Exemplo n.º 1
 private void SetDrawStr() // these keys work for the NUMERIC keypad only while the escape key toggles if the tool is "on"
     if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))
         canDraw = !canDraw;
     else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad0))
         drawStr = HexSize.normal;
     else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad1))
         drawStr = HexSize.grade1;
     else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad2))
         drawStr = HexSize.grade2;
     else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad3))
         drawStr = HexSize.grade3;
     else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad4))
         drawStr = HexSize.grade4;
     else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad5))
         drawStr = HexSize.grade5;
     DrawToolUI.DTH_Num = (int)drawStr;
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>TODO</summary>
 public NavigableBoard(HexSize mapSizeHexes, StepCosts entryCosts, StepCosts exitCosts, int minimumCost)
     MapSizeHexes = mapSizeHexes;
     _entryCosts  = entryCosts;
     _exitCosts   = exitCosts;
     _minimumCost = minimumCost;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>Construct a new instance of extent <paramref name="sizeHexes"/> and
        /// initialized using <paramref name="initializer"/>.</summary>
        public BlockedBoardStorage32x32(HexSize sizeHexes, Func <HexCoords, T> initializer)
            : base(sizeHexes)
            backingStore = new List <List <List <T> > >((MapSizeHexes.Height + _buffer) / _grouping);
            for (var y = 0; y < backingStore.Capacity; y++)
                backingStore.Add(new List <List <T> >((MapSizeHexes.Width + _buffer) / _grouping));
                for (var x = 0; x < backingStore[y].Capacity; x++)
                    backingStore[y].Add(new List <T>(_grouping * _grouping));

            var result = Parallel.For(0, backingStore.Capacity, y => {
                var boardRow = backingStore[y];
                for (var x = 0; x < boardRow.Capacity; x++)
                    var boardCell = backingStore[y][x];
                    for (var i = 0; i < _grouping; i++)
                        for (var j = 0; j < _grouping; j++)
                            var coords = HexCoords.NewUserCoords(x * _grouping + j, y * _grouping + i);
                            boardCell.Add(IsOnboard(coords) ? initializer(coords) : default(T));
Exemplo n.º 4
 private static IFastList <IFastListX <T> > InitializeStoreX(HexSize sizeHexes,
                                                             Func <HexCoords, T> tFactory, IEnumerable <int> rowRange)
 => (from y in rowRange
     select(from x in Enumerable.Range(0, sizeHexes.Width)
            select tFactory(HexCoords.NewUserCoords(x, y))
        internal BlockedBoardStorage(HexSize sizeHexes, Func <HexCoords, T> tFactory, int threadCount)
            : base(sizeHexes)
            var rangeY = (MapSizeHexes.Height + BlockMask) / BlockSide;
            var rangeX = (MapSizeHexes.Width + BlockMask) / BlockSide;

            _backingStore = InitializeStore(tFactory, threadCount, rangeY, rangeX);
 public LandmarkPopulator(
     HexCoords hex,
     HexSize mapSizeHexes,
     Func <IPriorityQueue <int, HexCoords> > queueFactory,
     TryDirectedCost tryDirectedStepCost
     ) : base(hex, mapSizeHexes, queueFactory, tryDirectedStepCost)
 /// <summary>Populates and returns a new landmark at the specified board coordinates.</summary>
 /// <param name="hexCoords"><see cref="HexCoords"/> for the landmark to be created.</param>
 /// <param name="mapSizeHexes">Hex dimensions of the IBoard{IHex} on which the landmark is to be created.</param>
 /// <param name="queueFactory">Factory that creates empty instances of <c>IPriorityQueue</c>.</param>
 /// <param name="tryDirectedCosts">TODO</param>
 private DirectedLandmark(HexCoords hexCoords, HexSize mapSizeHexes,
                          Func <IPriorityQueue <int, HexCoords> > queueFactory,
                          TryDirectedCost tryDirectedCosts
     //  _hex          = hex;
     _backingStore = new LandmarkPopulatorFunctor(hexCoords, mapSizeHexes, queueFactory, tryDirectedCosts).Fill();
 public static DirectedLandmark New(HexCoords hexCoords, HexSize mapSizeHexes,
                                    Func <IPriorityQueue <int, HexCoords> > queueFactory,
                                    TryDirectedCost tryDirectedCosts
     return(Extensions.InitializeDisposable(() =>
                                            new DirectedLandmark(hexCoords, mapSizeHexes, queueFactory, tryDirectedCosts)));
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>Construct a new instance of extent <paramref name="sizeHexes"/> and
        /// initialized using <paramref name="factory"/>.</summary>
        /// <param name="sizeHexes"><c>Size</c> structure speccifying the Width and Height of
        /// the desired board storage.</param>
        /// <param name="factory"></param>
        /// <param name="inParallel">Boolean indicating how the board should be initialized:
        /// in parallel or serially.</param>
        public FlatBoardStorage(HexSize sizeHexes, Func <HexCoords, T> factory, bool inParallel)
            : base(sizeHexes)
            var rowRange = inParallel ? ParallelEnumerable.Range(0, sizeHexes.Height).AsOrdered()
                                    : Enumerable.Range(0, sizeHexes.Height);

