Exemplo n.º 1
        private void StatsGeneral(HistoryEntry he, HistoryList hl)

            if (he != null)
                StatToDGV("Visits", hl.GetVisitsCount(he.System.name) + " to system " + he.System.name);
                StatToDGV("Jumps Before System", hl.GetFSDJumpsBeforeUTC(he.EventTimeUTC));

            int totaljumps = hl.GetFSDJumps(new TimeSpan(10000, 0, 0, 0));

            StatToDGV("Total No of jumps: ", totaljumps);
            if (totaljumps > 0)
                StatToDGV("Jump History", "24 Hours: " + hl.GetFSDJumps(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0)) +
                          ", One Week: " + hl.GetFSDJumps(new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0)) +
                          ", 30 Days: " + hl.GetFSDJumps(new TimeSpan(30, 0, 0, 0)) +
                          ", One Year: " + hl.GetFSDJumps(new TimeSpan(365, 0, 0, 0))

                HistoryEntry north = hl.GetConditionally(Double.MinValue, (HistoryEntry s, ref double l) =>
                                                         { bool v = s.IsFSDJump && s.System.HasCoordinate && s.System.z > l; if (v)
                                                               l = s.System.z;
                                                           return(v); });

                HistoryEntry south = hl.GetConditionally(Double.MaxValue, (HistoryEntry s, ref double l) =>
                                                         { bool v = s.IsFSDJump && s.System.HasCoordinate && s.System.z < l; if (v)
                                                               l = s.System.z;
                                                           return(v); });

                HistoryEntry east = hl.GetConditionally(Double.MinValue, (HistoryEntry s, ref double l) =>
                                                        { bool v = s.IsFSDJump && s.System.HasCoordinate && s.System.x > l; if (v)
                                                              l = s.System.x;
                                                          return(v); });

                HistoryEntry west = hl.GetConditionally(Double.MaxValue, (HistoryEntry s, ref double l) =>
                                                        { bool v = s.IsFSDJump && s.System.HasCoordinate && s.System.x < l; if (v)
                                                              l = s.System.x;
                                                          return(v); });

                HistoryEntry up = hl.GetConditionally(Double.MinValue, (HistoryEntry s, ref double l) =>
                                                      { bool v = s.IsFSDJump && s.System.HasCoordinate && s.System.y > l; if (v)
                                                            l = s.System.y;
                                                        return(v); });

                HistoryEntry down = hl.GetConditionally(Double.MaxValue, (HistoryEntry s, ref double l) =>
                                                        { bool v = s.IsFSDJump && s.System.HasCoordinate && s.System.y < l; if (v)
                                                              l = s.System.y;
                                                          return(v); });

                StatToDGV("Most North", north.System.name + " @ " + north.System.x.ToString("0.0") + "; " + north.System.y.ToString("0.0") + "; " + north.System.z.ToString("0.0"));
                StatToDGV("Most South", south.System.name + " @ " + south.System.x.ToString("0.0") + "; " + south.System.y.ToString("0.0") + "; " + south.System.z.ToString("0.0"));
                StatToDGV("Most East", east.System.name + " @ " + east.System.x.ToString("0.0") + "; " + east.System.y.ToString("0.0") + "; " + east.System.z.ToString("0.0"));
                StatToDGV("Most West", west.System.name + " @ " + west.System.x.ToString("0.0") + "; " + west.System.y.ToString("0.0") + "; " + west.System.z.ToString("0.0"));
                StatToDGV("Most Highest", up.System.name + " @ " + up.System.x.ToString("0.0") + "; " + up.System.y.ToString("0.0") + "; " + up.System.z.ToString("0.0"));
                StatToDGV("Most Lowest", down.System.name + " @ " + down.System.x.ToString("0.0") + "; " + down.System.y.ToString("0.0") + "; " + down.System.z.ToString("0.0"));

                var groupeddata = from data in hl.OrderByDate
                                  where data.IsFSDJump
                                  group data by data.System.name
                                  into grouped
                                  select new
                    Title = grouped.Key,
                    Count = grouped.Count()

                mostVisited.Visible = true;

                Color GridC = discoveryform.theme.GridCellText;
                Color TextC = discoveryform.theme.VisitedSystemColor;
                mostVisited.Titles.Add(new Title("Most Visited", Docking.Top, discoveryform.theme.GetFont, TextC));

                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.LabelStyle.ForeColor = TextC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.LabelStyle.ForeColor = TextC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.MajorGrid.LineColor  = GridC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.MinorGrid.LineColor  = GridC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.MajorGrid.LineColor  = GridC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.MinorGrid.LineColor  = GridC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].BorderColor     = GridC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Solid;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].BorderWidth     = 2;

                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].BackColor = Color.Transparent;
                mostVisited.Series[0].Color         = GridC;
                mostVisited.BorderlineColor         = Color.Transparent;

                int i = 0;
                foreach (var data in from a in groupeddata orderby a.Count descending select a)
                    if (data.Count <= 1 || i == 10)

                    mostVisited.Series[0].Points.Add(new DataPoint(i, data.Count));
                    mostVisited.Series[0].Points[i].AxisLabel      = data.Title;
                    mostVisited.Series[0].Points[i].LabelForeColor = TextC;
                mostVisited.Visible = false;

