public void setSkillFilter(HexCoordinates coordinate, int size, int action) { if (hexFilter != null) { clearHexFilter(); } hexFilter = Instantiate <HexFilter>(hexFilterPrefab); hexFilter.transform.SetParent(transform, false); for (int x = -size; x <= size; x++) { int iX = x + coordinate.X; if ((iX < 0 || iX >= width)) { continue; } for (int y = Mathf.Max(-size, -x - size); y <= Mathf.Min(size, -x + size); y++) { int iY = y + coordinate.Y; if (((iY + iX / 2) < 0 || (iY + iX / 2) >= height)) { continue; } int index = iX + (iY + iX / 2) * width; if (cells[index] != null && (cells[index].mapType != 1 && cells[index].mapType != 2)) { hexFilter.setFilter(HexCoordinates.FromOffsetCoordinates(iX, iY + iX / 2), action); } } } }
public void clearHexFilter() { if (hexFilter == null) { return; } Destroy(hexFilter.gameObject); hexFilter = null; }
public void ChangeFilter() { int id = (int)m_currentFilter; if (id == Enum.GetNames(typeof(HexFilter)).Length - 1) { id = 0; } else { id++; } m_currentFilter = (HexFilter)id; }
public List <HexCoordinates> setMoveFilter(HexCoordinates coordinate, int size) { if (hexFilter != null) { clearHexFilter(); } hexFilter = Instantiate <HexFilter>(hexFilterPrefab); hexFilter.transform.SetParent(transform, false); List <HexCoordinates> coordinates = canMoveCoordinates(coordinate, 0, size); for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.Count; i++) { hexFilter.setFilter(coordinates[i], 1); } return(coordinates); }
public void SetFilter(HexFilter filter) { m_filter = filter; SetBlankFill(false); SetColor(Color.white); overlayRenderer.sprite = null; overlayRenderer.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1); overlayRenderer.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; topRender.sprite = m_topSprite; if (filter == HexFilter.PLATE) { render.color = GameManager.Singleton.World.GetPlateByID(hexData.plateId).color; topRender.color = GameManager.Singleton.World.GetPlateByID(hexData.plateId).color; } else if (filter == HexFilter.TEMP) { float tempScale = (hexData.temp - VERY_COLD) / (VERY_HOT - VERY_COLD); Color hot = new Color(1, 0, 0, 1); Color cold = new Color(0, 0, 1, 1); Color c = Color.Lerp(cold, hot, tempScale); render.color = c; topRender.color = c; } else if (filter == HexFilter.CELL) { topRender.color = new Color(255f / ((hexData.cellid + 1) * 2) / 255f, 255f / (hexData.cellid + 1) / 255f, 0); SetBlankFill(true); if (hexData.cellid == 0) { overlayRenderer.sprite = GameManager.Singleton.SpriteManager.neutral; } else { overlayRenderer.sprite = GameManager.Singleton.SpriteManager.arrow; overlayRenderer.transform.rotation = GameManager.Singleton.World.windManager.GetRotationFromWind(wind.direction); } overlayRenderer.transform.localScale = new Vector3(.25f, .25f); } }
void Awake() { hexFilter = Instantiate <HexFilter>(hexFilterPrefab); hexFilter.transform.SetParent(transform, false); hexMesh = GetComponentInChildren <HexMesh>(); maps = Resources.LoadAll <Sprite>("sprite/map"); string json = File.ReadAllText("Assets/Resources/database/stage1.json"); mapDetail = JsonUtility.FromJson <JsonMap>(json); width = mapDetail.width; height = mapDetail.height; cells = new HexCell[height * width]; for (int y = 0, i = 0; y < mapDetail.height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < mapDetail.width; x++) { CreateCell(x, y, i++); } } }
protected void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Document document = new Document(); lblResult.Text = string.Empty; obj = new NameSpace(); obj.namespaces = lstBrowser.SelectedValue; if (FileUploadControl.HasFile) { string fileExt = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileUploadControl.FileName); if (fileExt == ".docx") { //do what you want with this file } else { lblResult.Text = "Only .docx files are allowed!"; return; } if (lstBrowser.SelectedValue == "") { lblResult.Text = "Please select file and assign namespace to the page before submit"; return; } else { string file = Path.GetFileName(FileUploadControl.FileName); FileUploadControl.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/DOCFile/") + file); document.LoadFromFile(Server.MapPath("~/DOCFile/" + file), FileFormat.Docx); document.SaveToFile(Server.MapPath("~/XMLDocument/prexml.xml"), FileFormat.Xml); if (chkEnglishVersion.Checked) { obj.englishversion = true; } else { obj.englishversion = false; } string clearfile = string.Empty; try { clearfile = HexFilter.MakeFileClear(Server.MapPath("~/XMLDocument/prexml.xml")); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandling.errorMessage = ex.ToString(); lblException.Text = ex.ToString(); return; } try { XMLParser xdata = new XMLParser(clearfile, obj); s = new Site("wiki", "smartgrid2013", "xml", obj); address = new Uri(""); //Site s = new Site("Syntef", "dhruba1234", "xml", obj); //Uri address = new Uri("http://localhost:8080/mediawiki/api.php?"); s.login(address); s.GetMainPageTableOfContent(xdata); if (s.Edit(xdata).Contains("result=\"Success\"")) { lblResult.Text = "Delivery succeed !"; lblException.Text = string.Empty; } else { lblResult.Text = "Delivery failed!"; lblException.Text = "File may not be in standard use-case format!Please check!"; } ClearFolder(Server.MapPath("~/DOCFile/")); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandling.errorMessage = ex.ToString(); lblException.Text = ex.ToString(); return; } lstBrowser.ClearSelection(); } } else { lblResult.Text = "Please select file before submit"; return; } }