola

                fieldContent = horizontalTextAlignment == HorizontalTextAlignment.Left ? x.PadRight(fieldContentWidth) :
                               horizontalTextAlignment == HorizontalTextAlignment.Right ? x.PadLeft(fieldContentWidth) : x.PadBoth(fieldContentWidth);
                //Wybranie odpowiedniej techniki zapełniania wolnego miejsca spacjami w zależności od wybranego sposobu wyrównania tekstu

                rowContent.AppendFormat(" {0} |", fieldContent); //Dodanie do zawartości wiersza zawartość pola, oddzielenie spacją od lewej krawędzi i od prawej oraz dodanie prawej krawędzi pola

                 * Zostaje pobrana szerokość zawartości kolumny do której powędruje pole. Jeśli pole ma mniejszą długość od zawartości kolumny, to z prawej strony zostaną dodane spacje, by
                 * każda kolumna i wiersz miały takie same szerokości

            return(rowContent.ToString()); //Zwrócenie zawartości wiersza
Exemplo n.º 13
        private void setCell(int col, int row, object content, int colSpan, int rowSpan, bool noWrap, HorizontalTextAlignment? alignment, ConsoleColor? background = null)
            if (col < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("col", col, @"""col"" cannot be negative.");
            if (row < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("row", row, @"""row"" cannot be negative.");
            if (colSpan < 1)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("colSpan", colSpan, @"""colSpan"" cannot be less than 1.");
            if (rowSpan < 1)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("rowSpan", rowSpan, @"""rowSpan"" cannot be less than 1.");
            if (content == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("content");

            // Complain if setting this cell would overlap with another cell due to its colspan or rowspan
            if (row >= _cells.Count || col >= _cells[row].Count || _cells[row][col] == null || _cells[row][col] is surrogateCell)
                for (int x = 0; x < colSpan; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < rowSpan; y++)
                        if (row + y < _cells.Count && col + x < _cells[row + y].Count && _cells[row + y][col + x] is surrogateCell)
                            var sur = (surrogateCell) _cells[row][col];
                            var real = (trueCell) _cells[sur.RealRow][sur.RealCol];
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(@"The cell at column {0}, row {1} is already occupied because the cell at column {2}, row {3} has colspan {4} and rowspan {5}.".Fmt(col, row, sur.RealCol, sur.RealRow, real.ColSpan, real.RowSpan));

            ensureCell(col, row);

            // If the cell contains a true cell, remove it with all its surrogates
            if (_cells[row][col] is trueCell)
                var tr = (trueCell) _cells[row][col];
                for (int x = 0; x < tr.ColSpan; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < tr.RowSpan; y++)
                        _cells[row + y][col + x] = null;

            // Insert the cell in the right place
            _cells[row][col] = new trueCell
                ColSpan = colSpan,
                RowSpan = rowSpan,
                Value = content,
                NoWrap = noWrap,
                Alignment = alignment,
                Background = background

            // For cells with span, insert the appropriate surrogate cells.
            for (int x = 0; x < colSpan; x++)
                for (int y = x == 0 ? 1 : 0; y < rowSpan; y++)
                    ensureCell(col + x, row + y);
                    _cells[row + y][col + x] = new surrogateCell { RealCol = col, RealRow = row };
 public ExplicitLinearTextPosition(HorizontalTextAlignment horizontal, VerticalTextAlignment vertical)
     this.Horizontal = horizontal;
     this.Vertical   = vertical;
Exemplo n.º 15
        public static void WriteDataTable(DataTable dt, HorizontalTextAlignment horizontalTextAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment.Left)
            List <string[]> rowsFields = dt.GetColumnsAndRowsStringArray().ToList();