            BackingStore = InitializeStoreX(sizeHexes, factory, rowRange);
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>Returns the location and extent in hexes, as a <see cref="CoordsRectangle"/>, of the current clipping region.</summary>
        protected CoordsRect GetClipInHexes(RectangleF visibleClipBounds, HexSize boardSizeHexes)
            var left   = Math.Max((int)visibleClipBounds.Left / GridSize.Width - 1, 0);
            var top    = Math.Max((int)visibleClipBounds.Top / GridSize.Height - 1, 0);
            var right  = Math.Min((int)visibleClipBounds.Right / GridSize.Width + 1, boardSizeHexes.Width);
            var bottom = Math.Min((int)visibleClipBounds.Bottom / GridSize.Height + 1, boardSizeHexes.Height);

            return(new CoordsRectangle(left, top, right - left, bottom - top));
Exemplo n.º 11
 // Use this for initialization
 void Awake()
     unit     = null;
     passable = true;
     size     = HexSize.normal;
     cost     = 1;
     tileType = TileType.Grass;
     //   yVector = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.513f, 0.0f);
Exemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>Returns an array of six <see cref="HexPoint"/>s describing the corners of a hex on this <see cref="HexBoard{THex,TPath}"/>.</summary>
 /// <param name="gridSize">Dimensions of a hex on this <see cref="HexBoard{THex,TPath}"/> in pixels.</param>
 protected static HexPoint[] HexgridPathPoints(HexSize gridSize)
     return(new HexPoint[] { new HexPoint(gridSize.Width * 1 / 3, 0),
                             new HexPoint(gridSize.Width * 3 / 3, 0),
                             new HexPoint(gridSize.Width * 4 / 3, gridSize.Height / 2),
                             new HexPoint(gridSize.Width * 3 / 3, gridSize.Height),
                             new HexPoint(gridSize.Width * 1 / 3, gridSize.Height),
                             new HexPoint(0, gridSize.Height / 2) });
        /// <summary><c>HexCoords</c> for the hex at the screen point, with the given AutoScroll position.</summary>
        /// <param name="this"></param>
        /// <param name="point">Screen point specifying hex to be identified.</param>
        /// <param name="autoScroll">AutoScrollPosition for game-display Panel.</param>
        static HexCoords GetHexCoordsInner(this IHexgrid @this, HexPoint point, HexSize autoScroll)
            // Adjust for origin not as assumed by GetCoordinate().
            var grid = new HexSize((int)(@this.GridSizeF().Width *2F / 3F), (int)@this.GridSizeF().Height);

            point -= autoScroll + grid - @this.Margin;

