public async Task <UserModel> LogIn(LoginViewModel model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                try {
                    var user = await UserManager.FindAsync(model.UserName.ToLower(), model.Password);

                    if (user != null && user.DeleteTime == null)
                        HibernateSession.SignInUser(user, model.RememberMe);

                }catch (Exception e) {
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task SetPasswordHashAsync(UserModel user, string passwordHash)
            user.PasswordHash = passwordHash;
            using (var db = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
                using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) {
                    var foundUser = db.Get <UserModel>(user.Id);
                    if (foundUser != null)
                        foundUser.PasswordHash = passwordHash;
                    //user.PasswordHash = passwordHash;

            /*using (var db = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession())
             * {
             * using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction())
             * {
             * user = db.Get<UserModel>(user.Id);
             * user.PasswordHash = passwordHash;
             * db.SaveOrUpdate(user);
             * tx.Commit();
             * db.Flush();
             * }
             * }*/
Exemplo n.º 3
        //[Untested("OnDisposedActions", "Rollback", "Exception", "NotCommitted", "OnlyOnCommit = false")]
        public void Dispose()
            var currentContext = _ContextStack.Pop();

            WasDisposed = true;

            if (_shouldDispose)

            var actions = currentContext.DisposeActions.ToList();


            foreach (var a in actions)
                if (!a.OnlyOnCommit || (!currentContext.TransactionRolledBack && currentContext.TransactionCommitted))
                    using (var s = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
                        using (var tx = s.BeginTransaction()) {
                            AsyncHelper.RunSync(() => {
                                return(a.Action(s, tx));
Exemplo n.º 4
        // POST api/<controller>
        public async Task <string> Post(LoginModel Login)
            NHibernateUserStore store = new NHibernateUserStore();

            try {
                var usr = await store.FindByNamePassAsync(Login.Username, Login.Password);

                //var usr = await store.FindByIdAsync("564267a0-ac19-4811-871c-a9d9011bdfe6");
                if (usr != null)
                    var session = HttpContext.Current.Session;
                    session["UserId"] = usr.Id;
                    usr = await HibernateSession.SignInUser(usr, Login.RememberMe);

                    return("Incorrect User or Password");
#pragma warning disable CS0168 // The variable 'e' is declared but never used
            } catch (Exception e) {
#pragma warning restore CS0168 // The variable 'e' is declared but never used
Exemplo n.º 5
        //private void SetupToolTips(dynamic ViewBag, ISession s, UserOrganizationModel oneUser, string path) {
        //	try {
        //		var username = oneUser.User.NotNull(x => x.Id);
        //		var enabled = !oneUser.User.NotNull(x => x.DisableTips);
        //		if (username != null && path != null && enabled) {
        //			ViewBag.TooltipsEnabled = true;
        //			ViewBag.Tooltips = SupportAccessor.GetTooltips(username, path);
        //		}
        //	} catch (Exception e) {
        //		//Eat it! Get yourself a fork and feed it.
        //	}

        //private static void OneUserViewBagSetup(ActionExecutingContext filterContext, ISession s, int userOrgsCount, UserOrganizationModel oneUser) {
        //	var name = new HtmlString(oneUser.GetName());

        //	if (userOrgsCount > 1) {
        //		name = new HtmlString(oneUser.GetNameAndTitle(1));
        //		try {
        //			name = new HtmlString(name + " <span class=\"visible-md visible-lg\" style=\"display:inline ! important\">at " + oneUser.Organization.Name.Translate() + "</span>");
        //		} catch (Exception e) {
        //			log.Error(e);
        //		}
        //	}
        //	filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.UserImage = oneUser.ImageUrl(true, ImageSize._img);
        //	filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.UserInitials = oneUser.GetInitials();
        //	filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.UserColor = oneUser.GeUserHashCode();
        //	filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.UsersName = oneUser.GetName();

        //	filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.UserOrganization = oneUser;
        //	filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.ConsoleLog = oneUser.User.NotNull(x => x.ConsoleLog);

        //	filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.TaskCount = 0;

        //	filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.UserName = name;
        //	filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.ShowL10 = oneUser.Organization.Settings.EnableL10 && !oneUser.EvalOnly;
        //	filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.ShowReview = oneUser.Organization.Settings.EnableReview && !oneUser.IsClient;
        //	filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.ShowSurvey = oneUser.Organization.Settings.EnableSurvey && oneUser.IsManager() && !oneUser.EvalOnly;
        //	filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.ShowPeople = oneUser.Organization.Settings.EnablePeople;// && oneUser.IsManager();
        //	filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.ShowCoreProcess = oneUser.Organization.Settings.EnableCoreProcess && !oneUser.EvalOnly;// && oneUser.IsManager();
        //	filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.EvalOnly = oneUser.EvalOnly;// && oneUser.IsManager();

