private HexagonGroup GetGroupAtCorner(int x, int y, HexagonPiece.Edge corner)
            if (grid[x][y].HandleEdge(corner) != corner)
                return(new HexagonGroup());
            int y2 = x % 2 == 0 ? y : y + 1;

            switch (corner)
            // It is important that the pieces are stored in clockwise order
            case HexagonPiece.Edge.BottomLeft: return(new HexagonGroup(grid[x][y], grid[x][y - 1], grid[x - 1][y2 - 1]));

            case HexagonPiece.Edge.BottomRight: return(new HexagonGroup(grid[x][y], grid[x + 1][y2 - 1], grid[x][y - 1]));

            case HexagonPiece.Edge.Left: return(new HexagonGroup(grid[x][y], grid[x - 1][y2 - 1], grid[x - 1][y2]));

            case HexagonPiece.Edge.Right: return(new HexagonGroup(grid[x][y], grid[x + 1][y2], grid[x + 1][y2 - 1]));

            case HexagonPiece.Edge.TopLeft: return(new HexagonGroup(grid[x][y], grid[x - 1][y2], grid[x][y + 1]));

            case HexagonPiece.Edge.TopRight: return(new HexagonGroup(grid[x][y], grid[x][y + 1], grid[x + 1][y2]));

            default: return(new HexagonGroup());
        /// <summary>
        /// If points resides inside the grid, locate the group that are closest to the point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point"></param>
        /// <param name="group">false;null true; sets group to the found one.</param>
        /// <returns>false; point is outside of grid, true; inside.</returns>
        public bool TryGetGroup(Vector2 point, out HexagonGroup group)
            if (point.x <= 0f || point.x >= gridSize.x || point.y <= 0f || point.y >= gridSize.y)
                group = new HexagonGroup();

            // Calculate the row and column indices of the hexagon piece that the point resides inside
            GetCoordinatesFrom(point, out int x, out int y);

            // Find the hexagon piece's corner that is closest to the point
            HexagonPiece.Edge corner = grid[x][y].HandleEdge(grid[x][y].GetClosestEdge(point - (Vector2)grid[x][y].transform.localPosition));
            group = GetGroupAtCorner(x, y, corner);