            return(HexCoords.NewCanonCoords(@this.GetCoordinate(@this.MatrixX(), point),
                                            @this.GetCoordinate(@this.MatrixY(), point)));
Exemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>Returns an array of six <see cref="HexPoint"/>s describing the corners of a hex on this <see cref="HexBoard{THex}"/>.</summary>
 /// <param name="gridSize">Dimensions of a hex on this <see cref="HexBoard{THex}"/> in pixels.</param>
 private static HexPoint[] HexgridPathPoints(HexSize gridSize)
 => new HexPoint[]
     new HexPoint(gridSize.Width * 1 / 3, 0),
     new HexPoint(gridSize.Width * 3 / 3, 0),
     new HexPoint(gridSize.Width * 4 / 3, gridSize.Height / 2),
     new HexPoint(gridSize.Width * 3 / 3, gridSize.Height),
     new HexPoint(gridSize.Width * 1 / 3, gridSize.Height),
     new HexPoint(0, gridSize.Height / 2)
        /// <summary>Returns the location and extent in hexes, as a <see cref="CoordsRect"/>, of the current clipping region.</summary>
        /// <param name="this">The current {HexBoard}.</param>
        /// <param name="visibleClipBounds"></param>
        /// <param name="boardSizeHexes"></param>
        public static CoordsRect GetClipInHexes(this IPanelModel @this,
                                                RectangleF visibleClipBounds, HexSize boardSizeHexes)
            var left   = Math.Max((int)visibleClipBounds.Left / @this.GridSize.Width - 1, 0);
            var top    = Math.Max((int)visibleClipBounds.Top / @this.GridSize.Height - 1, 0);
            var right  = Math.Min((int)visibleClipBounds.Right / @this.GridSize.Width + 1, boardSizeHexes.Width);
            var bottom = Math.Min((int)visibleClipBounds.Bottom / @this.GridSize.Height + 1, boardSizeHexes.Height);

            return(new CoordsRect(left, top, right - left, bottom - top));
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public virtual HexCoords GetHexCoords(HexPoint point, HexSize autoScroll)
            // Adjust for origin not as assumed by GetCoordinate().
            var grid = new HexSize((int)(GridSizeF.Width * 2F / 3F), (int)GridSizeF.Height);

            point -= autoScroll + grid - Margin;

            return(HexCoords.NewCanonCoords(GetCoordinate(_matrixX, point),
                                            GetCoordinate(_matrixY, point)));
Exemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>By default, landmark all four corners and midpoints of all 4 sides.</summary>
 /// <remarks>Pre-processing time on start-up can be reduced by decreasing the number of landmarks,
 /// though at the possible expense of longer path-finding times.</remarks>
 /// <param name="size"></param>
 protected static IFastList <HexCoords> DefaultLandmarks(HexSize size)
     return(new HexPoint[] { new HexPoint(0, 0),
                             new HexPoint(size.Width / 2, 0),
                             new HexPoint(size.Width - 1, 0),
                             new HexPoint(0, size.Height / 2),
                             new HexPoint(size.Width - 1, size.Height / 2),
                             new HexPoint(0, size.Height - 1),
                             new HexPoint(size.Width / 2, size.Height - 1),
                             new HexPoint(size.Width - 1, size.Height - 1) }.Select(p => HexCoords.NewUserCoords(p)).ToFastList());
Exemplo n.º 18
   /// <summary>Creates a new instance of the MapDisplay class.</summary>
   protected MapDisplay(HexSize sizeHexes, HexSize gridSize, InitializeHex initializeHex, IFastList <HexCoords> landmarkCoords)
       : base(sizeHexes, gridSize, landmarkCoords, GetGraphicsPath
 #if FlatBoardStorage
              , () => new FlatBoardStorage <THex>(sizeHexes, coords => initializeHex(GetGraphicsPath(gridSize), coords))
              , () => new BlockedBoardStorage32x32 <THex>(sizeHexes, coords => initializeHex(GetGraphicsPath(gridSize), coords))
        /// <summary>Returns the location and extent in hexes, as a <see cref="CoordsRect"/>, of the current clipping region.</summary>
        /// <param name="this">The current {HexBoard}.</param>
        /// <param name="visibleClipBounds"></param>
        /// <param name="boardSizeHexes"></param>
        public static CoordsRect GetClipInHexes <THex>(this HexBoard <THex> @this,
                                                       RectangleF visibleClipBounds, HexSize boardSizeHexes)
            where THex : IHex
            var left   = Math.Max((int)visibleClipBounds.Left / @this.GridSize.Width - 1, 0);
            var top    = Math.Max((int)visibleClipBounds.Top / @this.GridSize.Height - 1, 0);
            var right  = Math.Min((int)visibleClipBounds.Right / @this.GridSize.Width + 1, boardSizeHexes.Width);
            var bottom = Math.Min((int)visibleClipBounds.Bottom / @this.GridSize.Height + 1, boardSizeHexes.Height);