        //	filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.ShowAC = PermissionsAccessor.IsPermitted(s, oneUser, x => x.CanView(PermItem.ResourceType.AccountabilityHierarchy, oneUser.Organization.AccountabilityChartId)); // oneUser.Organization.acc && oneUser.IsManager();

        //	var isManager = oneUser.ManagerAtOrganization || oneUser.ManagingOrganization || oneUser.IsRadialAdmin;
        //	filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.LimitFiveState = oneUser.Organization.Settings.LimitFiveState;
        //	filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.IsRadialAdmin = oneUser.IsRadialAdmin || (filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.IsRadialAdmin ?? false);
        //	filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.IsManager = isManager;
        //	filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.ManagingOrganization = oneUser.ManagingOrganization || oneUser.IsRadialAdmin;
        //	filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.UserId = oneUser.Id;
        //	filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.OrganizationId = oneUser.Organization.Id;
        //	filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.Organization = oneUser.Organization;
        //	filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.Hints = oneUser.User.NotNull(x => x.Hints);
        //	filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.InjectedScripts = VariableAccessor.Get(Variable.Names.INJECTED_SCRIPTS, () => "<script>/*none*/</script>");

        protected override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
            if (ToValidate.Any())
                var err = "Didn't validate: " + String.Join(",", ToValidate);
                TempData["Message"] = err;
                throw new PermissionsException(err);

            if (TempData["ModelState"] != null && !ModelState.Equals(TempData["ModelState"]))
            if (TempData["Message"] != null)
                ViewBag.Message = TempData["Message"];
            if (TempData["InfoAlert"] != null)
                ViewBag.InfoAlert = TempData["InfoAlert"];

