Exemplo n.º 1
        private Bitmap GetImage(HighlightCondition c)
            Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(16, 16);

            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
                g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, 0, 0, 16, 16);

                using (TextObject sample = new TextObject())
                    sample.Bounds = new RectangleF(0, 0, 15, 15);
                    sample.Font      = new Font("Times New Roman", 12, FontStyle.Bold);
                    sample.Text      = "A";
                    sample.HorzAlign = HorzAlign.Center;
                    sample.VertAlign = VertAlign.Center;

                    using (GraphicCache cache = new GraphicCache())
                        sample.Draw(new FRPaintEventArgs(g, 1, 1, cache));

Exemplo n.º 2
        private int GetImageIndex(HighlightCondition c)
            Bitmap bmp = GetImage(c);

            FImages.Images.Add(bmp, bmp.GetPixel(0, 15));
            return(FImages.Images.Count - 1);
Exemplo n.º 3
 private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     while (lvConditions.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
         HighlightCondition c = lvConditions.SelectedItems[0].Tag as HighlightCondition;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void popup_ColorSelected(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Color color = (sender as ColorPopup).Color;

            foreach (ListViewItem li in lvConditions.SelectedItems)
                HighlightCondition c = li.Tag as HighlightCondition;
                c.TextFill    = new SolidFill(color);
                li.ImageIndex = GetImageIndex(c);
Exemplo n.º 5
 private void SetApply()
     foreach (ListViewItem li in lvConditions.SelectedItems)
         HighlightCondition c = li.Tag as HighlightCondition;
         c.ApplyBorder   = cbApplyBorder.Checked;
         c.ApplyFill     = cbApplyFill.Checked;
         c.ApplyTextFill = cbApplyTextFill.Checked;
         c.ApplyFont     = cbApplyFont.Checked;
         c.Visible       = cbVisible.Checked;
         li.ImageIndex   = GetImageIndex(c);
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void btnDown_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (lvConditions.SelectedItems.Count != 1)
            int index = lvConditions.SelectedIndices[0];

            if (index < lvConditions.Items.Count - 1)
                ListViewItem li = lvConditions.SelectedItems[0];
                lvConditions.Items.Insert(index + 1, li);
                HighlightCondition c = li.Tag as HighlightCondition;
                FConditions.Insert(index + 1, c);
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (ExpressionEditorForm form = new ExpressionEditorForm(FReport))
                form.ExpressionText = FReport.ScriptLanguage == Language.CSharp ? "Value == 0" : "Value = 0";
                if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    HighlightCondition c = new HighlightCondition();
                    c.Expression = form.ExpressionText;

                    ListViewItem li = lvConditions.Items.Add(c.Expression, GetImageIndex(c));
                    li.Tag = c;
                    li.Selected = true;
Exemplo n.º 8
 private void btnFont_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (CurrentCondition == null)
     using (FontDialog dialog = new FontDialog())
         dialog.Font = CurrentCondition.Font;
         if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
             foreach (ListViewItem li in lvConditions.SelectedItems)
                 HighlightCondition c = li.Tag as HighlightCondition;
                 c.Font        = dialog.Font;
                 li.ImageIndex = GetImageIndex(c);
Exemplo n.º 9
 private void btnFill_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (CurrentCondition == null)
     using (FillEditorForm editor = new FillEditorForm())
         editor.Fill = CurrentCondition.Fill.Clone();
         if (editor.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
             foreach (ListViewItem li in lvConditions.SelectedItems)
                 HighlightCondition c = li.Tag as HighlightCondition;
                 c.Fill        = editor.Fill.Clone();
                 li.ImageIndex = GetImageIndex(c);
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Page != null)
            string appDirectory = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(string.Empty);

            // Определяем выбранный отчёт
            string keyValue = Page.Request.QueryString.Get("reportname");
            if (keyValue == null)
                keyValue = "SimpleList";

            StiReport report   = new StiReport();
            string    text     = string.Empty;
            bool      isRender = false;
            switch (keyValue)
            // Basic Reports
            case "SimpleList": report = new SimpleList(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a simple list report."; isRender = true; break;

            case "TwoSimpleLists": report = new TwoSimpleLists(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create two simple list reports."; isRender = true; break;

            case "HighlightCondition": report = new HighlightCondition(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to use highlight condition to create a report."; isRender = true; break;

            case "Shapes": report = new Shapes(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a report with shapes."; isRender = true; break;

            case "Images": report = new Images(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a report with images."; isRender = true; break;

            case "Watermark": report = new Watermark(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a report with watermark."; isRender = true; break;

            case "BarCodes": report = new BarCodes(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a report with BarCodes."; isRender = true; break;

            case "Invoice": report = new Invoice(); text = "A simple invoice."; isRender = true; break;

            case "Indicators": report.Load(appDirectory + "\\Reports\\Indicators.mrt"); text = "This sample shows how to use indicators in the report."; break;