            WriteTableFromFields(rowsFields, true, horizontalTextAlignment);
Exemplo n.º 16
 public void Text(Context context,  string txt, HorizontalTextAlignment horizontal = HorizontalTextAlignment.Center, VerticalTextAlignment vertical = VerticalTextAlignment.Middle)
     context.SelectFontFace ("Sans", FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Normal);
     //context.SetFontSize (_surface.Height / 10);
     context.SetFontSize (14);
     var extends = context.TextExtents (txt);
     double x, y;
     x = -(((double)horizontal) / 2 * extends.Width + extends.XBearing);
     y = -(((double)vertical) / 2 * extends.Height + extends.YBearing);
     context.RelMoveTo (x, y);
     context.ShowText (txt);
Exemplo n.º 17
    public static List <TextLine> GetLines(string inText,
                                           GUIBase_FontEx inFont,
                                           HorizontalTextAlignment inAlignment,
                                           float inMaxlineWidth,
                                           Vector3 inScale,
                                           float inLineSpacePct,
                                           bool isForTextField = false)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inText) == true)
        if (inMaxlineWidth <= 0.0f)
        if (inScale == Vector3.zero)

        List <TextLine> lines            = new List <TextLine>();
        TextLine        newLine          = null;
        int             lastSpaceIndex   = -1;
        float           widthAtLastSpace = 0;
        float           widthOfSpace     = inFont.GetCharWidth((int)' ') * inScale.x;
        float           charWidth        = 0;
        float           fontHeight       = inFont.GetFontHeight();

        for (int i = 0; i < inText.Length; ++i)
            if (newLine == null)
                newLine = new TextLine();
                newLine.m_StartIndex = i;
                newLine.m_SpaceWidth = widthOfSpace;
                lastSpaceIndex       = -1;
                widthAtLastSpace     = 0;

            int character = (int)inText[i];

            if (!isForTextField && character == ' ')
                lastSpaceIndex    = i;
                widthAtLastSpace  = newLine.m_Size.x;
                newLine.m_Size.x += widthOfSpace;
            switch (character)
            case '\n':
                newLine.m_EndIndex       = i;
                newLine.m_EndOfParagraph = true;
                newLine = null;

                charWidth = inFont.GetCharWidth(character) * inScale.x;
                if (newLine.m_Size.x + charWidth > inMaxlineWidth)
                    if (lastSpaceIndex >= 0)
                        newLine.m_Size.x   = widthAtLastSpace;
                        newLine.m_EndIndex = lastSpaceIndex;
                        i = lastSpaceIndex;
                        newLine.m_EndIndex = i;
                        i = i - 1;

                    newLine.m_EndOfParagraph = false;
                    if ((newLine.m_EndIndex - newLine.m_StartIndex) < 1)
                        //this line is invalid. It looks that actual character is too width for inMaxlineWidth
                        // skip it.
                        Debug.LogWarning("Can't generate line for character: " + (char)character);

                    newLine = null;
                    newLine.m_Size.x += charWidth;


        if (newLine != null)
            newLine.m_EndIndex       = inText.Length;
            newLine.m_EndOfParagraph = true;

            if ((newLine.m_EndIndex - newLine.m_StartIndex) == 0)
                Debug.LogWarning("Empty line");

        float yOffset = 0;

        // Compute x offset of lines by TextAlignment.
        foreach (TextLine line in lines)
            // remove spaces from start and end of line...
            TrimSpaces(inText, line, widthOfSpace);

            // Check line validity...
            if ((line.m_EndIndex - line.m_StartIndex) == 0)
                //Debug.LogWarning("Empty line");

            // setup line x offset based on TextAlignment...
            float span = (inMaxlineWidth - line.m_Size.x);

            switch (inAlignment)
            case HorizontalTextAlignment.Left:
                line.m_Offset.x = 0.0f;

            case HorizontalTextAlignment.Center:
                line.m_Offset.x = span * 0.5f;

            case HorizontalTextAlignment.Right:
                line.m_Offset.x = span;

            case HorizontalTextAlignment.Justify:
                if (line.m_EndOfParagraph == false && line.m_NumOfSpaces > 0)
                    line.m_SpaceWidth += span / (float)line.m_NumOfSpaces;

