void AttemptArPlaneMove(Vector3 arHitPos, HitNormal arHitnormal)
        if (heldRb) // Revert to plane movement
            heldRb.isKinematic = false;
            heldRb             = null;

        Vector3 offset = Vector3.zero;

        if (selectedChildInst != null)
            offset   = selectedInst.transform.position - selectedChildInst.transform.position;
            offset.y = 0f;
        selectedInst.transform.position = arHitPos + offset;
    HitNormal GetArRaycastHitPosition(Vector2 touchPoint)
        List <ARRaycastHit> hitsInfo = new List <ARRaycastHit>(); // Stores info about what was hit

        HitNormal hitNorm = new HitNormal(farAwayPos, Quaternion.identity, false);

        float maxDist = 25f;

        if (raycastManager.Raycast(touchPoint, hitsInfo, UnityEngine.XR.ARSubsystems.TrackableType.PlaneWithinBounds)) // Returns true if plane is hit
            if (Vector3.Distance(hitsInfo[0].pose.position, Camera.main.transform.position) < maxDist)
                hitNorm.hitPos = hitsInfo[0].pose.position;
                hitNorm.orientationOfNormal = hitsInfo[0].pose.rotation;
                hitNorm.hitValid            = true;

    void Update()

        if (debugDestroyDimensioner)
            debugDestroyDimensioner = false;

        if (debugPlace)
            debugPlace = false;
        if (interactionsAllowed)
            if (Input.touchCount == 2)
                if (selectedInst)
                    if (scalerCrt == null && ArSettingsManager.instance.objectScalingAllowed)
                        Debug.Log("scale " + selectedInst.name);
                        scalerCrt = StartCoroutine(ScaleObject(selectedInst));
                        mode      = Mode.ScaleRotate;
                    if (rotateCrt == null && ArSettingsManager.instance.objectRotateAllowed)
                        Debug.Log("rot " + selectedInst.name);
                        rotateCrt = StartCoroutine(RotateObject(selectedInst));
                        mode      = Mode.ScaleRotate;
            else if (Input.touchCount == 1)                      // Need to check that player is touching screen
                bool emptySpace;                                 // pointing that way

                Vector2 touchPoint = Input.GetTouch(0).position; // Position on the screen of phone (2 dimensional)

                HitNormal hitNorm = GetArRaycastHitPosition(touchPoint);

                Vector3 arHitPos = hitNorm.hitPos;

                if (Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Began)
                    emptySpace = false;

                    Debug.Log("Single touch registered ");

                    if (mode != Mode.Moving) // *** Select or instantiate ***
                        Debug.Log("Not moving obj");

                        if (ArSettingsManager.instance.objectSelectionAllowed)
                            if (ObjectSelect(touchPoint)) // Attempt object selection
                                Debug.Log("Selected " + selectedInst.name);

                                mode = Mode.Selected;
                            else if (!hitNorm.hitValid)
                                emptySpace = true;

                        if (hitNorm.hitValid)
                            emptySpace = false;

                            if (mode == Mode.Unselected && prefabInstances.Count == 0 && ArSettingsManager.instance.prefabPlacementAllowed)
                                Debug.Log("Attempt start Inst method");
                                InstantiateAr(arHitPos, hitNorm.orientationOfNormal);

                        if (emptySpace)
                else if (selectedInst != null && mode != Mode.ScaleRotate && ArSettingsManager.instance.objectMovementAllowed) // *** Move object ***
                    if (selectedInst.tag != "SelectableNoMove")
                        if (hitNorm.hitValid)
                            AttemptArPlaneMove(arHitPos, hitNorm);
                        else if (!heldRb) // looking in space

                        mode = Mode.Moving;

                        StartCoroutine(FireActionTakenEvent(ArAction.PrefabMoved, selectedInst.gameObject));

                        if (source.clip != moveClip)
                            PlaySoundRandomPitch(moveClip, false);
            else if (mode == Mode.Moving || mode == Mode.ScaleRotate) // *** Done moving object ***