Exemplo n.º 1
        public CharacterFactoryTests()
            // Provide a seed to the DiceRollService to get deterministic results for testing.
            var diceRollService = new DiceRollService(1);
            var hitDiceService  = new HitDiceService(diceRollService);

            _instance = new CharacterFactory(hitDiceService);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public ApplicationServiceTests()
            // Create mocks of the dependencies
            _characterRepository = new Mock <ICharacterRepository>();
            _eventBus            = new Mock <IEventBus>();

            // Create the character factory - Provide a seed to the DiceRollService to get deterministic results for testing.
            var diceRollService  = new DiceRollService(1);
            var hitDiceService   = new HitDiceService(diceRollService);
            var characterFactory = new CharacterFactory(hitDiceService);

            _instance = new ApplicationService(_characterRepository.Object, _eventBus.Object, characterFactory);