                Debug.LogError("Unknown Horizontal text alignment !!!! " + inAlignment);

            yOffset        += 0.5f * fontHeight * inScale.y;
            line.m_Offset.y = yOffset;
            yOffset        += 0.5f * fontHeight * inScale.y;
            yOffset        += inLineSpacePct * fontHeight * inScale.y;

Exemplo n.º 18
        private void AddTextAttribute(CG.List <Atk.Attribute> attrs,
                                      Atk.TextAttribute atkAttr,
                                      ITextRangeProvider textRange)
            if (textRange == null)

            string name = Atk.TextAdapter.AttributeGetName(atkAttr);
            string val  = null;
            object tmp;

            switch (atkAttr)
            case Atk.TextAttribute.Style:
                if (IsAttrNotNullOrMultiValued(TextPattern.IsItalicAttribute.Id,
                                               textRange, out tmp))
                    val = ((bool)tmp) ? "italic" : "normal";

            case Atk.TextAttribute.Justification:
                if (!IsAttrNotNullOrMultiValued(TextPattern.HorizontalTextAlignmentAttribute.Id,
                                                textRange, out tmp))

                HorizontalTextAlignment align = (HorizontalTextAlignment)tmp;
                if (align == HorizontalTextAlignment.Left)
                    val = "left";
                else if (align == HorizontalTextAlignment.Right)
                    val = "right";
                else if (align == HorizontalTextAlignment.Centered)
                    val = "center";
                else if (align == HorizontalTextAlignment.Justified)
                    val = "fill";

            case Atk.TextAttribute.FgColor:
                if (IsAttrNotNullOrMultiValued(TextPattern.ForegroundColorAttribute.Id,
                                               textRange, out tmp))
                    Color fgColor = Color.FromArgb((int)tmp);
                    val = String.Format("{0},{1},{2}", fgColor.R, fgColor.G, fgColor.B);

            case Atk.TextAttribute.BgColor:
                if (IsAttrNotNullOrMultiValued(TextPattern.BackgroundColorAttribute.Id,
                                               textRange, out tmp))
                    Color fgColor = Color.FromArgb((int)tmp);
                    val = String.Format("{0},{1},{2}", fgColor.R, fgColor.G, fgColor.B);

            case Atk.TextAttribute.FamilyName:
                if (IsAttrNotNullOrMultiValued(TextPattern.FontNameAttribute.Id,
                                               textRange, out tmp))
                    val = (string)tmp;

            case Atk.TextAttribute.Weight:
                if (IsAttrNotNullOrMultiValued(TextPattern.FontWeightAttribute.Id,
                                               textRange, out tmp))
                    val = ((int)tmp).ToString();

            case Atk.TextAttribute.Strikethrough:
                if (IsAttrNotNullOrMultiValued(TextPattern.StrikethroughStyleAttribute.Id,
                                               textRange, out tmp))
                    TextDecorationLineStyle strikeStyle = (TextDecorationLineStyle)tmp;
                    val = strikeStyle == TextDecorationLineStyle.None ? "false" : "true";

            case Atk.TextAttribute.Underline:
                if (!IsAttrNotNullOrMultiValued(TextPattern.UnderlineStyleAttribute.Id,
                                                textRange, out tmp))