            // Reports with Columns
            case "MultiColumnList": report = new MultiColumnList(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a report with multiple columns. To create a report with columns set the Columns property of a page in two or more."; isRender = true; break;

            case "MultiColumnBandsAcrossThenDown": report = new MultiColumnBandsAcrossThenDown(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a report with multiple columns on the bands. Multicolumn direction - across then down."; isRender = true; break;

            case "MultiColumnBandsDownThenAcross": report = new MultiColumnBandsDownThenAcross(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a report with multiple columns on the bands. Multicolumn direction - down then across."; isRender = true; break;

            case "Labels": report = new Labels(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a report with labels."; isRender = true; break;

            // Master-Detail Reports
            case "MasterDetail": report = new MasterDetail(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a Master-Detail report."; isRender = true; break;

            case "MasterDetailSubdetail": report = new MasterDetailSubdetail(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a Master-Detail-Subdetail report."; isRender = true; break;

            case "MasterDetailWithColumns": report = new MasterDetailWithColumns(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a Master-Detail report with columns."; isRender = true; break;

            case "TwoMastersOnOneDetail": report = new TwoMastersOnOneDetail(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a report with two master-detail links. And detail for both links is the same."; isRender = true; break;

            case "MasterDetailWithZeroHeight": report = new MasterDetailWithZeroHeight(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a Master-Detail report in which one of the bands has the zero height."; isRender = true; break;

            case "MasterDetailOnDataBand": report = new MasterDetailOnDataBand(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a Master-Detail report in which one of the bands placed on other."; isRender = true; break;

            // Reports with Groups
            case "SimpleGroup": report = new SimpleGroup(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a simple group report with one group."; isRender = true; break;

            case "NestedGroups": report = new NestedGroups(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a report using several groups."; isRender = true; break;

            case "GroupsTopSales": report = new GroupsTopSales(); text = "This sample demonstrates how to sort group by its totals."; isRender = true; break;

            case "MasterDetailWithGroups": report = new MasterDetailWithGroups(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a Master-Detail report with groups."; isRender = true; break;

            case "MultiColumnGroup": report = new MultiColumnGroup(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a simple group report with two columns on page."; isRender = true; break;

            case "GroupsWithRanges": report = new GroupsWithRanges(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create groups with ranges in report."; isRender = true; break;

            case "SimpleGroupWithColumns": report = new SimpleGroupWithColumns(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a simple group report with multiple columns on the bands. Multicolumn direction - across then down."; isRender = true; break;

            case "AllGroupFootersAtEnd": report = new AllGroupFootersAtEnd(); text = "This sample shows all group footers at the bottom of Report."; isRender = true; break;

            case "InvoiceWithGroups": report = new InvoiceWithGroups(); text = "An invoice with categories."; isRender = true; break;

            case "SalesInvoice": report = new SalesInvoice(); text = "Sales invoice."; isRender = true; break;

            // Hierarchical Reports
            case "Tree": report = new Tree(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create hierarchical report."; isRender = true; break;

            case "TreeWithHeadersFooters": report = new TreeWithHeadersFooters(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create hierarchical wiith headers and footers."; isRender = true; break;

            case "TreeWithTotals": report = new TreeWithTotals(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create hierarchical report with totals."; isRender = true; break;

            case "TreeWithTotalsAllLevels": report = new TreeWithTotalsAllLevels(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create hierarchical report with totals which include all sub-levels of tree."; isRender = true; break;

            case "TreeWithLockedComponents": report = new TreeWithLockedComponents(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create hierarchical report with locked components."; isRender = true; break;

            // Parameters
            case "ParametersDetailedCategories": report.Load(appDirectory + "\\Reports\\ParametersDetailedCategories.mrt"); text = "Detailing by selected category of products."; break;

            case "ParametersDetailedOrders": report.Load(appDirectory + "\\Reports\\ParametersDetailedOrders.mrt"); text = "Detailing of the list of orders by specified number."; break;

            case "ParametersHighlightCondition": report.Load(appDirectory + "\\Reports\\ParametersHighlightCondition.mrt"); text = "Highlighting data rows by selected conditions."; break;

            //case "ParametersSelectingCountry": report.Load(appDirectory + "\\Reports\\ParametersSelectingCountry.mrt"); text = "Showing data only by selected countries."; break;
            //case "ParametersDateRange": report.Load(appDirectory + "\\Reports\\ParametersDateRange.mrt"); text = "Selecting the date range for printing data."; break;
            case "ParametersInvoice": report.Load(appDirectory + "\\Reports\\ParametersInvoice.mrt"); text = "This sample requests parameters for printing an invoice."; break;