            return(CoordsRect.New(left, top, right - left, bottom - top));
Exemplo n.º 20
 protected HexBoard(HexSize sizeHexes, HexSize gridSize, BoardStorage <Maybe <THex> > boardHexes)
     BoardHexes      = boardHexes;
     MapScale        = 1.00F;
     IsTransposed    = false;
     MapSizeHexes    = sizeHexes;
     GridSize        = gridSize;
     HexCentreOffset = new HexSize(GridSize.Width * 2 / 3, GridSize.Height / 2);
     GridSizePixels  = new IntMatrix2D(GridSize.Width, 0,
                                       0, GridSize.Height,
                                       GridSize.Width / 3, GridSize.Height / 2);
Exemplo n.º 21
 /// <summary>By default, landmark all four corners and midpoints of all 4 sides.</summary>
 /// <remarks>Pre-processing time on start-up can be reduced by decreasing the number of landmarks,
 /// though at the possible expense of longer path-finding times.</remarks>
 /// <param name="size"></param>
 protected static IFastList <HexCoords> DefaultLandmarks(HexSize size)
 => (from point in new HexPoint[] { new HexPoint(0, 0),                            // top-left
                                    new HexPoint(0, size.Height / 2),              // middle-left
                                    new HexPoint(0, size.Height - 1),              // bottom-left
                                    new HexPoint(size.Width / 2, size.Height - 1), // bottom-centre
                                    new HexPoint(size.Width - 1, size.Height - 1), // bottom-right
                                    new HexPoint(size.Width - 1, size.Height / 2), // middle-right
                                    new HexPoint(size.Width - 1, 0),               // top-right
                                    new HexPoint(size.Width / 2, 0),               // top-centre
     select HexCoords.NewUserCoords(point)
        public LandmarkPopulatorFunctor(
            HexCoords hexCoords,
            HexSize mapSizeHexes,
            Func <IPriorityQueue <int, HexCoords> > queueFactory,
            TryDirectedCost tryDirectedStepCost
            Tracing.FindPathDetail.Trace("Find distances from {0}", hexCoords);

            _queue = queueFactory();
            _store = BlockedBoardStorage.New32x32(mapSizeHexes, c => default(short?));
            _tryDirectedStepCost = tryDirectedStepCost;

            Enqueue(0, hexCoords, _store);
Exemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>Creates a new instance of the MapDisplay class.</summary>
        protected MapDisplay(HexSize sizeHexes, HexSize gridSize, InitializeHex initializeHex,
                             IFastList <HexCoords> landmarkCoords, BoardStorage <Maybe <THex> > storage)
            : base(sizeHexes, gridSize, storage)

            GoalHex          =
                HotspotHex   =
                    StartHex = HexCoords.EmptyUser;
            ShadeBrushAlpha  = 78;
            ShowFov          = true;
            ShowHexgrid      = true;
            ShowPath         = true;
            ShowPathArrow    = true;
            HexgridPath      = Extensions.InitializeDisposable(() =>
                                                               new GraphicsPath(HexgridPathPoints(gridSize), _hexgridPathPointTypes));
Exemplo n.º 24
        protected HexBoard(HexSize sizeHexes, HexSize gridSize, BoardStorage <Maybe <THex> > boardHexes)
            BoardHexes      = boardHexes;
            MapScale        = 1.00F;
            IsTransposed    = false;
            MapSizeHexes    = sizeHexes;
            GridSize        = gridSize;
            HexCentreOffset = new HexSize(GridSize.Width * 2 / 3, GridSize.Height / 2);
            GridSizePixels  = new IntMatrix2D(GridSize.Width, 0,
                                              0, GridSize.Height,
                                              GridSize.Width / 3, GridSize.Height / 2);