                TextDecorationLineStyle underlineStyle = (TextDecorationLineStyle)tmp;
                if (underlineStyle == TextDecorationLineStyle.None)
                    val = "none";
                else if (underlineStyle == TextDecorationLineStyle.Double ||
                         underlineStyle == TextDecorationLineStyle.DoubleWavy)
                    val = "double";
                    val = "single";

            case Atk.TextAttribute.PixelsBelowLines:
                if (IsAttrNotNullOrMultiValued(TextPattern.IndentationTrailingAttribute.Id,
                                               textRange, out tmp))
                    val = ((int)tmp).ToString();

            case Atk.TextAttribute.PixelsAboveLines:
                if (IsAttrNotNullOrMultiValued(TextPattern.IndentationLeadingAttribute.Id,
                                               textRange, out tmp))
                    val = ((int)tmp).ToString();

            case Atk.TextAttribute.Editable:
                if (IsAttrNotNullOrMultiValued(TextPattern.IsReadOnlyAttribute.Id,
                                               textRange, out tmp))
                    val = !((bool)tmp) ? "true" : "false";

            case Atk.TextAttribute.Invisible:
                if (IsAttrNotNullOrMultiValued(TextPattern.IsHiddenAttribute.Id,
                                               textRange, out tmp))
                    val = ((bool)tmp) ? "true" : "false";

            case Atk.TextAttribute.Indent:
                if (IsAttrNotNullOrMultiValued(TextPattern.IndentationFirstLineAttribute.Id,
                                               textRange, out tmp))
                    val = ((int)tmp).ToString();

            if (val != null)
                attrs.Add(new Atk.Attribute {
                    Name = name, Value = val
Exemplo n.º 19
 ///Draws text at a location in the 2d gui coordinates.
 ///<param name="font">
 ///The font to draw with, usually specified by a GUIStyle.
 ///<param name="offset">
 ///Point where to start drawing the text.
 ///<param name="size">
 ///Margins used to calculate the text alignment.
 ///<param name="horizontalAlignment">
 ///Horizontal justification of the text relative to the offset.
 ///<param name="color">The color to draw the text as.</param>
 ///<param name="text">The string to be drawn.</param>
 public static void JustifiedText(
   Resource<SpriteFont> font,
   Vector2 offset,
   Vector2 size,
   HorizontalTextAlignment horizontalAlignment,
   Color color,
   string text)
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Wyświetlenie kolekcji pól wierszy w formie tabeli z nagłówkiem lub bez
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rowsFields">Kolekcja pól wierszów</param>
        /// <param name="hasHeader">Czy ma nagłówek. Jeśli tak, to zostanie wyróżniony ramką</param>
        /// <param name="horizontalTextAlignment">Sposób wyrównania tekstu w poziomie, domyślnie jest do lewej</param>
        public static void WriteTableFromFields(IList <string[]> rowsFields, bool hasHeader = true, HorizontalTextAlignment horizontalTextAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment.Left)
            if (rowsFields.IsEmpty()) //Czy kolekcja pól wierszy zawiera jakiekolwiek elementy
                WriteLine();          //Wyświetlenie pustej linii

                return;               //Wyjście z metody

            string[] firstRowFields = rowsFields[0];                        //Pobranie pól pierwszego elementu kolekcji

            int[] columnsWidths = StringUtils.GetColumnsWidths(rowsFields); //Pobranie szerokości zawartości kolumn na podstawie kolekcji pól wierszy

            WriteRowDelimiter(columnsWidths); //Wyświetlenie górnej krawędzi tabeli na o określonej szerokości, na podstawie obliczonych szerokości kolumn

            string firstRow = GetRow(firstRowFields, columnsWidths, horizontalTextAlignment); //Pobranie pól z pierwszego elementu kolekcji i na tej podstawie utworzenie zawartości wiersza biorąc pod uwagę maksymalną szerokość kolumn

            if (hasHeader)                                                                    //Czy tabela ma posiadać nagłówek
                WriteHeader(firstRow, columnsWidths);                                         //Wyświetlenie nagłówka tabeli na podstawie zawartości pierwszego wiersza tabeli biorąc pod uwagę szerokości kolumn, pod nagłówkiemzostanie dodana krawędź
                WriteRow(firstRow); //Wyświetlenie pierwszego wiersza tabeli