            // Interactive Reports
            case "DrillDownListOfProducts": report.Load(appDirectory + "\\Reports\\DrillDownListOfProducts.mrt"); text = "The sample demonstrates how to use drill-down reports."; break;

            case "DrillDownGroupWithCollapsing": report.Load(appDirectory + "\\Reports\\DrillDownGroupWithCollapsing.mrt"); text = "The sample demonstrates how to use GroupHeaderBand without GroupFooterBand."; break;

            case "DrillDownSorting": report.Load(appDirectory + "\\Reports\\DrillDownSorting.mrt"); text = "The sample demonstrates how to use interactive sorting."; break;

            case "DrillDownGroupWithCollapsingWithoutFooter": report.Load(appDirectory + "\\Reports\\DrillDownGroupWithCollapsingWithoutFooter.mrt"); text = "The sample demonstrates how to use GroupHeaderBand without GroupFooterBand."; break;

            case "DrillDownMasterDetailWithCollapsing": report.Load(appDirectory + "\\Reports\\DrillDownMasterDetailWithCollapsing.mrt"); text = "The sample demonstrates how to use Master-Detail report with collapsing."; break;

            case "EditableReport": report.Load(appDirectory + "\\Reports\\EditableReport.mrt"); text = "The sample demonstrates how to edit a rendered report in the Preview Window."; break;

            case "BookmarksHyperlinks": report.Load(appDirectory + "\\Reports\\BookmarksHyperlinks.mrt"); text = "The sample demonstrates how to use bookmarks and hyperlinks."; break;

            case "Anchors": report.Load(appDirectory + "\\Reports\\Anchors.mrt"); text = "The sample demonstrates how to use anchors."; break;

            // Charts
            case "ChartColumnsAndBars": report = new ChartColumnsAndBars(); text = "This sample demonstrates Column and Bar chart types."; isRender = true; break;

            case "ChartLinesAndSplines": report = new ChartLinesAndSplines(); text = "This sample demonstrates Line and Spline chart types."; isRender = true; break;

            case "ChartAreas": report = new ChartAreas(); text = "This sample demonstrates Areas chart types."; isRender = true; break;

            case "ChartPieAndDoughnut": report = new ChartPieAndDoughnut(); text = "This sample demonstrates Pie and Doughnut chart types."; isRender = true; break;

            case "ChartStyles": report = new ChartStyles(); text = "This sample demonstrates different chart styles."; isRender = true; break;

            case "ChartOnDataband": report = new ChartOnDataband(); text = "This sample demonstrates how to use a chart with DataBand."; isRender = true; break;

            // Reports with EmptyBand
            case "SimpleListWithEmptyLines": report = new SimpleListWithEmptyLines(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a simple list report with empty lines on the bottom of a page."; isRender = true; break;

            case "MasterDetailWithEmptyLines": report = new MasterDetailWithEmptyLines(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a Master-Detail report with empty lines on the bottom of a page."; isRender = true; break;

            case "InvoiceWithEmptyBand": report = new InvoiceWithEmptyBand(); text = "An invoice created using an Empty Band."; isRender = true; break;

            // Containers
            case "SideBySideListWithContainers": report = new SideBySideListWithContainers(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a report that contains two side by side lists with containers."; isRender = true; break;

            case "SideBySideGroupWithContainers": report = new SideBySideGroupWithContainers(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a report that contains two side by side groups with containers."; isRender = true; break;

            case "MultiColumnListContainers": report = new MultiColumnListContainers(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a report with multiple columns using containers."; isRender = true; break;

            case "MasterDetailCards": report = new MasterDetailCards(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a Master-Detail report which data are grouped as cards."; isRender = true; break;

                // SubReports
                //case "SideBySideListWithSubReports": report = new SideBySideListWithSubReports(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a report that contains two side by side lists with SubReports."; isRender = true; break;
                //case "SideBySideGroupWithSubReports": report = new StiSideBySideGroupWithSubReportsReport(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a report that contains two side by side groups with SubReports."; break;
                //case "MasterDetailWithSubReports": report = new StiMasterDetailWithSubReportsReport(); text = "The sample demonstrates how to create a Master-Detail report with SubReports."; break;

            //report = new StiReport();
            //report.Load(appDirectory + "\\Reports\\shapes.mrt");
            LabelText.Text = text;

            RenderReport(report, isRender);
            StiWebViewerSL1.Report = report;
Exemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Checkbox checked handler
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void Below_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     highlightCondition = HighlightCondition.BELOW;
Exemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Checkbox unchecked handler
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void Above_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     highlightCondition = HighlightCondition.ABOVE;
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Highlights all values above a certain threshold as red
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        public void HighlightThreshold(int threshold, HighlightCondition highlightCondition = HighlightCondition.ABOVE)
            this.highlightCondition = highlightCondition;
            double max    = imageData.GetMaximum();
            double min    = imageData.GetMinimum();
            int    width  = imageData.GetWidth();
            int    height = imageData.GetHeight();

            float[,,] data = imageData.GetData();