            EntryCosts = new BlockedBoardStorage32x32 <Maybe <HexsideCosts> >(sizeHexes,
                                                                              hexCoords => HexsideCosts.EntryCosts(boardHexes, hexCoords), 1);
            ExitCosts = new BlockedBoardStorage32x32 <Maybe <HexsideCosts> >(sizeHexes,
                                                                             hexCoords => HexsideCosts.ExitCosts(boardHexes, hexCoords), 1);
Exemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>Return a new instance of <c>Hexgrid</c>.</summary>
        public Hexgrid(bool isTransposed, HexSize gridSize, float scale, HexSize margin)
            GridSize     = gridSize;
            IsTransposed = isTransposed;
            Margin       = margin;
            Scale        = scale;

            HexCorners = new List <HexPoint>()
                new HexPoint(GridSize.Width * 1 / 3, 0),
                new HexPoint(GridSize.Width * 3 / 3, 0),
                new HexPoint(GridSize.Width * 4 / 3, GridSize.Height / 2),
                new HexPoint(GridSize.Width * 3 / 3, GridSize.Height),
                new HexPoint(GridSize.Width * 1 / 3, GridSize.Height),
                new HexPoint(0, GridSize.Height / 2),
                new HexPoint(GridSize.Width * 1 / 3, 0)
Exemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>TODO</summary>
        private static StreamGeometry GetGraphicsPath(HexSize gridSize)
            StreamGeometry geometry = new StreamGeometry();

            geometry.FillRule = FillRule.EvenOdd;

            using (var context = geometry.Open()) {
                context.BeginFigure(new Point(gridSize.Width * 1 / 3, 0), false, true);
                context.LineTo(new Point(gridSize.Width * 3 / 3, 0), true, false);
                context.LineTo(new Point(gridSize.Width * 4 / 3, gridSize.Height / 2), true, false);
                context.LineTo(new Point(gridSize.Width * 3 / 3, gridSize.Height), true, false);
                context.LineTo(new Point(gridSize.Width * 1 / 3, gridSize.Height), true, false);
                context.LineTo(new Point(0, gridSize.Height / 2), true, false);

Exemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>Return a new instance of <c>Hexgrid</c>.</summary>
        protected TransposableHexgrid(HexSize gridSize, float scale, HexSize margin)
            GridSize = gridSize;
            Scale    = scale;
            Margin   = margin;

            GridSizeF  = GridSize.Scale(Scale);
            HexCorners = new List <HexPoint>()
                new HexPoint(GridSize.Width * 1 / 3, 0),
                new HexPoint(GridSize.Width * 3 / 3, 0),
                new HexPoint(GridSize.Width * 4 / 3, GridSize.Height / 2),
                new HexPoint(GridSize.Width * 3 / 3, GridSize.Height),
                new HexPoint(GridSize.Width * 1 / 3, GridSize.Height),
                new HexPoint(0, GridSize.Height / 2),
                new HexPoint(GridSize.Width * 1 / 3, 0)
Exemplo n.º 28
        private HexBoard(HexSize sizeHexes, HexSize gridSize, Func <HexSize, TPath> hexgridPath
                         , BoardStorageInitializer <THex, TPath> boardStorage
            if (hexgridPath == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("hexgridPath");
            if (boardStorage == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("boardStorage");

            MapScale     = 1.00F;
            IsTransposed = false;
            MapSizeHexes = sizeHexes;
            GridSize     = gridSize;
            HexgridPath  = hexgridPath(gridSize);
            _boardHexes  = boardStorage();
Exemplo n.º 29
    public DrawTool()
        canDraw        = true;
        drawStr        = HexSize.normal;
        multCellRadius = 0;
        scroll         = 0;
        currMode       = DrawMode.Height;
        currType       = MaterialTypes.Grass;
        currTypeInt    = 0;

        buttonGet    = GameObject.Find("Tile Height Button");
        heightButton = buttonGet.GetComponent <Button>();

        buttonGet  = GameObject.Find("Tile Type Button");
        typeButton = buttonGet.GetComponent <Button>();

        //Everytime a material type is added to the enum, update this.
        tileTypeMax = 2; //int of last enum in MaterialTypes
 public static WpfSize ToWpfSize(this HexSize @this)
     return(new WpfSize(@this.Width, @this.Height));