            WriteRows(rowsFields, columnsWidths, horizontalTextAlignment); //Wyświetlenie pozostałych wierszy na podstawie kolekcji pól wierszy biorąc pod uwagę szerokość kolumn
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Wyświetlenie kolekcji obiektów w formie tabeli z nagłówkiem lub bez
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">Typ obiektu, który ma zostać przetworzony na dany wiersz tabeli. Musi być to typ referencyjny, czyli klasa</typeparam>
        /// <param name="collection">Kolekcja obiektów do przetworzenia</param>
        /// <param name="hasHeader">Czy ma nagłówek. Jeśli tak, to zostanie wyróżniony ramką</param>
        /// <param name="horizontalTextAlignment">Sposób wyrównania tekstu w poziomie, domyślnie jest do lewej</param>
        public static void WriteTableFromObjects <T>(IEnumerable <T> collection, bool hasHeader = true, HorizontalTextAlignment horizontalTextAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment.Left) where T : class
            List <string[]> rowsFields = collection.Select(x => ReflectionUtils.GetObjectPropertyStringValues(x).ToArray()).ToList(); //Zwrócenie kolekcji pól dla obiektów

            //Z każdego obiektu zostają pobrane wartości właściwości i zostają przekonwertowane na tablicę łańcuchów znaków - tablicę pól dla danego wiersza

            WriteTableFromFields(rowsFields, hasHeader, horizontalTextAlignment); //Wyświetlenie kolekcji pól w formie tabeli z nagłówkiem lub bez
Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Wyświetlenie na konsoli tabeli z danymi z pliku CSV
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath">Ścieżka do pliku CSV</param>
        /// <param name="hasHeader">Czy ma nagłówek. Jeśli tak, to zostanie wyróżniony ramką</param>
        /// <param name="skipFirstLine">Czy pominąć pierwszą linię pliku CSV, zazwyczaj jest to nagłówek, a nie zawsze jest potrzebny</param>
        /// <param name="delimiter">Znak oddzielający dane w liniach pliku CSV</param>
        /// <param name="shouldSkipRecord">Warunek. który musi spełnić dana linia, by została wzięta pod uwagę</param>
        /// <param name="horizontalTextAlignment">Sposób wyrównania tekstu w poziomie, domyślnie jest do lewej</param>
        public static void WriteTableFromCSV(string filePath, bool hasHeader = true, bool skipFirstLine = false, string delimiter = ",", Func <string[], bool> shouldSkipRecord = null, HorizontalTextAlignment horizontalTextAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment.Left)
            List <string[]> rowsFields = CSVUtils.ParseCSVLines(filePath, skipFirstLine, delimiter, shouldSkipRecord).ToList(); //Zwrócenie kolekcji pól dla wybranych linii pliku CSV

            WriteTableFromFields(rowsFields, hasHeader, horizontalTextAlignment);                                               //Wyświetlenie kolekcji pól w formie tabeli z nagłówkiem lub bez
Exemplo n.º 23
 /// <summary>
 ///     Writes the specified <see cref="FormattableString"/> to the console.</summary>
 /// <param name="value">
 ///     Formattable string. You can use an interpolated string literal here.</param>
 /// <param name="foreground">
 ///     Default foreground color when an interpolated variable isn’t a <see cref="ConsoleColoredString"/> or <see
 ///     cref="ConsoleColoredChar"/> or a foreground color is unspecified.</param>
 /// <param name="background">
 ///     Default background color when an interpolated variable isn’t a <see cref="ConsoleColoredString"/> or <see
 ///     cref="ConsoleColoredChar"/> or a background color is unspecified.</param>
 /// <param name="stdErr">
 ///     <c>true</c> to print to Standard Error instead of Standard Output.</param>
 /// <param name="align">
 ///     Horizontal alignment of the string within the remaining space of the current line. If the string does not fit,
 ///     it will be printed as if left-aligned.</param>
 public static void WriteLine(FormattableString value, ConsoleColor?foreground = null, ConsoleColor?background = null, bool stdErr = false, HorizontalTextAlignment align = HorizontalTextAlignment.Left)
     WriteLine(value.Format.Color(foreground, background).Fmt(value.GetArguments()), stdErr, align);
Exemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Set Text
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="location"></param>
        /// <param name="alignment"></param>
        /// <param name="angle"></param>
        private void InternalSetType(string value, RVT.TextNoteType type, XYZ location, HorizontalTextAlignment alignment, double angle)
            int    bold     = type.LookupParameter("Bold").AsInteger();
            int    italic   = type.LookupParameter("Italic").AsInteger();
            string font     = type.LookupParameter("Text Font").AsString();
            double size     = type.LookupParameter("Text Size").AsDouble();
            bool   isBold   = (bold == 1) ? true : false;
            bool   isItalic = (italic == 1) ? true : false;

