async void hscroll1And2_ItemSelected(object sender, HScrollEventArgs e)
            HorizontalScrollLayout layout = (HorizontalScrollLayout)sender;
            ContentView            view   = e.Template;

            if (layout.Id.ToString() == HScroll1.Id.ToString())
                HScrollViewCell1Data record = (HScrollViewCell1Data)e.Data;
                if (record.shortSelectionTime)
                    await Task.Delay(250);

                    // Unselect item by record
                    // Alternate possibility: unselect the view itself
                HScrollViewCell2Data record = (HScrollViewCell2Data)e.Data;
                if (record.resetSelection)
                    await Task.Delay(250);

                    foreach (object selectedRecord in layout.SelectedItems)
                        if (layout.ItemIsSelected(selectedRecord))
        async void hscroll1And2_ItemSelected(object sender, HScrollEventArgs e)
            HorizontalScrollLayout layout = (HorizontalScrollLayout)sender;

            if (layout.Id.ToString() == this.hscroll1.Id.ToString())
                HScrollViewCell1Data record = (HScrollViewCell1Data)e.Data;
                if (record.shortSelectionTime)
                    await Task.Delay(250);


            if (layout.Id.ToString() == this.hscroll2.Id.ToString())
                HScrollViewCell2Data record = (HScrollViewCell2Data)e.Data;
                if (record.resetSelection)
                    await Task.Delay(250);

                    foreach (object selectedRecord in layout.SelectedItems)
        void hscroll1And2_ItemUnSelected(object sender, HScrollEventArgs e)
            HorizontalScrollLayout layout = (HorizontalScrollLayout)sender;

            if (layout.Id.ToString() == HScroll1.Id.ToString())
                HScrollViewCell1Data record = (HScrollViewCell1Data)e.Data;
            if (layout.Id.ToString() == HScroll2.Id.ToString())
                HScrollViewCell2Data record = (HScrollViewCell2Data)e.Data;
        async void hscroll3_ItemSelected(object sender, HScrollEventArgs e)
            HorizontalScrollLayout layout = (HorizontalScrollLayout)sender;
            HScrollViewCell2Data   record = (HScrollViewCell2Data)e.Data;
            await Task.Delay(250);

            await Task.Delay(100);

            if (layout.Id.ToString() == this.hscroll3.Id.ToString())
Exemplo n.º 5
        protected override View CreateContent()
            var searchBarHeight       = MainPage.PageHeight * 0.07;
            var peopleListHeight      = MainPage.PageHeight * 0.15;
            var currentLocationHeight = MainPage.PageHeight * 0.06;
            var placesHeight          = MainPage.PageHeight * 0.20;
            var morePlacesHeight      = MainPage.PageHeight * 0.34;

            var searchImageSize         = MainPage.PageHeight / 25.001;
            var searchContentleftOffset = MainPage.PageHeight / 68.342;
            var searchContenttopOffset  = MainPage.PageHeight / 17.855;

            var addPeopleLabelFontSize    = MainPage.PageHeight / 60.6364;
            var addPeopleImageWidthHeight = MainPage.PageHeight / 18.5;
            var addPeopleConytentWidth    = MainPage.PageHeight / 6.8342;
            // var peopleListHeight = 130;

            var currentLocationImageWidthHeight        = MainPage.PageHeight / 30.171;
            var currentLocationLabelSize               = MainPage.PageHeight / 45.636;
            var currentLocationContentDetailLeftOffset = MainPage.PageHeight / 38.342;
            var currentLocationContentLeftRightOffset  = MainPage.PageHeight / 68.342;

            var placesLabelFontSize = MainPage.PageHeight / 45.636;
            var placesImageWidth    = MainPage.PageHeight / 30.171;
            var placesImageHeight   = MainPage.PageHeight / 30.171;
            var placesOffset        = MainPage.PageHeight / 38.342;

            var placesContentOffset = MainPage.PageHeight / 68.342;

            var searchImageWidth  = MainPage.PageHeight / 30.171;
            var searchImageHeight = MainPage.PageHeight / 30.171;
            var searchOffset      = MainPage.PageHeight / 68.342;

            var morePlacesSearchOffset = MainPage.PageHeight / 32.345;

            #region Page Background
            this.BackgroundColor = Color.LightGray;
            this.Opacity         = 1.0;


            #region Сontent

            #region SearchBar

            var searchEntry = new AppSearchEntryEditor
                ImageSize         = searchImageSize,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Placeholder       = "Search People and Places",
                WidthRequest      = 280,
                VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,

            searchPeopleContent = new StackLayout
                Margin          = new Thickness(searchContentleftOffset, searchContenttopOffset, 10, 0),
                BackgroundColor = Color.White,
                HeightRequest   = searchBarHeight,
                Children        =