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void Stats(HistoryEntry he, HistoryList hl)

            if (he != null)
                StatToDGV("Visits", hl.GetVisitsCount(he.System.name, he.System.id_edsm) + " to system " + he.System.name);
                StatToDGV("Jumps Before System", hl.GetFSDJumpsBeforeUTC(he.EventTimeUTC));

            int totaljumps = hl.GetFSDJumps(new TimeSpan(10000, 0, 0, 0));
            StatToDGV("Total No of jumps: ", totaljumps);
            if (totaljumps > 0)
                StatToDGV("Jump History", "24 Hours: " + hl.GetFSDJumps(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0)) +
                                      ", One Week: " + hl.GetFSDJumps(new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0)) +
                                      ", 30 Days: " + hl.GetFSDJumps(new TimeSpan(30, 0, 0, 0)) +
                                      ", One Year: " + hl.GetFSDJumps(new TimeSpan(365, 0, 0, 0))

                HistoryEntry north = hl.GetConditionally(Double.MinValue, (HistoryEntry s, ref double l) =>
                { bool v = s.IsFSDJump && s.System.HasCoordinate && s.System.z > l; if (v) l = s.System.z; return v; });

                HistoryEntry south = hl.GetConditionally(Double.MaxValue, (HistoryEntry s, ref double l) =>
                { bool v = s.IsFSDJump && s.System.HasCoordinate && s.System.z < l; if (v) l = s.System.z; return v; });

                HistoryEntry east = hl.GetConditionally(Double.MinValue, (HistoryEntry s, ref double l) =>
                { bool v = s.IsFSDJump && s.System.HasCoordinate && s.System.x > l; if (v) l = s.System.x; return v; });

                HistoryEntry west = hl.GetConditionally(Double.MaxValue, (HistoryEntry s, ref double l) =>
                { bool v = s.IsFSDJump && s.System.HasCoordinate && s.System.x < l; if (v) l = s.System.x; return v; });

                HistoryEntry up = hl.GetConditionally(Double.MinValue, (HistoryEntry s, ref double l) =>
                { bool v = s.IsFSDJump && s.System.HasCoordinate && s.System.y > l; if (v) l = s.System.y; return v; });

                HistoryEntry down = hl.GetConditionally(Double.MaxValue, (HistoryEntry s, ref double l) =>
                { bool v = s.IsFSDJump && s.System.HasCoordinate && s.System.y < l; if (v) l = s.System.y; return v; });

                StatToDGV("Most North", north.System.name + " @ " + north.System.x.ToString("0.0") + "," + north.System.y.ToString("0.0") + "," + north.System.z.ToString("0.0"));
                StatToDGV("Most South", south.System.name + " @ " + south.System.x.ToString("0.0") + "," + south.System.y.ToString("0.0") + "," + south.System.z.ToString("0.0"));
                StatToDGV("Most East", east.System.name + " @ " + east.System.x.ToString("0.0") + "," + east.System.y.ToString("0.0") + "," + east.System.z.ToString("0.0"));
                StatToDGV("Most West", west.System.name + " @ " + west.System.x.ToString("0.0") + "," + west.System.y.ToString("0.0") + "," + west.System.z.ToString("0.0"));
                StatToDGV("Most Highest", up.System.name + " @ " + up.System.x.ToString("0.0") + "," + up.System.y.ToString("0.0") + "," + up.System.z.ToString("0.0"));
                StatToDGV("Most Lowest", down.System.name + " @ " + down.System.x.ToString("0.0") + "," + down.System.y.ToString("0.0") + "," + down.System.z.ToString("0.0"));

                var groupeddata = from data in hl.OrderByDate
                                  where data.IsFSDJump
                                  group data by data.System.name
                                      into grouped
                                  select new
                                      Title = grouped.Key,
                                      Count = grouped.Count()

                mostVisited.Visible = true;

                Color GridC = discoveryform.theme.GridCellText;
                Color TextC = discoveryform.theme.VisitedSystemColor;
                mostVisited.Titles.Add(new Title("Most Visited", Docking.Top, discoveryform.theme.GetFont, TextC));

                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.LabelStyle.ForeColor = TextC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.LabelStyle.ForeColor = TextC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.MajorGrid.LineColor = GridC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.MinorGrid.LineColor = GridC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.MajorGrid.LineColor = GridC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.MinorGrid.LineColor = GridC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].BorderColor = GridC;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Solid;
                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].BorderWidth = 2;

                mostVisited.ChartAreas[0].BackColor = Color.Transparent;
                mostVisited.Series[0].Color = GridC;
                mostVisited.BorderlineColor = Color.Transparent;

                int i = 0;
                foreach (var data in from a in groupeddata orderby a.Count descending select a)
                    if (data.Count <= 1 || i == 10)

                    mostVisited.Series[0].Points.Add(new DataPoint(i, data.Count));
                    mostVisited.Series[0].Points[i].AxisLabel = data.Title;
                    mostVisited.Series[0].Points[i].LabelForeColor = TextC;
                mostVisited.Visible = false;