            InternalSetTextSettings(value, isBold, isItalic, size, font, location.ToPoint(true), alignment, angle);
Exemplo n.º 25
 /// <summary>
 ///     Places the specified content into the cell at the specified co-ordinates.</summary>
 /// <param name="col">
 ///     Column where to place the content.</param>
 /// <param name="row">
 ///     Row where to place the content.</param>
 /// <param name="content">
 ///     The content to place.</param>
 /// <param name="colSpan">
 ///     The number of columns to span.</param>
 /// <param name="rowSpan">
 ///     The number of rows to span.</param>
 /// <param name="noWrap">
 ///     If true, indicates that this cell should not be automatically word-wrapped except at explicit newlines in
 ///     <paramref name="content"/>. The cell is word-wrapped only if doing so is necessary to fit all no-wrap cells
 ///     into the table's total width. If false, the cell is automatically word-wrapped to optimise the table's layout.</param>
 /// <param name="alignment">
 ///     How to align the contents within the cell, or null to use <see cref="DefaultAlignment"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="background">
 ///     Specifies a background color for the whole cell, including its empty space. Characters with background colors
 ///     in the input string take precedence for those characters only.</param>
 public void SetCell(int col, int row, ConsoleColoredString content, int colSpan = 1, int rowSpan = 1, bool noWrap = false, HorizontalTextAlignment? alignment = null, ConsoleColor? background = null)
     setCell(col, row, content, colSpan, rowSpan, noWrap, alignment, background);
Exemplo n.º 26
        private static TextAnchor GetAnchor(VerticalTextAlignment verticalTextAlignment, HorizontalTextAlignment horizontalTextAlignment)
            TextAnchor ac = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;

            switch (horizontalTextAlignment)
            case HorizontalTextAlignment.Left:
                switch (verticalTextAlignment)
                case VerticalTextAlignment.Bottom:
                    ac = TextAnchor.LowerLeft;

                case VerticalTextAlignment.Middle:
                    ac = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;

                    ac = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;

            case HorizontalTextAlignment.Center:
                switch (verticalTextAlignment)
                case VerticalTextAlignment.Bottom:
                    ac = TextAnchor.LowerCenter;

                case VerticalTextAlignment.Middle:
                    ac = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;

                    ac = TextAnchor.UpperCenter;

                switch (verticalTextAlignment)
                case VerticalTextAlignment.Bottom:
                    ac = TextAnchor.LowerRight;

                case VerticalTextAlignment.Middle:
                    ac = TextAnchor.MiddleRight;