            #region People List
            var addPeopleLabel = new AppLabel
                FontSize = addPeopleLabelFontSize,
                Text     = "Add People",
                HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
                VerticalTextAlignment   = TextAlignment.End,

            var addPeopleImage = new AppImageCommand
                Source        = "plus_gray",
                WidthRequest  = addPeopleImageWidthHeight,
                HeightRequest = addPeopleImageWidthHeight,

            addPeopleImage.SetBinding(AppImageCommand.CommandProperty, "AddPeopleCommand");

            var addPeopleContent = new StackLayout
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start,
                VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.Center,
                WidthRequest      = addPeopleConytentWidth,
                Children          =
                    addPeopleImage, addPeopleLabel

            var dataHScroll2 = new HScrollViewCell2Data[] {
                new HScrollViewCell2Data {
                    name = "jamie luna", profileImage = "default_user", strokeColor = Color.Red
                new HScrollViewCell2Data {
                    name = "barde luna", profileImage = "default_user", strokeColor = Color.Yellow
                new HScrollViewCell2Data {
                    name = "gerald luna", profileImage = "default_user"
                new HScrollViewCell2Data {
                    name = "jamie luna", profileImage = "default_user"
                new HScrollViewCell2Data {
                    name = "gerald luna", profileImage = "default_user"
                new HScrollViewCell2Data {
                    name = "barde luna", profileImage = "default_user"

            HorizontalScrollLayout peopleList = new HorizontalScrollLayout
                ItemSource    = dataHScroll2,
                ItemTemplate  = new DataTemplate(typeof(HScrollViewCell2)),
                HeightRequest = 130,
                //WidthRequest = 170,
                SelectionBackGroundColor = Color.FromHex("#0040FF"),
                MultiSelection           = false,

            peopleListContent = new StackLayout
                BackgroundColor = Color.White,
                HeightRequest   = peopleListHeight,
                Orientation     = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                Children        =
                    addPeopleContent, peopleList


            #region CurrentLocation

            currentLocationImage = new AppImageCommand
                Source        = "map_gray",
                HeightRequest = currentLocationImageWidthHeight,
                WidthRequest  = currentLocationImageWidthHeight,

            currentLocationImage.SetBinding(AppImageCommand.CommandProperty, "CurrentLocationCommand");

            currentLocationLabel = new AppLabel
                Text = "Current Location",
                VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
                FontSize = currentLocationLabelSize,

            currentLocationContentDetails = new StackLayout
                Orientation     = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
                Padding         = new Thickness(currentLocationContentDetailLeftOffset, 0, 0, 0),
                Children        =
                    currentLocationImage, currentLocationLabel

            currentLocationContent = new StackLayout
                Margin          = new Thickness(currentLocationContentLeftRightOffset, 0, currentLocationContentLeftRightOffset, 0),
                BackgroundColor = Color.White,
                HeightRequest   = currentLocationHeight,
                Children        =


            #region  Places

            schoolImage = new AppImage
                Source        = "star_gray",
                HeightRequest = placesImageHeight,
                WidthRequest  = placesImageHeight,

            schoolLabel = new AppLabel
                Text = "School",
                VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
                FontSize = placesLabelFontSize,

            schoolContent = new StackLayout
                Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                Children    =
                    schoolImage, schoolLabel

            homeLabel = new AppLabel
                Text = "Home",
                VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
                FontSize = placesLabelFontSize,

            homeImage = new AppImage
                Source        = "star_gray",
                HeightRequest = placesImageHeight,
                WidthRequest  = placesImageWidth,

            homeContent = new StackLayout
                Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                Children    =
                    homeImage, homeLabel

            workLabel = new AppLabel
                Text = "Work",
                VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
                FontSize = placesLabelFontSize,

            workImage = new AppImage
                Source        = "star_gray",
                HeightRequest = placesImageHeight,
                WidthRequest  = placesImageWidth,

            workContent = new StackLayout
                Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                Children    =
                    workImage, workLabel

            moreStarredPlacesLabel = new AppTextCommand
                Text = "More Starred Places",
                VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
                FontSize = placesLabelFontSize,

            moreStarredPlacesLabel.SetBinding(AppCommand.TextProperty, new Binding("MoreStarredPlaces", BindingMode.OneWay, null, null, null, AppLanguages.CurrentLanguage));

            moreStarredPlacesLabel.SetBinding(AppTextCommand.CommandProperty, "MoreStarredPlacesCommand");

            moreStarredPlacesImage = new AppImage
                Source        = "star_gray",
                HeightRequest = placesImageHeight,
                WidthRequest  = placesImageWidth,

            moreStarredPlacesContent = new StackLayout
                Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                Children    =
                    moreStarredPlacesImage, moreStarredPlacesLabel

            placesWrapperContent = new StackLayout
                Padding  = new Thickness(placesOffset, placesContentOffset, 0, 0),
                Children =
                    schoolContent, homeContent, workContent, moreStarredPlacesContent

            placesContent = new StackLayout
                Margin          = new Thickness(placesContentOffset, 0, placesContentOffset, 0),
                BackgroundColor = Color.White,
                HeightRequest   = placesHeight,
                Children        =