            WriteableBitmap highlightedImage = new WriteableBitmap(width, height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgr32, null);


            // Go through each pixel in each image
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    double n          = data[imageIndex, y, x];
                    byte   pixelValue = (byte)(((n - min) / (max - min)) * MAXIMUM_INTENSITY);
                        // Get a pointer to the back buffer.
                        int pBackBuffer = (int)highlightedImage.BackBuffer;

                        // Find the address of the pixel to draw.
                        pBackBuffer += y * highlightedImage.BackBufferStride;
                        pBackBuffer += x * 4;

                        // Compute the pixel's color.
                        int color_data;
                        if (highlightCondition == HighlightCondition.ABOVE)
                            if (n > threshold)
                                color_data  = pixelValue << 16; // R
                                color_data |= 0;                // G
                                color_data |= 0;                // B
                                color_data  = pixelValue << 16; // R
                                color_data |= pixelValue << 8;  // G
                                color_data |= pixelValue << 0;  // B
                            if (n < threshold)
                                color_data  = pixelValue << 16; // R
                                color_data |= 0;                // G
                                color_data |= 0;                // B
                                color_data  = pixelValue << 16; // R
                                color_data |= pixelValue << 8;  // G
                                color_data |= pixelValue << 0;  // B

                        // Assign the color data to the pixel.
                        *((int *)pBackBuffer) = color_data;
                    // Specify the area of the bitmap that changed.
                    highlightedImage.AddDirtyRect(new Int32Rect(x, y, 1, 1));
            // Release the back buffer and make it available for display.

            mainWindow.ImageViewer.Source = highlightedImage;
Exemplo n.º 14
        internal void PopulateWI(bool resort, HighlightFilter highlightings)

                if (resort)

                List <ColumnHeader> columnsToRemove = new List <ColumnHeader>();
                foreach (ColumnHeader column in lvWI.Columns)
                    //string tag = column.Tag as string;
                    //bool canRemove = tag != "0";
                    bool canRemove = (column.Name == field_BuildIn || column.Name == field_IntegrationBuild);
                    if (canRemove)
                columnsToRemove.ForEach(columnHeader => lvWI.Columns.Remove(columnHeader));

                COLUMN_FOUNDIN          = -1;
                COLUMN_INTEGRATIONBUILD = -1;

                if (this.cachedWorkItems != null)
                    foreach (FieldDefinition fieldDef in displayFields)
                        if (defaultFields.Contains(fieldDef.ReferenceName))

                        ColumnHeader columnHeader = this.lvWI.Columns.Add(fieldDef.Name);
                        columnHeader.Tag  = "0";//fieldDef.ReferenceName;
                        columnHeader.Name = fieldDef.ReferenceName;

                        if (fieldDef.ReferenceName == field_BuildIn)
                            COLUMN_FOUNDIN = lvWI.Columns.Count - 1;
                        else if (fieldDef.ReferenceName == field_IntegrationBuild)
                            COLUMN_INTEGRATIONBUILD = lvWI.Columns.Count - 1;

                    string[] columnsTemp = new string[this.lvWI.Columns.Count];
                    int      idx         = 0;
                    foreach (ColumnHeader column in this.lvWI.Columns)
                        columnsTemp[idx++] = column.Text;

                    foreach (WorkItem workItem in this.cachedWorkItems)
                        ListViewItem viewItem = this.lvWI.Items.Add(workItem.Id.ToString());
                        viewItem.UseItemStyleForSubItems = false;
                        viewItem.Tag = workItem;
                        bool alreadyhightlighted = false;

                        foreach (FieldDefinition fieldDef in displayFields)
                            string workItemFieldContent = null;
                            if (defaultFields.Contains(fieldDef.ReferenceName) ||
                                if (fieldDef.ReferenceName == field_BuildIn ||
                                    fieldDef.ReferenceName == field_IntegrationBuild)
                                    workItemFieldContent = string.Empty;

                            if (workItemFieldContent == null)
                                workItemFieldContent = workItem[fieldDef.ReferenceName].ToString();

                            ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem subItem = viewItem.SubItems.Add(workItemFieldContent);

                            if (highlightings != null && highlightings.ContainsKey(fieldDef.ReferenceName))
                                HighlightCondition condition = highlightings[fieldDef.ReferenceName];
                                if (Util.StrEqual(subItem.Text, condition.Value, true))
                                    subItem.ForeColor = condition.ForeColor;

                                    if (!alreadyhightlighted)
                                        subItem.BackColor   = condition.BackColor;
                                        alreadyhightlighted = true;

                        var teamProject = (string)workItem.Fields[CoreField.TeamProject].Value;
                        viewItem.Group = this.lvWI.Groups[teamProject];