                    ac = TextAnchor.UpperRight;
Exemplo n.º 27
 ///Draws text at a location in the 2d gui coordinates.
 ///<param name="font">
 ///The font to draw with, usually specified by a GUIStyle.
 ///<param name="offset">
 ///Point where to start drawing the text.
 ///<param name="size">
 ///Margins used to calculate the text alignment.
 ///<param name="horizontalAlignment">
 ///Horizontal justification of the text relative to the offset.
 ///<param name="horizontalPadding">left/right padding</param>
 ///<param name="verticalAlignment">
 ///Vertical justification of the text relative to the offset.
 ///<param name="verticalPadding">top/bottom padding</param>
 ///<param name="color">The color to draw the text as.</param>
 ///<param name="text">The string to be drawn.</param>
 public static void JustifiedText(
   Resource<SpriteFont> font,
   Vector2 offset,
   Vector2 size,
   HorizontalTextAlignment horizontalAlignment,
   float horizontalPadding,
   VerticalTextAlignment verticalAlignment,
   float verticalPadding,
   Color color,
   string text)
         offset + Instance._defaultOffset,
Exemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Set Text
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="location"></param>
        /// <param name="alignment"></param>
        /// <param name="angle"></param>
        private void InternalSetType(string value, RVT.TextNoteType type, XYZ location, HorizontalTextAlignment alignment, double angle)
            int    bold     = type.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.TEXT_STYLE_BOLD).AsInteger();
            int    italic   = type.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.TEXT_STYLE_ITALIC).AsInteger();
            string font     = type.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.TEXT_FONT).AsString();
            double size     = type.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.TEXT_SIZE).AsDouble();
            bool   isBold   = (bold == 1) ? true : false;
            bool   isItalic = (italic == 1) ? true : false;

            InternalSetTextSettings(value, isBold, isItalic, size, font, location.ToPoint(true), alignment, angle);
Exemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TextNode"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">The text you want to display.</param>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the SceneNode.</param>
        /// <param name="vs">The vertex shader you want to use..</param>
        /// <param name="ps">The pixel shader you want to use.</param>
        /// <param name="anchors">Anchors for the mesh. Influences the scaling of the object if the enclosing canvas is resized.</param>
        /// <param name="offsets">The offsets.</param>
        /// <param name="fontMap">Offsets for the mesh. Defines the position of the object relative to its enclosing UI element.</param>
        /// <param name="color">The color.</param>
        /// <param name="horizontalAlignment">The <see cref="HorizontalTextAlignment"/> defines the text's placement along the enclosing <see cref="MinMaxRect"/>'s x-axis.</param>
        /// <param name="verticalTextAlignment">The <see cref="HorizontalTextAlignment"/> defines the text's placement along the enclosing <see cref="MinMaxRect"/>'s y-axis.</param>
        public TextNode(string text, string name, string vs, string ps, MinMaxRect anchors, MinMaxRect offsets,
                        FontMap fontMap, float4 color, HorizontalTextAlignment horizontalAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment.Left, VerticalTextAlignment verticalTextAlignment = VerticalTextAlignment.Top)
            var textMesh = new GUIText(fontMap, text, horizontalAlignment)
                Name = name + "textMesh"

            var xFormText = new XFormText
                Width  = textMesh.Width,
                Height = textMesh.Height,
                HorizontalAlignment = textMesh.HorizontalAlignment,
                VerticalAlignment   = verticalTextAlignment

            Name       = name;
            Components = new List <SceneComponent>
                new RectTransform
                    Name    = name + "_RectTransform",
                    Anchors = anchors,
                    Offsets = offsets
                new XForm
                    Name = name + "_XForm",