            #region Search

            searchListView = new ListView
                Margin         = new Thickness(searchOffset, 0, searchOffset, 0),
                HasUnevenRows  = true,
                ItemTemplate   = new DataTemplate(typeof(SearchesTemplate)),
                ItemsSource    = SearchData.GetData(),
                SeparatorColor = Color.White,

            searchListView.HasUnevenRows = true;

            morePreviousSerchesImage = new AppImage
                Source        = "clock_gray",
                WidthRequest  = searchImageWidth,
                HeightRequest = searchImageHeight,

            morePreviousSearchesLabel = new AppTextCommand
                Text = "More Previous Searches"

            morePreviousSearchesLabel.SetBinding(AppTextCommand.CommandProperty, "MoreStarredPlacesCommand");

            morePreviousSearchesContent = new StackLayout
                Padding     = new Thickness(morePlacesSearchOffset, 0, 0, searchOffset),
                Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                Children    =
                    morePreviousSerchesImage, morePreviousSearchesLabel

            searchContent = new StackLayout
                Margin          = new Thickness(searchOffset, 0, searchOffset, 0),
                BackgroundColor = Color.White,
                HeightRequest   = morePlacesHeight,
                Children        =
                    searchListView, morePreviousSearchesContent


            finalContent = new StackLayout
                Spacing = searchOffset,

                Children =
                    searchPeopleContent, peopleListContent, currentLocationContent, placesContent, searchContent


            _scroll = new ScrollView
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Fill,
                VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.Fill,
                Content           = finalContent

        public FormsPage()
            this.Padding = new Thickness(30);

            var dataHScroll1 = new HScrollViewCell1Data[] {
                new HScrollViewCell1Data {
                    id = 1, name = "Item 1", shortSelectionTime = false
                new HScrollViewCell1Data {
                    id = 2, name = "Item 2", shortSelectionTime = false
                new HScrollViewCell1Data {
                    id = 3, name = "Item 3", shortSelectionTime = false
                new HScrollViewCell1Data {
                    id = 4, name = "Item 4", shortSelectionTime = true
                new HScrollViewCell1Data {
                    id = 5, name = "Item 5", shortSelectionTime = false
                new HScrollViewCell1Data {
                    id = 6, name = "Item 6", shortSelectionTime = false
                new HScrollViewCell1Data {
                    id = 7, name = "Item 7", shortSelectionTime = true
                new HScrollViewCell1Data {
                    id = 8, name = "Item 8", shortSelectionTime = false
                new HScrollViewCell1Data {
                    id = 9, name = "Item 9", shortSelectionTime = false
                new HScrollViewCell1Data {
                    id = 10, name = "Item 10", shortSelectionTime = false
                new HScrollViewCell1Data {
                    id = 11, name = "Item 11", shortSelectionTime = false
                new HScrollViewCell1Data {
                    id = 12, name = "Item 12", shortSelectionTime = false
                new HScrollViewCell1Data {
                    id = 13, name = "Item 13", shortSelectionTime = false
                new HScrollViewCell1Data {
                    id = 14, name = "Item 14", shortSelectionTime = true
                new HScrollViewCell1Data {
                    id = 15, name = "Item 15", shortSelectionTime = false
                new HScrollViewCell1Data {
                    id = 16, name = "Item 16", shortSelectionTime = false
                new HScrollViewCell1Data {
                    id = 17, name = "Item 17", shortSelectionTime = true
                new HScrollViewCell1Data {
                    id = 18, name = "Item 18", shortSelectionTime = false
                new HScrollViewCell1Data {
                    id = 19, name = "Item 19", shortSelectionTime = false
                new HScrollViewCell1Data {
                    id = 20, name = "Item 20", shortSelectionTime = false

            this.hscroll1 = new HorizontalScrollLayout
                ItemSource               = dataHScroll1,
                ItemTemplate             = new DataTemplate(typeof(HScrollViewCell1)),
                HeightRequest            = 35,
                SelectionBackGroundColor = Color.Fuchsia,
                MultiSelection           = false
            this.hscroll1.ItemSelected   += hscroll1And2_ItemSelected;
            this.hscroll1.ItemUnSelected += hscroll1And2_ItemUnSelected;

            Label hScroll1Label = new Label
                Text = "Horizontal scrollbar with unique selection"