Exemplo n.º 6
 public async Task <UserModel> FindByNameAsync(string userName)
     using (var db = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
         using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) {
             return(db.QueryOver <UserModel>().Where(x => x.UserName == userName).SingleOrDefault());
Exemplo n.º 7
 public async Task <UserModel> FindByIdAsync(string userId)
     using (var db = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
         using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) {
             return(db.Get <UserModel>(userId));
 public async Task <NonCatalogItemHeadModel> GetNonCatalogAsync(long id)
     using (var db = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
         using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) {
             return(db.Get <NonCatalogItemHeadModel>(id));
Exemplo n.º 9
 public async Task <SubCategoryModel> FindSubCategoryByIdAsync(long Id)
     using (var db = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
         using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) {
             return(db.Get <SubCategoryModel>(Id));
Exemplo n.º 10
 public async Task <DepartmentModel> GetDepartmentByIdAsync(long id)
     using (var db = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
         using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) {
             return(db.Get <DepartmentModel>(id));
Exemplo n.º 11
 public async Task <IList <EmployeeModel> > TeamEmployeeAsync(TeamModel team)
     using (var db = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
         using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) {
             return(db.QueryOver <EmployeeModel>().Where(x => x.Team == team && x.DeleteTime == null).List());
 public async Task <POHeaderModel> FindPOAByIdAsync(long Id)
     using (var db = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
         using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) {
             return(db.Get <POHeaderModel>(Id));
Exemplo n.º 13
 public async Task <UserModel> FindByStampAsync(string stamp)
     using (var db = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
         using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) {
             return(db.QueryOver <UserModel>().Where(x => x.SecurityStamp == stamp).SingleOrDefault());
Exemplo n.º 14
 //protected static TaskAccessor _TaskAccessor = new TaskAccessor();
 //protected static TeamAccessor _TeamAccessor = new TeamAccessor();
 //protected static NexusAccessor _NexusAccessor = new NexusAccessor();
 //protected static ImageAccessor _ImageAccessor = new ImageAccessor();
 //protected static GroupAccessor _GroupAccessor = new GroupAccessor();
 //protected static OriginAccessor _OriginAccessor = new OriginAccessor();
 //protected static ReviewAccessor _ReviewAccessor = new ReviewAccessor();
 //protected static AskableAccessor _AskableAccessor = new AskableAccessor();
 //protected static PaymentAccessor _PaymentAccessor = new PaymentAccessor();
 //protected static KeyValueAccessor _KeyValueAccessor = new KeyValueAccessor();
 //protected static PositionAccessor _PositionAccessor = new PositionAccessor();
 //protected static QuestionAccessor _QuestionAccessor = new QuestionAccessor();
 //protected static CategoryAccessor _CategoryAccessor = new CategoryAccessor();
 //protected static PrereviewAccessor _PrereviewAccessor = new PrereviewAccessor();
 //protected static ScorecardAccessor _ScorecardAccessor = new ScorecardAccessor();
 //protected static PermissionsAccessor _PermissionsAccessor = new PermissionsAccessor();
 //protected static OrganizationAccessor _OrganizationAccessor = new OrganizationAccessor();
 //protected static DeepSubordianteAccessor _DeepSubordianteAccessor = new DeepSubordianteAccessor();
 // protected static ResponsibilitiesAccessor _ResponsibilitiesAccessor = new ResponsibilitiesAccessor();
 #region GetUserModel
 protected UserModel GetUserModel(bool styles = false)
     using (var s = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
         using (var tx = s.BeginTransaction()) {
             return(GetUserModel(s, styles));
Exemplo n.º 15
 public async Task <PRLinesModel> GetPRLineAsync(long Id)
     using (var db = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
         using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) {
             return(db.Get <PRLinesModel>(Id));
Exemplo n.º 16
 public async Task UpdateAsync(UserModel user)
     using (var db = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
         using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) {
 public async Task <IList <NonCatalogItemHeadModel> > FindIdNonCatalogHeadListAsync(long id)
     using (var db = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
         using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) {
             return(db.QueryOver <NonCatalogItemHeadModel>().Where(x => x.DeleteTime == null && x.Id == id).OrderBy(x => x.CreateTime).Desc.List());
 public async Task <IList <NonCatalogItemHeadModel> > FindLatestNonCatalogHeadAsync(int count)
     using (var db = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
         using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) {
             return(db.QueryOver <NonCatalogItemHeadModel>().Where(x => x.DeleteTime == null).OrderBy(x => x.CreateTime).Desc.Take(count).List());
 public async Task <IList <POAprovalModel> > FindPOAprovalAsync(POHeaderModel pr)
     using (var db = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
         using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) {
             return(db.QueryOver <POAprovalModel>().Where(x => x.POHeader == pr).List());
 public async Task <TokenModel> FindByTokenAsync(string token)
     using (var db = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
         using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) {
             return(db.QueryOver <TokenModel>().Where(x => x.Status == StatusType.Active && x.Token == token).SingleOrDefault());
Exemplo n.º 21
 public async Task <CostAproverModel> FindCostApprover(double amount)
     using (var db = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
         using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) {
             return(db.QueryOver <CostAproverModel>().Where(x => amount >= x.Min && amount <= x.Max).SingleOrDefault());
Exemplo n.º 22
 public async Task <IList <UserModel> > GetAllAdminEmailAsync()
     using (var db = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
         using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) {
             return(db.QueryOver <UserModel>().Where(x => x.IsAdmin == true && x.DeleteTime == null).List());
Exemplo n.º 23
 public async Task <EmployeeModel> GetEmployeeAsync(string id)
     using (var db = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
         using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) {
             return(db.Get <EmployeeModel>(id));
Exemplo n.º 24
 public async Task <bool> HasPasswordAsync(UserModel user)
     using (var db = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
         using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) {
             return(db.Get <UserModel>(user.Id).PasswordHash != null);
Exemplo n.º 25
 public async Task <IList <TeamModel> > GetAllTeamAsync()
     using (var db = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
         using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) {
             return(db.QueryOver <TeamModel>().Where(x => x.DeleteTime == null).List());
Exemplo n.º 26
 public async Task <UserModel> FindAsync(UserLoginInfo login)
     using (var db = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
         using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) {
             return(db.QueryOver <UserModel>().Where(x => x.Logins.Any(y => y.ProviderKey == login.ProviderKey && login.LoginProvider == y.LoginProvider)).SingleOrDefault());
Exemplo n.º 27
 public async Task <IList <DriverModel> > GetAllForValidationAsync()
     using (var db = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
         using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) {
             return(db.QueryOver <DriverModel>().Where(x => x.Status == RegistrationStatus.ForValidation && x.DeleteTime == null).List());
Exemplo n.º 28
 public async Task <IList <UserLoginInfo> > GetLoginsAsync(UserModel user)
     using (var db = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
         using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) {
             return(db.Get <UserModel>(user.Id).Logins.Select(x => new UserLoginInfo(x.LoginProvider, x.ProviderKey)).ToList());
Exemplo n.º 29
 public async Task <IList <SubCategoryModel> > GeatSubCategoryAsync(long id)
     using (var db = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
         using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) {
             return(db.Get <CategoryModel>(id).SubCategory.ToList());
 public UserModel FindUserById(string userId)
     using (var db = HibernateSession.GetCurrentSession()) {
         using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction()) {
             return(db.Get <UserModel>(userId));