            Children = new ChildList()
                new SceneNode()
                    Components = new List <SceneComponent>()
                        new ShaderEffect(new[]
                            new EffectPassDeclaration
                                VS       = vs,
                                PS       = ps,
                                StateSet = new RenderStateSet
                                    AlphaBlendEnable = true,
                                    SourceBlend      = Blend.SourceAlpha,
                                    DestinationBlend = Blend.InverseSourceAlpha,
                                    BlendOperation   = BlendOperation.Add,
                                    ZEnable          = false
                            new EffectParameterDeclaration
                                Name  = "DiffuseTexture",
                                Value = new Texture(fontMap.Image)
                            new EffectParameterDeclaration
                                Name = "DiffuseColor", Value = color
                            new EffectParameterDeclaration {
                                Name = "DiffuseMix", Value = 0.0f
                            new EffectParameterDeclaration {
                                Name = "FUSEE_ITMV", Value = float4x4.Identity
                            new EffectParameterDeclaration {
                                Name = "FUSEE_MVP", Value = float4x4.Identity
Exemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Wyświetlenie kolekcji pól wierszy w formie tabeli
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rowsFields">Kolekcja pól wierszy</param>
        /// <param name="columnsWidths">Szerokość zawartości kolumn</param>
        /// <param name="horizontalTextAlignment">Sposób wyrównania tekstu w poziomie, domyślnie jest do lewej</param>
        public static void WriteRows(IEnumerable <string[]> rowsFields, int[] columnsWidths, HorizontalTextAlignment horizontalTextAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment.Left)
            string row;                                                     //Tu będzie przechowywana tymaczasowo zawartość danego wiersza

            foreach (var item in rowsFields.Skip(1))                        //Przejście po wszystkich kolekcjach pól wierszy pomijając pierwszy wiersz, pierwszy element kolekcji
                row = GetRow(item, columnsWidths, horizontalTextAlignment); //Utworzenie zawartości wiersza na podstawie pól wiersza biorąc pod uwagę szerokość zawartości kolumn

                WriteRow(row);                                              //Wyświetlenie zawartości wiersza bez oczkiwania na wciśnięcie klawisza

            WriteRowDelimiter(columnsWidths); //Wyświetlenie dolnej krawędzi tabeli

            //WriteLine(); //Wyświetlenie pustej linii
Exemplo n.º 31
        /// <summary>
        ///     Writes the specified <see cref="ConsoleColoredString"/> followed by a newline to the console.</summary>
        /// <param name="value">
        ///     The string to print to the console.</param>
        /// <param name="stdErr">
        ///     <c>true</c> to print to Standard Error instead of Standard Output.</param>
        /// <param name="align">
        ///     Horizontal alignment of the string within the remaining space of the current line. If the string does not fit,
        ///     it will be printed as if left-aligned.</param>
        public static void WriteLine(ConsoleColoredString value, bool stdErr = false, HorizontalTextAlignment align = HorizontalTextAlignment.Left)
            var output = stdErr ? Console.Error : Console.Out;

            if (value != null)
                var cursorLeft = 0;
                try { cursorLeft = Console.CursorLeft; }
                catch { }
                var width = WrapToWidth() - cursorLeft;
                if (align == HorizontalTextAlignment.Center && width > value.Length)
                    output.Write(new string(' ', (width - value.Length) / 2));
                else if (align == HorizontalTextAlignment.Right && width > value.Length)
                    output.Write(new string(' ', width - value.Length));
Exemplo n.º 32
 /// <summary>
 ///     Writes the specified <see cref="ConsoleColoredString"/> followed by a newline to the console.</summary>
 /// <param name="value">
 ///     The string to print to the console.</param>
 /// <param name="stdErr">
 ///     <c>true</c> to print to Standard Error instead of Standard Output.</param>
 /// <param name="align">
 ///     Horizontal alignment of the string within the remaining space of the current line. If the string does not fit,
 ///     it will be printed as if left-aligned.</param>
 public static void WriteLine(ConsoleColoredString value, bool stdErr = false, HorizontalTextAlignment align = HorizontalTextAlignment.Left)
     var output = stdErr ? Console.Error : Console.Out;
     if (value != null)
         var cursorLeft = 0;
         try { cursorLeft = Console.CursorLeft; }
         catch { }
         var width = WrapToWidth() - cursorLeft;
         if (align == HorizontalTextAlignment.Center && width > value.Length)
             output.Write(new string(' ', (width - value.Length) / 2));
         else if (align == HorizontalTextAlignment.Right && width > value.Length)
             output.Write(new string(' ', width - value.Length));