            StackLayout slHScroll1 = new StackLayout
                Spacing           = 5,
                VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start,
                Children          = { this.hscroll1, hScroll1Label }

            var dataHScroll2 = new HScrollViewCell2Data[] {
                new HScrollViewCell2Data {
                    id = 1, name = "Item 1", resetSelection = false, icon = "icon1.png"
                new HScrollViewCell2Data {
                    id = 2, name = "Item 2", resetSelection = false, icon = "icon2.png"
                new HScrollViewCell2Data {
                    id = 3, name = "Item 3", resetSelection = false, icon = "icon3.png"
                new HScrollViewCell2Data {
                    id = 4, name = "Item 4", resetSelection = true, icon = "icon4.png"
                new HScrollViewCell2Data {
                    id = 5, name = "Item 5", resetSelection = false, icon = "icon5.png"
                new HScrollViewCell2Data {
                    id = 6, name = "Item 6", resetSelection = false, icon = "icon6.png"
                new HScrollViewCell2Data {
                    id = 7, name = "Item 7", resetSelection = true, icon = "icon7.png"
                new HScrollViewCell2Data {
                    id = 8, name = "Item 8", resetSelection = false, icon = "icon8.png"
                new HScrollViewCell2Data {
                    id = 9, name = "Item 9", resetSelection = false, icon = "icon9.png"
                new HScrollViewCell2Data {
                    id = 10, name = "Item 10", resetSelection = false, icon = "icon0.png"
                new HScrollViewCell2Data {
                    id = 11, name = "Item 11", resetSelection = false, icon = "icon1.png"
                new HScrollViewCell2Data {
                    id = 12, name = "Item 12", resetSelection = false, icon = "icon2.png"
                new HScrollViewCell2Data {
                    id = 13, name = "Item 13", resetSelection = false, icon = "icon3.png"
                new HScrollViewCell2Data {
                    id = 14, name = "Item 14", resetSelection = true, icon = "icon4.png"
                new HScrollViewCell2Data {
                    id = 15, name = "Item 15", resetSelection = false, icon = "icon5.png"
                new HScrollViewCell2Data {
                    id = 16, name = "Item 16", resetSelection = false, icon = "icon6.png"
                new HScrollViewCell2Data {
                    id = 17, name = "Item 17", resetSelection = true, icon = "icon7.png"
                new HScrollViewCell2Data {
                    id = 18, name = "Item 18", resetSelection = false, icon = "icon8.png"
                new HScrollViewCell2Data {
                    id = 19, name = "Item 19", resetSelection = false, icon = "icon9.png"
                new HScrollViewCell2Data {
                    id = 20, name = "Item 20", resetSelection = false, icon = "icon0.png"

            this.hscroll2 = new HorizontalScrollLayout
                ItemSource               = dataHScroll2,
                ItemTemplate             = new DataTemplate(typeof(HScrollViewCell2)),
                HeightRequest            = 60,
                SelectionBackGroundColor = Color.Lime,
                MultiSelection           = true
            this.hscroll2.ItemSelected   += hscroll1And2_ItemSelected;
            this.hscroll2.ItemUnSelected += hscroll1And2_ItemUnSelected;

            Label hScroll2Label = new Label
                Text = "Horizontal scrollbar with multiple selection"

            StackLayout slHScroll2 = new StackLayout
                Spacing           = 5,
                VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start,
                Children          = { this.hscroll2, hScroll2Label }

            hscroll3 = new HorizontalScrollLayout
                ItemSource               = dataHScroll2,
                ItemTemplate             = new DataTemplate(typeof(HScrollViewCell2)),
                HeightRequest            = 60,
                SelectionBackGroundColor = Color.Teal,
                MultiSelection           = false
            hscroll3.ItemSelected   += hscroll3_ItemSelected;
            hscroll3.ItemUnSelected += hscroll3_ItemUnSelected;

            Label hScroll3Label = new Label
                Text = "Tapped items here will go into the list below"

            StackLayout slHScroll3 = new StackLayout
                Spacing           = 5,
                VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start,
                Children          = { this.hscroll3, hScroll3Label }

            hscroll4 = new HorizontalScrollLayout
                ItemTemplate             = new DataTemplate(typeof(HScrollViewCell2)),
                HeightRequest            = 60,
                SelectionBackGroundColor = Color.Teal,
                MultiSelection           = false
            hscroll4.ItemSelected   += hscroll3_ItemSelected;
            hscroll4.ItemUnSelected += hscroll3_ItemUnSelected;

            Label hScroll4Label = new Label
                Text = "Tapped items here will go into the list above"

            StackLayout slHScroll4 = new StackLayout
                Spacing           = 5,
                VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start,
                Children          = { this.hscroll4, hScroll4Label }

            Content = new StackLayout
                Spacing           = 10,
                VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start,
                Children          = { slHScroll1, slHScroll2, slHScroll3, slHScroll4 }