public dynamic removeHomecellNotes(dynamic HomecellNotesName)                   //get string parameter
            ReviveCommunicationsDBEntities3 db = new ReviveCommunicationsDBEntities3(); //establish database connection

            db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;                              //configure proxy to eliminate overload of data

                string file = HomecellNotesName.FileName;
                //retrieve Homecell notes to remove based on selected Homecell notes
                Homecell_Notes HCNotes = db.Homecell_Notes.Where(z => z.HomecellNotes == file).FirstOrDefault();

                //Add to Audit trail entity
                Audit_Trail auditLog = new Audit_Trail();
                auditLog.PersonID         = HomecellNotesName.PersonID;
                auditLog.EventDescription = "Removed Homecell Notes with with ID: " + HCNotes.HCNID;
                auditLog.EventDateTime    = DateTime.Now;

            catch (Exception)

        public List <dynamic> HomecellNotesByID([FromBody] Homecell_Notes HomecellNotesID)
            ReviveCommunicationsDBEntities3 db = new ReviveCommunicationsDBEntities3(); //establish database connection

            db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;                              // configure proxy to eliminate overload of memory

            if (HomecellNotesID.HCNID == 0)                                             // if ID is zero all Homecell notes needs to be retrieved by calling the getHomecellNotes method
                return(getHomecellNotes());                                             // return called method

            //if condition and return not met return only the selected Homecell notes
            return(HCNotesInformation(db.Homecell_Notes.Where(z => z.HCNID == HomecellNotesID.HCNID).ToList())); // return called method with where clause
        public dynamic AddHomecellNotes(dynamic HomecellNotesName)                      //get string parameter
            ReviveCommunicationsDBEntities3 db = new ReviveCommunicationsDBEntities3(); //establish database connection

            db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;                              //configure proxy to eliminate overload of data
            dynamic returnMessage = new ExpandoObject();
            string  file          = HomecellNotesName.FileName;

            //check if notes where already added
            Homecell_Notes checkNotes       = db.Homecell_Notes.Where(z => z.HomecellNotes == file).FirstOrDefault();
            Homecell_Notes newHomecellNotes = new Homecell_Notes(); //create object of type Homecell_Notes to add to the database

            if (checkNotes == null)                                 //check to see if notes already exist in the databse
                newHomecellNotes.UploadDate    = DateTime.Today;
                newHomecellNotes.HomecellNotes = file;

                //retrieve Homecell notes to remove based on selected Homecell notes
                Homecell_Notes HCNotes = db.Homecell_Notes.Where(z => z.HomecellNotes == file).FirstOrDefault();

                //Add to Audit trail entity
                Audit_Trail auditLog = new Audit_Trail();
                auditLog.PersonID         = HomecellNotesName.PersonID;
                auditLog.EventDescription = "Added Homecell Notes with with ID: " + HCNotes.HCNID;
                auditLog.EventDateTime    = DateTime.Now;

                returnMessage = "Successfull";
            else //if it exist an error message is returned.
                returnMessage = "The file you are trying to upload, has already been uploaded. Please try again by uploading a different file.";

            return(returnMessage); //return message to Angular